7 minute read
Angelique M. Henderson
What is your professional name?
Angelique M. Henderson.
Where were you born and does that place still influence you?
I was born in Austin; Texas and it has not influenced me.
Where do you live now and how does that place influence you?
I currently live in a rural town called Pembroke in North Carolina.
Do you have family, friends, or fellow artists who support you in your work, life and art making and how do they make a difference in your life?
I have my immediate family and some friends that support me mainly with reassurance of knowing what I want to do in my life.
When and how did you start making art?
I learned to draw my own style in high school. When I got into college I was able to learn different types of printmaking.
Can you describe the time when you first realized that creating was something you absolutely had to do?
I first realized that I wanted to create art was when I was in high school. A woman I did not know came up to me while I was sketching random stuff in my art book. She wanted me to sketch a tattoo for her. I did it for free because it was a simple rose. Later my school wanted me to create a design for a t-shirt for a community basketball team. Looking back, I totally should have charged the basketball team.
Why do you make art now?
I am held captive by the art of printmaking. I make art because it is fun, and I enjoy learning new methods of how to print. When I was introduced to screen printing, I knew I that making art was no longer a hobby.
How has your work changed or developed over time?
At first, I followed the trends, drawing inspiration from other artists and using similar elements that I saw were cool. But then I got bored. I realized that doing that would have limitations to the possibilities of what I can do. So I decided to create stuff that appeals to me. Now I create a lot of symbolic work. Over time my work has become unique because it does not have a specific drawing style.
What are you trying to communicate with your art?
I am trying to communicate a story within each piece. The theme of each story varies based on what inspires me at the time. Most of my work so far is about mental health awareness.
Do you have any creative patterns, routines or rituals associated with your art making?
I listen to tons of music. Whatever song that I am listening to indirectly helps to stylize the piece. Usually in between huge projects I play video games to relax.
What is your most important artist tool(s) and why?
My sketchbook and pen.They are my most valuable tools I can use them to create concepts and designs for my art. You cannot erase your mistakes in printmaking, and you must start all over instead. If I were to design what I was to print, it would make things a lot easier.
How do you know when a work is finished?
I do not usually know when an artwork is finished. Sometimes I go back and change some stuff or add it. It happens when I feel that I have too much negative space. The only time that I see that a work is finished is if I sell it or I get sick of staying on the piece.
What are the art making tools you use now?
I use a lot of print screen tools. I use a computer to edit my concept art so that when I print the image on transparency paper, I know exactly what my print will look like. I have a nice range of inks to use but I still like to use black ink for my prints.
What new creative medium would you love to pursue?
I would love to pursue book binding. I have a lot of loose prints that are the same size, so I want to bind them together as a type of portfolio.
What's the first artwork you ever sold?
I sold some of my bowls that I made my freshman year of college. I took it to the church that my mom goes to and tried to sell them there. I priced them super cheap because at that time I did not know how to price my work. Despite the cost being super cheap, no one gave me any money and my mom ended up paying for them. I ended up learning to not sell artwork at churches since they can not spare $5 for a bowl.
Do you make a living from your art?
No, but right now I am switching to a different art medium, so I am collecting supplies with the money from my day job. I tend to not stick to one art form so right now I have a day job outside the art world.
What are your goals for the future, for both work and life?
I want to continue gaining experience as a screen printer and have a stable job through that. When I am finally stable, I plan to earn an MFA so that I can be an art professor. For my life, I want to settle down with my lover and foster pit bulls. They are sweethearts despite the bad reputation that they have.
What interesting project are you working on now?
I am currently working on creating prints that are 3 by 3 inches. They are pop culture based so I am not planning to sell them but use them as references or put them in a more corporate portfolio. Since the concept art is small, I have to create small silk screens. After I finish, I am planning to bind them together into a book.
What or who inspires you?
Music and pop culture inspire me. Pop Culture is one the most seen things that can leave a lasting impression, other than advertisement. When I play a cool video game or watch a movie I usually want to draw. I do not get inspired to draw the stuff that I see but my creative side gets ignited to just creating things. What really inspires me the most is the story a song portrays. That is when I try to draw the mood of the song.
Do you have a favorite – or influential – living artist?
Hirohiko Araki is a manga artist who uses a lot of western rock music, fashion, and
Italian references to create JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. Though he has a cartoony art style, he references old masters when he does character development and scenery.
What work of art do you wish you owned and why?
Anything created by Banksy . His art is always engaging and critical. A lot of artists around me do not necessarily like him, but you must admit he is bold.
Where do you find ideas for your creative work?
Music or stuff that I read and see. I am also fascinated with psychology and sociology. So sometimes my art will incorporate that.
What does be creative mean to you?
Being creative means to just make work. I make work for references or for fun at times. Whenever I want to be creative, I usually create pop culture stuff so that when I work seriously on a piece, my skills will not get dull over time.
What is the best advice you ever had about how to be more creative?
Just make stuff. You can get ideas from the random stuff that you have drawn or created before. Even if you are stuck in a rut, if you continue using the techniques you know, when you finally are inspired, creating your art will come easily.
Contact information: email: angelique.henderson13@gmail.com Instagram: insanity_angel_creations

Happy Ending Silk Screen

Alluring Mistress of the Void Silk Screen

The Birth Requiem Silk Screen

I Trust You Silkscreen

Staring into the Void Silkscreen