3 minute read
Susan Johnson, MPH, RN-BC

by Susan Johnson, MPH, RN-BC
aith Community Nursing (FCN), (formerly known as Parish Nursing), is a bit like a kaleidoscope revealing everchanging shapes, patterns, and an array of brilliant colors with every turn. Faith Community Nurses (FCNs) are continuously adapting to new situations that come to them in all levels of urgency and severity. By the nature of this spiritually inspired preventive health nursing specialty, the FCN needs to be knowledgeable in nursing, public health, and spirituality. With this combination of skills, the FCN provides comprehensive Whole Person Care to individuals, groups, and communities of people. HOAG’s Faith Community Nurses are comprised of a group of interfaith nurses in the community. HOAG is a Magnet designated Presbyterian Hospital in Newport Beach, California. HOAG is a not-forprofit regional health care delivery network in Orange County, California.

The American Nurses Association has defined 7 Roles common to all FCN practices and include: Integrating Faith and Health – imagine someone in spiritual pain who needs someone to be quietly present at their side, to share comforting Scripture, or to pray with the person or family. A FCN can comfort people at church, in their home, hospital or on a quiet walk with someone. There are many different interfaith beliefs and the FCN in that congregation is an expert in their faith belief. Personal Health Counselor – You would like to do
better with managing your chronic disease and are ready to adopt some new healthy lifestyle choices. There are a lot of miracle cures on the internet, but some sound too good to be true. Your FCN can help you discern what information is legitimate, which are false, and which options might be the correct behavioral changes for you. Health Advocate –
“I will be turning 65 soon and it is time to choose Medicare. Where do I start? Which insurance option is best for my situation? What if I need my knee replaced and my insurance company is denying the coverage? How do I ask my doctor the right questions to get the care I need?” Your FCN can be a tenacious advocate for you in navigating the healthcare system. Where the nurse does not have the answer, he/she will help you find the right source. Health Educator – Your church would like to learn more about preventive health measures that they can support to promote brain and body health. This series of classes will include sessions on movement, healthy eating, conquering unhealthy habits and the role of spirituality in one’s health. These are educational courses that perhaps you would like to invite people from the surrounding communities to gain more information on those topics, and in doing so, allow them to learn more about your church and the role of the FCN. Your FCNs can invite resource speakers to make these classes engaging and informative.
Community Resources Liaison – Your child does not seem like the same kid since COVID came on the scene. You are worried about mental health concerns due to the loneliness and loss that we all encountered. You are not sure where to start. Is this something for the doctor to decide? Are their agencies that can help educate us as a family? Who are the recommended groups in my area? Let your FCN share resources with you. It is part of the FCNs role to research and recommend vetted agencies for whatever the person or family need may be. Develops Support Groups – As we live life, we mourn those who have gone before us. Grief is normal but can be an emotionally wrenching part of life. You do not have to grieve alone. With the help of Grief Share and other programs, people understand that their grief is unique, yet they are not alone. Your FCN can establish grief support or other types of support groups, depending on