UX/ Service Design Porfolio

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Service Design User Experience Pei-Jung Lin


Catalog Introduction 1 UX / Service Design Processes 2 TWiss: A Skill Exhange APP for Taiwan Users 4 Organic Restaurant: A Service Design 10 Approach to Increasing Brand Awareness

Introduction I am a service designer from Taiwan who resides in Tempe, Arizona. I graduated from Warwick University (UK) with an M.A. in Service Design also hold a B.A. in Hospitality Management from National Taiwan University of Hospitality and Tourism. I enjoy helping people and also love designing services and experiences that are more user-friendly. My drive for UX design comes from a passion for holistic living, which reveals itself through balanced designs. I am making great strides in my UX design development, and hope to join a firm where I can not only satisfy company standards, but also fulfill stakeholders’ expectations.

My core values are: 1. Integrity 2. Empathy 3. Creativity 4. Curiosity 5. Perseverance


Process and Toolkit of Serivce Design


Users’ Research Stakeholder Research Market Research Shadowing Competitor Analysis Contextual Inquiry SWOT analysis



Brainstorming Affinity Map Customer Journey Map Personas Cognitive walkthrough Feature Prioritization


Experience Prototype Service Blueprint Roadmap Business Canvas Value proposition Usability Testing


Follow-Up Survey Customer Feedback Customer Rating

Process and Toolkit of User Experience Design

Users’ Surveys Shadowing Stakeholders’ Interview Market Research Competitor Analysis SWOT Analysis


Launch Final Designs and Flows Customer Feedback Evaluation

Brainstorming Card Sorting Personas User Journey Map Cognitive Walkthrough Feature Prioritization



Sketching Wireframe Prototype Information Architecture


Develop Visual Design Interaction Design

A/B testing Usability testing Heuristic evaluation



A Skill Exhange APP for Taiwan Users

The challenge

Nowadays, it is challenging for the freshman in the workplace to make enough money for their living. Needless to say that they can afford for learning new skills for their professionals or habits.

New skill!

Goal A. Develop a research-informed understanding of when, how, and why people want to learn new skills and set goals. B. Understand the current challenges people face with learning new skills, finding right mentor and managing their time in learning skills. C. Design a product that improve user experience of finding right people to learn new skills successfully with respect to (1) clearly customized their needs, (2) develop features function to assist them along the way in learning new skills, and (3) identifying the chronological order of activities in order to work towards finish learning specific skill.

Guiding Question A. How and why do users want to learn new skills? B. How and why do users manage learning a new skill? C. How might we improve users experience in finding the right mentor and allow them to maintain consistency in learning new skills?


Users’ Surveys Personas Empathy Map User Journey Map Competitor Analysis Research



Customer Feedback Evaluation

Define based on the research



User Flows Sitemap Sketching Wireframe Prototype



Usability testing Heuristic evaluation

Visual Design Interaction Design


User Surveys and User Interviews A. App is more convenient for them comparing to web browsers B. The desire of the product is to assist the user to find a suitable mentor, and encourage users to be consistent with their learning process. C. The expected features should be including a variety of skillset, learning level of s a simple profile of mentors, chatting function.


Empathy Map & User Journey Map




Competitive Analysis Defining the strategy •Eliminate people’s needs to require multiple platforms to accomplish from finding the right mentors, managing timeline, customized reminders, to achieve the goal of learning new skill. •Provide people with a fully functional system to simplify matching opportunity and managing time, through DNA matching, messaging reminder system, scheduling, and real-time progress on goal. •The system needs to be user-friendly, simple, and efficient. There are a lot of apps for skill exchange, but none of them assist the user along the way. •Focus on user experience life cycle and provide a considerate and interactive product.

User Flows



Based on the primary research, I drafted an application map to explore the possible arrangement of information and features of this application. I focused on important features which were informed by the user- a clear navigation, assistance to achieve the goal, reminder for the meeting. Then map out how it could be possible to relate each feature to the other. As for user flows, I drafted it as a technique to ensure there was no dead end and the flows is smooth and reasonable.

Wireframe and Prototype Keeping the user core priorities in mind, I sketched the first low-fidelity, pen-and-paper wireframe based on the content of user flows and sitemap. Then I designed a mid-fidelity wireframe to run the first round of usability testing.

People do not like the “sad face” icon, but prefer competition feature to motivate them have a higher possibility to complete skill learning session. Moreover, the users were confused with the meaning of dashboard. We thought we will keep user interested, so we changed the “sad face” features into competition feature which can also link to social media to invite friends to compete. We removed the word “dashboard” and changed it to “Home”.



