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時尚亞洲 East x Trend magazine
Editor in chief : Jun Chan
Fashion editor : Jun Chan
Life editor : Jun Chan
Special editor : Jun Chan
Fashion assistant : Joanna Chang
Design editor : Jun Chan
blog : jun-philosophy.blogspot.com 4
contact mail : chienchunchan@gmail.com
Editor's letter
純屬意外 To be honest, this issue is totally an accident. The story was happened as following, I attended the first course of magazine and this was first course as well when I just became a transfer from Taiwan. I didn’t know anything and just realized that the day everyone needs to present their ideas for their magazine. I was terrified, so when tutor discussed with me and my head was blank, but at the moment the only thing I had which is that I come from Asia, I come from Taiwan.“ I want to make a fashion magazine which is all about Asia”. And that is the reason why Eastrend now is presented in front of you. But more precisely, I already had some information about Asia fashion is growing before I came UK, so I dare made this decision. Nowadays, every industry all view Asia as their new treasure island, and not except fashion. In this issue, Eastrend will lead you explore the secrets of Asian fashion. Why Asia would be an important business battlefield? Why Asia fashion designers are getting important in fashion world? Why Asia models have more chances to acquire fashion contract? You will get the answers after you read this magazine.
J un詹前郡 老實說,這本雜誌完全是個 意外。 故事是這樣的,在英國的第 一堂課我完全「狀況外」,因 為我是轉學生,我完全不知道 「雜誌製作」的第一堂課,就 要與老師討論這學期的製作大 綱,所以在老師與我討論我對 雜誌的想法時,我根本頭腦一 片空白,但當下我很清楚一件 事,那就是我來自亞洲,我是
Are you ready to have an Asia fashion adventure with me ? just follow my step as quick as you can. Now, let’s go! 台灣人,所以現在這本有關亞 洲風尚的雜誌才會呈現在你眼 前。 但更準確的來說,其實在我 到達英國之前,就已略知亞洲 時尚已正在崛起,所以我才敢 以亞洲為藍圖,做為我這本時 尚雜誌的謬思。 現今,幾乎各行各業都把亞 洲 當 成 搖 錢 樹, 當 然 時 尚 業 也不例外。在這期雜誌裡,時
尚亞洲將會帶領你探索亞洲時 尚的所有秘辛,為什麼亞洲會 成為世界最新的商業戰場?為 什麼亞洲時尚設計師在國際上 越來越有影響力?為什麼亞洲 模特兒會有更多國際代言的機 會,而這些答案你都將會在這 期雜誌中得到解答。 準備好跟我一起這趟亞洲時尚 探險了嗎,趕緊跟上我的腳步, 一起出發吧!
Cover girl of Eastrend, she is not only a model, but also helps editor to prepare garments and research the makeup skills what editor wants, she is a excellent model although this is her first time for modelling. 時尚亞洲的封面人物,除了 model 內頁拍 攝之外,還兼職化妝師,完成造型所需的 臉部彩妝,專業的表現讓人料想不到這是 她第一次擔任 model。
Joanna is a positive and creative girl, always inspires new ideas for fashion photoshoot. In studio she also assisted for everything, it’s a best assistant for Eastrend. 熱情且充滿創意的女孩,總有滿滿的靈感激發拍攝 照片的靈感,也協助了許多攝影工作的大小事,是 本刊的得力助手。
Mental mentor of this magazine, when editor felt stressful that can’t move on, he always gave biggest encouragement to support it, no Sean Ke, no Eastrend. 當雜誌工作遇到許多挫折時,他總是默默永遠給予最大的支持與鼓勵,就如同精神 導師一般,沒有他就沒有今天的時尚亞洲。
There have 9 Asian designers whom are sparkling in New York Fashion week, what are their design trends of spring and summer in 2011 ? Eastrend will show exact predictions of their eastern trends. 今年的紐約時裝周有 9 位亞洲設計師的作品受到各方矚 目,而他們又是如何詮釋明年春夏的流行趨勢呢?時尚亞洲將帶 領你們解讀他們的亞洲時尚。
Spring Blooming
In this flower season, just wear the flower on and you are the best “flower” in spring Spring is belonged to flowers. When people watched flower blooming, no matter how terrible emotion they have , it will be turned to a breezeblooming mood. Not except for cloth, when people wear blooming cloth and every atmosphere you give off which is “blooming”.
