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11/2010 started university

07/2010 high school leaving Diploma

09/2005 entered high school

12/2012 elected as a rapresentative for architecture students for the UNi department council

2011 volunteered over a year in afterschool club at DADO a cohousing community

06/2010 moved to the countryside

01/2010 visited Auschwitz-Birkenau with TRENO DELLA MEMORIA

09/2004 started playing the guitar

2002 decided to become an architect

08/12/1991 born in Torino



student of Architecture BA levels at Turin Polytechnic University +39 328-0609963 junior.perri.91@gmail.com

from 09/10 to 01/12 part-time worker for R.EDI. s.r.l. building company

www.realizzazioniedili.it info@realizzazioniedili.it

from 09/12 co-worker for AREAprogetti architecture studio

www.area-progetti.it info@area-progetti.it

from 01/13 part-time worker for EDILPERRI building company



“complicating is easy, simlyfing is difficult”


Bruno Munari



“complicare è semplice, semplificare è difficile”



#work at university




#work at university

WHAT Politecnico di Torino partecipated in the Solar Decathlon Europe, 2014 edition. In february 2013 over 400 students applied to join the team, out of them only 64 students were selected from 21 differerent UNi courses, from Architecture to Mechanical Engineering, from Construction Engineering to Urban Planning. The aim of this edition was to propose models for ecological urban housing, in order to limit the soil consumption and energy resources. Solar housing must be simple and affordable, in order to easily reduce the amount of non-renewable energy of a city. Sunslice is a town house which is developed in height, owned by one family, with the main facade looking onto the street, a private garden at the back and it has a private terrace on the top floor; it uses solar energy to produce electricity and heat. Sunslice re-uses empty urban spaces, filling voids, or reurbanizing brownfields which used to be industrial areas, now abandoned. Sunslice is organized in servant space, in which there are pipes and technological equipments, and living space. The owners can choose: the facade, internal spaces and materials used; in this way each Sunslice resembles the identity of their family, guaranteeing privacy as a single detached house even though it is located in the city. Urban Sociology team has researched if the house really would work in Torino’s society, by conducting a research survey among students, professors and personell all part of Torino’s university. Urban Sociology, like Engineering, is an important part in defining innovative building type.

SOLAR DECATHLON 2014 02/13 - 07/14


international competition for universities of Architecture and Engineering with Matteo Robiglio as faculty advisor for Politecnico di Torino, Alfredo Mela for Politecnico di Torino as Urban Sociology sub-team referent http://www.sunslice.polito.it/ http://www.solardecathlon2014.fr/en/






A street until ‘60s

60% 41%


A street nowadays


WHAT The class project was placed in Borgo Rossini, a district of Torino that has been growing from the end of nineteenth century to the 1970’s, that now is in between the city centre and the city outskirts under regeneration. The aim of our course was to work in the district following the example of Smart Cities, densifying the blocks, filling the voids and re-shaping public spaces. All these in order to give the district a higher quality of life and attractiveness, this way suburbanization and soil consumption is reduced. The class was divided into 20 groups and every group took care of a part of the district, from the neighbourhood scale to the technical details. When you project a building it is important to look at it at different scales, seeing how it works with the surrounding context, how details are determinant also when you look at a building from the outside, trying to design a system coherent in every single way. A lot of attention was given to save energy consumption inside the buildings, studying the ITACA protocol and using it as a primary part of the project process. Eco-building means eco-logic but also economical saving for the inhabitants.

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SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE 3rd year project-course with Alessandro Armando and Roberto Pagani from the Politecnico di Torino http://atelierecobuilding.wordpress.com/


WHAT “Imagine that Turin and Milan don’t exist for a while. What would happen in the middle areas? Now the existent urban realities depend evidently on the two main cities. If Turin and Milan, are temporarly switched off, these realities could have the opportunity to express their own identity in a whole new city. The magnetism of Turin and Milan towards the middle area has always concentrated activities and production, in a special way from the economic boom of the last Post-War, creating around them satellite-cities that would never have had the possibilities to demonstrate their specific vocation. Making Turin and Milan vanish for a while the middle area may rediscover economic and cultural initiatives that will involve actively the population. The idea is to connect the differences. All these differences that do already exist in these middle urban realities and are caused by local specifity of handcraft, agricolture and culture. This is a widespread heritage that we have to valorized. Without attractive poles we create a deep net of materic infrastructural interconnections – the viability – and virtual – web connections – through the half sleeping town could eventually emerge. The macro-areas in which we sub-divide the middle area are the new attractive poles that are part of a single reality that become a system. The game is over! Switch on the realities of Turin and Milan back on. The clusters of the middle area may start to cooperate with the major cities without being a dormitory cities or satellite industries. Cooperation wins the competition!”


