Juneau empire ads for 05 11 2018

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1:00 7:00 2D 3D 4:00 SAT/SUN MAT


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We’re BANANAS for early educators Join us in celebrating Child Care Provider Appreciation Day on May 11. Early childhood educators play an important role in the development of young children. That’s why thread encourages early educators to take care of themselves by eating well and staying active.



PLACES OF WORSHIP ASSEMBLY OF GOD Juneau Christian Center Sunday Morning Service 10:30 am. Nursery & Kids Church. Wenesday night Youth Group at 6:30 pm. Please go to www.jccalaska.org for updated information on small groups and coming events. Phone 789-2176. Juneau Christian Preschool, Monday - Friday Phone 789-3703

BAPTIST/INDEPENDENT Riverside Baptist Church (Independent) Meeting at 4395 Riverside Drive Juneau. Service Times are: Sunday School: 9:30 AM, Sunday Worship: 11:00 AM, Sunday Evening Service: 6:00 PM. Wednesday Evening Service: 7:00 PM. Pastor Dean C Blood, 523-7790.

Lighthouse Baptist We are a friendly church that still sings the great old hymns of the faith and teaches and preaches from the King James Version of the Bible. Sundays we meet at Thunder Mountain High School. Please use the entrance located at the west end of the building, closest to the football field. Sunday School is at 10:00 am, Morning Worship at 11:00 am, and Sunday Evening Service at 6:00 pm. Please call the church for the current times and locations of our midweek Bible studies. Pastor Joe Mishler would like to encourage you to visit this church that loves the Word of God and the God of the Word. Nursery services are provided for every service, and transportation is available by calling 780-4383.

BAPTIST/SOUTHERN First Baptist Church of Juneau On Twin Lakes next to the Pioneer Home. Leading people to a practical faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Sunday school for all ages, 9:30a.m., Worship Sunday 10:45a.m., 6:00p.m. and Wednesday 6:00p.m. Pastor Eugene Williams. Phone 780-4434

Glacier Valley Baptist Church 3921 Mendenhall Loop Road, Sunday Bible Study for all ages, 9:00am, Sunday worship services at 10am and Sunday Prayer Service at 6pm. Child care provided at our morning service. AWANA Clubs, Monday evenings (call for more info); Adult Bible Study Wednesday 7pm. Home of Valley Baptist Academy Preschool Pastor Gordon Mills, 789-7348

BIBLE CHURCH Northland Bible Church Services: Sunday School - 10 AM • Sunday Worship - 11 AM • Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study - 7PM (907) 364-2116 NorthlandBibleChurch.org Located in the Mendenhall Mall Annex, Suite 5E

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science Church For time and location of Sunday Services, call 988-2468

CHURCH OF GOD • CLEVELAND, TENN. Glacier Valley Church of God 8497 Thunder Mountain Rd. Sunday School 9:45a.m., Sunday Worship 11:00a.m., Sunday Evening Service 6:30p.m., Wednesday Christian Enrichment Night and Youth and Children’s Clubs, 7:00p.m. Pastor Richard Green, 789-3605

CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS • JUNEAU ALASKA STAKE Mount Juneau Ward — Lemon Creek Chapel at 5100 Glacier Hwy. Sunday 10:00-11:10 AM Sacrament Meeting, 11:15-1:00 PM Sunday School, Adult, Youth and Children meetings.

Auke Bay Ward — Auke Bay Stake Center at 10585 Glacier Hwy. Sunday 9:00-10:10 AM Sacrament Meeting, 10:15-12:00 PM Sunday School, Adult, Youth and Children meetings.

Nugget Falls Ward — Auke Bay Stake Center at 10585 Glacier Hwy. Sunday 11:30-12:40 PM Sacrament Meeting, 12:45-2:30 PM Sunday School, Adult, Youth and Children meetings.