百 花齊 放 在春天這個屬於花的季節,將花穿戴於身,便 覺得自己如沐春風
春天是屬於花的季節,不管你的情緒有多糟,看見 了美麗的花朵,心情也會不由自主的好了起來。衣 服也不例外,將花朵穿在身上,旁人也能沾染到你 充滿活力的氛圍。
Jason Wu
Peter Som
Anna Sui Peter Som
Alexander Wang
The Pure White
Start and over again from white
The season is turning to the beginning again and the white just like a symbolization of rebirth. Throw the winter away and start from white cloth, because such pure colour always makes you lively, pure and elegant.
白 淨 無暇 由白開始,重新出發
所謂一年之季在於春,想重現活力,那就穿 上象徵重生的白色吧!甩開沉重的秋冬,由 白重新開始,如此純淨的顏色總能讓你神采 活現、純粹與優雅。
Vivienne Tam
Jason Wu
Vera Wang
Vivienne Tam
Derek Lam
Get out the heavy color away, enjoy the cooling from the blue, be a Aphrodite-liked summer beauty
When Kylie Minogue dressed the blue gown and announced “all the lovers” declaration, it seems showed that the blue will affect people for a long time. Not only in 2010, but also 2011 is still addicted to this Aphrodite-Blue. in 2011, just wear blue on, and you can enjoy the happiness of “all the lovers” whole season.
3.1 Philip Lim
愛 芙黛蒂之藍 甩開沉悶的顏色,享受湛藍的涼意,當個如愛神般的 夏季美人
當凱莉米洛穿上了那湛藍禮服,大聲的宣告「戀 人宣言」的同時,似乎便預告著這股愛神之藍將 從今年流行到明年。2011 年只要穿上這席愛神 愛芙黛蒂之藍,似乎便能感受到戀人們滿滿的喜 悅。
Skin Nude Second skin of noble
Simple is beauty. Although we almost passed the finance crisis and the economy is becoming better and better , but nude colour still extent to spring and summer of 2011. This low-key luxurious colour which always can make every woman have confidence and feel natural.
肌 膚之裸 如貴族般的第二層肌膚,裸色
簡單就是美。雖然我們甫度過金融風暴,經 濟已開始好轉,但如此低調的顏色還是延伸 到了今年春夏。如此低調奢華的顏色總使女 人自信又自在。
Alexander Wang
Anna Sui
Peter Som Jen Kao
Asia fashion power
is changing the fashion. Nowadays, the fashion industry has been reversed around the world by Asian fashion power, no matter the fashion markets, designers and even the models. However, you may wonder why? it has been dominated by western for a long time, hasn’t it? Yes, the western used to be an empire of fashion before, but the main turning point could be traced back to in 2008, the finance crisis. At the mean time in 2008, owing to the successes of the economic policies for finance crisis, the GDP in China not only did not fall down, but also increased to 9%, on the contrast, the GDP of America in 2008 just be predicted to rise 1.6%. According to this report from IMF that we can realize the economy of western countries are decreasing, the eastern countries, especially in china, they are getting rich enough for spending. So now do you know where is the biggest market in the world? Do not look down this Asian awakening lion absolutely.
正改變時尚,全球時尚業現今 已被來自亞洲的時尚設計所深
深影響,不論是時裝市場、設計師或是 model, 然而,你可能想問為什麼?時尚已經被西方主導 了很長一段時間不是嗎?沒錯,歐美過去曾是時 尚工業的霸主,但最主要的轉折點則要從 2008 年的金融危機開始說起。 與此同時,由於中國抵禦金融危機的政策格外 成功,使得他們的國民生產毛額 (GDP) 不降反 升 9%,而美國當年則只被預估成長 1.6%。根據 這項由國際貨幣組織 (IMF) 所調查的報告,我們 可以了解西方的經濟正在殞落,而亞洲國家的經 濟,特別是中國,則正在起飛當中。所以你現在 知道全世界最大的消費市場在哪了嗎?絕對不要 瞧不起這頭亞洲才剛甦醒的睡獅。
Asia fashion power Actually, this is not the first time that Asian fashion market attracts western fashion industry, Japan was a second large fashion market in the world, and it also cultivates many famous Japanese designers. But remember, I mean “was”. After the second world war, Japan depends on the right policies and world situation , rebuilt their economy rapidly. And it indeed created a high quality surrounding for shopping because people have spare money to use. Otherwise, Japanese fashion designers were active in this period too, like Rei Kawakubo, Issey Miyake and Yohji Yamamoto etc., their designs all affected the fashion world in a certain extent. However, Japan still could not shake western fashion although it own biggest fashion market in the world. Because of the economic “lost decade”, people had had insufficient money to afford the luxury goods.