from 14.00 of 10/11/12 to 14.00 of 11/11/12

STRATEGIC PLANNING a 24h workshop organized by PLinTO, between Polytechnic of Turin, Delft, Thsingua University, Istanbul and PennState University Matteo Robiglio and Federico de Giuli as Turin’s Lecturers http://www.plinto.org/24hoursworkshop/

WHAT Detroit shows us the paradox of the capitalistic system. The economical model has strongly determined the form of the city and therefore the lives of its citizens. The failure of the one-company town shows us the loss of urban identity in Detroit and that in the last decades it has become a sort of suburban city. Detroit is a particular case, you can not use the traditional methods in urban planning. Just innovative ideas that are ment just for that city are the only possible way to find a solution there. The workshop was held by professor Jason Young from Detroit, who wanted us to have a once in a life time experience. His method concerned the use of “non casual given”, which are everyday objects, we used for example bags of flour. Working with a “non casual given” made us realized that we could find a solution to complex problems using non traditional methods. This is what the professor defined as “the maybe-maybe of the not-not”. The workshop lasted only eight hours making it really difficult for us to find a real solution to Detroit’s problems. Working with a “non casual given” normally takes weeks to accomplish something concrete. The workshop taught me to always try and find an alternative way of thinking about a problem and not undestimate the little particulars, like the drops of water that were falling from the ceiling in a cavity in our workspace creating a smoothing sound.

#DETROIT SPACE 30/04/2013

URBAN REGENERATION One day work-shot with professor Jason Young from the Michigan State University http://detroitspace.blogspot.it/



WHAT A typical flat of the ‘50s is now readapted for the needs of a couple that want a more open apartment which used to be maze-like with a dark lobby in the middle of the apartment, just one bathroom and two little bedroom, and the outside terrace was connected to the inside in just a few points. A smart wooden forniture now creates soft borders between different parts of the house, using different heights and a sliding door, like the one that can divide the office from the living room, however these spaces are directly in contact in everyday life. There is also a glass wall with sliding windows,that gives continuity to the living room and the terrace. The two bedroom were combined to create one master bedroom, defined as the private area of the apartment. The house has three different shades of intimacy, going from the living room to the more quiet bedroom filtered passing through the home office.


INTERIOR project for a refurbishment of a penthouse flat for a couple via Tiziano 46, 10126, Torino, Italy private

un elemento d’arredo che definisce gli spazi della casa

furniture that defines the space

lobby living room salone


home office studiolo

WHAT A family that recently moved to the countryside from the city, wants to change their lifestyle by creating a farm. The project regarded the location and the design of new buildings for agriculture and touristic purposes, new spaces are needed to process vegetables, fruits and poultry, and a stable for 10 horses. Row-tipe buildings are well integrated in the country-side landscape and they also strenghten the identity of the farm, that will become a food&wine tourism location. The farm’s main goal is to pursue a sustainable use of the land, which is a growing trend in the Piemonte region, thanks to association like “Slow Food”, that also come from Piemonte. The house used to be a barn and it was recently restored, now it will become part of the farm. The first phase of the project is the extension of the house where the agricoltural products will be processed and stored. During the summer it will also be used as a “trattoria” which serves food grown on the farm. The second phase is the workshop, stable and a clubhouse covered by a light wooden canopy. These spaces are divided into three “boxes”, that have got flat roofs which can be used for storing or as terraces, the spaces between the “boxes” will remain as covered patio. This is a low-cost architecture due to the use of wood and the lightness structure, this project derives from tradition yet it is contemporary.

