HCFUSA Healthcare Pulse March 2022

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MARCH 2022





esus did not stand by when He saw people suffering or in pain. He was always ready and available to all who needed him, even the woman who took the initiative to reach out and touch His cloak in a crowd, though she should have been in isolation because of her condition. She was a woman alone and unclean, but she had the faith to know that Jesus would give her grace. She would have been an outcast for a long time, the Bible says. She was bleeding for twelve years, and may have faced a bleeding from her soul. Luke 8:43 tells us that she could not be healed by anyone. What total despair she must have faced. What a sense of hopelessness. She finds herself, as this unclean, isolated woman, in the crowd surrounding Jesus. Yet, He knew, and He healed her broken body, broken heart and broken spirit. He gave her grace and told her to go in peace. Is this how we feel when we are hit with this dreaded Covid-19 virus? Do we feel unclean? Jesus would not have wanted us to feel that way. It is important to look to Him for all our needs. If you find yourself in despair, hurt, lonely, isolated, depressed, or suicidal, please reach out to Him and please share your pain and suffering with a trusted friend. He is here to comfort us in the storm of our lives. ‘Watch and Pray’ is the theme for our upcoming Prayer Conference on March 9th through 12th, 2022 in Houston, Texas, both live and Zoom. Blessings, Eithne


went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and


every disease and sickness. Matthew 9:35 (NIV)



race and Peace to all of you. 2022 is upon us and finally we can see the light at the end of the tunnel regarding the terrible pandemic of Covid-19. We saw new variants arising and thankfully a lesser viral strain named Omicron with less side effects sweeping through our world. Our hospitals are slowly opening, and the world is coming out of the stringent lockdowns. Many say, “where is God in all of this”? Does He see the toll of pain and suffering that is left behind?

SINGING IN THE STORM by Rev. Dr. Rodney D. Hall . . . . . . . . . . 3

GOD’S COMFORT IN TRYING TIMES by Melodee Battenschlag BSN, RN . . . . . . . . . . 4

ABANDONED PROJECT ? by Glory Udoh . . . . 5

THE POWER OF YOUR PRESENCE by Darlene Sala . . . . . . . . . 6

S.O.A.P.S. by HCFI Global . . . . . . . 6

SAILING WITH JESUS by Captain Des Pollock . ....7

WHAT IS HCF ? . . . . . . . . . . 11

UPCOMING EVENTS . . . . . . . . . . 12

Proverbs 3:5-6 –(NKJV) states

“ Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever” .

It is easy for us to say, “Trust in God”, but how do we trust Him through all these trials and tribulations? How can we weather the storms in our lives with hope and confidence for the future? This is where we look to Jesus and see where He went through His trials and tribulations before He died for us. Matthew 26:39 (NIV) states “Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me? Yet not as I will, but as you will.” Even He had reservations, but He knew the will of God and He knew that He was to be the Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world. He requested God’s intervention but was aware that it was God’s will that He be sacrificed, and He rested in this knowledge that there was no other way out. Revelation 20:7-10 (NIV) in the final battle- it states “When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—and to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore. They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God’s people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them. And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been

The message is that He wins in the end. Don’t give up. Persevere and we will be with Him for all eternity if we give ourselves to Him and trust him, lean on Him, submit to Him and He will make our paths straight. No matter how big the trials and tribulations are, or how big an army comes against us, God will win in the end. This is our hope and our assurance.

We need to ‘Watch and Pray’. This is the theme for our upcoming Prayer Retreat in Houston, Texas both live and virtual on March 9th -12th. Matthew 26:41 (NIV), “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Get your tickets at hcfusa.org, come and join us for three days of prayer, praise, and worship. Without prayer we will not have the strength to get through these trying times. Blessings to all of you. In His name, Blessings Eithne Keegan, MSN, RN


SINGING IN THE STORM by Rev. Dr. Rodney D. Hall “We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself. Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead.” (2 Corinthians 1:8-9)

nyone connected to faith circles on social media have probably seen modern-day versions of the old -timey chain-letters. Posts from self-appointed prophets declare health, wealth, and prosperity to everyone who reads and shares. Some teach that if you aren’t happy 24/7, you are failing God in one way or another. Sadly, many who read those post are in various stages of crises and mashing the share button is not going to change their situation any more than a visit to a carnival fortune-teller would.

