KISD Sweets 2012 Pedro Jun Cologne | Germany
Project description:
Project stages:
• Brief research
- Sweets 2012 was a project managed by Prof. Jenz Grosshans, along with a project group leader Sebastian Heilmann. - The goal of the project was to develop sweet concepts to be presented at the annual ISM (international sweets fair). The theme for this year’s project (2012) was “presents” sweets. This project was based on group decision making. Although each student would eventually develop one concept, all the group discussions were primary for the resulting product concepts.
- Each member of the group presented a collection of sweets focused mainly on present sweets. As most of the group was international, we had a fair range of examples from different countries and backgrounds. - The next step was to subdivide in smaller groups to brainstorm on various occasions and motivations for giving sweets as presents. Mindmaps and other schematic panels were created and discussed briefly by the whole group. • Concept creation - Each student had the assignment to come up with 10 concepts for sweet presents, presenting each one in an A4 sheet, explaining the “reason” of the gift, as well as how would it work. - The group then voted for their favourite (specifically the ones one think had more potencial for the Sweets Fair). Each student then chose 4 concepts (as least 1 of them should have been created by their own) for further development. - The concepts were all discussed and analised by everyone, making the ongoing concepts a group decision.
• Concept development
• Catalogue data
- This stage was all about completing the product on paper. Bringing sketches and mockups for the packaging and presentation, as well as the actual sweet. These developments were again discussed by the group until the concepts were defined enough to start model making.
- We did a photo shoot with all the models for the Sweets 2011 catalogue and for online publishing. Each student also produced a text (in evnglish and german) explaining their respective concepts.
• Model making
- The ISM is the biggest annual fair of sweets in the world. In this project we had the opportunity to expose our results to the press, visitors and people in the business of sweets.
- As the concepts varied a lot on appearance, each student had to plan and build their own models, with the help of Sebastian. The project then became more individual. • Presentation
• ISM 2012
• Presentation at KISD - There was not considerable amount of discussion on this issue.
- Planning the concept presentation for the fair was nothing less important than the actual product model. We had to plan how to display the product model attractively, have an A4 sized advertisement fot the concept and also make it clear how would the product work.
KISD Sweets 2012 Pedro Jun
• Earlier concepts - After the first round of brainstorming and discussions, I have developed 3 final ideas. Every student would comment on the ideas concerning possible modifications and suitability for the sweets fair.
“Spermint” concept
“Sweet Nicotine” concept
“Milk-tooth” concept
• Concept creation - The selected concept for further development was the “Milk-tooth” concept. The basic idea was a tooth shaped sweet for putting in the gap left from a milk tooth. The main attraction of this concept was for a child to have fun with different potencial colors, shapes and flavors that
he or she could wear. The actual name of the product, as well as packaging and branding would be planned further on. KISD Sweets 2012 Pedro Jun
• Concept development - This stage was mainly weighted on the packaging development. The earlier idea was to create different characters as packaging and the correspondent types of teeth depending on each character. Later it was decided that the product would contain several types of teeth regardless of the character. - The mechanism was developed as a spinning rod inside the packaging containing the teeth, and the teeth would be secured or accessible as you spin it.
- There were a few ideas for fixating the teeth around the rod, but they all involved extra packaging or hazardous pins. Later on a simple mechanism of having the sweet slightly tucked in holes along the side of the rod. This alternative solved the problem of extra packaging and safety.
KISD Sweets 2012 Pedro Jun
Studio photo of the final models
• Model making - The model construction started with a digital vector profile of the packaging shape. This vector was used to cut medium density modelling foam (polyurethane). Wood sandpaper was applied on the foam pieces to add fillet around all the edges. - Spritzspachtel was applied on the pieces to smooth the surface and prepare it for the painting process. - Glossy finish paint was applied using airpressured pistol. - Other details of each character were later added with printed stickers. - The character’s bodies contain information just as how to use and is also used as the product hanger.
Modelling foam cutted with CNC
Rounded edges sanded by hand
Stickers for faces and accessories
Glossy pistol paint and printed stickers
Character body; hanger; information area
Real winegummies for the gummy teeth KISD Sweets 2012 Pedro Jun
Product display
• Presentation - The product display was developed as a big cartoony mouth that would hang the models inside. The glossy and chunky effects on the display were there to give the idea of delicious fluffy sweets. - The A4 advertisement consists on a plain layout with a very simple instruction schematics. - The original name “Milk-tooth” was changed so the product wouldn’t be mistaken as a sweet
made out of milk. The name “Sweet Tooth” refers to the english term ‘‘sweet tooh”, which means one that enjoys eating sweets.
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Earlier display ideas
A4 ad
• Catalogue data
- Description text:
english The “Sweet Tooth” are soft gummies shaped like teeth. It is to be given as a present to a kid who just lost a milk-tooth, so that the kid can put the sweet in the gap that the old tooth left. The packaging consists of round heads of various characters and the mouth is a spinning lid. The sweets have different tooth shapes like pointy, perforated and even with cavities (which makes the sweet very sour). The concept aims to cheer up kids when losing milk-teeth for it can be a scary or even bizarre experience. deutsch <<Sweet Toot>> sind weiche Weingummis in Zahnform. Sie sind fuer Kinder gemacht, welche kuerzlich einen Milchzahn verloren haben, sodass sie das Weingummi in die Luecke stecken koennen, welche der alte Zahn hinterlassen hat. Die Verpackung besteht aus runden Koepfen von verschiedenen Charakteren, deren Mund ein eine drehbare oeffnung ist. Die Suessigkeiten haben unterschiedliche zahnaehnliche Formen, wie zum Beispiel: spitz, mit Loch und sogar mit Plombe (Welche das Weingummi sehr sauer machen). Das Konzept soll Kinder aufheitern, die gerade Milchzaehne verlieren, da es of eine beaengstigenden oder auch bizarre Erfahrung sein kann.
Images for internet publishing
KISD Sweets 2012 Pedro Jun
â&#x20AC;˘ ISM 2012 - The project group was divided in shift groups to supervise the models at the fair. We handed out catalogues, answer questions for interested people and even gave a few interview for television press. - On the last day of the fair, we collected a fair amount of food samples from a worldwide variety of sweet and snack producing companies.
Product display at the ISM
â&#x20AC;˘ Presentation at KISD - After the fair, we explained the project process to other KISD students. All the sweets collected at the fair were handed out to KISD members.
Cotton candy and popcorn for visitors
KISD Sweets 2012 Pedro Jun
KISD Sweets 2012 Pedro Jun Cologne | Germany 11 . 02 . 2012