Portfolio of Juntian 2019-2022

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Ecological importance of the site

Study of the Jiangsu tidal flat and coastal environment

Current reclamation process

Idle land after reclamation Tidal flat and salt marsh

A.build concret barrier

B.Salt elimination

C.Agriculture&water channel

Idle land after tidal flat reclamation

Pollution from local industry Industry in the reclamation zone

Intensive aquaculture Intensive aquaculture

Future planning of tidal flat reclamation and landcover change in the research zone In the coastal area of Jiangsu Province, according to current coastal reclamation and development plan of the province (2010), the distribution and management of the land for reclamation is based on the area between 2 different river esturies along the coastal line. In the map below, the future plan of tidal flat reclamation area between different esturies in 3 municipalities (Nantong, Yancheng and Lianyungang) are mapped based on the study of literature and existing document. In this project, Rudong is chosen to be the research zone for further study

Future planning of tidal flat reclamation The distribution of the reclamation area is based on the location of esturies

Reclamation plays a vital role in providing land for urban expansion and guaranteeing the food security for the Jiangsu Province (Yu and Xu.2017). Recent land reclamation schemes will cause 44%–45% loss of the most important ecotopes on mid-range and low-range littoral zones (Muller et al.2020). Based on the data from landsat 4-8, The maps below shows the trend of different types of landcover. In summary, the right chart shows that the area of tidal flat has been declining since 2000 and the area of land reclamation has been growing since 1996.

Research zone (Rudong country)




Land reclamation

100000 80000 60000 40000

Tidal flat

20000 0 1995





Landcover change in the research zone

Landcover (2000)

Landcover (1995) LA N D CO VER (1995)

LA N D CO VER (2000)

Built area and agriculture: 727991100m²

A griculture and building:727991100M ²

42759000m² BBare areland:land: 42759000M ²

Ti dal flat:500102100M ² Tidal flat: 500102100m²

Landcover (2005)

Landcover (2010)

LA N D CO VER (2005)

LA N D CO VER (2010)


area and agriculture: ABuilt griculture and bui lding:895839300M ²

75237300m² BBare areland:land: 75237300M ²

128404800m² BBare areland:land: 128404800M ²

AAquaculture: quaculture:73177200M 73177200m² ²

AAquaculture: quaculture:46798200M46798200m² ²

TiTidal dal flat:382016700M ² flat: 382016700m²

Ti dal flat:300813300M ² Tidal flat: 300813300m²

Landcover (2015)

LA N D CO VER (2021)


B Bare areland:land: 142115400M ² 142115400m²

ABuilt griculture and bui lding:919288800M ² area and agriculture:

A quaculture:147304800M ²

Tidal flat: 271883700m²

Tidal flat:178367400M ²

Tidal flat:271883700M ²


BBare areland:land: 117594900M ² 117594900m²

Aquaculture: 106347600m²

A quaculture:106347600M ²


Landcover (2021)

LA N D CO VER (2015) A Built griculture and bui lding:884268000M ² area and agriculture:


AAquaculture: quaculture:33068700M33068700m² ²

flat: 395082900m² TiTidal dal flat:395082900M ²

area and agriculture: ABuilt griculture and bui lding:743504400M ²

ABuilt griculture and bui lding:718479000M ² area and agriculture: BBare areland:land: 85581000M ² 85581000m²

AAquaculture: quaculture:32673600M32673600m² ²

Aquaculture: 147304800m² Tidal flat: 178367400m²

2021 Year

Integrated water strategies for 3 different types of reclamation zone Broader context

Nature based water strategies for risk mitigation+freshwater supply Freshwater supply capacity: 37.6 billion m³

1.Multifunctional peak (fresh) water storage + flood defence

2.Nature based coastal salinization defence solutions

Freshwater demand: 60 billion m³

Freshwater (+)

30% of the planned drainage capacity

Salinization (-)

Flood from May to October

1st grade canal 2nd grade river

+ Local sewage plant+nitrification facilities

Plain reservoir Sponge city


Stereoscopic agriculture zone Reclamation zone with soil salinization

Managed realignment zone

Water efficient agriculture

Ocean currents

Freshwater supply direction

Constructed wetland+rainwater storage

Potential peakwater storage zone+ wet agriculture

Muddy from channel dredging of Yangkou port

3 development modes in the new reclamation zone and water integration strategies

In Northern Jiangsu, there are 3 types of developing modes for most of the tidal flat reclamation areas based on 3 categories of suitability, and they are 1)suitable for agriculture,2)suitable for urban development,3)not suitable for both agriculture and urban development (Chen Cheng. 2017). For the area 1, the development mode is: “halophytes→aquaculture pond→cropland”, for the area 2, the development mode is: “halophytes→ cropland”, for the area 3, the development mode is “halophytes→cropland→urban development”(Xu et al.2017). Meanwhile, the development modes is also relevant to the per GDP of coastal municipalities (He et al.2021).

