HCFUSA Healthcare Pulse March 2022

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ABANDONED PROJECT ? by Glory Udoh journeyed blindly not knowing the destination but choosing to trust God for every step. Step by step, he finally reached the promised land that his father could not reach (Canaan). A land flowing with milk and honey. Please remember, if you do not leave good, better will not come and if you do not leave better, best will never come your way. Take the risk today for a better tomorrow!

The article below was published in January 2021 on her blog.

This is January, and we have all started our individual journey. We have set things in motion that may never be reversed. Some of us have made new year resolutions, initiated some projects, or decided to resurrect the ones we buried or abandoned. I assure you that there will be different stressors: distractions, financial stress, family responsibilities, ill health and negative comments from family members, friends, and colleagues. Will you reach your goals this year or will you allow instant gratification to derail you from your ultimate goal? Terah found a beautiful city that offered temporary security, food, emotional stability, housing, etc., but he forgot that he was in transit.

s we look around us every day, we see ruins of abandoned projects: houses left uncompleted, business buildings abandoned due to lack of funds. Several projects initiated in our homes and organizations took up with speed and zeal. Along the way, due to mostly lack of in-depth planning or lack of funds or fear, the projects were abandoned or aborted, never to be completed. How many projects have you started and abandoned halfway in your life? I have had some and as a result, have some regrets in my life. There are so many people now living in regret because they did not finish school. So many people are stagnated in a particular position because they failed to complete some essential training that would have led to their promotion. Some who were laid off during this covid period can attest to the fact that they would have remained in their jobs if they went the extra mile to obtain an additional certificate that would have made them more relevant in their place of work and hard to let go. Why so many unfulfilled dreams and abandoned projects? Excuses, fear of the unknown, refusing to take risks! In Genesis 11:3, a man named Terah left his home country (Ur) with his family to go to Canaan as instructed by God. He did the right thing by obeying God and left with his family, but came to Haran and settled there instead of Canaan. Is Haran the land that God promised him? NO, but he settled in Haran (a transit land) and finally died there without reaching the promised land (his goal). What a tragedy!

Please never settle for second best. You are a priceless jewel in the hands of God, your creator. Do not settle for that abusive relationship, or that draining job, move on to your promised land! Stop listening to distractors, stop blaming your parents and situations. God has not forgotten your address nor your name and he wants you to get back into the game. Get up and move! Go back and register in that school or that trade now, not tomorrow! I attempted registering for my master’s program 3 times before I finally went in. Each year, excuses will surface: “Have you forgotten that you are a

God, who always fulfills His word because He can never lie, told Abraham (Terah’s son) in Genesis chapter 12, ”leave your present location (Haran) and go to the land I will show you” just as he instructed his father (Terah). Life may sap the last drop of your energy, make you live in disillusionment, but God never forgets his promise to his children. Abraham left and refused to settle. He decided to complete the project his father abandoned which is to reach their goal (the promised land). Like his father, he

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