The Indestructible Warrior That No One Sees Written by; Junior Salas
Since before the beginning of time there was a GOD. That same GOD, created angels to worship and serve him. One particular angel was second in command. He was perfect in all his ways. Both in beauty and deeds. His name was, Lucifer. He worshipped GOD like no other angel did. He was so perfect, that he developed an ego. He allowed pride to enter to his heart. He secretly devised a plan to over throw GOD and sit on his throne. He convinced one third of GOD’s angels to help him to take GOD’s throne for himself. He told them that they would be all equal. The other angels refuse and stayed faithful to GOD. But GOD knows and sees everything. He knew that Lucifer was trying to overthrow him. One day, Lucifer and his angels came to worship GOD. Instead of bowing before GOD, him and his followers drew out there swords and headed towards GOD. GOD grave Lucifer and the angels multiple chances to back down, they refused every chance they got. GOD threw them aside, him and his angels drew out their sword and went to war with Lucifer. The war was brutal, but ultimately GOD would prevail. Then GOD cast out Lucifer and his angels into the heart of a planet called, earth. He created a fiery place for them and named it, hell. GOD change Lucifer’s name. Now his name was satan. Which means, adversary. GOD molded earth to his choosing. It took GOD six days. He created, trees which brought out fruit. He created animals, fowls, and creatures the creeps upon the earth. He saw his creation and it was good. He planted a garden, and in the middle of it. He plant the tree of knowledge of good and evil. GOD rested on the seventh day. GOD said, ‘‘let’s make man, and let’s make him in our image.’’ Out of the sand GOD created man. The man didn’t have no movement. GOD breathed in him. The man became a living soul. GOD named the man, ‘‘Adam.’’ GOD placed him in the garden. GOD told him, ‘‘you could eat any fruit you want. But, don’t eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. If you eat it, you will die.’’ Then he brought all his creations to Adam. GOD said, ‘‘Call them whatever you choose. That’s what they’ll be called’’ Adam named them to his choosing. After he was done, Adam fell into a deep sleep. GOD said, ‘It’s not good for men to be alone.’’ Then GOD took a rib out of Adam. Then GOD closed his flesh, and created woman for Adam. When Adam woke up, GOD presented the woman to Adam. Adam said, ’’Your name is, Eve. Because, you’re the mother of all things.’’ GOD told Eve, ‘‘Thou shall eat whatever you want. But, thou shall not eat from this tree. If you do, you will die.’’ They were nude, and weren’t ashamed. One day, Eve was in the garden. satan tempted her to eat the forbidden fruit. She took a bite and gave some to her husband. Their eyes were open, and took leafs to cover themselves. They heard GOD coming, so they hid themselves. GOD ask, ‘‘where are you Adam?’’ GOD knew what they’ve done. GOD ask, ‘‘What hast thou done?’’ Adam blamed it on his wife. GOD asked the samething to Eve. Eve blamed it on the snake. GOD told Eve, ‘‘Since you listened to the snake. You’ll subjected to thy husband for all thy days. When you’re delivering a child, you’re pain will greatly multiplied.’’ He turned to Adam, and said, ‘‘Since you hearken thy wife, you’ll eat from the sweat from thy brow. GOD drove them out of the garden, and put an angel to guard it. They worked hard for all their days. Six thousand years past, GOD transformed himself into human and came to earth. He taught his ways, they crucified him. Thousand nine hundred sixty-four years has passed since the redeemer’s death and resurrection. A couple were expecting their fourth child. It was a healthy baby boy. One in a half year later, a healthy baby
girl was born. They lived in two different places. The girl, (now in her teens.) lived next to the boy. (also, in his teens) The teenage girl saw the teen boy. She fell inlove. They dated for a couple o’years, eventually got married. Two years later the woman was with child. satan started attacking her unborn baby. satan attacked the unborn child profusely, the woman almost lost her child. But, GOD was protecting her and her unborn child. satan continued to attacking her child until she gave birth to the baby. satan attacked the new born baby boy, he tried to kill him. he almost had the baby’s life. GOD was protecting the baby, and delivered the baby out of the hand of satan. he left him with a demonic spirit called, cerebral palsy. That’s going to torment him all his days. This is where the story really begins. The baby grew up into a toddler, wondering why he was like this. His mother told him about a GOD. She told her son that He could make miracles. The toddler believed his mom. The toddler begin