ECKANKAR Eckankar Discover how Divine Love is experienced through the Light and Sound of God. Please join us the second Sunday of every month for our statewide teleconferenced worship services, 9:30 a.m –10:30 a.m. Call 1-646-307-1300 use access code 9677447. 586-5955 for more information or visit eckalaska.org or eckankar.org

EPISCOPAL Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Sunday at 8:30 and 11:00 AM - Holy Eucharist. Sundays at 10:00 AM Communion at Wildflower Court. Wednesdays at 12:05 PM- Healing Eucharist. Wednesdays at 7:00 PM - Compline Other services as annouced. Childcare available on Sundays at 11:00 AM. Come worship with us! 415 Fourth Street, holytrinity@gci.net, www.trinityjuneau.org 907-5863532

St. Brendan’s Episcopal Church 4207 Mendenhall Loop Road, Sunday: Holy Eucharist: Rite 11, Sunday School and Child Care at 10:30am; fellowship hour follows the service. Healing prayers on the first Sunday of each month. Adult Study Group meets on Sunday mornings at 9:00am. Food Pantry, Thursdays 4:30 - 7:00pm. St. Brendan’s Galley, Thursdays 6:00pm, meal and fellowship provided. The Rev Caroline Malseed Priest-in charge. 789-5152 sbsecretary@acsalaska.net

LUTHERAN Faith Lutheran Church The church of The Lutheran Hour KINY (800) (LCMS) Sunday at 6:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a.m. – a warm welcome is extended. Telephone 789-7568, 789-4117. Email: faithlutheranjno@gci.net. Located at 2500 Sunset Drive.

Resurrection Lutheran Church (ELCA) RLC, a welcoming place, is located at the corner of 10th and Glacier, across from the Bill Ray Center. 9:30 a.m. Sunday service. We celebrate the Eucharist weekly. We are a community seeking to serve Jesus Christ and ways to live in God’s Grace. Please come and join us, you are always welcome! 586-2380.

Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (ELCA) Everyone is warmly welcome to worship with us! Children are a gift, and are welcome at worship services. Sundays at 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. We are located at 4212 Mendenhall Loop Road. For more information about us or our food pantry, call 789-4093 or email sov@alaska.net. Love INC partner church. Pastor Tari Stage-Harvey. More information about weekly programs at sovlutheran.org


The Salvation Army

3220 Mendenhall Loop Road across from Kodzoff II Mobile Home Park. Sunday school for all ages at 9:45 a.m., Sunday morning worship at 11:00 a.m., and Sunday evening service at 6:00 p.m. On Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. teen activities; and at 7:00 p.m. adult Bible study and prayer and children’s activities. A nursery is provided. Phone: 789-2724. Dan Wiese, Pastor.

439 W. Willoughby Ave. We are a Christian Church located downtown across from the Salvation Army Family Store. Sunday’s at 10AM, we have a Sunday School for all ages and our worship service is at 11AM. Our social service office and food bank hours are Tuesday’s 9-11:30AM and Thursday’s 4-6PM. Women’s meeting Wednesday’s 10-12PM, Adult Bible Study Thursday’s 5:30PM, Men’s Bible Study & Fellowship Friday’s 12-1PM. Lt’s. Lance and Dana Walters, Corps Officers/Pastors (907) 586-2136


Valley Church

Church of the Nazarene

Auke Bay Bible Church 11970 Glacier Hwy., just past the Auke Bay Post Office on the right. Contemporary Sunday Worship services at 10am. Nursery & Children’s programs provided during service. We also have midweek activities for children, Middle school, High School, College, Men’s and Women’s groups. For updated information, please call 789-9318 or visit our us at aukebaybiblechurch.org.

Breakthrough Church We are a multicultural, mission minded church made up of real people with real joys and real life struggles. We believe in touching and impacting lives, all for advancing the kingdom of Jesus Christ. Join us every Saturday evening at 5pm for our weekly worship service at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, 4212 Mendenhall Loop Rd. Ministry to and for the whole family. Nursery available. Contact us at 907780-5121 or Facebook and breakthroughalaska.com

Calvary Fellowship Meets Sunday 10a.m. at Dzantiki Heeni Middle School Commons. Contemporary worship and Bible study. Sunday school and nursery provided for children. In fellowship with Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, Calif. Pastor Brian Ewing. For more info, 780-5618.