4000mq orchard 120m spin grapes 150m hedgerow berries 4000mq horse activities 200mq hen-house 180mq heated greenhouse 1

180mq greenhouse 2

90m row hazelnuts

3 4

1500mq garden



3 4

FARM 2.0 05/13

ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPE project for a bio-agricolture farm strada dei Tramporetti, 10070, Barbania private

WHAT The new terminal is made by two architectural elements: the building itself and a large pergola, which covers the bus-stop area, the square in front of the cafè and the terminal. The pergola is needed to obtain external and internal environmental conditions adapted to the climate of Messina, giving also a strong characterization to this architecture: the pergola is typical to the mediterrean that ensures the best shade in every season. The pergola is painted with photocatalytic coatings and it supports creepers plants, in order to reduce air pollution and hide the traffic inside the terminal from the city. The passenger building is a single large level, arranged parallel to the quay and to the maneuvering areas and bus stop. This organization clearly divides pedestrian from the vehicle; the entire area, with the exception of the cafeteria, is fenced off and reserved exclusively for cruise tourists. The cruise terminal is just on the ground floor, without escalators or lifts, making it completely accessible to everyone, keeping it a low building thus not covering the seaside view from the city. The external walls are formed by massive elements, that are the main structure but also contribute to the isolation, with good thermal inertia, combined with free-cooling as a passive strategy. At the edge of the terminal is located a cafÊ and a panoramic terrace. This creates an extension of the central square to reinforce the relationship between the city and the sea, currently fenced off by the port, being also a beutiful gate to the city for the approaching tourist.


SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE competition for the new cruise terminal via Vittorio Emanuele II , 98165, Messina , Italy Messina Port Authority



Bertola factory is one of the most important chromium plating factory of the Piemonte region, working for motor companies such as Audi and Fiat. The old factory is located in the centre of a village. Now the company needs to move the factory closer to the highway between Torino and Genova. Inside the new factory there is the production area and also the offices, created as an extrusion of the building. The outside of the building is very simple and clear, just prefabricated concrete panel, polycarbonates plates and glass, the structure is not coated, which means that construction is quicker and cheaper. At the same time the design of the whole building wants to astonish the customers of Bertola, that links the company to simplicity and clearness throw in the contemporariness. Inside the offices more attention is payed to the quality of the interior, the offices are placed around a patio in order to create a more luminous inside. The patio and the large window in the angle make it a more pleasant workplace; during work-breaks but expecially during meetings with customers.



relocation factory and offices bertola s.r.l.


capannone industriale a Cherascho


ottobre 2014 CBC_01 CBC_01_PE.AR.IMG.05


ott 2014




prima emissione


WHAT The city council of Gallarate has decided to convert the old building of the secondary school in a public library. To make an attractive new library, located outside the historical centre, the public space outside the building needs to be reshaped, and enhancing the entrance with new gates. The library will have a ground level thats continues into the garden by a slow ramp outside. The building was originally built at the end of nineteenth century. Its main features are regular, large and flexible spaces, but the width of the wings is a limit for a modern public library, but the U-configuration suggests the occupation of the backyard. A new building fills the space between the two original wings giving it a new center. The strict symmetry of the school is contradicted by a free glass facade with shading wood, by volumes also going outside the building containing the cafÊ on the ground floor and the children’s library on the first floor. Thanks to the increased surface there is now enough space for all the facilities needed in a contemporary library, not only reading rooms but also room to study in groups or individually, listening to music, enjoying digital content. Each user can find their private space, inside a public space like the library. A library not only for everyone, but also for the individual.


REUSE AND RESTORATION competition via Gaetano Bottini 3, 21013, Gallarate, Italy city council of Gallarate

WHAT A wooden cottage built in the second half of the XIX century is now the summer cottage of a family, after the grandparents moved to Turku after the second world war. Nowadays the family has different needs, there is space for only 4 beds, just an outside toilet, no insulation, which means it is only used during the summer. Instead of demolishing it and building a new house it has been suggested to conserve the old house as the core of a new house and the place of living. The house is linked to lots of memories that must be conserved, and it is also part of the landscape heritage The internal walls and ceiling are lined by insulation, in order to preserve the fragile but still intact wooden elements of the facade, such as the frames of the windows. Behind the house a new part is added, in which there are three bedrooms and a bathroom. Its skin is made by thin wooden strips that resemble the forest just behind it. The new part is a minimalist volume that thanks to large windows bring the outer landscape inside. For the same reason the little window located on the south facade of the old house is now enlarged in order to have a good view of the river that flows in front of the house.



study for an enlargement of a family cottage Tervahaudantie 29900 ,Merikarvia , Finland private

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