Juntian Chen Portfolio (2019-2022)

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PORTFOLIO 2019-2022

Juntian Chen




Inland flood prevention+Coastal freshwater supply


Facilitating circular food system in city region


Green trail+Ecological corridor



Transportation hub+Urban balcony

Sports park+Floodplain remediation 06. ENERGY LINK

Parking lot +Rainwater harvesting


Inland flood prevention+Coastal freshwater supply

Ecological importance of the site

Study of the Jiangsu tidal flat and coastal environment

Current reclamation process
Idle land after tidal flat reclamation Tidal flat and salt marsh A.build concret barrier B.Salt elimination C.Agriculture&water channel Industry in the reclamation zone Intensive aquaculture Idle land after reclamation Pollution from local industry Intensive aquaculture

Future planning of tidal flat reclamation and landcover change in the research zone

In the coastal area of Jiangsu Province, according to current coastal reclamation and development plan of the province (2010), the distribution and management of the land for reclamation is based on the area between 2 different river esturies along the coastal line. In the map below, the future plan of tidal flat reclamation area between different esturies in 3 municipalities (Nantong, Yancheng and Lianyungang) are mapped based on the study of literature and existing document. In this project, Rudong is chosen to be the research zone for further study

Future planning of tidal flat reclamation

The distribution of the reclamation area is based on the location of esturies

Research zone (Rudong country)

Reclamation plays a vital role in providing land for urban expansion and guaranteeing the food security for the Jiangsu Province (Yu and Xu.2017). Recent land reclamation schemes will cause 44%–45% loss of the most important ecotopes on mid-range and low-range littoral zones (Muller et al.2020). Based on the data from landsat 4-8, The maps below shows the trend of different types of landcover. In summary, the right chart shows that the area of tidal flat has been declining since 2000 and the area of land reclamation has been growing since 1996.

Landcover change in the research zone

Landcover (1995)

L A N D C O V E R (1995 )

Built area and agriculture: 727991100m²

A g ic lt e b ld g 7 7 9 0 M

Bare land: 42759000m²

B a e n d 4 7 0 0 ²

Landcover (2000)

L A N D C O V E (2000 )

Built area and agriculture: 718479000m²

Bare land: 85581000m²

Aquaculture: 32673600m² Tidal flat: 395082900m²

A q c ltu e 3 6 36 0 T a fla 3 5 2 00

Landcover (2005)

L A N D C O V E R (20 5 )

Built area and agriculture: 743504400m²

A g ic ltu e an b ld n g 7 35 4 4 0 B a e n d 7 2 7 0

Bare land: 75237300m²

A q c ltu e 7 17 20 M T a fla 3 0 7 M

Aquaculture: 73177200m² Tidal flat: 382016700m²

Landcover (2015)

L A N D C O V E R (20 15 )

A g i u l a b ild n g 8 2 8 0 ²

Built area and agriculture: 884268000m²

B a e n 14 1154 0 M

Bare land: 142115400m²


Aquaculture: 33068700m² Tidal flat: 500102100m²

A g ic lt e b ld g 7 7 0 M B are n d 8 58 00 ² A qu c ltu e 3 6 7 M T a fla 5 10 0

Landcover (2010)

L A N D C O V E (20 10 )

Built area and agriculture: 895839300m²

Bare land: 128404800m²

A gric ltu e n b ld g 8 9 8 9 0 B are n d 12 0 0

A qu c ltu e 4 6 9 2 0 M ² T a fla 3 8 0 M

Aquaculture: 46798200m² Tidal flat: 300813300m²

Landcover (2021)

D C O V E R (20 21)

A g i u lt an b ild n g 9 2 8 M

Built area and agriculture: 919288800m²

Bare land: 117594900m²

B a e n 117 9 9 0 M

Aquaculture: 106347600m² Tidal flat: 271883700m²

A q c ltu e 10 34 6 0 ² T da fla 2 18 8 7 0 M ²

Aquaculture: 147304800m²

A q c ltu e 14 30 8 0 M T da fla 17 36 0 ²

Tidal flat: 178367400m²

0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2021 Land reclamation
Soil salinity Landuse
Idle tidal flat Based
Greenhouse Aquaculture Aquaculture Urban development Urban development Crop land Halophytes Halophytes Tidal flat Tidal flat Tidal flat Tidal flat Idle land Tidal flat Crop land Crop land Crop land Crop land Crop land Halophytes Suitable for construction Eutrophication
water Eutrophication
soil Productivity Organic matter Soil salinity Productivity Organic matter Soil salinity Construction Construction Halophytes→Agriculture Halophytes→Agriculture 7 years 26 years 7 years 4 years 4 years Salt discharge Farming Farming Halophytes→Aquaculture Productivity Organic matter SITE SITE SITE Current landuse pattern and landuse trajetories of 3 types of coastal reclamation area
relevant soil problems
Not suitable for both agriculture / urban development
Suitable area for agriculture / aquaculture
Suitable area for urban development
Current landuse pattern
landuse trajetories of 3 different
on previous study, there are 3 typical landuse pattern based on different suitability: 1. Not suitable for both agriculture and urban development ("Tidal flat→halophytes→cropland") , 2. Suitable for agriculture ("Tidal flat→halophytes→aquaculture pond→cropland"). 3. Suitable for urban development ("Tidal flat→halophytes→cropland→construction land" in the central par t of the province's coastal area).
soil for farming

Reorganization of the reclamation process for 3 types of coastal reclamation area

Strategies of reorganizing the reclamation process for area with 3 different suitability

Based on previous study, 3 new landuse solutions are proposed: 1. Not suitable for both agriculture and urban development (return farmland and restore salt marsh) , 2. Suitable for agriculture(aquaculture between terraced field for salt discharge). 3. Suitable for urban developme (buffer for canal and restore wetland). The aim is for balancing the time, ecological value and economical profit in the process of developing reclamation area.

