sheng chia huang 2015 - 2017

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sheng chia huang portfolio


Taiwanese, Sheng Chia Huang, basing in London currently and doing graphic communicaion design course at Central Saint Martins. Trying to figure

out how to visual communication design in diversity ways as well

as get closer to folk and this world. The most is breath in every single moment, crucial part



common language


Tiffin box project


Pest magazine


Gentrification illustraion project


Dark than fiction - book design


Visual compulsion 1

Visual compulsion 2


Water pollution series


Self identity project


The secret diary of Adrian Mole aged 13 3/4 book cover design


Angela Chiang lookbook design photography and edit


Utopia project


Utopia is better. how to tackle water problem in desert areas by historic irrigation systems as well as We can’t that Graphic design design is a powerful common language in the world. Norway aimdeny to country’s inclusive programme. This big project is not onlyIt could a strong weapon but it be atotender For graphic designer, for thebeaverage user’s needs butalso alsocould related designvoice. of buildings and transport. it isaddition, big duty the thatgovernment how to communicate correct which information to people In of china accurate mentionsand a project is about selfin this big-data generation. design heavily used shortage(Steven, so far, especially sufficient architecture. It is Graphic in order to solvehas thebeen problems of Land social Design media. We received information matter 2016). has have been been used compelled for makingto world bettermassive in everywhere, for not in stance, what we want. It is easy to community see that graphic and visual design control people most of environment improvement, improvement, energy time in our dailyeducation, life. It controls our emotion,(Mackenzie, perception even so that is shortage ,rural and technology 1991).decisions From above of it all, really important that how On the other graphic design is a penetration in to ourpeople daily correct what doinformation. you think.“Design is onehand, of the most design helps people from all over the world and exchange information as powerful forces in our lives, whether or nottoweshare are aware of it, and can also be well, It makes people closer and understand -different things easily. It is impossible inspiring, empowering and enlightening,” Alice Rawsthorn says(Heller, 2016). that of easy the world one language of existing language in the It is all quite to seespeaks that design could beora learn strongall weapon to help us defeating world but exactly graphic visual design could a common language that it wewill are difficulties of future. If every designers could be make this society slightly, speaking. When we are speaking should be an important thing that we change a lot. In most of cases, it is Utopia, a sort ofitUtopia. could make our better. Somehow peoplecommunication do not as trustdesign all of has information as Especially, it islife fairly likely that Graphic been used before in andthis we generation, deny most ofvideos, thing that we have not seen oradvertisement,even we have not known badly magazine, newspaper, before.single If graphic designers change this situationWe or could have some improvements on every website that we browse everyday. find out that graphic that by graphic design, we will approve step Utopia. communication design changed our lifeone a lot so to farso-called and control our every feeling. Peopleabove have of hadall, strangely conflicting ideas about Utopia in differentinarea, but what From designers have responsibilities to communicate correct way is thesupply exact people Utopia in world ? How idea could we “The approach and thanvary we could and thethe most honestest information. specifics from live intoUtopia or How mushspeaking, is enoughiftoabecome Utopia? People to approach socase case, but broadly logo communicates thetry desired message called Utopia soengagingly, far, but the and—critically—honestly, definition of Utopia is too abroad to deemed catch it.toBasically clearly, ideally it can be be well people have own definitions of Utopia and it is difficult truth to select the best isone designed.”Steven Heller(Heller, 2016). Communicating information a cause everyone might getour different imagination of Utopia. Utopia a name of an crucial part for educating next generation nowadays as well as itiscould become imaginary country Greek ou "not,ofno” and in Greek as powerfulperfect as it could. Forfrom instance, morality children ruraltopos Africa“place”. have not This booknever is written by Sirlose Thomas 1478-1535 n.d.). no It is the about story educated ever. They abilityMore of reading. They(More, even have ideas about a island,Utopia, The rule, and everything in this island isof extremely anything outside their village. If lifestyle graphic designer could create a numbers graphic perfect. Allcould of thing here is more idea and dream that people pursue so that in things that makehappened them understand more information and knowledge. general speaking, most basic definition is ‘’system, An imagined or state If of Certainly it couldThe be anything, platform, website, societyplace and publish. things in which everything in Oxford it is working, a part of worldisisperfect’’ going to better. Beingdictionary(Hornby, better is definitelyCowie a kindand of Lewis, 1974). Utopia. Furthermore, Utopia could related to anything. For example, politics, economic, art,music, science, architecture, poet, the literature, geography, sports It is impossible that people could approach perfect world in only one stopand so architecture, even could see that rather large numbers of movies of concept are around that trying towe improve the society than image how perfect is Utopia. No Utopia(Bobonich 2016)answer The core message that people one could give youand theMeadows, most accurate cause no one is has ever got towon’t there. stop keepsometimes pursuing better life,usbut better life equal In in myanopponent of However it guides to does another confusing wayUtopia? and lose extremely views, it tents to people not Satisfied their life so that they begin to image idea puzzle somehow. Inare general speaking,with most of people might have imaged and as many as they could and try tosuffer change it. any However built up aimagination Utopia dream. People wouldn’t from pain, people disasterwould and never feel satisfied with present time. When better they without will want to nightmare. People are loyalty, extremely trustthey eachhave other, live life, together any make itOn much than Utopia previous time.beOn the other hand, Is everything perfect in guess. the better other hand could any possibility. It could be any particular Utopia?It by seems to be people. awkward, if everything in Utopia. If i livesociologists somewhere situation different Lots of differentperfect theories, philosophers, that everything to be perfect, i don't think i willnofeel cause also give Utopiagoes distinctive interpretation. However onethat could giveeverything the most would become normal to point senseofthat by the then. Wething figure out the beauty cause correct answer too so far. In my view, key is improving our life or the ugly. Something teaches perfect. Everything is contrastive and making life better no unperfected matter how much youus could do and then life would approach a nature. Sun andFor moon, darkdesigner, and light, even yinthing and for yang. just to need to make it sort of Utopia. graphic it is same us. we Trying communicate nature and then what is perfect and in stunning stuff in life. with people fromwe allcould over experience the world with correct graphic appropriate. Inour addition, Not onlyseem normal people try to but also a majority of professional it would to be powerful in approach educationUtopia and charity ways. master form different area supply lot of diversity opponents of Utopia. The most famous one is The Republic from Plato. According to his theory, The country should be ruled by philosophers and he explain this concept by body of human. Body could be divide three parts. Rationality is ability of our brain, determination belongs to chest and desire is abdomen. Above of all are virtue. Rationality pursues wisdom, determination purses courage and desire should be prevented. Self-control is the core point in this theory. People will reach the state with full of virtue and peace when we balance each part(rationality, determination, desire). It is also has been suggested that children should learn control desire firstly then enhance own courage so that people could reach wisdom and rationally. However, it is quite possible that not of all people have consistent opponent on Utopia. Some people figure out that Utopia is not the most perfect world for people. There are still few risks  behind Utopia. People work hardly on their own position but if people don't change their mind never ever as well as only focus on their job, you need to find out a solution to satisfy all of people from different levels. It is really hard that people do not look forward to have a better job , envy others who have better conditions of life at all, even look down people who are below-average. In other words, sometimes, it is really hard to really exact Utopia. People should formulate and launch a numbers of extremely powerful policies to control people. It could be anything worst, for instance, information control, obscuration even brainwashing. If it become the truth, society will stop moving on. Is it really worth?Once this negative situation lasts for a long time,It will cause another serious problem,concept of social classes and also be getting more and more difficult to change it. Concept of social classes become the shadow behind fact Utopia.In addition, even how worst is society of classes, but majority of resources in society are controlled by hight-class people as well as they have enough power to influence most decisions of society development, even bully people who be cheated or brainwashing or unknowing from lower-class. It would cause serious collapse of society. For the reason that some people begin to reflect Utopia. For example, Brave new world was published by Aldous Huxley in 1932. In the beginning of story, there is a society which has clear society classes. People are happy with everything in a technological society. Almost all of people live in city. People are divided into five classes.Everyone is instilled to become law-abiding members of society when they were children. Everything is regular. The meaning of Family and love is passed. Public, unity and peace are the only concept in this society. In the middle of story, an urban girl and an aboriginal get married afterward their child comes to city for some reasons is the main line this story. It is appear to see that how ridiculous and funny this city is through the interaction between him and society. In addition, this Utopia loses basic human right as well as destitute the values of humans. The concept of stories suspending Utopia is called anti-utopia, dystopia and cacotopia (Huxley, 1958). It is fairly certain that Utopia is not only a theory in the books but also be applied largely in our daily life. The concept of the inaugural London Biennale is based on Utopia in 2016, Some installations explore their idea to improve public spaces or tackle environmental issues. However, not only designers but also all of governments try to figure out problems of world. For Instance, The UAE considers

