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source: http://clipart-library.com/clipart/pcodG7xqi.htm

References: “Weaving Parish Nursing into the New Millennium” Presented by the International Parish NurseResource Center in 2000.


Sarah Koshy is the former Clinical Director for Maternal Child Health at the Kaiser Permanente Downey Medical Center. At Kaiser, Sarah and her team worked on several projects including moving from Bellflower to the new Downey Medical Center. Sarah was instrumental in the design and strategy of the NICU, Pediatrics and PICU. Sarah, with dedicated staff , obtained full certification from California Children’s Services for Pediatrics and NICU. She established the NICU Parent Advisory Council which gave parents a voice to make key policy changes and started a New Graduate Program in Maternal Child Health. In 2016, Sarah retired after nearly four decades in the medical field. After retiring, Sarah received the California Senate Resolution Award for meritorious service. Today Sarah takes part in the Health Ministry Nurses at UUMC Irvine which is partnered with the Hoag Faith Community. She also takes classes through Coursera, plays Sudoku, and enjoys traveling with her children.

With contributions and thanks to the dedicated Health Ministry Nurses at University United Methodist Church: Nora Caffrey RN, Mickey Chase BSN, Kathy Hartman RN, Joy King RN, Sarah Koshy MBA RN , Kay Lucas RN, Linda Mirshafiee MSN RN, Margaret Napper LVN, Tammy Rice MSN, RN, Bonnie Wright RN

For more information, email Sarah at sjkoshy16@gmail.com

the waters!” Not a wink of sleep from midafternoon all the way through the next morning. Fatigue crept in quickly. Frantic, desperate work. All electrics were out. No navigation, no pumps, no autopilot. But God was faithful, and eventually I safely reached Portobello in Panama.

My name is Des Pollock and I am a Cape Town-born South African. My life has been shaped by oceans and the healthy lifestyle it brings, I consider myself a well rounded “water man”. I have been blessed growing up along the East Coast of Africa -living between Cape Town to Kenya. My career path has consistently been self employed in the construction and tourism sectors. I am qualified as Master of yachts -Captain of power and sailing vessels up to 200 Tons . I am currently restarting HCF in Panama, sailing and yacht charters in the beautiful waters of Bocas Del Torro archipelago. Our Dear Lord Jesus called my name more than a decade ago and has engraved kingdom works deeply in my heart. I consider this road choice to be the highest honor of my life. You can email me at Despollock22@gmail.com.

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We continue to intercede for hurting nurses who are struggling on many fronts with work, family, and their personal mental, spiritual, and emotional health. Ask God to lead them into quiet times with him and to bring them into fellowship with those who can support them. Thank God for this amazing ministry of nursing, of entering sacred caring spaces with the sick and hurting, of teaching to promote, maintain, and restore health, of washing bodies and feet in Jesus’ name. We are greatly blessed to be nurses.

Source: NCF Prayer Calendar for May-June (ncf-jcn.org)

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