Church of Christ Congregational Sunday worship, 11:00 A.M. & 6:30 P.M. Bible Classes, Sunday 10 A.M. & Wednesday 6:30 P.M. Meets on corner of Mendenhall Loop Road & Trinity Drive, just south of the stop lights. For transportation, call 586-3824 or 500-7395. Minister: Gordon Johnson Office phone: 789-9339. juneaucofc. org

Douglas Island Bible Church Our church is dedicated to helping people know Christ and make Him known. Please come join us as we worship together! Sunday morning Family Bible Class starts at 9:15 a.m. Morning worship (with nursery provided) begins at 10:30 a.m. Sunday evening Bible Study starts at 6:00 p.m. We have an enthusiastic youth group for Jr. and Sr. High youth, and during the school year, an Awana Program for ages three years old through High School. If you are looking for a church that will welcome you and provide you with a feeling of family, this is the place! We are located at 2770 David Street on Douglas Island. Call 586-6350 for additional information.

Eagle Wings Community Church Come as you are, inside and out. We’re easy on people who haven’t been to church in a while. A relaxed, informal worship service in a beautiful setting. We meet at the Juneau Yacht Club at 10:00 a.m. Sundays with Sunday School following. We are kid-friendly. Rev. Larry Olson is our pastor. Nursey care provided for little ones. Questions? Call 7806057.

River Church New location! 641 W. Willoughby Ave., Suite 109, the Foodland Center, the old Good Hardware. 10:30, Sunday mornings. Follow us on Facebook for special meetings!

“My Soul shall be joyful in the LORD; It shall rejoice in His salvation” Ps 35:9. We invite you to join us this week as we meet to celebrate God’s love and receive instruction in His word. We are located at 9741 Mendenhall Loop Road. (At the intersection of Montana Creek Road and Mendenhall Loop Rd). Sunday service is at 10:30 AM with nursery and children’s classes provided during the service. Wednesday evening service begins at 6:30 PM. When you come, you will find a biblically based fellowship that is excited about the love of Jesus and ready to welcome you. Pastor Dani Cherian, 789-3513.

PRESBYTERIAN Chapel by the Lake Mile 11 Glacier Hwy, Main entrance is across from Fritz Cove Road turn right on Auke Lake Way. A Christ centered, biblical based, praying congregation, where all are welcome. Weekend Services: Sunday at 8:00am in the Log Chapel, 9:00am & 11:15am in the main sanctuary. Communion 1st Sunday of each month. Wednesday night dinner served at 5:30pm with adult and children’s programs following dinner. For more information call (907) 789-7592 or visit Chapelbythelake.org.

UNITARIAN - UNIVERSALIST Unitarian - Universalist

The Juneau Unitarian Universalist Fellowship welcomes all people to celebrate religious freedom and diversity with our growing liberal faith. Sunday’s religious exploration for all ages at 10:00am and worship service at 11:00am, with childcare provided. For more information, please check www.juuf.org or email info@juuf.org.

UNITED METHODIST Aldersgate United Methodist Church

“Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors.” Aldersgate celebrates that all persons are created in God’s image and are of sacred worth. We publicly affirm a commitment to spiritual diversity and individual integrity. Our faith compels us to be in intentional ministry to, with, and for all people, including those who have not always been accepted because of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, gender identity, sexual identity, age, physical abilities/qualities, social/economic status, family make-up, or religious background. We are a community seeking to embrace you and celebrate in God’s love with you. 9161 Cinema Drive (just past the theater). Worship is at 11:00 (summer at 10:00). For more information, please contact Rev. Karen Dammann at 7894050.

Douglas Community UM

Rev. Jason I. W. Cornish, Pastor 1106 Third Street, Douglas, AK 99824 (907)364-2408 • dcumc@gci.net We are an accessible facility and childcare is provided. Sunday Worship Service at 11:00 a.m., Children’s Sunday School at 11:15 a.m., Communion Service on the 1st Sunday of the Month. Food Pantry services are Wednesdays and Fridays, 2–5 p.m. All are welcomed here! We are a Reconciling Congregation!