Managed relignment+ Siltation Promotion

Not suitable for both agriculture / urban development

Salt elimination+ Aquaculture in terraced field

Suitable area for agriculture / aquaculture

Restore wetland+ More room for the canal

Suitable area for urban development

Integrated water strategies for 3 types of coastal reclamation area

Inland water storage&flood prevention+Coastal freshwater supply

Integrated water strategies for 3 different types of reclamation zone

Broader context

Freshwater supply capacity: 37.6 billion m³

Freshwater demand: 60 billion m³

30% of the planned drainage capacity

Nature based water strategies for risk mitigation+freshwater supply

1.Multifunctional peak (fresh) water storage + flood defence 2.Nature based coastal salinization defence solutions

Freshwater (+)

Salinization (-)

Flood from May to October

Suitability assessment of 3 development modes in the new reclamation zone 3 development modes in the new reclamation zone and water integration strategies

In Northern Jiangsu, there are 3 types of developing modes for most of the tidal flat reclamation areas based on 3 categories of suitability, and they are 1)suitable for agriculture,2)suitable for urban development,3)not suitable for both agriculture and urban development (Chen Cheng. 2017). For the area 1, the development mode is: “halophytes→aquaculture pond→cropland”, for the area 2, the development mode is: “halophytes→ cropland”, for the area 3, the development mode is “halophytes→cropland→urban development”(Xu et al.2017). Meanwhile, the development modes is also relevant to the per GDP of coastal municipalities (He et al.2021).

Indicators and their weights for the suitability assessment of the tidal flat reclamation area


Construc ed tidal inlet

Reconstruc ed fringing marsh

Stereoscopic agriculture

Boundar y of towns

Freshwater direction

Tidal flat Urban

Salt marsh and halophytes


Suitability + 3 development modes

Not suitable for agriculture and urban(halophytes→cropland)

Suitable for agriculture (halophytes→aquacultu e pond→c opland)

Suitable for urban development (halophytes→c opland→urban)

ion √
√ Landscape resources Prox m ty o t da f at
√ 0 3852 Eco og cal
Eco og ca
√ 0 3506 √ 0 4045 √ 0 1457 Environmenta capac ty Water qua ty √ 0 2103 √ 0
Location Transportation Accessib l ty √ 0 2456 Shore ne cond t on Soi qual ty Eco og ca condi ion Condition of ocal resources
Pre-cond t on or choos ng the landuse type ndex Factor Agriculture We ght N ot su table for agriculture and urban Weigh Urban deve opment Weight pH √ 0 1804 Organic matter √ 0 1803 Fresh wa
avai abi ty Prox mity to resh water channel √ 0 2867 √ 0 1875 Water depth o the shorel ne √ 0 2245 Barr
Tida range
KM Rutai canal Jiuwei canal Juekan river Jueju river Mafeng river Chayang river Yangkou Po Yangkou canal Dongling river Estuary o Bencha canal Estua y o Mafeng canal Estuary o Jueju canal Estuary o Juekan canal Estuary o Rutai canal Reconstruct fringing ma sh Existing fringing marsh Opening the sea dike Local sewage plant+nitrification facilities Managed ealignment zone Ocean currents Constructed wetland+rainwa er s orage Muddy rom channel dredging
Yangkou port X +
oom for peakwater storage+Wet agricultu e Existing water body First grade river (canal) Second grade river
Stereoscopic agriculture zone
er efficient agriculture Construc ed wetland+freshwater storage Reclamation zone with soil salin zation Potential peakwa
storage zone+ wet agriculture
eser voir Sponge city Freshwater supply direction 1st grade canal 2nd grade river

Integrated water strategies for 3 types of coastal reclamation zone

Inland water storage&flood prevention+Coastal freshwater supply

Urban food production

Compost Food industry

Urban (Circular) Food system

Facilitating circular food production model in Gothenburg

SITE: Gothenburg, Sweden

TYPE OF PROJECT: Master thesis project


SUPERVISOR: Jorge Gil, Jonathan Cohen



Facilitating circular food system in city region

Peri-urban food production

Nutrients recovery Residential building

According to the waste management plan of Gothenburg, Gothenburg are planning to reduce the food-waste production by 50% per inhabitant in 2030, while 20% more food waste should be sent to nutrition recovery or biogas or other equivalent purpose. In order to realize the goal of waste reducing and recycling. New system, service and facilities in the urban food waste recyclingsystem are required.

In this thesis I will explore how urban planing and design can support facilitaing circular economy in city by choosing the integration of foodwaste recycling system and future’s local food production planning ( ’Stadslandet” ). Scenario planning ,evaluation of keep performance indicators (KPIs) and geodesign methods will be applied in the project.

Current linear urban food production and food(bio) waste recycling system

in Gothenburg

This map shows all of the actors related to current foodwaste recycling flow in Gothenburg. This map will be the starting point of next step flow mapping.