其實西方時尚工業並不是第一次被亞洲所吸 引,過去日本曾擁有全球最大的精品市場,也培 育出許多傑出的時裝設計師,記住,我說的是 「過去」。在二次戰後,日本因其當時的政策和 世界情勢,迅速重建了經濟,人民也因此口袋滿 滿,順勢創造出許多優質的購物環境。 除此之外,日本時裝設計師也曾活耀於戰後這段 期間,如川久保玲、三宅一生和山本耀司等,他 們的作品,也一定程度的影響時裝設計。但之後 因日本經濟開始下挫,儘管日本當時曾是全球最 大的奢華品市場,但「消失的十年」讓人們再也 沒有閒錢購買精品,而日本時裝也無法繼續撼動 歐美時尚。
firnance crisis changed everything The main reason of Asian economy be shown which was finance crisis in 2008. Due to the debt storm from America let many countries be involved, the habit of consumption of consumers became conservative. Though every country planed a serious of economic policies to solve this severe condition, however, it still could not revitalize the business. In this period of finance crisis, the best performance of solutions was China. Attribute to the huge 13 billion people in china, Chinese government hold the big domestic market that they could carry out their policies of the expansion of domestic demand smoothly. In view of this big market, many industries already took china as their important business arena, and it also includes fashion. For instance, Gucci already has 31 direct selling stores in 22 Chinese cities, Louis Vuitton opened two flagships on the same day in Shanghai, it prepares to achieve 80 stores in China next year as well. According to the report of Chinese luxury market from Bain & Company showed, Chinese fashion market growth rate will be reached 23% in 2010, additionally, it has 67% growth rate from new customers. It means that because the increasing of national income, Chinese fashion market is not only supported by regal, the new middle classes are the important factor for it too. Otherwise, the amount of consumption of Chinese fashion market was 156 billion pounds in 2009, and it proved again that Chinese market cannot be ignored, it already occupied an important position in the world. Compare with the luxury market consumers of Europe and China, it can be found that the age of consumers have obvious difference ,the range of former is between 30 to 60, but the latter start from 20, and its between 20 to 40. So, what is the reason causing such clear difference? the answer is the "after 80" of China .
亞洲崛起,可從 2008 年的金融危機,得到證 實,由美國引發的債務危機波世界,而消費者的 消費習慣也因此轉趨保守,儘管每個國家皆制定 了一連串的救市計畫來提振經濟,但成效卻都不 彰,而中國因其龐大的 13 億人口實行的擴大內 需政策,是金融海嘯期間全球救市最成功的國 家,為搶灘如此巨大的市場,許多產業早就視中 國為他們重要的市場之一,其中當然也包括了時 尚業。如 Gucci 已在全中國 22 個城市開設了 31 間直營店、Louis Vuitton 更同一天在上海開了 兩家旗艦店,而明年也同時預備在中國開設 80 間專賣店。 從貝恩公司對中國奢侈市場的調查顯示,中國 奢華市場在 2010 年將獲得 23% 的成長,而其中 新消費者的比例就佔了 67%,這表示隨著國民所 得的增加,不止只有富豪愛買精品,中產階級更 是撐起精品市場的重要客群之一,此外,2009 年中國的奢侈品消費總額共為 159 億英鎊,由此 再次證實,絕對不可輕忽中國的龐大市場,因為 中國在全球市場中已佔有舉足輕重的角色。 比較歐美與中國精品消費者的異同,可以發現 「消費年齡」是其中最顯著的差異,歐美消費者 的年齡多在 30 至 60 之間,但中國消費者的年齡 層則向下延伸 10 歲,從 20 到 40 歲都有,而到 底是甚麼原因造成如此分明的不同呢?我們可從 中國的「80 後」得到解答。
Asia fashion power
「80 後」的炫耀性消費
Conspicuous consumption of " after eighty " This generation can be called as “after 80” or “rich second generation”, if you still don’t understand what it is, maybe the ”baby boom” of America you will be familiar with it easily. Because of the Chinese onechild policy, every parent treat their children just like a treasure. They offer them best material life, give growth environment of excellent quality and meticulous care to them, when they grow up, the economy of china is becoming better and better, furthermore, they already get used to the high standard material life and do not like their parents have custom of deposit, therefore, their spending are not conservative anymore, but enjoy hedonism thorough. “Conspicuous consumption” is also a factor to enlarge fashion market in China. Though the fashion conscious is developing in china, however, nowadays Chinese just like previous Japanese. Owing to everyone at least has one luxury, and if you don’t have one and you are outdated. Despite the phenomenon is not normal, but it indeed form a unique subculture for fashion consumption in China. It just like if people have these fashion logos on their body, and means “hey! I’m rich, I know what is fashion and I come from high society”.
