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We are e looking for

Lig ghtin ng Spi S es (m//f) (internship p, 5 monthss starting Fe ebruary (unt il June) ) ------------------------------------- --------------------------- ------------Philips Re search, in conjunction n with OPEN NLIGHT, are looking for 4 talented d innovation n designerss (interns) to o join us on a 5 month in ntense journ ney into new w lighting ap pplications.. The projecct will startt from extre eme situattions, inclu uding natural disasterss, refurbish hing house,, loosing sig ght, living in a multi-culttural neighb bourhood, or o a self-chosen topic th hat we agree e on. You will be asked to find concrrete, observvable incarn nations of these situaations, by establishing e g relationships with pe eople invollved. A pro ocess of in ntense obs servation, uuser engagement and d interviewin ng will then teach you how h to unco over latent needs. The ese will form m the startin ng point forr the design process. The conceptualisation w will happen in the OPE ENLIGHT lab b at TU/e, ro oughly untill the beginning of April when you present you ur first provvocative interventions . Once yourr concept iss strong enough, you will be offered d the opporttunity to mo ove to the High Tech Ca mpus, to wo ork with the e ual Experien Philips Visu nces group on o deliverin ng a professsional proto otype of youur original concept. g for the spe ecific, the n non-obviouss and the extreme: a fa fantastic opportunity to o This projecct is looking deliver a re emarkable piece p of valuable innovvation at the level of a leading innnovation co ompany. We e are hence looking for candidates that have eextraordinary BA level design skillls, that are self-driven,, ded, people--focussed an nd socially sstrong, original and nott merely tec hnology-foccussed. open-mind ------------------------------------- --------------------------- ------------Interested ? Please send your cove er letter and portfolio to o bram.knaa apen@philip preferably before 21 january, j ulttimately byy 28 januaryy 2011. ------------------------------------- --------------------------- ------------OPENLIGH T is the dessignlab of th he Intelligen nt Lighting Institute. OPENLIGHT s ets out to open o up the e domain of lighting, by developing g explorativee and experiiential propositions. Philips Re search is a corporate organisatio on and the Visual V Experiences gro up has its expertise e in n the field o of Lighting and a in Visual Perceptio on. There iss a strong relation r witth Philips Lighting and d Philips Dessign that en nables you to t harvest sspecific kno owledge. Yo ou will contrribute to a project p thatt uses Desig gn Thinking as a the way of o working.

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