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Information for Submitters – 2021 Issue
The Journal of Creative Arts & Minds (JCAM) is a unique project of Jumbo Arts International which holds all rights exclusively.
JCAM publications focus is on artistic creativity. We publish original visual artworks, articles on the visual arts, crafts, creative writing, poetry, performing arts, interviews, reviews, and columns on subjects appropriate to the focus of the journal.
JCAM submissions: Upon request, interested parties will be sent the information and documents required for the formal submission of work to JCAM editors.
JCAM is a juried publication. All submissions are reviewed by a panel of subject specific experts assembled by the JCAM editors.
JCAM publishes in English. Are non-English submissions possible? Yes, in certain cases JCAM editors will work with artists to translate into English text documents that are directly related to visuals that have already been accepted for publication.
JCAM publication schedule: In 2021 JCAM plans to publish one issue. The publication schedule is for Summer (June-July). Submitters should contact the JCAM editorial team well in advance of this publication date for information and guidance.
Current JCAM information is available on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/JournalofCreativeArtsandMinds
Previously published issues of the JCAM are available online: https://issuu.com/jumboartsinternational
Information about the JCAM publisher Jumbo Arts International is available online: http://jumboartsinternational.org/
All questions regarding the JCAM should be sent to: jcam.jal@gmail.com