It is easy to get a little confused. After all, people frequently teach that God WILL NOT allow us to go through more than we can bear. The saying – that we all know so well - is nothing more than an often-repeated misquotation of scripture. In his first letter to the same church at Corinth, Paul said that God would not allow us to be TEMPTED beyond what we can bear. (1 Corinthians


In one sad but true funeral incident, a “prophetess” told the daughter of the deceased woman that her mother would still be alive if she had just exercised enough faith. Perhaps the “prophetess” had never read, “If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.” (1 Cor. 13:2, NIV)

Ironically, many people believe that giving in to sin is inevitable whereas suffering is avoidable. God’s Word says the exact opposite; We never have to give in to sin, but sometimes suffering will be more than we can bear. The great news is that when suffering is too much for us to handle, Jesus is with us. Indeed, Paul said that suffering teaches us how to rely on God. Our Lord also promises us that things will not always be bad. He absolutely promises a future free of suffering for everyone who follows Him.

The Bible tells us we should encourage one another and build each other up (1 Thess. 5:11). I believe that is the intent of most people, and that their motives are usually pure. But a gospel without suffering is simply not Biblical.

Still not convinced that suffering is often the will of God? Consider the following:

Years ago, while serving as an Assistant Pastor of a small church, I was assigned the responsibility of preaching a Sunday night service. As I prayed and sought God’s direction for the message, I sensed His urging to preach on suffering. I argued with God. A good friend of mine named Jean was going through Parkinson’s and I knew she would be there. I wanted to preach about healing, or joy, or frankly anything but suffering.

“Though he slay me, I will hope in him” (Job 13:15 ESV)

Despite my objections, God remained unmoved, and I knew what obedience required. I studied, organized the notes, and did the best I could to preach the uncompromised Word of God. Jean was there, as expected. I was terribly uncomfortable and had difficulty looking in her direction as I preached how God sometimes allow us to suffer more than we can bear. Yes, you read that correctly. God sometimes allows us to suffer MORE than we can bear. Here is what the Apostle Paul told the Corinthians:

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.” (Isaiah 43:2 ESV) “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.” (Psalm 34:19 ESV) “It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I might learn your statutes.” (Psalm 119:71 ESV) “’Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven…” (Matthew 5:10)ESV) Turn to page 8...


GOD’S COMFORT IN TRYING TIMES by Melodee Battenschlag BSN, RN ast year, 2021, was the most difficult year of my life. On December 27, 2020, my husband of 37 years suddenly and unexpectedly passed away of unknown cause. He was fit, had hiked and jogged days before, and had his annual exam just two months before with no identified issues. His parents, both in their mid 90’s, are still alive with no life-threatening disease. His older brother, who smoked for many years like his father, is also alive. I never imagined that my husband would die before me since my parents died in their 70’s of cancer.

to my belongings in storage. I have filed a lawsuit and the next plan of action is for the sheriff to lock out this squatter. This clearly was not something I expected to go through in buying a home, especially after losing my husband. I know my God is just and will bring victory in His perfect timing.

In addition to planning the memorial for my husband, I had to complete numerous forms and documents for taxes, title change, benefits, insurance, and bank accounts. I had to take on many new and unfamiliar responsibilities at a time when I had significant difficulty concentrating and thinking clearly. I had to sell his truck, motorcycles and boat and empty a garage full of things I could not even name. I had to cancel vacations my husband and I had rescheduled due to the pandemic. There was little time to grieve over a man I had loved since I was 19 years old.

During this extremely difficult year, I have sensed God’s presence more than ever in my life. In order to sustain myself and not become distressed or sink into depression, I have tried to eat healthy, exercise and meet with supportive people. Most importantly, I spend a great deal of time in God’s Word, prayer and worship. At first, I could only read and comprehend Psalms due to difficulty concentrating and remembering. Eventually, I was able to read other sections of the Bible and journal my thoughts. God’s Word is alive and active, and ministers to me greatly. Not only do His words of truth bring hope, peace and comfort, they have helped me develop an eternity mindset like never before. The things of this world no longer appeal to me as they did in the past.