這群年輕人可稱為「80 後」或「富二代」, 如果你還不是很清楚其所代表的意涵,那麼用美 國戰後的「嬰兒潮」來比喻,或許便比較容易理 解了。由於中國實行一胎化政策,所有父母都把 他們的小孩捧為掌上心,提供他們最好的物質生 活、給他們最好的成長環境和無微不至的照顧, 而在他們成年之後,剛好中國經濟正在起飛,且 他們已習慣吃好用好的享樂主義,又沒有父母儲 蓄的習慣,才造就了這群「富二代」。 「炫耀性消費」也是擴大中國精品市場的原因 之一,儘管中國的時尚意識正處於萌芽階段,但 現今的中國就好比過去的日本,因為每個人都有 奢侈品,如果你沒有,那你可就落伍了。儘管這 是個扭曲的現象,卻的確已在中國形成獨特的次 文化,而這些穿戴在身上的 logo,似乎表示著 「嘿!我很有錢,我很懂時尚,我行走於上流社 會喔」。
時尚的下一步是 ?
so, what is the next ? You might be curious where is the next step for fashion industry, but don’t worry, the market always has a pair of ” invisible hand” to control it. Chanel held ParisShanghai collection show in shanghai in 2009, Hermes created an new brand named “Shang Xia”, cooperate with Chinese artist, Louis Vuitton mixed Chinese elements to release 2011 spring and summer collection, other brands are preparing to open hundreds of stores in China as well. It showed that China has becoming a biggest fashion market in the world, so be careful, this sleepy lion is awakening, the Asian fashion power will be displayed from now on. ES
或 許 你 會 想 問, 那 到 底 時 尚 業 的 下 一 步 會 是 甚 麼?但別擔心,因為市場總有雙「無形的手」在 操控著。香奈兒在 09 年在上海舉辦了巴黎 - 上海 系列發表秀、愛馬仕與中國藝術家合作共同成立 了新品牌「上下」、LV 在 2011 春夏發表秀中大玩 中國元素,而其它時尚精品也計畫明年在中國拓 展上以百計的店面,這都再再証明了中國已成為 精品業者眼中最大的市場。所以小心了!這頭沉 睡許久的獅子已逐漸甦醒,而醞釀已久的亞洲時 尚新勢力也將從此展開。 ES
Asia fashion power
W h o d e s i g n e d s u c h e l e g a nt a n d gorgeous white single shoulder gown for Michelle Obama? Oh! What’s the brand of Sarah Jessica Parker wearing? The black dress is so clean, modern and fabulous. Wait! Why those designers whom won CFDA award whose skin are yellow? Yes, They are Asian, Asian designers now are like shining stars sparkling all fashion world! Their fascinate design already conquered many celebrities and opened an “Asian storm” in the fashion world!
咦!是誰設計了如此高雅又優美的白 色單肩禮服給蜜雪兒歐巴馬?天 阿!莎拉潔西卡身上穿的是甚麼牌子?如 此簡約、摩登又美麗。等等!為什麼那些 贏得美國服裝師設計協會 (CFDA) 獎項的全 部都是黃種人?沒錯,他們全都來自亞洲! 在現今的時尚圈裡,亞裔設計師就如同一顆 閃耀的新星一般,他們美輪美奐的設計早已 征服了許多歐美名流,並在時尚圈裡掀起一 陣「亞洲風暴」。
Asia fashion power
山本耀司 Yohji Yomamoto
三宅一生 Issey Miyake
川久保玲 Rei Kawakubo
Their successes are not accidental
Asian designers are not successful suddenly, they already stepped into fashion arena at least 30 years . The first pioneers are from Japan, and their name you definite not feel strange, they are Yohji Yomamoto, Issey Miyake and Rei Kawakubo. the designs have same feature, vanguard. When these three Japanese designers introduced their garments to Paris in 1980, it really stunning fashion world which was dominated by western for a long time. However, the good time never last. Though they depended on their creative creations to be famous in fashion world soon, the cloths were so impractical that the fashion were run by western designers soon. Then before 2005, Asian designers kept silence for a long time. But since Vera Wang won CFDA Womenswear Designer of the Year in 2005, the Asian designer’s era have been coming. At first, the brand Shiatzy Chen held a fashion show in Paris fashion week in 2008. This brand comes from Taiwan and was the first Chinese designer who released its fashion show in Paris. Secondly, the first lady of America, Michelle Obama pushed Asian designers to another peak of fashion, she wore Jason Wu’s white single shoulder gown to attend president inauguration of her husband. Every media was curious where’s the designer comes from? And he is Asian, he comes from Taiwan, he is Jason Wu. And then more and more Asian designers won CFDA award in 2009 and 2010, 2009 included Alexander Wang won Swarovski Award for Womenswear, Anna Sui got Geoffrey Beene Lifetime Achievement Award. In 2010, Jason Wu had Swarovski Award for Womenswear award, Alexander Wang won Swarovski Award for Accessory Design award and Korean designer Richard Chai won Swarovski Award for Menswear.
