Company-promo Logo
Logo Usage guidelines:
Usage as shown below : Web (hex): # D9D9D9 RGB: 206 / 206 / 212 CMYK: 14% / 10% / 111% / 0%
The diamension of the artwork have been selected accordingly and should never beattered. Impropper Usage:
Web (hex): # 4AC7F0 RGB: 74 / 199 / 240 CMYK: 59% / 0% / 1% / 0%
Web (hex): # 1B656D RGB: 27 / 101 / 109 CMYK: 87% / 46% / 48% / 20% Web (hex): # 032029 RGB: 3 / 32 / CMYK: 88% / 69% / 59% / 70%
The design of the logo mainly presented the passion to the industrial design.The represented instrument in industrial design is the icon of technology hence i decided to combined it with my company name into one design concept.
Clear Space: By visually imagining a containing box around the artwork any assisting element should be at least a “ * ”s’ width away from the logo artwork. The logo should be suitable with any background. *
Current Size: The logo should always remain in circle size and not smaller than 15.0mm length and width. 15.00mm
The logo type is custom designed lettering and should never be replaced by any other type fonts. The mark and the logotype should always be used together as a complete logo.
The logo is comprised of industrial design element which the icon of technology. The company name ‘Infinity’ means unlimited of the innovations and creativity.
15.00mm >