how to tackle water problem in desert areas by historic irrigation systems as well as Norway aim to country’s inclusive design programme. This big project is not only for the average user’s needs but also related to design of buildings and transport. In addition, the government of china mentions a project which is about selfsufficient architecture. It is in order to solve the problems of Land shortage(Steven, 2016). Design has been used for making world better in everywhere, for in stance, environment improvement, community improvement, energy shortage ,rural education, and technology (Mackenzie, 1991). From above of all, design is a penetration in our daily what do you think.“Design is one of the most powerful forces in our lives, whether or not we are aware of it, and can also be inspiring, empowering and enlightening,” - Alice Rawsthorn says(Heller, 2016). It is quite easy to see that design could be a strong weapon to help us defeating difficulties of future. If every designers could make this society slightly, it will change a lot. In most of cases, it is a sort of Utopia. Especially, it is fairly likely that Graphic communication design has been used badly in this generation, videos, magazine, newspaper, advertisement,even every single website that we browse everyday. We could find out that graphic communication design changed our life a lot so far and control our every feeling. From above of all, designers have responsibilities to communicate in correct way and supply people the most honestest information. “The specifics vary from case to case, but broadly speaking, if a logo communicates the desired message clearly, ideally engagingly, and—critically—honestly, it can be deemed to be well designed.”- Steven Heller(Heller, 2016). Communicating truth information is a crucial part for educating our next generation nowadays as well as it could become as powerful as it could. For instance, morality of children in rural Africa have not educated never ever. They lose ability of reading. They even have no ideas about anything outside their village. If graphic designer could create a numbers of graphic things that could make them understand more and more information and knowledge. Certainly it could be anything, platform, website, system, society and publish. If it is working, a part of world is going to better. Being better is definitely a kind of Utopia. It is impossible that people could approach the perfect world in only one stop so that trying to improve the society rather than image how perfect is Utopia. No one could give you the most accurate answer cause no one has ever got to there. However sometimes it guides us to another confusing way and lose in an extremely idea puzzle somehow. In general speaking, most of people might have imaged and built up a Utopia dream. People wouldn’t suffer from any pain, disaster and nightmare. People are loyalty, extremely trust each other, live together without any guess. On the other hand Utopia could be any possibility. It could be any particular situation by different people. Lots of different theories, philosophers, sociologists also give Utopia distinctive interpretation. However no one could give the most correct answer so far. In my point of view, the key thing is improving our life or making life better no matter how much you could do and then life would approach a sort of Utopia. For graphic designer, it is same thing for us. Trying to communicate with people from all over the world with correct graphic in appropriate. In addition, it would seem to be powerful in education and charity ways.


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