I was alone in the large home my husband and I had lived in for 33 years and where I had raised our two children. I visited my kids and grandkids an hour away once a week. I made a second visit each week to attend the home church my son pastored. My husband and I had planned to move closer to our kids and grandkids after he retired but decided to wait due to the pandemic, low inventory of homes and high prices. Also, he continued to remain extremely busy handling our investment property and managing his parents’ finances.

After my husband’s passing, I initially questioned God as to why He did not wake me up that morning to save his life. I didn’t understand why this wonderful man left me so soon. I was devastated losing the love of my life. As I spend time with my Lord, I realize that I don’t need to know the why, I just need to trust Him. He is sovereign. He sees the future and knows when it is the best time to take us home.

After my husband went to heaven, I decided to move closer to my children and grandchildren, even though major decisions such as the sale or purchase of a home was not recommended the first year after the death of a spouse. I began the exhausting task of preparing to move, often working from morning until night. My home sold in less than a week with a short escrow. After looking at 10-12 homes, I found a home that was exceedingly and abundantly above what I needed. My husband and I opened our home and hosted weekly, monthly and annual ministry events. The layout and space in this home was perfect for ministry. I had a peace that this home was from God and was grateful my cash offer was accepted.

Spending more time with my Lord has allowed me to know Him more intimately. Not only did my God meet all my needs at this difficult time, He taught me so much. He is my Source. He has sent such incredible love, support and help through many people. He continues to hold me and lead me even when the path seems dark. His ways aren’t my ways, but they are higher. In addition to growing closer to my God, I am recognizing the “good” that He has already brought out of this time of suffering. I am learning to focus on what I have and not what I lack. I have become more grateful than ever for the many blessings that remain. In the midst of my challenges, God has even given me opportunities to minister to others and share of His

The escrow on my new home closed on September 3, but unfortunately the former owner refused to leave. I continue to live with my son, daughter-in-law and 3- and 5-year-old grandchildren, with limited access

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ABANDONED PROJECT ? by Glory Udoh journeyed blindly not knowing the destination but choosing to trust God for every step. Step by step, he finally reached the promised land that his father could not reach (Canaan). A land flowing with milk and honey. Please remember, if you do not leave good, better will not come and if you do not leave better, best will never come your way. Take the risk today for a better tomorrow!

The article below was published in January 2021 on her blog.

This is January, and we have all started our individual journey. We have set things in motion that may never be reversed. Some of us have made new year resolutions, initiated some projects, or decided to resurrect the ones we buried or abandoned. I assure you that there will be different stressors: distractions, financial stress, family responsibilities, ill health and negative comments from family members, friends, and colleagues. Will you reach your goals this year or will you allow instant gratification to derail you from your ultimate goal? Terah found a beautiful city that offered temporary security, food, emotional stability, housing, etc., but he forgot that he was in transit.

s we look around us every day, we see ruins of abandoned projects: houses left uncompleted, business buildings abandoned due to lack of funds. Several projects initiated in our homes and organizations took up with speed and zeal. Along the way, due to mostly lack of in-depth planning or lack of funds or fear, the projects were abandoned or aborted, never to be completed. How many projects have you started and abandoned halfway in your life? I have had some and as a result, have some regrets in my life. There are so many people now living in regret because they did not finish school. So many people are stagnated in a particular position because they failed to complete some essential training that would have led to their promotion. Some who were laid off during this covid period can attest to the fact that they would have remained in their jobs if they went the extra mile to obtain an additional certificate that would have made them more relevant in their place of work and hard to let go. Why so many unfulfilled dreams and abandoned projects? Excuses, fear of the unknown, refusing to take risks! In Genesis 11:3, a man named Terah left his home country (Ur) with his family to go to Canaan as instructed by God. He did the right thing by obeying God and left with his family, but came to Haran and settled there instead of Canaan. Is Haran the land that God promised him? NO, but he settled in Haran (a transit land) and finally died there without reaching the promised land (his goal). What a tragedy!