to pray to GOD to take away the demon from him but no response. Yet he knew that GOD had heard him, and never lost faith the GOD would heal him. He saw his cousins running around, and he saw his friends running on the playground. He would put on a smile to hide is pain. About two years later, the child met a beautiful girl. The child had a crush on her. Another two years later, the two had the same teacher. The child and the girl started talking every other day. As time went by, they began to talk frequently. The child fell inlove with her at a young age. But, the demon that tormented him didn’t allow him to be with her. He began to cry out GOD, to cast it out from him. They graduated from elementary, the child and the girl went to different middle schools. The child grew into a pre-teen, the pre-teen always liked the sport of football. But thanks to the demonic spirit, the pre-teen couldn’t be in middle school football. The pre-teen didn’t allow that bother him. Time went on, the teen graduated from middle school. He went on to high school. There, he saw his first love for the first time in three years. The girl grew into a young beautiful teen. The teen boy said to himself, ‘‘Maybe this time, GOD will answer my prayers. I can be in football and if she wants to, would could date each other.’’ Still no response from GOD. The teen prayed, begged, and plead to GOD to heal and cast the demon out of his body. Like always, the teen would ignore his condition and smiled all the time. The teen went on with his school work. But, all he would think about was dating her and being a high school football player. Time went by, the teens graduated from high school. The teenage boy never got to live out the high school life he always wanted. Months has passed since the teen graduated, he kept asking GOD to take away the demon. GOD still kept his silence. A couple of years passed by. One night, the young man was going to bed. As always, the young man said his prayers before falling asleep. He finished praying and went to a deep sleep. God came to the young man in a dream. The young man saw a big, huge, gigantic tall man. But the young man couldn’t see his face. A great beautiful light was shining in the background, the light almost blinded the young man. The young man put his hands in front of face to see the great gigantic man. After looking upon him, the young man had proceeded it wasn’t no ordinary man, it was GOD who stood before him. The young man bowed down before GOD. The young man asked GOD many questions. GOD replied to him, ‘‘Son, I will answer all thy questions at the end of the world and when I create the New Jerusalem and the new earth.’’ GOD took the young man by the hand and started to fly. They flew for minutes. The young man saw a black dot afar off, and he wondered what it was. As they came close to it, the black dot became bigger and bigger. They entered into eternal darkness. It was so dark, the young man only saw GOD. He saw
another dot but this time it was red. They drew near to the red dot. As the young man looked upon it, he saw fire and flames he realized it was hell. They stood at the gates of hell. The young man saw and heard the screams of all the tormented burned souls, he turned away because the scene was horrifically disturbing. The young man asked GOD, ‘‘W4hy did you take me here GOD? I thought you were going to show me heaven.’’ GOD turned the young man towards him, and said, ‘‘Son, I took you here for one purpose and one purpose only. For you to take back what satan and his demons stole what I intended for you before thy birth.’’ GOD gave him armor and weapons. GOD said, ‘‘Here, put this on.’’ The young man put the whole armor. GOD gave him a shield, GOD said, ‘‘Here, take this shield. No demon will ever break it. Not even satan himself can break it. Because thou hast great faith.’’ The shield was glowing and shining gold. The young man put the armor on. When he put them on, he felt unlimited power surging through his spirit. He felt so powerful, that he thought, ‘‘No demon will ever defeat me.’’ He was going to jump into to hell. But before he jumped. GOD stopped him and said, ‘‘Son, thou hast committed many sins against me. satan and his demons will use your sins against you, to try to defeat and destroy you. The different types of weapons I gave you are the keys to destroy the demons.’’ The young man jumped into hell. As he was descending to hell, he felt the heat of the flames. He landed in hell, and he said to himself, ‘‘Man, they say the valley is hot. They have no idea what hot is.’’ It stank in there, it smelled like rotten burned flesh. He walked through hell. As he walked through the first stage of hell, souls began to reach out to him and grabbing his leg telling him, ‘‘Please, get me out of here. I can’t take this torment anymore.’’ He just shook them off, saying, ‘‘you had your chance when you were on earth. I’m sorry, but I can’t help you.’’ A demon just jumped up and dragged that soul back to fiery pit burn it again. That soul screamed the most horrific agonizing scream anyone has ever heard. The demon was just laughing and mocking him. Saying, ‘‘Scream for me! This is your kingdom of suffering!’’ The young man looked horrified, he continued to walk slowly. A demon popped up out of nowhere and said, ‘‘You here? What are you doing here? Did you come to accept the fact that you aren’t going to win and surrender? Or you jumped to our side?’’ the young man replied, ‘‘I come to take back everything what all of you have stolen from me, and make you suffer you prick!!!’’ The demon responded, ‘’you foolish child. You’ll never win. Face it, you’re doomed to failure and sadness.’’ The demon began to cuss and swear at the young man. They both ran to each other, they began fight each other. The demon gave the young man a good fight, but he prevailed. He got and picked the demon up by the neck. The demon cussed at him even more. The young man look at him, he got the sword that GOD gave him and said to the demon, ‘‘Scream for me.’’ He stabbed the demon. The demon screamed, then he turned into ashes. The young man kept on with his journey in hell. As the young man walked, he saw skeleton like souls hanging on the wall with no movement. All of a sudden, the souls started moving and screaming in agonizing pain. The eye balls started to shrink little by little, until the eye balls were gone. Creepy bugs came out where the eye balls used be. They crawled up to their skull and the eye reformed, the process started all over and over again. The young man was disturbed and just kept walking. At in another place, more fiery pits were there. Just like the first stage of hell, demons burned and tortured souls. This time, a soul was horrifically and disturbingly tortured by two or three demons in the same time. The soul begged and said, ‘‘Please!! Please!! Please stop!!’’ The demons laughed at it and repeated what the soul said. They tortured the soul, until it began to shake. It would drift into unconsciousness, and when it came to. Like always, the same thing would happen again and again. The young man said, ‘‘I just want to take what belongs to me and get out of here.’’ A tall skinny demon saw the young man, he got out of the fiery pit. The demon walked up behind the young man and said, ‘‘Oh you, yes I remember you.’’ The young man turned around to face the demon. The demon continued, saying, ‘‘I’m one of the demons that tormented you.’’ The young man said, ‘‘You fell at my feet before,
you will fall at my feet again.’’ The demon laughed and said, ‘‘You are in hell, you don’t have a chance to defeat me a second time! The world might be our playground! But, this is our house! Our realm! Our palace! Our home! Our ministry! You can’t and will not defeat us! This time, you will be brought down completely!’’ Like always, the demon used ugly profanity and cussed at the young man. The demon took the first punch, the young man blocked it. The demon rained down punches and kicks, the young man back pedaled. The demon kept on coming at him with punches and kicks. The young man dodged them, he tried to counter attack. The demon landed the first hit. The demon kept on hitting him, the young man kept dodging the attacks. Until he finally kicked the demon on the chest. That staggered the demon, but the demon kept at him. The young man was just blocking and dodging the attacks. The demon roundhouse kicked the young man, he fell to the ground and creepy bugs started to crawling on the young man. He stood up right away and shrugged them off. He screamed and run to the demon with determination, he landed powerful blows on the demon, and the demon was in pain. The young man took out a sword and said, ‘‘Dodge this!’’ He stabbed the demon with a heavenly sword, the demon screamed in pain and burned to ashes. The young man put his sword away. He continued walking through hell. As he entered to the third stage. Like many times, souls were being burned. But this time, they were hanging from hooks and rolled down in fire and sulfuric acid. When they would be rolled up, they would be all skeletal like. A big hairy demon came up and sucker punched the young man. The young man went flying to a wall. Then he fell on the floor. The young man got up and said, ‘‘Oh, you want to play like that? Ok, bring it on.’’ They both ran to each other and threw a punch, but the demon was the one who connected. The young man again went flying again. He crashed hard on the floor. The young man stood up and asked ‘‘Is that really all you got?’’ the demon got bothered and charged right at him. The demon ran and try to hit him, but the young move out of the way. He punched the demon, it just look at him and smiled. Then the demon hit him again, the head of the young man nearly twisted around. The young man fell on the floor again. The demon laughed and asked, ‘‘Is that really all you got?’’ He slowly got up, he said, ‘‘Na. I have more.’’ He got out two five inch thick and long blades from heaven. When the young man swings the blades, they would come out of the stick with chains attached to the blades. He ran to the demon, stated attacking it with the swords. The demon dodge and blocked his attacks, the man chopped its arms off. The demon screamed and said, ‘‘You’ve cut off my arms! It doesn’t matter, that won’t stop me!’’ The demon grew extra legs, the demon started laughing and cussing at the young man. The demon said, ‘‘You have no idea who you are dealing with.’’ The young man replied, ‘‘Yes I do. A demon that has a black belt in stupid that walks likes this.’’ The young man started to make fun of the way the demon walked. The demon cussed at the young man. It rammed the young man with his horns. He went flying into the wall. The demon followed him and started punching him hard. The demon was just landing punch after punch, and the young man was groaning. The demon grabbed a huge hammer and was going to hit him. The young man barely moved out of the way. The demon followed the young man swinging the hammer wildly. The young man was dodging and ducking the attacks. The demon cornered the young man, and it charged right at him. The demon swung the hammer. The young man put his shield of faith in front of him, the demon hit the shield. The hammer broke in half, the demon just look at the broken stick. The demon turned and look at the young man in shock. The young man smiled and nodded his head no. He started to hit the demon. Once again, he got out two blades. He swung and the chains wrapped around the demon’s neck, he pulled the sword back. The chains cut through its neck, the demon screamed and cut its head off. The demon burned into ashes. The young man put his swords back, he continued into the next stage of hell. He entered fourth stage of hell. He saw souls being punished and burned for their violent crimes that they committed on earth. The demons stabbed, hit, butchered, and did any violent act that
the souls did to the innocent while they were on earth. It was the one of the darkest, creepiest, ugliest, and most horrific stage he entered. One point, he saw a demon using a chainsaw and cutting the souls. The souls were in endless pain. The demons enjoyed it and laughed at the souls’ misery. This time, the young man was ready for a demon to attack. He saw a demon afar off. They both walked up to each other. They both got up in each other faces. The demon asked, ‘‘Don’t you ever give up? How many times do we have to put you down for you to stay down? How many times do we have to attack you for you to quit?’’ The young man replied, ‘‘I never give up.’’ The young man uppercut the demon. That caused the demon to do a backflip. The demon landed on its feet, and began to fight back. The demon threw blows at him, the young man blocked and dodged all of them. The young man used his shield as a weapon. The demon was daze, the young man continued his barrage of attacks. The demon just took them, grunting in pain. The young man took his blade, in sliced the demon in half. The demon screamed and burned to ashes. The young man put his weapons back, he went to the fifth stage of hell. This stage, the demons put an illusions for the souls. That illusion, was a green grass with a pool of water. In reality, it sulfuric acid mixed with fire. The souls would go where the sulfur was and got burned mixed with fire. The demons would make fun of the souls, and screamed, ‘‘You’re going nowhere! You’re going nowhere! You’re going nowhere! This is your home HAHAHA! SCREAM FOR ME! HAHAHAHA! THIS IS WHERE YOU SPEND FOR ALL ETERNITY! HAHAHAHA!’’ this place where all the liars went. A demon saw the young man, he got out of the fiery pit. It walked up to young man, and asked, ‘‘So, are you here for me to tell you more lies?’’ ‘‘I conquered that already, you can’t mess with me anymore.’’ The young man replied. The demon threw the first punch. The young man dodged the attack. Put his arm around his neck, bend the demon backwards, and stabbed the demon with his blade on his back. The demon screamed and turned into ashes. The young man put his blade back, and continued on the lower stage of hell. As he entered the sixth stage, he saw souls burned because they would envy other people. The demons would taunt the souls with what they wanted and couldn’t have. The souls would envy the demons. Everytime the souls would feel envy, the souls would get burned. A demon walked up to the man, before the demon could say anything. The young man took out his weapons, and slayed the demon. The demon burned to ashes young man said, ‘‘heh, that was easy.’’ He went on to the seventh stage of hell. This stage, souls were being burn because they would teach false doctrine and preached the false doctrine and heresy. The young man saw souls being burn for preaching the false gospel. The demons would tell the souls, ‘‘One day, GOD will come and take you out of this place.’’ Of course, it wasn’t the truth. The souls would wish and seek death, but they couldn’t find it. That would give the souls more misery. Snakes and scorpions would bite and sting them. That would give demons pleasure and laughter. The young man walked through the stage stepping on scorpions and snakes without any fear. As he walked the stage, he grabbed a demon by the neck, and yelled, ‘‘HOW MANY STAGES ARE LEFT TO THIS PLACE?!’’ The demon laughed and said, ‘‘Two more. What makes you think you’re getting what you came for and getting out here? You have a history, remember?’’ the young man just stared at it. The demon laughed and said, ‘‘Oh yeah, you’ve been a naughty, naughty, young man.’’ The young man took his blade, and said, ‘‘you to, now burn!’’ the young man stabbed the demon, the demon screamed and turn into ashes. The young man went to eighth stage of hell. This stage, he saw souls being burn because they had anger, hatred, and didn’t forgive those who did them wrong while they were on earth. The more that the souls would get angry, the more demons would torture and burn the souls. It was endless cycle of torture and suffering. A demon tried to sneak attack. The young man expected that. He was looking over his shoulder, he saw the demon coming. He moved out of the way, and started attacking the demon. The demon blocked and dodged his attacks. The demon started to hit him. He was also blocking and dodging the demon’s
attacks. It seemed that they were evenly matched. The young man began using, Muay Thai, wrestling, and jiu-jitsu, but the young man still couldn’t get the upper hand. The young man used his blades, but still no prevail. The same went on, the demon couldn’t handle the young man. It used all its attacks but the demon couldn’t bring the young man down. As the battle went on, the demon started growing weary. The young man got stronger and stronger with every hit, slam, and grapple. He got its leg and started twisting it. The demon got out of the hold. It got up and tried to slam the young man down but couldn’t. So, it tried to tackling the young man. He blocked the takedown while punching his rib cage/stomach area. He delivered very hard blows to the demon. Eventually it got down to one knee, and fell on the floor on its back. The young man started to punch the demon on its head, causing its eyes to roll back. The demon looked if it was unconscious. The young man still punched it. He used one of his weapon to finish it. He sliced the demon’s throat. The young man beat it up so bad, which it didn’t even screamed. It just turned into ashes. The young man went on to the ninth and the lowest stage of hell. He entered the stage, all of a sudden the stage turn into a beautiful seen. It had beautiful green grass, people were at peace, and it had everything beautiful through his eyes. The young man was kind of shocked. He spotted a beautiful woman, the woman was signal to go where she was with her finger and winking at him. The young man went where she was, the young went up to her. She started flirting with him. satan was looking at the young man, keeping itself hid from the young man. More demons went up the young man, disguised as very beautiful women. The young man was so confused, wondering and saying, ‘‘Is this really happening?’’ The young man was enjoying the company of the three women. He had a big smile across his face. He almost fell for the illusion, he remembered what GOD told him. ‘‘Son, thou hast committed many sins against me. satan and his demons will use your sins against you, to try to defeat and destroy you.’’ The young man snapped out it, he screamed and thrust his swords into the floor. The floor exploded and it cause the demons to go airborne, the young man jumped and slayed them all. More demons came out to attack the young man. Disguised as woman, he tried to stay focus telling himself, ‘‘They’re demons not women, stay focus.’’ He wage war on the legion of demons. He slayed demon after demon after demon. The demons got on top and attacking the young man. The young man would fight them off as a good warrior but, everytime he got the upperhand. The demons would use a sneak attack to try to bring him down. He use every weapon he had, he would slay them. But more came to attack the young man. The young man thrust his blade into floor once again. Causing the floor to explode, and causing the demons to go airborne once again. He jumped up slaying all the demons. All the demons turn into ashes. satan said, ‘‘that’s it, time to end his campaign.’’ The young man heard big stomps, the young man turned around. He saw a big demon, its lower body was like a horse, the upper body was like a man, its teeth were like lion’s teeth, its beard and horns were like a goat, its eyes were dark red, and it had a tail of a scorpion. The young man had perceived the demon that he was looking at was satan itself. The young man said, ‘‘ah at last, you came of hiding.’’ satan said, ‘‘you little *****. You don’t have any idea who your ******* with.’’ The young man said, ‘‘Yeah, I do. A demon who will fall at my feet, and will give me what’s mine.’’ The young man charged at it. He threw the first punch. satan didn’t even flinch. satan hit the young man very hard. He flew towards the wall. He hit the wall so hard, the wall had a crack. The young man got up, and charge at satan once again. The two began to throw punches at one another. They went all out, starting a war. It went back and forth for most of the battle. satan did everything to try to bring him down, but the young man kept on fighting as a good warrior. Punches and kicks were thrown. But they couldn’t bring each other down. As the war went on, the young man seemed like if he finally going to defeat satan. He finally hit satan to the ground. satan stood up and said, ‘‘you truly have no idea what you’re in for!’’ its head began to disturbingly twist, then the head came off. Then all of sudden seven heads grew, its
entire body transformed into a dragon. satan became a seven-headed red dragon. It roared at him, the young man said, ‘‘Geesh, it’s your breath in here that stinks. Not the flesh of the souls.’’ It threw fire to the young man, the young man blocked it with his shield. He tried to hit it, but it had little to no effect. He tried every single attack, but none prevail. satan hit the young man with its tail, and the young man got knockdown. The young man grew weary for all the hours he was in hell. satan said, ‘‘I will finally end your campaign.’’ The young man cried unto GOD. GOD gave him strength, started to fight once again. He attacked satan, satan couldn’t stop him. The young man threw flurry of punches and kicks, satan was taking the attacks. Until finally, he knocked satan down. It transformed himself back to an angel. But, it still had horns. The young man walked up to it and said, ‘‘Once again, I defeated you satan!!!!! Now give me what’s mine!’’ satan didn’t respond. The young man kicked it and asked, ‘‘Where is it!?’’ still no response, the young man screamed saying, ‘‘I won’t hesitate to hit you again! Now tell me!’’ satan said, ‘‘ok, ok. Its right there.’’ Pointing at it. The young man tied satan up, and took satan where it was. He smack its head on the box, and screamed, ‘‘Open it!’’ It opened the box. The young man saw everything that he wanted that he couldn’t have in life. His eyes began to get watery, he got what GOD intended for him. He threw satan to the wall. A demon popped up and tried to stop him, and it was the demon the tormented the young man since he was days old. The demon flew towards him. The young man saw it, and he got out his blade and sliced it in half. The demon just looked at satan, it screamed and turned into ashes. The young man began to fly up to the gates of hell. Once there, GOD opened the gates and He extended his arm to get the young man. Then the young man felt a hand grabbing his leg, it was satan in its darkest form. It said, ‘‘you will never get of here with what belongs to you!!! I WILL TORMENT YOU FOREVER!!!! GOD threw a bolt of lightning to satan. It fell back into hell, GOD took the man out. HE flew out of the tunnel, caring the young man. He told GOD, ‘‘I’m so tired, GOD.’’ GOD replied, ‘‘It’s all over, son. It’s time for you to rest.’’ GOD took the young man to heaven. The young man saw the beauty of heaven. The young man said, ‘‘wow! So this is heaven!’’ GOD said, ‘‘Yes son, this is heaven. This is just only the entry. There’s a lot more to see. But, this is the only what I’m going to allow to see.’’ The young man asked, ‘‘Can I at least see the streets of gold?’’ GOD said, ‘‘Yes son, you can.’’ The young man walked with GOD on the gold streets. The streets was pure gold, it was clear as glass. The young man and GOD talked for hours. GOD told the young man, ‘‘It’s time for you to wake up. When you wake, you’ll have everything you want. You’ll finally be able to walk. There’s a mansion here waiting for you. Keep my commandments and my judgements, and my kingdom will be your reward.’’ The young man left heaven with his things. He woke up, he was walking and talking. He lived the life he never had.