1.Renova-Marieholm (Pre treatment) 2.Gryaab(Slurry treatment and biogas production) 3.ST1 Refinery(Biorefinery) 4.Gothenburg energy(From biogas to biofuel)

1.Gothenburg energy (district heating) 2.Renova CHP plant(heating and energy production) 3.Biofuel stations 4.Surrounding farmland

Flow type A. (from household foodwaste to energy and existing agriculture)

Flow type B. (from sewage slurry to energy and peri-urban agriculture)

Flow type C.(from industrial foodwaste to energy/peri-urban agriculture)

Flow type D. (from grazing waste to peri-urban crop production)

waste Input Foodwaste Processing Resource Output 1.Household foodwaste 2.Peri-urban farmland 3.Food market 4.Food industry 5.Sewage system

o a e du

C p yp (P) M a e a s p od c 1 e e b s p od c 1 o a e du 3 p yp (K) M a e a s p od c 1 e e b s p od c 2 o a e du

BALANCE + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Exis�ng Farmland Support Expand New food produc�on actors Improve + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Exis�ng Farmland Support Expand New food produc�on actors Improve Expanded farming and circular system in the urban area local resources from food-waste Resources for industrial bio refinery Resources for industrial bio refinery and peri urban farming More industrial food waste as resource input Resource flow Expand farming in the peri urban area + RESOURCE DEAMND+ RESOURCE DEAMND+ HOW TO BALANCE THE GAP? GAP OF DEMAND IN THE NEW SYSTEM RESOURCE DEAMND+ Data analysis A-Food demand in 2030 + Relevant demand of resources Data analysis B-Gap of resources between actors after expanding food production MFA (Material flow analysis) based evaluation of current food system strategies for improving circularity in current food system LAND D MAND 2 3 MA L ND D MAND 2 3 L ND D MAND 203 M N URR N AR A F OUR C R AL PRODUC 1 0 h 1 0 h 3 7ha 4 2 a V E AB E RODUCT 1 0 h 4 h 5 h 3 h PO ATO S RODUCT 4 h 4 h 4 h h Co mp on o a h p s o o s k / e o / e Dema d2 3 y d kg a A a 0 0 v g A e ow o e s v m h d A e M d m o e s v m ho A e C n a n Wh u 6 6 4 6 9 2 8 6 8 7 8 0 4 4 1 8 R e o 0 1 6 5 6 1 1 6 4 3 1 O me n o e e 3 9 2 7 8 1 2 4 60 5 0 1 7 3 7 1 F ou o m e whe a d a d o o o e e 0 3 9 4 2 3 4 5 4 3 6 4 3 To ou nd g ou d 7 4 1 5 0 3 2 3 7 2 4 2 po o 6 5 0 6 1 2 6 0 8 9 7 7 2 1 3 Ca 9 6 6 5 4 6 8 1 0 1 3 5 6 8 2 8 4 1 5 5 1 9 3 2 8 Cu umb g e h u 6 2 4 0 3 9 6 43 0 2 1 6 1 9 7 7 7 9 2 9 0 7 on on 8 1 5 5 2 4 8 6 0 1 5 7 8 8 4 8 9 9 5 8 7 6 0 0 1 s d 4 7 9 2 1 7 6 9 0 4 3 6 2 6 5 2 8 1 8 2 4 8 6 8 3 Ca b e e ab a B s ou a e b o o 4 7 3 0 0 7 6 7 0 1 3 4 0 5 4 6 8 2 5 4 6 3 1 5 8 o h h n p n 7 4 4 9 1 9 2 3 0 1 5 2 6 4 6 2 1 1 3 9 2 2 4 4 8 e 0 8 2 2 0 0 1 2 3 0 3 4 7 2 7 3 7 1 9 3 4 a w 1 9 2 6 7 0 5 5 1 4 7 2 3 0 2 2 7 0 2 9 h o p a 1 6 1 5 4 2 8 4 0 3 3 4 8 3 6 5 6 1 3 5 1 2 9 7 om o g e n o s 9 5 5 5 2 9 50 5 0 5 1 2 83 6 1 1 5 7 5 9 9 To e e b 3 6 4 0 1 0 8 1 0 4 9 3 41 7 2 2 6 5 9 4 9 7 3 Cr p yp (N) M e r e e a p od c 1 7
2 P n -a a ab e og n ma ua o n g n m n d m nd m x m n a man e d m nd m e m nu d m nd(m m e m nu 1 2 3 7 3 5 6 g 1 0 3 5 6 g 1 0 0 3 5 6 g 9 2 6 5 2 7 7 g 8 4 2 4 4 g 2 1 1 1 8 7 g 5 1 8 5 4 9 3 g 8 5 4 3 g 8 5 4 3 9 g M n el dema d ma d m nd dem d m n 7 5 8 / 1 9 5 8 1 9 5 8 9 4 7 1 1 7 7 4 0 5 4 5 1 / 8 7 3 2 6 5 7 2 6 5 7 2 6 2 4 M n el dema d ma d m nd dema d m n 2 1 6 5 6 9 1 6 5 6 9 9 0 6 9 2 2 6 6 1 2 2 4 2 7 1 4 2 5 7 8 1 3 0 6 9 1 3 0 6 9 6 00 6 9 A EA 0 0 m n a ma ue ma g REA 0 0 m a /ma u kg AR A2 3 m n r man e m n g CURR NT m a /ma u k N D MAND o 5 7 5 5 2 4 6 6 1 6 1 6 5 0 1 4 6 1 6 7 P DEMAND ta 8 5 1 4 3 5 3 6 1 2 0 5 4 6 5 53 6 3 3 7 K DEMAND ta 1 2 9 3 7 0 1 5 0 0 19 9 9 9 6 7 1 4 9 A EA DEMAND FOR GROWING 3257h 3098h 2707h ≈5 6 a 1. Es�ma�on of food demand of Gothenburg in 2030+ Area for food produc�on 2. Summary of land area demand based on demand of food and methods of growing 3. Es�ma�on of nutri�on demand based on land area, species and types of fer�lizer 4. Summary of nutrients demand and land area based on Gothenburg’s food demand FOODWASTE INPUT ACTORS FOODWASTE PROCESSING ACTORS % % % + % % % % % % + % % % a. en p e-t tme aab w pla T1 Bio fine d Gö ebo Ene gi o dw s o o a me 02 % o dwa B o e ment 0 0 oo wa o B e m n 2 2 % ( /y) % ( /y) /yr % /yr o dw s B o a me 2 2 % o dwa B o e men 0 0 oo wa e o B e m n 2 2 % /y) % /y) /yr RESOUECE-OUTPUT ACTORS % % + % % % e-t tme aab w pla T1 Bio fine y Gö ebo Ene % % + % % % a. eno e-t tme aab pla T1 Bio fine y Gö ebo Ene Cur user Peri-urban Agricultu o e �al user:.S adsland Gö ebo District greenhouse of the city. + Cur user a. eri-urban Agricultu Cur user b.Biofuel �ons �al user:.S adslande Gö ebo District greenhouse of the city. + Cur user a. eri-urban Agricultu Cur user b.Biofuel st �ons �al user:.S adsland Gö ebo g District greenhouse of the city. + Waste Plan in 2030 Composition of Gothenburg's district heating Household foodwaste Pre-treatment facility Gryaab sewage plant Industrial foodwaste Total foodwaste:25799t/yr 18661t less than 2020) Foodwaste for biotreatment 18059t/yr 4171t less than 2020) Foodwaste Composition of total electricity sales Population in 2030: 661508 1.5% incerease every year) Estimation of total vegetable consumption 2030 based on population 42071908.8kg Estimation of total potatoes consumption in 2030 based on population 30760122kg Estimation of total flour/cereal consumption in 2030 based on population 11510239.2kg Peri-urban agriculture Biofuel station Future's actors ST1 bio-refinery CHP plants of Gothenburg Actor's production demand (Heating) Renewable + Heat recovery: 100% in 2025 (11% more production than 2020 Demand of nutrients for growing regional food in 2030 (population 661508) kg/ha Average demand for N: 142616(mineral);71369(mamual) Average demand for P: 57366(mineral);18290(manual) Average demand for K: 207105(mineral);70706(manual) (N=Nitrogen;P=Phosphorus;K=Potassium) Actor's production demand (Electric) Renewable power: 100% in 2040 (29% more production than 2020 Actor's (ST1) demand for foodwaste input Expected Industrial foodwaste for production: 21000t (13800t more input than 2020 Energy Nutrients STEP1.Implement new food production actors in urban and periurban area STEP2.Improve circularity of the food system in different recycling levels STEP3.Balance strategy for gap of resource demand between actors
e e b s p od c