Please never settle for second best. You are a priceless jewel in the hands of God, your creator. Do not settle for that abusive relationship, or that draining job, move on to your promised land! Stop listening to distractors, stop blaming your parents and situations. God has not forgotten your address nor your name and he wants you to get back into the game. Get up and move! Go back and register in that school or that trade now, not tomorrow! I attempted registering for my master’s program 3 times before I finally went in. Each year, excuses will surface: “Have you forgotten that you are a

God, who always fulfills His word because He can never lie, told Abraham (Terah’s son) in Genesis chapter 12, ”leave your present location (Haran) and go to the land I will show you” just as he instructed his father (Terah). Life may sap the last drop of your energy, make you live in disillusionment, but God never forgets his promise to his children. Abraham left and refused to settle. He decided to complete the project his father abandoned which is to reach their goal (the promised land). Like his father, he

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THE POWER OF YOUR PRESENCE By Darlene Sala hile visiting the rose-red fortress city of Petra in Jordan, one of our group felt faint and needed to lie down. I stayed with her as the others continued to explore the area. Soon a group of local men gathered and politely sat near us to communicate their concern, not saying a word. My mind went back to the days of suffering Job. When he lost his wealth, his children and his health, three of his friends came to comfort him. “Then they sat on the ground with him for seven days and seven nights. No one said a word to him, because they saw how great his suffering was” (Job 2:13). In fact, it was when his friends began to talk that they caused him more discomfort than help.

You can email Darlene at darlene@guidelines.org

The power of presence!

If You’re Trying to STUDY the BIBLE, Why Not Use S-O-A-P-S ?

Kay Warren says that as she was going through breast cancer, she found the greatest comfort —

Use a systematic approach to go through the whole Bible in your daily devotional times. To start with, prayerfully read one chapter a day and use a devotional notebook to write down your SOAPS notes.

“...not in the verses of Scripture people sent me or the fantastic meals prepared by loving church members or the books on living with cancer. What comforted me was the presence of family members and friends who were willing to sit with me, sometimes without saying a single word. They brought the supernatural comfort of the Holy Spirit to my suffering just by being with me.1

A complete information guide with options can be found on this link: https://tinyurl.com/mt5xkmd7


When people we care about suffer tragedies in their lives, we are sometimes hesitant to call them or visit. We don’t know what to say. We can quote Romans 8:28 and assure them God has everything in control— that “all things work together for good.” But when they’re throbbing with pain, telling them it’s all going to work out for the best doesn’t give much comfort. Only God can make this truth a comfort—in His own time.

Prayerfully read one chapter of the Bible. Write down the portion of that chapter that speaks to you.


What does this portion of the Bible say about God, His ways, people, and you?


How does God want you to respond to what He said to you through His Word?

You who are believers in the medical field have abilities and tools to help the suffering. But there will be times when even you reach the end of your resources to relieve suffering. Is there more that you can do? A resounding “Yes!” Never underestimate the difference that your presence can make. When we are God’s children, He lives within us, so let’s not hesitate to spend time with those who suffer, knowing that when we do, we are taking the presence of Christ to them—even without a word.

PRAYER Ask God to help you to respond to Him in a way that brings Him joy.


With whom will you try to share what you learned during your SOAPS time?


Kay Warren, Dangerous Surrender (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2007), 142.

source: hcfglobal.org


SAILING WITH JESUS by Captain Des Pollock levels of being knocked down and suffering and recover on their own. Only God and the ever-present power of prayer over me from my church and family brought it to pass. GOD has a purpose for us all from the beginning of time. God had this tremendous and wondrous plan to come for me that would dwarf anything I had done in the past or ever imagined! When I asked and begged on my knees to do His will and for Him to place me in kingdom works for Him, I gave myself over to Jesus and He began the preparations!