asian can inject more ideas to fashion,and that’s what fashion needs If you feel that’s all what Asian designers works and you are wrong totally, because there have 9 Asian designers shining and glowing in October 2010 New York Fashion Week! Spread the list of designers, it consist of Anna Sui, Alexander Wang, Derek Lam, Jason Wu, Jen Kao, Peter Som, Philip Lim, Vera Wang and Vivienne Tam. But why Asian designers would be focused these years in New York? “Because the New York fashion is filled with colourful designs of Marc Jacob, or black and white of Calvin Klein this kind of simple style for a long time, fashion needs more Asian styles to be more lively”, the “time” magazine explained that. Additionally, the chair of Parsons The New School for Design also mentioned that “ Asian designers have unique senses for function and color, and now people around the world are crazy for fashion, because the growth backgrounds and cultures of Asian designers are very different than western, they can inject more ideas to fashion, and that’s what fashion really needs”. ES
Asia fashion power
成功,絕不偶然 亞洲設計師的成功絕對不是偶然,他們其實早在 30 年前便踏 入國際時裝的殿堂,第一批在國際上披荊斬棘的設計師們來自日 本,且他們的名字你絕對不會感到陌生。這批開路先鋒包括三宅 一生、山本耀司和川久保玲,且他們的作品都有個共同特色 - 前 衛。當這三位設計師於 80 年代在巴黎發表他們的服裝之後,立 刻震撼了當時由西方主導已久的時裝界,然而好景不常,儘管他 們靠著他們集富創意的服飾迅速成名,但他們的設計實在太不實 際,很快的,就又被西方洪流所淹沒了。 而在 2005 年前,亞裔設計師其實沉寂了相當長一段時間,但 自從王薇薇在 2005 年拿下 CFDA 最佳女裝設計師獎後,華裔設計 師的年代便正式宣告來臨。首先,來自台灣的服裝品牌夏姿,首 開華人設計師的先河,於 08 年第一次在巴黎時裝周開展。接著, 美國第一夫人蜜雪兒又將亞洲設計師推向了另個巔峰,她身著米 白色單肩禮服在美國總統就職典禮中亮相,而所有媒體無不望穿 秋水,想知道那件禮服就竟出自於哪位設計師之手 ? 這件禮服來 自吳季剛,他來自亞洲,他是台灣人。而 09 年和 10 年,又有越 來越多的亞裔設計師在 CFDA 上大放光彩;王大仁在 09 年贏得了 施華洛世女裝設計獎、Anna Sui 得到了終身成就獎,吳季剛也 在 10 年拿了施華洛世女裝設計獎、韓裔設計師 Richard Chai 得 了施華洛世男裝設計獎,而王大仁在 10 年又再度以配件類獲得 了施華洛世配件設計獎。
亞裔設計師獨特的文化背景 替時尚注入真正多元的設計 如果你覺得亞裔設計師的成就不過爾爾的話,那你可就大錯特錯 了,因為今年又有 9 位亞裔設計師,在 10 月所舉辦的 2011 年紐 約春夏時裝周中大放異彩,他們是 Anna Sui, Alexander Wang, Derek Lam, Jason Wu, Jen Kao, Peter Som, Philip Lim, Vera Wang 和 Vivienne Tam。但為什麼亞裔設計師在這幾年會 成為紐約時裝界的焦點呢?時代雜誌是這麼說的:「因為 Marc Jacob 的大膽用色,或 Calvin Klein 非黑即白的簡約已充斥紐 約很長一段時間,時尚需要更多亞洲元素來讓其更為生動」。此 外,紐約設計學府帕森斯學院時裝設計系主席 Timothy Gunn 也 提到:「亞洲設計師們在形式上、功能上有獨具一格的品味,而 且對顏色有非常獨特的選擇,現在全球都在瘋時尚,而他們獨特 的文化背景,才能為時尚真正注入多元的設計」。 ES
高珍 Jen Kao 吳季剛
吳季剛 Jason Wu
安娜蘇 Anna Sui 鄧志明 Peter Som
王大仁 Alexander Wang 菲利林 Philip Lim
林達克 Derek Lam 王薇薇 Vera Wang
譚燕玉 Vivienne Tam
Asia fashion power
Who is asia's next top model ? 誰才是下一位亞洲超級名模 ?