Optimization of urban food production flow

(Linking urban food production to foodwaste recycling system)

Community garden District greenhouse Roof-top farming in industrial area Peri-urban start up companies

New flow type A.(from household food waste to urban/ peri-urban food production and energy)

A-The first type of circular low (from household food waste to urban/peri-urban food production)

Mapping the circular steps in future's household circular food production and waste recycling system

Mapping the circular steps in the food-industrial&agriculture waste recycling

Map of actors in future's household related circular food production system

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + < <

< Biofuel sta�on Building

Peri-urban food produc�on CHP plants < CHP Renova

New flow type B (from sewage to resources for peri urban/urban food production)

< Gryaab

STEP1 household food waste to new actors (local food production) with treatment facilities and and central treatment facility

Local food produc�on (suitable) sewage water < Gryaab

Peri-urban Agriculture CHP plants < Sewage(Sludge)

< < Biofuel sta�on


STEP2 Local facilities for reusing greywater and from pretreatment facility to sewage plant STEP4 From CHP to biofuel station Local food produc�on Local treatment facility =



+ + + + + +

+ + + + + + + +


Urban circular food production flow diagram (from household food waste to resource) + New actors

+ + + + Relevant treatment facilities


From sewage plant to CHP&Agriculture Household < < < Marieholm.
B.The second type of circular flow (from sewage to urban/peri urban food production)


of urban food production flow------From linear to circular (link peri urban agriculture to industrial foodwaste)

Bakery and food industry CHP(Combined heat and power) Marieholm waste recycling centre Peri-urban farmland

New flow type C: (from food industry and food markets to local/peri-urban agriculture and energy)

C.The third type of circular flow (from food industry and food markets to local/peri-urban agriculture and energy)

Mapping the circular steps in future's industrial and agriculture circular food production and waste recycling system