Captain Des Pollock has lived in Panama approximately 10 months. Des is an EMT and sails for ministry and pleasure. He is originally from South Africa. Des has graciously given us a peek into his personal diary. Enjoy this first installment:

But, as it is written, “No eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him” (1 Corinthians 2:9).

hen God gives you instructions, you obey, you put your head down and make the most of the journey.

I felt God strongly and heard His voice firmly. The first instruction I received from Jesus was to walk a 450 km journey up to one of the highest tips of Africa’s mighty Drakensberg mountains. “Why, dear Lord, why?” I asked. “Go, My son, go !” Jesus replied. “I will instruct “you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you” (Psalm 32:8). I was full of questions, but the instruction was only repeated over and over--nothing more!

God has plans. From the very beginning when He created this world, He had a plan. He has always had a plan. And just four verses into His Word, we see that He likes His plan. He calls it good. Indeed, near the end of creation, He calls His plan very good (Genesis 1). In 2010 GOD called my name ! It was crystal clear. It was time, and I committed and obeyed His calling! I thought I was the adventurous and exploring kinda guy! Little did I know that, Jesus was personally going to join me on these extreme adventures in my life. I believe that if it were not for the Word, my faith, intercessors, and, most importantly, Jesus present with me, I would not be here today! Praise to our Father!

So in obedience I jumped to the task. I was baptized in frigid waters. After shouting for joy on the top of South Africa’s roof tops, I received my second instruction from Jesus: “I want you to kayak up the east coast of Africa,” He said! A solo - 2500 km 6-month expedition along the coast of Mozambique. “Why, dear Lord, why?” “Go, my son, go!” “Yes Father.” I obeyed immediately. Still I questioned.

Most of my life I wanted to explore and experience adventure, always searching for inner depth and purpose of a different caliber than I knew from normal life. I always followed the call--hiking and trekking all over the world alone plus a big 6 months solo kayaking campaign up the east coast of Africa. I have always asked for more--more of the substantial! GOD hears our prayers indeed.

This journey showed me compassion for people who had not yet known Jesus. Sharing the gospel and that fact that family is vitally important, including Christian brothers and sisters, was very important. “The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way” (Psalm 37:23).

So, though I was a bit of a tough bloke--not really physically tough but mentally tough and very tenacious, secretly I knew I could do it if I applied myself and believed in myself. Jesus was always there, and He did a lot of grooming of me. I think it may have started after I got out of the wheelchair a year after a paralyzing water accident. I know I overcame spiritually and physically because Jesus was there with me all along. I know it wasn’t really truly me. No way can a human endure such

These two expeditions for Jesus were epic and exhilarating. I loved being with Jesus in my heart all day long alone. The epiphanies and rhema in the Word shook me with trembling fear, respect, praise and worship. Unashamed tears of joy. Just Him and me.

After a mighty men’s conference with Angus Turn to page 10...


Continued from “Singing in the Storm” the waves get rough. We need Saints who model faithfulness in hard times.

“Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.” (Luke 14:27 ESV)

Mother Teresa knew more about suffering than almost anyone. Not only did she care for the suffering and dying for most of her life, but she also chose suffering for herself to make others’ lives a little better. She left us with a beautiful insight into why she chose the life she did:

“…we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” (Romans 5:3 -5 ESV)

“Pain and suffering have come into your life, but remember pain, sorrow, suffering are but the kiss of Jesus - a sign that you have come so close to Him that He can kiss you” – Mother Teresa

“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” (Romans 8:18 ESV)

As for my friend Jean, she approached me the night after I preached. I didn’t know what to expect, and she absolutely astounded me. With the broken language that had become symptomatic of the horrible progression of her disease, she expressed how encouraged she was by God’s message. In doing so, she not only showed great faith and courage in her suffering, but she also expressed the love of God by greatly encouraging a young, inexperienced, and very self-conscious preacher.

“Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings… if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in that name.” (1 Peter 4:12-19 ESV)

I watched Jean live out her love for Jesus and her unshakeable faith over the next several months despite horrible and unspeakable suffering. She finally received her healing when God took her home to be with Him.