Asia fashion power
be a top ? White model were occupying fashion world for a long time, no matter for fashion photoshoot or on the runway. Though sometimes it would add some “black” or “ yellow” flavours to be fresh, they were hard to be a top model in such as “white career”. However, open the fashion magazines in these years, it have more and more Asian faces whom appear on the cover or advertisement than before. Moreover, it can be shown from the New York fashion week in October 2010, Chinese models made highest appearances which they have never had. The yellow wave seems shook the fashion in a certain extent, and who is the next top model around the globe? When it comes to who is the first Asian top model in the world, and we have to refer to Anna Bayle, who came from Philippines in 1980. Review the yearbook of fashion, it didn’t have much chances for Asian model, but when Anna Bayle appeared in fashion industry, and this situation seems be changed gradually. Due to her looks combine with eastern and western, and European fashion accepted foreign culture widely in that time. Thus her model career were quite successfully, and she was not only a first Asian top model, but also was a top model in 1980. In spite of it still had some Asian models whom had well development after Anna Bayle, but the timing that Asian model really had more opportunities which was in 2000. 2000 was changeable, was easy to accept variety of cultures, was rich, was a chance for Asia model, and representative of Asian model in 2000 was Ai Tominaga who come from Japan. Ai Tominaga depends on her slim, tall body shape and unique eastern atmosphere, when she developed in Europe, she was every brand’s favorite. She had advertisement for Gucci’s perfume, and she was on the runway for over 60 brands, but everything was changed until she had baby. When business and family became a dilemma, finally she chose family. After she made the decision, it also means that the era of next Asia top model was coming. So, who is the next?
china major
Anna Bayle
富永愛 Ai Tominaga
劉雯 Liu Wen
Due to the highly and stable economic development, China nowadays has been becoming an one of the biggest country in the world, and this situation is no exception for modelling. From the ranking of the MODELS. com, there has a Chinese who is top 10 model in the globe, she is Liu Wen, and this is the first time a Chinese model becoming top 10 on MODELS. com. If you still have no idea who is the top Asian model in the world, and Liu Wen are absolute qualified for this title. She is the first Chinese model to be a babe of Victoria’s Secret fashion show, furthermore, she is also a first Asian face for cosmetics behemoth, Estee Lauder. Otherwise, not only Liu Wen have such excellent experiences, other Chinese models have brilliant performance on the fashion stage as well. There have six Chinese models occupied the New York fashion week in October 2010, they are Liu Wen, Shu Pei Qin, Fei Fei Sun, Du Juan, Emma Pei and Ming Xi. According to a seasonal survey by Jezebel.com, a blog targeting women’s interests, and Chinese state media, all models of New York fashion week had 7.1 percent from China, and they total made 296 appearances in the fashion week. Maybe you are eager to know why Chinese models are focused by every designer and every brand in recent years? The answer might be for Chinese market or might fashion is changeable. But if Nepal could replace China's market, and maybe next Asian super model will come from Nepal? So, now do you know who is the next Asia’s top model? ES
Asia fashion power
be a top ? 不管在時裝照或伸展台上, 時尚 model 長久以來一直都是白人的 天下,儘管偶爾會出現不同膚色的種族保持鮮度,但想在這 行白人的「專屬行業」裡當上超級名模,實屬不容。不過, 翻閱近年來的時尚雜誌,與之前相比,已有越來越多的「亞 洲臉孔」出現在雜誌封面或廣告內頁,此外,在 2010 年 10 月的紐約時裝周中,中國 model 們也創下了史上最多次的走 秀紀錄,而這股「黃色浪潮」似乎也在某種程度上撼動了時 尚業。那麼,誰才是下一位 super model 呢? 若要提起亞洲第一位世界級的超級名模,那麼就不可不談 這位在 80 年代紅極一時的菲裔 model,Anna Bayle。回顧 時尚史,亞洲 model 始終沒有太多出頭的機會,但這情況在 Anna Bayle 出現後似乎便稍有好轉。她的成功要歸功於其亦 東亦西的外表,及當時歐洲易於接受異國文化,此外他不但 是當時的首席亞洲名模,更是 1980 年代火紅的世界名模,是 相當成功的 top model。 在 Anna Bayle 之後,還是有些許亞裔獲得不錯的發展,但 一直要到 2000 年後,亞模才有更多登上世界舞台的機會。千 禧年是快速更迭的、是易於接受各種文化的,經濟是富有的, 更是亞裔 model 出頭天的機會,而此時的亞洲超模代表,則 是來自日本的富永愛。 富永愛剛到歐洲發展時,憑著她纖長的外型及獨特的東方 氣韻,立刻獲得各大品牌的青睞,她曾替 Gucci 拍攝過香水 廣告,也替超過 60 個品牌走秀,但這一切卻在她懷孕生子後 有了巨變。她兩難於事業與家庭間,最後她選擇了家庭。而 在她做出這個決定之後,同時也意味著下個亞洲超模即將來 臨,所以,誰是下一位呢?