Iterate and more testing After the first prototype, I based on the first round of user testing to modify some important features. The user in the first interview and heuristic evaluation had revealed that it was important to have a reminder embedded to allow user to make sure that they accomplish their skill exchange meeting. It was being suggestion that game and friend system will create a positive influence and cycle to involve their real-life relationship and motivate them to use the app more. Another features being modified was calendar, the users were more used to calendar rather than lists of date. Hence, I also add this function to allow users to use the app more frequent and engage in their daily life.




Logo and Branding

#238bb7 #e54323

#cd1950 #1e2c59

#1b2b57 #efea3a

As soon as I gathered user feedback from the testing, I then start to focus on the user interface, logo, and the color of the app to represent the personality of our app. By interviewing with the primary user about the abstract they would link to when thinking about “skill” and “exchange”, and combined user feedback. I drafted out the logo of our app with three version of the color and blue and yellow one was being selected the most. The name of the app ”TWiss” represents: TaiWan Ideal Skill Share, and the name of the brand is also catchy and easy to remember.


Organic Kitchen

A Service Design Approach to Increasing Brand Awareness

The Challenge A. B. C.

Low cycle time rate (3.2) Low brand awareness B2C disconnect

Goal A. B. C.

Increase cycle time rate Increase brand awareness Build a stronger relationship between organic restaurant and existing / potential customers

Guiding Question A. B. C.

How to improve cycle time rate? How to increase brand awareness? How to build a stronger relationship between organic restaurant and existing / potential customers ?



Research Design Users’ Surveys Personas





Customer Journey Map Competitive Analysis Affinity Mapping Prioritization Experience Prototype User cases Service Blueprint Roadmap

Evaluation Customer Feedback


Research Design My research design is based on the guiding question. First, I decided to conduct surveys of existing customers, potential customers, and an organic restaurant. Surveys content was based on previous research, with an aim of uncovering any disconnect within the B2C relationship. Each party received identical questions relating to the relationship of the other party, e.g., ” What aspect of the service would you want changed?”, “What aspect of the service do you think the customer would want changed?” Mixed-method quantitative and qualitative analysis was used to interpret survey results, including correlation and variation.


Surveys for Organic Kitchen

Surveys for customers

Users’ & Stakeholders’ Surveys

Through initial steps of customers and restaurant surveys, we had a better understanding of both perspectives. I decided to create a persona based on the research we had done so far, so that the user will be more vivid and we can understand more about the characteristic of our customers.



Customer Journey Map

Competitive Analysis Other than the primary research, I also decided to research other organic restaurants in Taiwan. I researched online based on the keyword of “organic restaurant� in Chinese to gather the competitors. Based on the customer journey map. I created a list of factors that have touch points with customers.


Affinity Mapping

S1. Online and offline marketing campaign promoted with reasonable incentives. S2. Rebuild presentations and environment of the restaurant. S3. Redesign story of food and main menu.

Offline Marketing Incentives

Presentation of the business and product

Digital Marketing Environment

Experience Prototype Based on the results that we have redefined through the research and define phase, I created an experience prototype to integrate our strategies, and visualized how our strategies could change customers’ overall emotion fluctuation.



Usability Testing A. Marketing online and offline are both crucial because there are different influential factors towards the older market and younger market. B. Creation of wall art and quotes about business value is important. C. The story of food could include the producers and how the food are grown. It should also be included in the main menu. D. Service Training should be the initial steps to allow the changes to be effective and collaborative.

Service Blueprint After modifying our experience prototype based on first-round testing, I created a service blueprint prototype to provide guidance on how our strategies will be provided, specifying the physical evidence, staff action, and support system to deliver service across different channels in order to have a comprehensive understanding of its service and underlying resources and process.


Prioritization 1. Service Training 2. Sign Design 3. Creative Dishes 4. Story of Food 5. Menu Design

Road Mapping

6. Sharing Program 7. Accompany Discount 8. Offline Marketing 9. Late Lunch Discount

With the roadmap, I was able to ensure the plans are implemented responsively.

Evaluation of goals According to the primary goal of this project, there were three goals to be achieved: A. B. C.

Improved lower cycle time rate: 3.2 5.0 Increased brand awareness: Facebook fan page traffic improve 30% Organic search increase by 23% Rebuilt a stronger relationship between organic restaurant and existing/potential customers: customer experience improve by 19% (based on online ratings and surveys)


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