Estuary of Bencha canal

Estuary of Mafeng canal

Indicators and their weights for the suitability assessment of the tidal flat reclamation area Pre-condition for choosing the landuse type







Organic matter


Proximity to fresh water channel


Reconstruct fringing marsh Existing fringing marsh

Constructed wetland+freshwater storage

Suitability assessment of 3 development modes in the new reclamation zone

Opening the sea dike

Not suitable Urban for agriculture Weight Weight development and urban Yangkou Port

Estuary of Jueju canal

Soil quality

Fresh water availability Condition of local resources Shoreline condition



Water depth of the shoreline


Barrier condition

Constructed tidal inlet Reconstructed fringing marsh Stereoscopic agriculture

Sea dike Yangkou canal

Double dike Second grade river

Chayang river

First grade river (canal)

Tidal range

Boundary of towns

Estuary of Juekan canal

Mafeng river

Dongling river

Freshwater direction

Jueju river

Tidal flat

Ecological condition

Landscape resources

Proximity to tidal flat landscape

Ecological importance

Ecological importance

Environmental capacity

Water quality



Salt marsh and halophytes Potential room for peakwater storage+Wet agriculture




Existing water body

Jiuwei canal

Estuary of Rutai canal

Suitability + 3 development modes




Not suitable for agriculture and urban(halophytes→cropland) Suitable for agriculture (halophytes→aquaculture pond→cropland) Suitable for urban development (halophytes→cropland→urban)


Juekan river




Rutai canal

Current landuse pattern and landuse trajetories of 3 different reclamation area Based on previous study, there are 3 typical landuse pattern based on different suitability: 1. Not suitable for both agriculture and urban development ("Tidal flat→halophytes→cropland") , 2. Suitable for agriculture ("Tidal flat→halophytes→aquaculture pond→cropland"). 3. Suitable for urban development ("Tidal flat→halophytes→cropland→construction land" in the central part of the province's coastal area).

1: Not suitable for both agriculture / urban development

3: Suitable area for urban development



Crop land

2: Suitable area for agriculture / aquaculture


Urban development

Crop land


Tidal flat


Idle land


Tidal flat


SITE Crop land

Landuse trajetories and relevant soil problems Idle tidal flat Suitable soil for farming Eutrophication of water Eutrophication of soil Suitable for construction

Productivity Organic matter

Tidal flat

Soil salinity

Soil salinity

Soil salinity


Productivity Organic matter


7 years

4 years

26 years




Crop land

Tidal flat


Salt discharge

Crop land

Productivity Organic matter


Tidal flat

IDLE LAND 7 years

4 years



Crop land


Urban development

Strategies of reorganizing the reclamation process for area with 3 different suitability Based on previous study, 3 new landuse solutions are proposed: 1. Not suitable for both agriculture and urban development (return farmland and restore salt marsh) , 2. Suitable for agriculture(aquaculture between terraced field for salt discharge). 3. Suitable for urban developme (buffer for canal and restore wetland). The aim is for balancing the time, ecological value and economical profit in the process of developing reclamation area.

Managed relignment+ Siltation Promotion

Not suitable for both agriculture / urban development

Salt elimination+ Aquaculture in terraced field

Suitable area for agriculture / aquaculture

Restore wetland+ More room for the canal

Suitable area for urban development

03.Green Link

Planning of Ecoduct and Ecological corridor SITE: Gothenburg, Sweden ACADEMIC: Year1,Semester1 (Msc.) Tutor: Meta Berghauser Pont BRIEF In this project I researched the social-ecological solutions for connecting important biotopes which is cut through by highway-159 in the south part of Gothenburg. In the project I combine the design of ecological corridors, ecoduct with social benefits for people, like public open space, cycling route and urban permaculture space. Which provide different types of landscape for surrounding residents.