中國當道 伴 隨 著 穩 定 的 經 濟 發 展, 中 國 國 力 已 不 可 小 覷, 當 然 model 業也不例外。根據 MODELS.com 網站的排名,已有一中 國模特兒成為全球十大名模之一,她是劉雯,這也是首次有 中國 model 登上 MODELS.com top 10。而要談到誰才是現在 的亞洲超模,這頭銜絕非劉雯莫屬。她是第一個替維多莉亞 的秘密走秀的華裔 model,也是史上第一個替雅詩蘭黛代言 的亞洲人。 除了劉雯,其他中國 model 在國際伸展台的成績也相當亮 眼。在今年 10 月的紐約時裝周中,就有六位中國 model 成功 的攻佔伸展台,包括劉雯、秦舒培、孫菲菲、杜鵑、裴蓓和 奚夢瑤。根據中國媒體及 Jezebel.com 的調查,這次紐約時 裝周共有 7.1% 的 model 來自中國,且她們總共在紐約時裝周 亮相了 296 次。 你可能會想問,為什麼這幾年華裔模特兒總是特別容易受 到各大時裝品牌和設計師的愛戴?答案可能是為了中國市 場,也或許時尚總不按牌理出牌,但如果尼泊爾下次將取代 中國市場的話,那或許下一位亞洲超級名模會來自尼泊爾也 說不一定了吧?所以,現在你知道誰才是下一位亞洲超模了 嗎? ES
Asia fashion power
Models(left to right): Du Juan, Tao Okamoto, Hyun Yi Lee , Hyoni Kang , Liu Wen , Bonnie Chen , So Young Kang , Lily Zhi. from Vogue US, December 2010
Nude tank top, H&M, £5.99.White bud skirt, H&M, £24.99. Blue silk heels, Kurt Geiger, £140.Blue flower Hair Accessories, NEWLOOK, £2.99. Necklace, Bracelet all by Accessorize, £38.Belt, Earring, ring, bag, all personal item.
Naughty Princess
Black lace top, H&M, £7.99. Black Cullen pants, NEWLOOK, £22.99.Black fur shawl, KALIKO, £55.Hair Accessories ,DEBENHAM, £30 .Earring, ring all by accessorize, £38.h
Luxious Shanghai
ASIA 世界盛會在亞洲
Although what country to hold what international event has been decided in several years ago , the Jesus seems had noticed that Asia would rise up in the future, Asia countries not only walked though the finance crisis, but started every event perfectly. Let’s review the events which already been held in Asia. 儘管國際盛事在舉辦之前便早已決定,但老天爺似乎早就預見亞洲的崛起,因為亞洲不 僅順利挺過金融風暴,還將國際盛事舉辦得盡善盡美,接下來就讓我們一起回顧這些曾 在亞洲舉辦的活動吧!
2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, China 中國北京夏季奧運 This was the first time China held such biggest international sport event, although many people doubted that China could afford this ? But China achieved it, the slogan ”one world, one dream” just like symbolized every Chinese’s heartfelt wish, and proved that to the world, ”we are the dream, we are the world ”. It was the third time that the Summer Olympic Games were held in Asia, after Tokyo, Japan in 1964 and Seoul, South Korea in 1988. 這是中國第一次舉辦如此「超大型」的國際體育盛宴, 儘管許多人曾質疑中國舉辦奧運的能力,但中國還是做到 了,京奧標語「同一個世界、同一個夢想」就如同所有中 國人內心最深處的希望,「我們就是夢想、我們就是世 界」。 而此次京奧也是繼 1964 年日本東京、1988 年南韓首爾後 第三次在亞洲舉行。
2009 world game in Kaohsiung ,Taiwan 台灣高雄世界運動會 The world game is first international sport event in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, instead of in capital Taipei. For world game 2009, the government hired Japanese architect Toyo Ito to design the main stadium, the semi spiral-shaped, like a dragon, will be the first stadium in the world to provide power using solar energy technology. After this event, Taiwan showed its ability to the world and seems announced that “ Beijing did it, and we did it”. 世界運動會是第一個在台灣舉辦的國際型運動賽事,首 次舉辦便舉行在高雄、而不是首都台北。為興建賽事場 館,高雄市政府找來享譽國際的日本建築師伊東豐雄設計 比賽主場館,其蜿蜒的外型就像龍一般,而這也是世界上 第一個由太陽能供應能源的大型體育館。 賽事結束後似乎也間接證明,台灣有承接世界大型活動的 本事,既然「北京能做到,那我們也行!」
Culture 2009 Summer Deaflympics in Taipei, Taiwan 台灣台北聽障奧運 The Deaflympics is the first time being held in Asia, and it’s also the first time Olympic Flame be lighted in Taiwan. The motto ”power in me” just symbolizes that the desire of Taiwan wants to jump to the world stage. Otherwise, Judo, Karate, and Taekwondo have been recognized as new summer disciplines in the Deaflympics sports competition program. 此次聽奧首次移師亞洲舉行,也首度在台灣點燃奧運 聖火,而口號「無聲的力量」,也象徵了台灣想躍上世 界舞台的決心。此外,柔道、空手道及跆拳道為此屆奧 運新增的比賽項目。