Northern Light United Church

Northern Light United Church

(See Full listing under United Methodist • Presbyterian USA)

(See full listing under United Methodist • Presbyterian USA)




Catholic Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Fifth and Gold St. Downtown, Rector Fr. Patrick Casey, OMI. Mass Schedule: Saturday 5:30 p.m.; Sunday 8:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Daily Mass: Monday-Friday 12:10p.m.; Saturday 9:30 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00 p.m. or anytime upon request. 586- 1513 Rectory/Office: Fax 586-8091

Catholic Church St. Paul the Apostle 9055 Atlin Dr. & Mendenhall Loop Rd. Fr. Michael Galbraith. Mass schedule: Mon-Fri 12:10 p.m., Saturday 10a.m. (Pioneers Home) and 5:30p.m., Sundays 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 4:00 p.m. (Spanish) and 5:30 p.m. Confessions Saturday 4:00 p.m. 789-2648 Rectory. 789-7307 Office. 790-3430 Fax.

SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST Seventh-day Adventist 4343 Mendenhall Loop Road, where Jesus Christ is uplifted as Savior, Lord, and soon-coming King. Services on Saturday (the Sabbath). Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. for children and adults, Worship Service 11:15 a.m., Saturday evening fellowship 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Studies at 7:00 p.m. We have a church school, grades K-8, telephone 780-4336. On cable TV look for “It is Written” Sunday, 9:30 a.m. on Channel 13, TBN and Channel 125, 3ABN. Tune in to KQQJ 90.7 FM, for local Christain radio. “Discover” and “Amazing Facts” Bible lessons are free upon request. Pastor: Nathan Stearman. Church telephone 789-7644. Everyone is welcome.

Valentine Building. 119 Seward Street, Suite 1. Unity is affiliated with the Association of Unity Churches and the Unity School of Christianity. We are a new thought fellowship on a journey of awakening to the presence of Love. All are welcome to join our Sunday celebration of the Divine within. Sunday, 10–11:15am. For information call 907-723-9979


10 AM, Youth and Adult Education. 11 AM Worship and Children’s Education with fellowship time afterward. Nursery provided. The service is live streamed and archived at http://livestream.com/ nluchurchjuneau. Youth group, women’s fellowship, men’s breakfast, a variety of singing groups, and study and service opportunities – there is a place for you! More info at 586-3131, nluc@ak.net, www. northernlightchurch.org or Facebook. Northern Light is a fully accessible, Reconciling and More Light United Methodist/Presbyterian Church (USA) union church located at 400 W. 11th Street. Phil Campbell, pastor. No matter who you are, no matter where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.

UNITED PENTECOSTAL INTERNATIONAL United Pentecostal Church of Juneau

1650 Glacier Highway. Sunday School for ages 3-Adult at 10am. A Fellowship Time with refreshments follows at 11am. Sunday Worship Service begins at 11am. Wednesday night Bible Study at 7pm. Call 586-2045 for more info or visit our website: upcofjuneau.com