Mapping the circular steps in the food-industrial&agriculture waste recycling


STEP1 More industrial-food waste or commercial food waste to ST1 bio-refinery

STEP2 Bio-refinery to biofuel stations&africulture

New flow type D: (from residual/grazing waste to local nutrients and energy)

D.The fourth type of circular flow (from residual/grazing waste to local nutrients and energy

Grazing Field +

Peri-urban agriculture

Building local-CHP

Linking resource from grazing field to crops field; More digestion facilities

a.Renova pre-treatment b Gryaab Sewage plant c.ST1 Biorefinery d Göteborg Energi

Current user a.Peri-urban Agriculture

d Göteborg Energi

Map of actors in future's food industry and agriculture related circular food production system

Urban circular food production flow B. (from industrial foodwaste to

+ c.ST1 Biorefinery

Current user b.Biofuel sta�ons

% %

(Crop/Animal) Food Industry Specific food market Biofuel sta�on Building Bio-refinery ST1 > > > > +
. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Poten�al user:.Stadslandet Göteborg District greenhouse of the city.
% % % % + % %
URBAN (CIRCULAR) FOOD SYSTEM IN GOTHENBURG CIRCULAR FOOD SYSTEM AT URBAN SCALE BALANCE Potential local water resources and rainwater collecting locations Transportation network for local food production and logistic actors Potential green structure( green buffer for reducing nutrients from food production) IoT and smart devices for waste management Food production actor example 1 Community garden in Gothenburg Food production actor example 2 Local food-waste recycling buisiness (from food waste to fertilizer for local food production) Household < < / < / Marieholm. Local food produc�on Local treatment (suitable) sewage water = < < < Gryaab Agriculture CHP plants < CHP Renova Sewage water < Biofuel sta�on Agriculture (Crop/Animal) Food Industry Specific food market Biofuel sta�on Building Bio-refinery local-CHP ST1 > > > > + Grazing Field Suitable land for new food production actors in Gothenburg Region 4 Main new local food production actors
Infrastructures Balance strategy between resources demand of actors in circular food production system HOUSEHOLD FOODWASTE BASED RESOURCES FOR FARMING INDUSTRIAL FOODWASTE BASED RESOURCES FOR FARMING Fertilizer storage Bioswale collecting rainwater Parking lot Local CHP (combines heat and power) Rooftop sh-vegetable symbiosis production Biowaste digestor Rainwater storage and puri cation Local biowaste digestor Peri-urban green start-up companies Outdoor food production Local CHP (combines heat and power) Community Garden District greenhouse (Parking lot based) Fish-vegetable symbiosis farm (Roof-top based) Peri-urban green start up (Greenhouse)
food production model at urban scale and suitable locations
of suitable location for 4 types of new urban food production actors Balance model for gap of resource between actors in future's flow (After expanding urban food production)


Circular food production model for community garden

Prototye (key actor) of future's community garden

Circular food production model of future's community garden



District (Parking

Suitable site for community garden (Proximity to urban green, local compost and potential runoff )

Suitable locations for community garden

Bike Tricycle Car Tractor Runoff Power flow Food waste flow Water flow Food flow Fertilizer flow Truck Walking Bus Typical area Zoom in area Suitable locations ZOOM-IN AREA

Fish-vegetable symbiosis farm (Roof-top based)


Application of the circular model

Application of the circular model on site

Circular food production model for rooftop farm Peri-urban (Greenhouse

IoT enabled foodwaste digestor Allotment garden Fertilizer storage Parking Runo Puri ed water Runo Fertilizer Fertilizer for urban-green Local food Food-waste Biogas based Power IoT
Community Garden
Circular food production model at neighbourhood scale ( Typical areaA: Community garden)

Circular food production model at neighbourhood scale (Typical areaB: District greenhouse)

District greenhouse (Parking lot based)

Prototye (key actor) of district greenhouse


Suitable site for parking lot based district green house

Circular food production model for district greenhouse

Circular food production model of future's district greenhouse






Peri-urban green start up companies (Greenhouse based)