BLUE CORRIDOR | Park with re-opened bioswale

A. More “meaningful” slope In the bioswale based community park, the steep slope of the existing bioswale is widened and the overgrown grass along the ditch is replaced by local meadow species, so the bioswale become more visible and approachable, also the stormwater storage capacity is improved.

B. Improve accessibility One route from the main road is added and visitors from the main road can access the park directly. Also, two 1m width gravel routes linked by 3 walkable stone check-dams on the stream are built for guiding people approach the viewpoints and small playground along the bioswale

C. Better vista along the bioswale Existing shrubs and trees along the biowale are moved in order to provide better vista for visitors walking in the park and residents living in nearby houses. New local shrubs are planted in the west slope for marking and provide protection for small playgrounds in the lawn.


05. Run with water

Remediation of the floodplain + sports park, Ji An

SITE: Ji An, China TYPE OF PROJECT: Independent project SUPERVISOR: Jianjun Huang BRIEF This sports park is located in a floodplain near the Gan river in Ji-An city and every summer, part of the city would be Flooded due to lack of riverspace for holding the peakwater and lack of maintenance for the dike. Meanwhile, Gan-river is flooded due to surface runoff from nearby farmland. In this project, a sports park is designed based on the planning of a functional floodplain, where room for flood is provided and surface runoff can be purified.

RUN WITH WATER Floodplain+Sports park


JI'AN CITY, Jiang Xi

Flood/pollution of surface runoff

Erosion and pollution of muddy flat

Navigation construction

Ecologial damagement

Flood analysis and strategy for different water level

Integrated water strategies

Planning of plants Water level

River dike

Water level

Surface runoff purification

3 levels of green trail in the park level 3 Walking

Water level

Section of trails

Restoration of the floodplain grassland

Plan of green trails

Possible activities in different sites

level 3 Walking

level 2 Walking+Running

Secondary forest + Grassland along Gan River

Wood trail in the secondary forest

Runing/Bicycle trail along the dike

Beach&playground along the floodplain


Tibro water resilience system Water management planning for Tibro Kommun (2019-2020)

Groupwork project (My role: GIS hydrological analysis/Ecological corridor planning/Master plan drawing)

Construction drawing of sponge street and smart parking lot facility design

1. Redesign for Plantage Middenlaan+Sponge street solutions

Type of the project: Street design+construction drawing Site: Amsterdam, the Netherlands (Visualization, Planting design and AutoCAD drawing. Independent work in H+N+S landschapsarchitecten, 2021)

Situation of the Plantage Middenlaan Rainwater from roof

min 80mm thick concret pavers

300mm thick organic topsoil

40-50mm bedding course

(50%-60%sand; 20-30%compost; 20-30%topsoil)

200mm drainable stone base

overflow control Corten steel curb

100mm asphalt

200mm drainable stone base

200mm basecourse


Subgrade soil

Subgrade soil

overflow control

Subgrade soil

min 80mm poprous concret

stone trench 2% slope



2% slope


2% slope


(150mm) perforated pipe

Native plants suggestion


(150mm) perforated pipe

(200mm) perforated pipe connecting to stream outlet


(1.with deep root systems that absorb runoff and pollution; 2.suited to fluctuating water level)


1000 200




Construction drawing of the street proposal section(1:75)

1. Helophytes

Alisma plantago-aquatica

Butomus umbellatus

Typha latifolia

2. Higher growing plant species (no helophytes)

Angelica sylvestris

Berula erecta

Centaurea jacea

Chamaerion angustifolium

Eupatorium cannabinum

Mentha aquatica

Valeriana officinalis

Filipendula ulmaria

Galium palustre

Lathyrus pratensis

Lotus pedunculatus

Lythrum salicaria

Myosotis scorpioides

Sparganium erectum

Asclepias incarnata

Ranunculus flammula

Thalictrum flavum

3. Staying low

Ajuga reptans

Cardamine pratensis

Scutellaria galericulata

Stellaria graminea

Veronica beccabunga

Veronica chamaedrys

Proposal of the new Plantage Middenlaanwith sponge facilities

2. Energy link ---- Symbiosis system in the electric charging parking lot

Type of the project: Parking lot planning+ Facility design+Competition Site: Chengdu, China

Master plan of the parking lot (not to scale) Drainage direction Local biotope Grass mixture Bioswale plants Wood platform

Reusing rainwater

Solar power

Biowaste treatment

For phone


For cars


Single charging grid prototype +Solar power for charging +Meeting space +Biowaste treatment +Rainwater harvesting

Green maintenance

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