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MEETING & EVENTS SCHEDULE May 11-21, 2018 This listing includes meetings currently scheduled as of April 30, 2018. For updates, please refer to: https://beta.juneau.org/calendar Friday, May 11, 2018 Noon: School Board Facilities Committee Meeting, JSD Glacier Conference Room 1pm: Bartlett Regional Hospital Planning Committee, BRH Admin. Boardroom Saturday, May 12, 2018 11am-5pm: Maritime Festival, Alaska Steamship Dock Monday, May 14, 2018 11am: Docks & Harbors Infrastructure Week Kick-Off, Chambers 5:15pm: Bartlett Regional Hospital Board Executive Committee, BRH Admin. Boardroom 6pm: Assembly Human Resources Committee, Chambers 7pm: Regular Assembly Meeting, Chambers Tuesday, May 15, 2018 Noon: Bartlett Regional Hospital Governance Committee, BRH Admin. Boardroom Noon: Ribbon Cutting, Statter Harbor: Breakwater Safety Improvements & Auke Bay Marine Station Efforts 5:30pm: Assemblymembers visit to Marine Exchange of Alaska, 1050 Harbor Way 6pm: Project Playground Steering Committee, City Hall Conference Room 224 Wednesday, May 16, 2018 Noon: Ribbon Cutting, Seawalk located at Downtown Library/ Archipelago Lot: Seawalk Safety Improvements & Cathodic Protection Project Noon: Title 49 Committee Meeting, Marine View Building 4th Floor Conference Room 5pm: Building Code Advisory Committee, Juneau Fire Hall 5:30pm: Assembly Finance Committee, Chambers (tentative) CANCELLED Thursday, May 17, 2018 Noon: Ribbon Cutting, Harris Harbor: Harris Bathrooms & Groundbreaking for Taku Harbor Repairs Noon: Planning Commission Auke Bay Implementation Committee Meeting, Marine View Building 4th Floor Conference Room Noon: ADA Committee, Downtown Library Large Conference Room 5:15pm: Bartlett Regional Hospital Finance Committee, BRH Admin. Boardroom 5:15pm: Wetlands Review Board Regular Meeting, Valley Library Large Meeting Room CANCELLED 6pm: Joint Assembly/School Board ALICE training, Chambers Friday, May 18, 2018 10am: Airport Board Operations Committee, Airport Alaska Room Noon: Ribbon Cutting & Customer Appreciation Day @ Aurora Harbor: Aurora Harbor Phase II Project Monday, May 21, 2018 Noon: Public Works & Facilities Committee, Chambers 5pm: Assembly Lands Committee, Chambers 5pm: Sister Cities Committee Meeting, Downtown Library Small Conference Room 6pm: Assembly Committee of the Whole Worksession, Chambers ASSEMBLY AGENDA/MANAGER’S REPORT THE CITY AND BOROUGH OF JUNEAU, ALASKA May 14, 2018 7:00 PM City Hall, Assembly Chambers Regular Meeting 2018-14 I. FLAG SALUTE II. ROLL CALL III. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS A. Special Recognition: Youth Hockey Teams B. Presentation of Check for Social Service Grants C. Proclamation: Infrastructure Week IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. April 2, 2018 Regular Assembly Meeting 2018-08 B. April 23, 2018 Regular Assembly Meeting 2018-11 C. April 25, 2018 Special Assembly Meeting 2018-12 D. April 30, 2018 Special Assembly Meeting 2018-13 V. MANAGER’S REQUEST FOR AGENDA CHANGES VI. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS VII. CONSENT AGENDA A. Public Requests for Consent Agenda Changes, Other Than Ordinances for Introduction B. Assembly Requests for Consent Agenda Changes C. Assembly Action 1. Ordinances for Introduction a. Ordinance 2017-06(AU) An Ordinance Appropriating to the Manager the Sum of $8,180,300 as Partial Funding for Various Departments’ Fiscal Year 2018 Operating Budgets; Funding Provided by Increased Revenues and Fund Balance. b. Ordinance 2018-29 An Ordinance Authorizing the Manager to Execute a Utility Permit for a Water System Reconstruction in a State Right-of-Way with the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities. c. Ordinance 2018-30 An Ordinance Amending the General Penalty Code. d. Ordinance 2018-31 An Ordinance Amending the Land Use Code Relating to Sobering Centers and Emergency Shelters. e. Ordinance 2018-33 An Ordinance Authorizing the Manager to Execute a Permit for Road Reconstruction in a State Right-of-Way with the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities for the Intersections of D Street and 3rd Street (Douglas Highway) adjacent to 915 and 916 3rd Street and H Street and 3rd Street adjacent to 1316 3rd Street in downtown Douglas.