Application of the circular model on site

Application of the circular model Zoom in area

Circular food production model for peri-urban green start up companies

Rainwater storage and puri cation Bioswale for collecting rainwater District greenhouse Parking lot Local biowaste digestor IoT enabled digestor Local CHP (combines heat and power) Puri ed water Runo Runo Runo Local food Local food Local food Local food Food-waste Biogas based Power
Bike Stream Truck Walk Bus Tricycle Car Tractor Power flow Food waste flow Water flow Food flow Fertilizer flow Typical area
locations for district greenhouse ZOOM-IN AREA
Typical area A Typical area B 1 1' Circular food production model at neighbourhood scale (Area with community garden and district greenhouse) Systemic section 1-1' Local compost Community garden local CHP IoT enabled foodwaste collector district greenhouse agroforestry Residen�al building and local market Agroforestry Community garden Community garden Community garden Community garden Community garden Urban Green Urban Green Urban Green Urban Green Urban Green District greenhouse Wind buffer Wind buffer REKO ring market Rooftop fish-vegetable symbiosis farm Dag Hammarskjöldsleden Waste room Agriculture waste Agriculture waste Food waste Biowaste based fertilizer Biowaste based fertilizer Food produced locally Biogas based heat Local compost Local compost Aerobatic digestion Miljonprogrammet Apartment Detention pond with buffer Detention pond Detention pond Forest Tram line Aerobatic digestion Typical area Agroforestry Agroforestry Pasture Forest Buffer zone Buffer zone Intercropping field Intercropping field Community garden Community garden Community garden Community garden Community garden Urban Green Urban Green Urban Green Urban Green Urban Green District greenhouse Wind buffer Wind buffer REKO ring market Rooftop fish-vegetable symbiosis farm Rooftop fish-vegetable symbiosis farm Permeable Parking lot Permeable Parking lot Industrial building Boulevard Boulevard Offices building Rooftop fish-vegetable symbiosis farm Dag Hammarskjöldsleden Rooftop fish-vegetable symbiosis farm Road Industrial warehouse Tram line Wind buffer Green corridor Green Corridor Local food market COOP Detention pond Grey infrastructure Waste room Intercropping field Grass strip Local CHP Vertical aquaponic crops Rooftop greenhouse Outdoor Food production Agriculture waste Agriculture waste Agriculture waste Agriculture waste Agriculture waste Food waste Biowaste based fertilizer Biowaste based fertilizer Biowaste based fertilizer Biowaste based fertilizer Biowaste based fertilizer Agriculture waste Biogas Manure produced locally Food produced locally Food produced locally Biogas based heat Biogas based heat Biogas based heat Biogas based heat Biogas based heat Local compost Local compost Aerobatic digestion Aerobatic digestion To other local food market Miljonprogrammet Apartment Permeculture park Peri-urban green start up Peri-urban green start up Detention pond with buffer Detention pond with buffer Detention pond Detention pond Railway station Forest Farmer’s market Bio swale Detention pond Detention pond Forest Tram line Bio swale Stream Riparian buffer Filtration buffer Filtration buffer Filtration buffer Functional edge Filtration buffer Buffer for nutrients removal Local CHP Aerobatic digestion Aerobatic digestion Aerobatic digestion To other local food market Connect to Smart grid Connect to Smart grid Connect to Smart grid Aerobatic digestion Energy flow Energy produc�on flow Fer�lizer flow Food (bio) waste flow Regional and local food flow Suppor�ng infrastructures LEGEND Suitable locations for community garden

Circular food production model at neighbourhood scale ( Typical areaC: Rooftop fish-vegetable symbiosis farm)

Fish-vegetable symbiosis farm (Roof-top based)

Prototye (key actor) of future's rooftop fish-vegetable symbiosis farm

Circular food production model of rooftop fish-vegetable symbiosis farm

Suitable locations for fish-vegetable symbiosis farm

Suitable site for rooftop fish-vegetable symbiosis farm (Rooftop of industrial building)

Application of the circular model on site

Zoom-in area

Rooftop sh-vegetable symbiosis production Biowaste digestor Puri ed water Runo Runo Local food Local food Local food Local food Local food Local food Food-waste Biogas based Power FARMER’S
Circular food production model for rooftop farm Peri-urban (Greenhouse
flow Bike Tricycle Car Tractor Pipe Stream Truck Walking Bus Food waste flow Water flow Food flow Fertilizer
Application of the circular model Power
flow Typical area Application of the circular model
in area
in area Suitable locations green start farmland
Typical area 2 2' Typical area Suitable locations for fishvegetable symbiosis farm Circular food production model at neighbourhood scale (Area with rooftop fish-vegetable symbiosis farm) Systemic section 2-2' Rooftop fish-vegetable symbiosis farm Rooftop fish-vegetable symbiosis farm Permeable Parking lot Permeable Parking lot Industrial building Boulevard Boulevard Offices building Rooftop fish-vegetable symbiosis farm Road Industrial warehouse Tram line Wind buffer Green corridor Green Corridor Local food market COOP Detention pond Grey infrastructure Vertical aquaponic crops Rooftop greenhouse Outdoor Food production Agriculture waste Agriculture waste Biowaste based fertilizer Biowaste based fertilizer Food produced locally Biogas based heat Biogas based heat Local CHP Aerobatic digestion Aerobatic digestion To other local food market Connect to Smart grid Connect to Smart grid Local compost CHP Sewage plant biogas local CHP IoT enabled Foodwaste collector Roo�op fish-vegetable symbiosis farm Residen�al building and local market Agroforestry Agroforestry Pasture Forest Buffer zone Buffer zone Intercropping field Intercropping field Community garden Community garden Community garden Community garden Community garden Urban Green Urban Green Urban Green Urban Green Urban Green District greenhouse Wind buffer Wind buffer REKO ring market Rooftop fish-vegetable symbiosis farm Rooftop fish-vegetable symbiosis farm Permeable Parking lot Permeable Parking lot Industrial building Boulevard Boulevard Offices building Rooftop fish-vegetable symbiosis farm Dag Hammarskjöldsleden Rooftop fish-vegetable symbiosis farm Road Industrial warehouse Tram line Wind buffer Green corridor Green Corridor Local food market COOP Detention pond Grey infrastructure Waste room Intercropping field Grass strip Local CHP Vertical aquaponic crops Rooftop greenhouse Outdoor Food production Agriculture waste Agriculture waste Agriculture waste Agriculture waste Agriculture waste Food waste Biowaste based fertilizer Biowaste based fertilizer Biowaste based fertilizer Biowaste based fertilizer Biowaste based fertilizer Agriculture waste Biogas Manure Food produced locally Food produced locally Food produced locally Biogas based heat Biogas based heat Biogas based heat Biogas based heat Biogas based heat Local compost Local compost Aerobatic digestion Aerobatic digestion To other local food market Miljonprogrammet Apartment Permeculture park Peri-urban green start up Peri-urban green start up Detention pond with buffer Detention pond with buffer Detention pond Detention pond Railway station Forest Farmer’s market Bio swale Detention pond Detention pond Forest Tram line Bio swale Stream Riparian buffer Filtration buffer Filtration buffer Filtration buffer Functional edge Filtration buffer Buffer for nutrients removal Local CHP Aerobatic digestion Aerobatic digestion Aerobatic digestion To other local food market Connect to Smart grid Connect to Smart grid Connect to Smart grid Aerobatic digestion Energy flow Energy produc�on flow Fer�lizer flow Food (bio) waste flow Regional and local food flow Suppor�ng infrastructures LEGEND