“…after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace… will restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you.” (1 Peter 5:10 ESV) “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” (James 1:2-4 ESV)

Those of us who were left behind, are in awe and were greatly strengthened and challenged by the faith of a Saint of God who didn’t demand things to be easy before she praised her Savior. I still have the praise song she wrote and allowed me to put to music during her trials. It will always be close to my heart, and it will always inspire me to sing in the middle of the storm that I might bring comfort and encouragement to those around me.

“We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies.” (2 Corinthians 4:8-10 ESV)


Pastor Rodney Hall is the founder and lead pastor of Allegiant Church & Creative Ministries in Clinton, North Carolina. He began his ministry shortly after committing his life to Christ at the age of five, singing in churches and other public venues. He has ministered in numerous congregations throughout the United States, Kenya, and Pakistan. His passion is for the Church.

“That I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death,” (Philippians 3:10 ESV) “Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.” (James 1:12 ESV)

Equipping leaders and helping the Body of Christ attain their God-appointed destiny is Pastor Rodney’s passion. He is married to First-Lady Teri and has two beautiful and talented daughters, E’Vanna and Susan. As a passionate Leadership & Life Coach, Instructor, and Speaker, Dr. Hall leads Rodney D. Hall Coaching & Consulting, providing Executive, Organizational, and Leadership Coaching and Training. He has enjoyed a wide range of life experiences as a Business and Technology Coach, Entrepreneur, Business Executive, Corporate Trainer, Musician, Church Planter, Pastor, and College Instructor.

“Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus.” (2 Timothy 2:3 ESV) While this message is neither comfortable nor popular, it is true. Far too many buy into the concept of a soft and easy Christianity only to lose their faith when times get hard. During these challenging times, we need Saints who are on-board for the whole ride, even when

You can email Pastor Rodney at rodney@allegiantministries.com


Continued from “Abandoned Project ?”

Glory Udoh ( MSN, BSN, RN) — Clinical Coordinator in Home Care Saskatoon in Saskatchewan Health Authority, Canada; Director of the Favored Ones International (a ministry for single moms); A teacher of the Word and blogger.

single mom? How will you cope with raising the children? Who will pay your mortgage and bills? Who will take the children to extracurricular activities? Your kids will become wayward because you are not there for them. You know the school is very expensive, how will you pay for it? Student loan? You know you are working part-time and you cannot work all your shifts now because you need more time for full-time study. So how will you cope financially? You will go bankrupt!” These and many more negative thoughts made me abandon my dream for three years. Then one day, it dawned on me that my financial situation did not get better within the three years and there were some jobs I loved and could have applied for, but lacked the degree.

To pre-order Glory’s new book “Redefine Your Identity”, email her at glokuf@yahoo.com

It suddenly occurred to me that circumstances may never get better. If I’m waiting for things to be perfect in my life before I enroll in school, then I will only be deceiving myself because it may not. Ecclesiastes 11:4 said “farmers who wait for perfect weather, will never plant.” So I decided to trust God like father Abraham. I silenced all the negative voices in my head and registered by faith. Faith here does not mean the elimination of my fears, but rather, me choosing to work through my fears while trusting God to eliminate the obstacles as I go. It was a rough two years. Sleepless nights, financial difficulties, but God saw me through. Working part-time, schooling full time, taking care of my kids and meeting my financial obligations! How this happened? I don’t know, but God did it for me because He is a miracle-working God!

Continued from “God’s Comfort . . . ” goodness. I believe He will continue to use me to comfort others with the comfort I have received.

If God did it for me, He will do it for you too. Don’t be the Jack-of-all-trades and master of none. Pick one thing this year and dedicate yourself to working on it until it becomes a reality. God wants you to succeed and He is committed to equipping you with all it takes to achieve that dream or goal of yours this year. Pick up that abandoned project and complete it for tomorrow waits for no man. The clock is ticking away and so is your life. Make haste now while the sun is still shining, and God will give you the grace to finish strong.