2. Resolutions a. Resolution 2821 A Resolution Providing For Interest Rates For The General Obligation School Refunding Bond Being Issued To Wells Fargo Securities. 3. Bid Award a. Bid Award - Bid No. 19-004 Term Contract for Parking Enforcement and Security Services b. Bid Award - Project Playground Liquor License a. Liquor License Applications NEW LICENSE APPLICATION Beverage Dispensary Tourism License #5631 and application for a Restaurant Designation Permit, Tailwind JNU LLC d/b/a Tailwind Concessions; Location: 1873 Shell Simmons Drive, Ste. 220 (Inside airport security), Juneau. LICENSE TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP Distillery License #5506 Amalga Distillery LLC d/b/a Amalga Distillery; Location: 134 N. Franklin Street, Juneau. APPLICATIONS FOR LICENSED PREMISES CHANGES Package Store License #2976 No Creek Jack Inc. d/b/a Duck Creek Market; Location: 9951 Stephen Richards Drive, Juneau. Brewery License #5517 Devil’s Club Brewing LLC d/b/a Devil’s Club Brewing Company; Location: 100 N. Franklin Street, Juneau. VIII. PUBLIC HEARING A. Ordinance 2018-04(b) An Ordinance Amending the Land Use Code Relating to Variances. B. Ordinance 2018-23 An Ordinance Authorizing the Manager to Execute a Lease of the Eagle Valley Center Ropes Challenge Course, Located near Amalga Harbor, to Southeast Alaska Independent Living, Inc. C. Ordinance 2018-26 An Ordinance Amending the Property Maintenance Code to Reference the International Property Maintenance Code 2012 Edition. D. Ordinance 2018-27 An Ordinance Authorizing the Sale of Foreclosed Property Located at 333 W. Ninth Street by Sealed Competitive Bid. E. Ordinance 2017-06(AN) An Ordinance Appropriating to the Manager the Sum of $50,000 as Funding for Juneau Community Foundation’s Park Program; Funding Provided by the Sales Tax Fund’s Fund Balance. F. Ordinance 2017-06(AQ) An Ordinance Appropriating to the Manager the Sum of $20,000 as Funding for Capital City Fire Rescue; Grant Funding Provided by the State of Alaska, Department of Environmental Conservation. G. Ordinance 2017-06(AR) An Ordinance Appropriating to the Manager the Sum of $100,000 as Funding for Juneau Community Foundation; Funding Provided by the Sales Tax Fund’s Fund Balance. IX. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Ordinance 2018-12(b) An Ordinance Appropriating Funds from the Treasury for FY19 School District Operations. B. Ordinance 2018-13(b) An Ordinance Creating Local Improvement District No. 200 for a Riverbank Stabilization Project along the Mendenhall River between 9399 Rivercourt Way and 3463 Meander Way and Appropriating the Sum of $5,095,000. C. Southeast Alaska Land Trust v CBJ Assessor - Appeal X. NEW BUSINESS A. Export Manufacturing Property Tax Exemption XI. STAFF REPORTS A. ERV 2nd/Franklin Purchase Date Extension B. Douglas Highway Water Main Project XII. ASSEMBLY REPORTS A. Mayor’s Report B. Committee Reports, Liaison Reports, Assembly Comments and Questions C. Presiding Officer Reports XIII. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS XIV. EXECUTIVE SESSION A. Litigation Update: CLIA v. CBJ XV. ADJOURNMENT


REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 7:00pm Assembly Chambers The following agenda items are scheduled for consideration: Applicant: Gretchen Powers Case No.: USE2018 0003 Location: 10497 Fox Farm Trail Proposal: A Conditional Use Permit for a year-round bed and breakfast Applicant: Hank Martin Case No.: AME2018 0002 Location: 4535 N. Douglas Highway Proposal: A proposed rezone of the property from D3 to D15 Applicant: Taku Horticulture Company LLC Case No.: USE2017 0006 Location: 1758 Anka Street Proposal: A Conditional Use Permit for a marijuana cultivation facility Applicant: Elaine Schroeder Case No.: ADP2018 0001 Location: 1706 Willow Drive Proposal: An Alternative Development Permit for a reduced street side setback to accommodate workshop space over an existing garage Applicant: Alan Wilson & Sydney Mitchell Case No.: USE2018 0005 Location: 504 E Street, Douglas Proposal: A Conditional Use Permit for an accessory apartment on a non-conforming lot To view the public notice and mapped location associated with these cases please visit https://beta.juneau.org/assembly/assembly-minutes-and-agendas

ADA Accommodations Available Upon Request: Please contact the Clerk’s office 72 hours prior to any meeting so arrangements can be made to have a sign language interpreter present or an audiotape containing the Assembly’s agenda made available. The Clerk’s office telephone number is 586-5278, TDD 586-5351, e-mail: City.Clerk@juneau.org Published: May 11, 2018


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