Circular food production model at neighbourhood scale

Application of the circular model

(Typical areaD: Peri-urban green start up companies and existing farm)

Peri-urban green start up companies (Greenhouse based)

Prototye of future's peri-urban green start up companies

Suitable locations for peri-urban green start up companies and existing farmland

Suitable site for peri-urban green start up companies. (Proximity to existing farm)

Circular food production model for peri-urban green start up companies

Circular food production model of peri-urban green start up companies

Typical area

Zoom-in area

Application of the circular model on site

Application of the circular model

Rainwater storage and puri cation Local biowaste digestor Peri-urban green start-up companies Outdoor food production Local CHP (combines heat and power) Fertilizer Runo Runo Runo Runo Puri ed water Puri ed water Fertilizer Local food Local food Local food Local food Local food Local food Fertilizer Agri-waste Biogas based Power Agri-waste Agri-waste
Power flow Bike Runoff Truck Walking Bus Tricycle Car Tractor Food waste flow Water flow Food flow Fertilizer flow
Zoom in
Zoom in area
Typical area 3 3' Agroforestry Pasture Buffer zone Buffer zone Intercropping field Intercropping field Community garden Community garden Community garden Community garden Community garden Urban Green Urban Green Urban Green Urban Green Urban Green District greenhouse Wind buffer REKO ring market Rooftop fish-vegetable symbiosis farm Rooftop fish-vegetable symbiosis farm Permeable Parking lot Permeable Parking lot Industrial building Boulevard Boulevard Offices building Dag Hammarskjöldsleden Rooftop fish-vegetable symbiosis farm Road Industrial warehouse Tram line Wind buffer Green corridor Grey infrastructure Waste room Intercropping field Grass strip Local CHP Vertical aquaponic crops Rooftop greenhouse Outdoor Food production Agriculture waste Agriculture waste Agriculture waste Food waste Biowaste based fertilizer Biowaste based fertilizer Biowaste based fertilizer Biowaste based fertilizer Biowaste based fertilizer Agriculture waste Manure Food produced locally Food produced locally Food produced locally Biogas based heat Biogas based heat Biogas based heat Biogas based heat Local compost Local compost Aerobatic digestion Aerobatic digestion To other local food market Miljonprogrammet Apartment Permeculture park Peri-urban green start up Detention pond with buffer Detention pond with buffer Farmer’s market Bio swale Detention pond Detention pond Forest Tram line Bio swale Stream Riparian buffer Filtration buffer Filtration buffer Functional edge Filtration buffer Buffer for nutrients removal Local CHP Aerobatic digestion Aerobatic digestion To other local food market Connect to Smart grid Aerobatic digestion Ene gy flow Ene gy produc�on flow Fer�lizer flow Food (bio) was e flow Regional and local food flow Suppor�ng infrastructures LEGEND Typical area Suitable locations for peri-urban green start up companies and existing farmland Circular food production model at neighbourhood scale (Area with peri-urban green start up companies and existing farm) Systemic section 3-3' Agroforestry Pasture Forest Buffer zone Buffer zone Intercropping field Intercropping field Intercropping field Grass strip Local CHP Agriculture waste Biowaste based fertilizer Agriculture waste Biogas Manure Food produced locally Biogas based heat Biogas based heat Aerobatic digestion To other local food market Permeculture park Peri-urban green start up Peri-urban green start up Detention pond with buffer Detention pond Detention pond Railway station Forest Farmer’s market Bio swale Bio swale Stream Riparian buffer Filtration buffer Filtration buffer Filtration buffer Functional edge Filtration buffer Buffer for nutrients removal Connect to Smart grid Aerobatic digestion CHP Sewage plant biogas anaerobic diges on & local CHP Peri urban green start-up companies Cul vated cropland Pasture Residential building and local market

Location of the suppoting system for the new food production actors based

GIS analysis of the supporting system for urban circular food system

Supporting system1. blue system

1.Map of groundwater reservoir and suitable soil for farming (silt)

2.Map of runoff and stream system of Gothenburg

on GIS analysis

Supporting system2. green system

1.Map of current urban green area and forest area

2.Map of functional buffer for forest patches

3.Map of potential wadi for rainwater detention

4.Map of open water surface and lakes in Gothenburg

3.Map of buffer filter for runoff/streams and green corridor along river

4.Map of buffer for lakes and wetland in Gothenburg

Location of the suppoting system for the new food production actors based on GIS analysis

Supporting system3. Relevant transportation network

1.Map of exsisting parking space for bikes and new parking space for bikes

2.Map of parking lots where farmers market and relevant facilities can be built

Supporting system4. Smart management facilities for future's food system

1.Map of water storing and purification

2.Map of smart facilities for rainwater irrigation

3.Map of existing cycling line and new cycling line

4.Map of existing walking paths and new walking paths

3.Map of (Recycling room based) food waste composting and information system

4.Map of basin for water and nutrients management

02.Green Link

Planning of Ecoduct and Ecological corridor

SITE: Gothenburg, Sweden

ACADEMIC: Year1,Semester1 (Msc.)