2010 International Exposition in Shanghai, China
2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition
Expo 2010 was held on both banks of the Huangpu River in the city of Shangha. The theme of the exposition was “Better City – Better Life” and signifies Shanghai's new status in the 21st century as the “next great world city” It had the largest number of countries participating and was the most expensive Expo in the history of the world's fairs. By the end of the expo, over 73 million people had visited, a record attendance and 250 countries and international organizations had participated. 2010 年世博在上海黃浦江兩岸舉行,主題為「城市, 讓生活更美好」,顯示上海成為 21 世紀的下一個「最 棒國際都會」的決心。 上海世博為史上最多國家參展、更是史上預算最高的世 界博覽會,此次遊覽人數超過 730 萬,根據紀錄,共有 250 個國家和國際組織曾造訪此次活動。
台灣台北國際花卉博覽會 The 2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition opened on November 6, 2010 to April 25, 2011 in Taipei,Taiwan. It is garden festival recognized by the Association Internationale des Producteurs de l' Horticulture, Bureau of International Expositions .It will be the first such internationally recognized exposition to take place in Taiwan, and it’s the seventh flora exposition in Asia ,after Osaka, Japan, ChiangMai, Thailand and Kunming, China etc. 台北花博展期為 2010 年 11 月 6 日至 2011 年 4 月 25 日,是台灣第一個正式獲得國際園藝家協會(AIPH)認 證授權舉辦的國際園藝博覽會,也是繼日本大阪、中國 昆明、日本淡路島、日本濱名湖、中國瀋陽及泰國清邁 後,第七個在亞洲舉辦的花卉博覽會。
Music 台版蘇珊大嬸
Album : It's My Time Label : Sony Music Release : Now on sale Genre : Pop Is the male version Susan Boyle coming? Yes! That’s Lin Yu Chun, who joined Taiwanese Britain's Got Talent, when he opened his mouth and sang “ I will always love you”, suddenly, everyone were keep silent and addicted to his amazing voice…. After this fantastic performance be uploaded to Youtube, in a short time , it already having over 1 billion people watched his show around the world. He is not the 24- year-old nobody who just earn 300 pounds per month anymore, now he is an international singer, an
international artist who is reported by the international media such as CNN, BBC. Additionally, he is the first Taiwanese singer who attend the American talk show “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” and “. Now you don’t need to stare the Youtube to listen his” I will always love you”, because he already released the first album “it’s my time”. And I believe that after you listened the album, you will definite always love Lin Yu Chun.
男版的蘇珊大嬸誕生了嗎?沒錯!他叫林育群,當他在台 灣超級星光大道開口唱了「I will always love you」後, 煞時全場突然安靜,完全沉溺於他那令人驚艷的美聲當中…. 在他那宛如天籟的表演被上傳至 Youtube 後,短時間內, 竟有超過一億的全球網友看了他的表演。他已經不再是那 個一個月只賺台幣一萬五的 24 歲小夥子了,他現在可是被 國際媒體如 CNN、BBC 所報導的國際歌手、國際巨星!除此 之外,他也是台灣第一位參加美國「The Ellen DeGeneres Show」 和 「Lopez Tonight」脫口秀的台灣歌手。 你喜歡他的歌聲嗎?現在你不用再盯著 Youtube 收聽他所 唱的「I will always love you」了,因為他已發行他的第 一張專輯「It’s my time」,而且我相信在你聽過他的專 輯之後,一定會更喜歡林育群。
Track List
01. I Will Always Love You 02. Amazing Grace 03. It's My Time 04. Total Eclipse Of The Heart 05. Under Your Wings 06. I Understand 07. Hero 08. A Moment Like This 09. My Heart Will Go On 10. Fighter