Blog Mistakes that Your Business should avoid
Most of the business nowadays owns a blog. A blog is where you can promote your products and services. Sadly, having a blog for your business doesn’t mean that you are blog it right. There are some Blog Mistakes that you should avoid as blogger. Some habit that you should change it would like to improve blog reputation or even building a trust of your reader. Here are some Blog Mistakes that Your Business should Avoid.
1. Blog Mistakes that Your Business should Avoid #1 – Not Consistent in Posting Well, everyone can start a blog as it’s very easy to start a blog but to keep it the blog alive and maintaining it, you need some efforts to do this. Most of the blogger or business blogs fails as they are lack of commitment or resources to update their blog. Reports indicates that eople/company who frequently blogs will receive the ripe from their efforts. Here is what you can do. Be persistent and discipline. Determine the posting frequency to keep the your blog updated. You can have a do it once or even twice a week. Most important, make sure you know what to write and plan for some upcoming post topic.
2. Blog Mistakes that Your Business should Avoid #2 – Too focus on SEO Here is a the thing, blogging can help your blog to rank your keyword ranking and organic search in the SEO but being too focus on SEO will probably have the different impact. A successful blogs is meant for human reading. Imagine if your readers come in to your blog thru SEO but only find out that there is nothing impressive about you blog and leave. This wouldn’t serve any purpose of your blogs. What you need to do is have a SEO strategy for your blog. You will need to identify the top keywords for your business and use and optimizing it on your blog.
3. Blog Mistakes that Your Business should Avoid #3 – Making your Blog as Promotional Platform Your blogs should be offering information that is useful and relevant to your audition. Do not rush to blog and promote your services / products. Don’t take your blog as Free advertisement. If you blogs are always talking how awesome of your services / products, there will be few reader who will return. The correct method is that you should provide useful information to the relevant readers. Make sure your information is unbias and honest so that the reader can judge on the product/services.
4. Blog Mistakes that Your Business should Avoid #4 – Not Engaging your Readers Make sure you start your engagement with your reader. For some blogs where there is a comment from the reader, make sure you acknowledge them whether it could be in form of thanking them or even answering their question and provide further details to them.
5. Blog Mistakes that Your Business should Avoid #5 – Not using Image Many blogger/business are focusing very much on wording of their article but the best way to capture people attention is using image. Including image in your post will make your blogs more colourful and even interesting. This will keep the interest of your reader to continue reading your article with the image displayed. Make sure you try to avoid above listed Blog Mistake. Make sure the next time you blog,blog it correctly and you will gain the advantage from this.
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