5 Deadly Pitfall of Network Marketing That You Should Avoid Network Marketing could be a good money making tools if you follow the right approach. Normally when a person start venturing to network marketing, they are enthusiastic to start make their move and end up making a wrong move. This issue not only happened to new comer but even the old network marketer sometimes makes these mistakes. Here are the 7 Deadly Pitfall of Network Marketing that you should avoid ensuring your network marketing is a successful one.
Pitfall of Network Marketing #1 – Lack of Focus
The number 1 Pitfall of Network Marketing that you should be avoiding is not to lose focus. Without focusing on what you are doing, the end results of whatever you do will not be materialize You could be doing a lot of unnecessary things that you think that can help your business but actually they are waste of energy and time. Focus is the key and it’s important for you to finish of the tasks that you set. You could start off by shut down the email, turn off the phone, and turn off the TV. Focus and concentrate to complete one particular task before moving on to the next task. You will be surprise on the results of your work.
Pitfall of Network Marketing #2 – Taking Rejection Personally In network marketing you often need to engage with your business partner or many new people. You could be meeting them face to face, phone or even through email. You will be talk to them and explaining of your business nature and your opportunity in helping them to grow. From the stats, most of the people will say no. Often, especially newbies take it hard and taking it personally. Instead of blaming themselves on the rejection, they should reflect on what has went wrong and improve on their pitching of their presentation
or the presentation material. If you have done your best, it will be wise to forget that particular prospect and move on to the next. Taking the rejection personally will lower your morale and you might be afraid to move on to the next. Bear in mind that the conversing skill needs to be build through times and not instantly.
Pitfall of Network Marketing #3 – Setting the Wrong Mentality and Attitude To archive successful network marketing, you will need to have a correct mindset and attitude. If you don’t set this in the very beginning, most likely you or your business will never move on to the next level. Most network marketers are failing because most of them take it as a part time job or even hobbies. They simply just don’t commit to what they are target. At the end, they will not be successful and they will lost their interest as they don’t see the income is coming in. You should implement some process, procedure or even policies that can help you to grow even there is only 1 payroll. It’s better to build early else it will be too late.
Pitfall of Network Marketing #4 – Overspending Another pitfall of Network Marketing that most people are falling is on overspending. On the Internet, there are too many hype products which is nice to have but in actually, it doesn’t really help your business. I myself has been a victim on this and has bought many irrelevant products which at the end, it’s just a waste if money. Basically what you really need is a good sponsor or even a good mentor where they can advice on what will bring return on higher investment. It’s not that we don’t need to spend as there is an expected cost to running your own business, but we should be spending wisely instead of waste it. For example, you can advertise but should you spend hundreds or thousands on an ad campaign when there are effective low-cost to free advertising avenues available?
Pitfall of Network Marketing #5 – Abusing Your Sponsor Love your sponsor. They are there for a reason and they are crucial to you. The have the responsibility to advice, assists and encouraging you on your selling and recruiting. There are many incidents that the network marketers are lamenting, complaining on the sponsor. Try to love them and not abuse them. Without the sponsors, the marketers will be lost on what should they be doing next. The above shows you on what are the pitfall that you should avoid. Therefore, in order to have success in network marketing you must know the pitfalls of network marketing and why you must avoid these 7 deadly mistakes
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