Tutor: Meta Berghauser Pont



Green trail + Ecological corridor

In this project I researched the social-ecological solutions for connecting important biotopes which is cut through by highway-159 in the south part of Gothenburg. In the project I combine the design of ecological corridors, ecoduct with social benefits for people, like public open space, cycling route and urban permaculture space. Which provide different types of landscape for surrounding residents.

GREEN TRAIL | Vision of bioswale park and multifunctional ecoduct

5.Bioswale park in-between farmpark and residential area

In the bioswale based community park, the steep slope of the existing bioswale is widened and the overgrown grass along the ditch is replaced by local meadow species, so the bioswale become more visible and approachable, also the stormwater storage capacity is improved. Existing shrubs and trees along the biowale are moved in order to provide better vista for visitors walking in the park and residents living. Meanwhile, two 1m width gravel routes linked by 3 walkable stone check-dams on the stream are built for guiding people approach the viewpoints and small playground along the bioswale in nearby houses. New local shrubs are planted in the west slope for marking and provide protection for small playgrounds in the lawn.

6. Multifunctional ecoduct connecting Anggardsbergen and Balltorp

Over the highway159, a multifunctional ecoduct with 1:12 slope for both local target animals and local residents is planned for connecting anggardsbergen nature reserve and forest in Balltorp. Above the ecoduct, a 20M width green belt for linking ecological corridor on both sides of the highway is designed, soil type and morphology of the green belt on the ecoduct is referred from surrounding ecological corridor and patches. Also, Plants in the green belt are mainly local shrubs,herbs and meadows based on the study of species composition of the surrounding nature area. Shrubs,trunks and stone boulders are put on the green belt which function as a natural“screen”, dividing the 4M width trail for humans and the green area for animals. small infiltration ponds connected to ditches are created for attracting animals, also collecting water from the ecoduct through gentle slope.

04. Run with water

Sports park+Floodplain remediation

JI'AN CITY, Jiang Xi RUN WITH WATER Floodplain+Sports park Site Flood/pollution of surface runoff Erosion and pollution of muddy flat Navigation construction Ecologial damagement Flood analysis and strategy for different water level
Integrated water strategies Planning of plants Possible activities in different sites 3 levels of green trail in the park Section of trails Plan of green trails level 3 Walking level 3 Walking level 2 Walking+Running Water level River dike Surface runoff purification Restoration of the floodplain grassland Water level Water level

Secondary forest + Grassland along Gan River

Wood trail in the secondary forest Runing/Bicycle trail along the dike Beach&playground along the floodplain

05. New Ground

Transportation hub+Public balcony

Other Works

+1. Lava Diversion (Planning Competition Project)

+2. Izmir Water Integrated Planning (Internship Work)

+3. Renovation of Hoge Riet Elmelo (Internship Work)

+4. Sponge street solution for Plantage Middenlaan (Internship Work)

1. Lava Diversion (Planning Competition Project)

2. Izmir water integrated plnning (Internship Work)

I. Water integration planning of Izmir(Basin Bostanli and Poligon) GIS mapping and data analysis of Bostanli water system (Cooperated with Josje Hoefsloot) Visualization of general longlitude of the Bostanli basin

drawing based on

storage proposals in zoom-in area (My role: 1.GIS analysis of water system and existing water infrastructue 2.Section drawing of proposal in key zoom-in area)

The Bostanli catchment has an extensive hinterland of approx. 40 km2. In the upstream area, many small natural streams come together and form wider streams that run towards the city. These streams are denaturalized in downstream urban areas, where infrastructure often crosses the canals. In addition, the culverts under the bridges are relatively small, resulting in bottlenecks for water drainage during extreme weather events.

12 50 20 17 20 17 48 12 110 32 15 20 100 4 8 15 60 4 4 16 32 18 4.5 4.5 8 2.5 25 4.5 20 20 4 4 2 8 4 80 2 20 4 4 45 28 18 21 30 10 7 5 3 7 Bestekar Yusuf Nalkesen Sk. 12 4 2 4 6 10 6 5 8 8 8 22 2018. Sk. Bestekar Yusuf Nalkesen Sk. Keep the tram 12 10 20 6 4 5 8 8 22 6 IZMIR - WATER VISION
Erosion Pasture Urban green Nature Bareland Fast run-o Over owing at constructing culverts and bridges Fast runo in new urban developments on hill-slopes Bank over owing & blocked drainage High water level in the canal due to in ow and sea water rise Coastal ooding Over owing neighbourhoods Bareland X X X X X X X A B B C C D E E F F G G D A Section A-A Section B-B Section C-C Section D-D Section E-E Section F-F Section G-G

3. Renovation of Hoge Riet Elmelo (Internship Work)

4. Sponge street solution for Plantage Middenlaan (Internship Work)


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