Although I continue to miss my husband greatly and cry often when thinking of him and my loss, I know he would not want to be here. I am truly happy for his “gain,” as Paul described it. He is in paradise with my Lord. He has reached the goal. He has finished his race. He has received the prize. I know God has a plan and purpose for me during this next season of my life. I don’t doubt that His plans for ministry will involve the wonderful home He gave me. I have no concern regarding when I will join my husband and other loved ones in heaven, only that I finish my race well.

Melodee obtained her BS in Nursing. In addition to being President of her nursing organization, she operated a Case Management business for 35 years. Her passion for missions led her to receive training in medical missions, chaplain intensive training, encountering Islam, Christian disaster preparedness, and human trafficking. Mission trips include Indiamedical clinics, Uganda- surgeries, clinics and orphanages, France- Gypsies, Israel- bomb shelters, Philippines- crusades, Lebanon- Syrian refugees, and Vietnam-leprosy colony and orphanages.

You can email Melodee at melodeebattenschlag@gmail.com


Continued from “Sailing With Jesus ” There was no way to get her to the clinic. It was 30 minutes to the closest little town. I could not take her on my bike. It was smashed. I had passed a car a few kilometers back and knew he must be coming this way soon. So I stood in the road and hailed him down and very quickly we had her in the car and off to the clinic.

Buchan, standing on the tip of the mighty African continent looking out over the Indian and Atlantic oceans, God for the third time put me to task on the biggest journey of my life: “Sail west, My son, sail west.” “Why, Father, why?” “Go, My son, go--sail west!” What a crazy, impossible, unimaginable mission/task! I prayed so hard out of so much confusion and doubt. So many obstacles confronted me--physical and spiritual.

An hour later the head nurse and I were holding hands praying together to Jesus when the little girl died. I wept openly for hours. This cannot be true! God wouldn’t allow this to happen. She had died in my arms, and I had I commanded her to come alive—and she did —then died again in the clinic. I was finished!

I was in partnership with two other people, so how was I going to manage jumping in the yacht and simply sailing “West,” the instruction God had given me? God what do I say to my wife? What do I say to my partners? Filled with these crazy impossibilities, I felt hopeless asking God, “How do I even start?” His reply was calm and full of peace, simply saying, “I will make that happen for you.” And I am sure of this, that “He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:6).

God wouldn’t choose me to do kingdom works and allow this to happen to me? I just wanted to run away, hide and give up! The devil wanted revenge. I did not think I could recover from this. I asked God “why did you not take me instead of this little innocent child? Why her and not me?“ My mind and heart were mush. I thought, “There are no kingdom works for me!”

First attack directly after I got instruction from God. Ordinarily this would throw a person off track! A young girl 9 years old died in my arms I found myself crying out to God to bring her back to life.

Don’t miss the next section of Des Pollock’s Dairy in our next issue!

She gasped. The air sucked into her lungs and she wet my arms while carrying her to safety off the road. This wasn’t happening! No, this cannot be true. This is a nightmare. No way this is real. I had given myself to God and was flooded with the Holy Spirit. I knew God’s anointing was upon me. Yet, the masses of Africans from this rural village came out wailing, weeping for the girl. Some youth began chanting and pointing at me angrily. I lifted the limp girl and carried her to the side of the road. I held her up and cried aloud, “In the name of Jesus save her, Father save her!”

My name is Des Pollock and I am a Cape Town-born South African. My life has been shaped by oceans and the healthy lifestyle it brings, I consider myself a well rounded “water man “. I have been blessed growing up along the East Coast of Africa- living between Cape Town to Kenya.

I could not hold back the tears after she sucked in the air and then I was drenched from her bladder release.

My career path has consistently been self employed in the construction and tourism sectors.

Some hands grabbed her and tried to pull her off me and I shouted again - Jesus help me!

I am qualified as Master of yachts - Captain of power and sailing vessels up to 200 Tons .

The mamas of the village came and chased the angry young men away, whilst still pointing at me, accusing me of the accident.

I am currently restarting HCF in Panama, sailing and yacht charters in the beautiful waters of Bocas Del Torro archipelago.

