Juneau empire ads for 06 06 2018

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55 Extra-Tuff Bingo Contest Rules:


SPECIAL ASSEMBLY MEETING THE CITY AND BOROUGH OF JUNEAU, ALASKA June 13, 2018 5:15 PM City Hall Assembly Chambers Special Meeting 2018-16 I. CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL II. AGENDA TOPICS A. O RDINANCE FOR INTRODUCTION Ordinance 2018-20 An Ordinance Authorizing the Manager to Sell Four City and Borough of Juneau Parcels, Located at 5436 Commercial Drive and 5433 Shaune Drive, to AKBev Group LLC. B. P UBLIC HEARING Ordinance 2018-34 An Ordinance Authorizing the Manager to Execute Utility Permits with the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities for the Construction, Repair, and Maintenance of City and Borough of Juneau Utilities in State Rights-of-Way. III. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS IV. ADJOURNMENT ADA Accommodations Available Upon Request: Please contact the Clerk’s office 72 hours prior to any meeting so arrangements can be made to have a sign language interpreter present or an audiotape containing the Assembly’s agenda made available. The Clerk’s office telephone number is 586-5278, TDD 586-5351, e-mail: City.Clerk@juneau.org Published: June 6, 2018 AO- 110502


If you are interested in improving your health, whether it’s reducing your chances of type II diabetes or just shedding a few pounds, one of the simplest and most effective changes you can make is to quit drinking anything with calories or artificial sweeteners. We all know that soda is bad for us, even if we are in the habit of drinking it. What many health conscious people overlook, however, is that juices have just as much sugar. Our bodies simply aren’t made to process so much sugar, especially fructose, that quickly. Unfortunately for those who drink diet sodas, numerous studies have substantiated that drinking them leads to the same weight gains and health problems as regular soda. That’s believed to be because the artificial sweeteners wreak havoc on the part of your brain that signals satiety, causing you to overeat foods that do have calories. Try cutting out drinks with calories and artificial sweeteners and you’ll be amazed at how quickly you get used to it and at the positive changes you see in yourself.

David Cesar Maintenance Mechanic II “My wife’s been working here 22 years, and she kept telling me what a great place it was to work. I gave in and now have been here for 11 years. There are a lot of fantastic people who work throughout the entire hospital-good doctors, nurses, Patient Access Services, all the departments. My family spans several generations here in Southeast. I was born and raised here and I take a lot of pride working here. I’ve been in the medical maintenance field for going on almost 20 years. It’s fantastic that the Bartlett Regional Hospital Foundation puts up framed student art every year. In 1977 when I was in 3rd grade they hung up my picture and my Mom still has it, so that’s pretty neat.” As a member of the BRH Maintenance Department, David buzzes around campus “doing all typical building maintenance, inside and outside, from painting to leaky pipes to un-clogging toilets to hanging TVs to working on the boilers.” BRH sponsors David’s American Legion Post 25 Baseball Team. They won the state championship for the first time in 34 years in 2017.


Community Kickoff Event

Eaglecrest, Juneau Community Foundation, and the Eaglecrest Foundation invite you to a presentation of plans to build a public-use cabin in the Upper Hilda Meadow area. Thursday, June 14, 2018 5:30-6:30 PM Eaglecrest Lodge • Juneau, Alaska

For more than 20 years, Eaglecrest has dreamed of building a public-use cabin to expand their outdoor recreation facilities and increase year-round use of their extraordinary property on Douglas Island. Please Join Us! Learn more about the project and provide your input. Be a part of building a new, accessible, public-use cabin. Donations will be matched by the Juneau Community Foundation. Light refreshments and drink will be available. Auction items too!

Jack Simpson MacKinnon July 6, 1981 - May 2, 2018 At the age of 36, Jack passed away during the early morning hours of May 2, 2018, after losing a long battle with addiction. Jack was born in Juneau July 6, 1981 and was a 1999 graduate of Juneau-Douglas High School. Jack had an infectious smile, a contagious laugh and a quick wit. He had a thirst for experiencing all that life had to offer, and a passion for the outdoors. He especially loved being at the family cabins, Hoot ‘n Hollar in Idaho Inlet and the Beach on Hood Canal. Jack did everything to the extreme. He had a big heart. Jack loved and was loved by his family, especially his niece and nephew. Jack moved to the Seattle area in 2005. He worked many years as a carpenter and equipment operator and when he passed, was a proud member of International Union of Elevator Constructors, Local 19 in Seattle. He was known for doing things right the first time, thinking about ways to shorten the process, and produced an excellent quality of work in everything he did. Jack is survived by his mother, Brenda, his father John, sisters Amy (Zach) and Libby (Ben), his nephew and niece Oskar and Ruby Dillon, grandmother Jane MacKinnon, uncles and aunts, cousins, his fiancĂŠ Kirsten Iovinelli and many friends in Alaska and Washington. He was preceded in death by his grandparents Skip MacKinnon and Charles and Joyce Brouwer and his aunt Gayle Sandison. Services will be Saturday, June 9 at C.I.Shenanigans, 3017 Ruston Way in Tacoma.

ROBERT A. BREFFEILH, MD announcinghis hisretirement retirement as isis announcing as Ophthalmologist and the closuresof Ophthalmologist and the closures of his businesses.

TONGASS REGIONAL EYE CLINIC AND GLACIER OPTICAL, effective July July 31, Effective 31, 2018 2018. Along with with his Along his staff staffatat

TONGASSREGIONAL REGIONAL EYE TONGASS EYECLINIC CLINIC ANDGLACIER GLACIER OPTICAL, AND OPTICAL, Hehewould thankthe thecommunities communities wouldlike life to thank of of Juneau for aavery veryfulfilling fulfilling Juneauand andSoutheast SoutheastAlaska Alaska for career. ItIthas hasbeen been pleasure to provide hishis pleasure to provide carecare and andmeet meetmany many wonderful people. wonderful people. Dr. Mary Ann Ann plan planon on Dr.Breffeilh Breffeilhand andhis his wife wife Mary Juneauremaining remaining their home to Juneau their home basebase and and hopehope to have havemore more time travel extensively. time to to travel extensively. hiscontinued continued hope an Opthalmologist ItIt isishis hope thatthat an Ophthalmologist will will eventually providefor eventually come tocome JuneautotoJuneau providetoservices servicesJuneau for Juneau SE Alaska. and SEand Alaska.

Please the office officeat at Please contact contact the

(907) 586-2700 should you have any questions or need

Should you have any questions or need copies copiesofofyour yourmedical medical records. records. AfterJuly July31, 31,2018, 2018,aamessage message can After can be beleft left theabove abovenumber number and and someone at at the someonewill will respondas assoon soon as as possible. possible. respond StopbybyGlacier GlacierOptical Optical and and ask ask us Stop us about about our clearance sales!

our clearance sales!

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