I gathered my wits and got the head mama to help me. I said, “She is alive, and I want to take her to the hospital immediately.” I became very much in control and miraculously everyone obeyed and stood aside. “I am taking her to that hospital now,” I shouted with tears streaming down.

Our Dear Lord Jesus called my name more than a decade ago and has engraved kingdom works deeply in my heart. I consider this road choice to be the highest honor of my life. You can email me at Despollock22@gmail.com.



he Healthcare Christian Fellowship (HCF) is a non-profit interdenominational organization among caregivers. In 1936, Francis Grim, a Christian businessman in South Africa, and his brother, Carl, visited their elderly father daily in a local hospital. During these visits they noticed that the patient’s physical needs were well taken care of, but their spiritual needs were largely ignored. Francis was alarmed and concerned about the lack of spiritual care. He realized that many patients pass

through the healthcare systems of our world who do not pass through our churches.

Yet, when they are ill, they often want to reach out to God: A God they do not know. They need someone to teach them the Good News of Jesus’ forgiveness, care, healing, joy and salvation. He began to train a small group of student nurses how to share their faith with their patients and fellow workers. This was the beginning of what has now become Healthcare Christian Fellowship International (HCFI), a world-wide movement among all branches of healthcare, active in over 100 countries around the world. Go to www.hcfglobal.org for more information. Doctrinal Basis

The Doctrinal Basis of HCFI shall consist of the essential beliefs of Biblical Christianity, including: • •

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The unity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in the Godhead. The person of our Lord Jesus Christ as very God and very Man, born of the virgin Mary, His real and sinless humanity, His atoning death, His bodily resurrection, and His ascension into Heaven. The Divine inspiration and supreme authority of the Holy Scripture in all matters of faith and conduct. The guilt and depravity of human nature in consequence of the Fall. The substitutionary death of our Lord Jesus Christ, and His resurrection, as the only way of salvation from sin through repentance and faith. The necessity for the new birth by the Holy Spirit and His indwelling in the believer for sanctification and service. The personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ and the judgment to come for the just and for the unjust. The resurrection of the body and eternal life. 11

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Hell as a place of eternal punishment for all who rejected the Lord Jesus Christ. Heaven as a place of everlasting blessedness for all who have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ.

In brief, HCFI places a strong emphasis upon the Deity of Jesus Christ and His Atonement; regeneration by the Holy Spirit and His indwelling fullness in the believer for personal victory and fruitfulness; the supreme authority of the Scriptures and the importance of personal and group evangelism. Healthcare Christian Fellowship, USA Healthcare Christian Fellowship, USA (formerly Hospital Christian Fellowship) is the United States chapter of Healthcare Christian Fellowship International. It began in 1972 at a small hospital in San Clemente, California. A nurse, Aubrey Beauchamp, started prayer meetings at her home. In time this small beginning became a national movement among Christian Caregivers. Aubrey has retired and Eithne Keegan has taken over the leadership of HCF USA. She can be reached at hcfusa53@gmail.com . Our mission is to encourage and strengthen caregivers in their faith, workplace, and personal life, promoting Biblical principles in healthcare. We train caregivers to meet the spiritual needs of their patients and fellow workers. You can also visit www.hcfusa.org for more resources and to know how to be part of what God is doing in the health fields of USA and beyond. Watch this Youtube video courtesy of Philippine HCF.

JOIN US on YouTube and Facebook Healthcare Christian Fellowship, USA P.O. Box 3439, Laguna Hills CA 92654-3439



North American Prayer Retreat Hosted by HCF USA , Canada, NAMENA, UMO & HOME

March 9-12, 2022 Via Live & Zoom from Emmaus Spirituality Center Houston, Texas, USA

Theme verse: Matthew 26:41, (NIV)

Keynote Speaker : Pastor Gita Surendranath

“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. “

Register now at hcfusa.org

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Next Healthcare Pulse magazine

July 2022

May 15h, 2022 to hcfusa53@gmail.com

Christian Compassion Since 1972

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Healthcare Christian Fellowship, USA P.O. Box 3439, Laguna Hills CA 92654-3439 Phone: (949) 312-7284


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