1 minute read

Current linear urban food production and food(bio) waste recycling system in Gothenburg

This map shows all of the actors related to current foodwaste recycling flow in Gothenburg. This map will be the starting point of next step flow mapping.


Flow type A. (from household foodwaste to energy and existing agriculture)

Flow type B. (from sewage slurry to energy and peri-urban agriculture)

Flow type C.(from industrial foodwaste to energy/peri-urban agriculture)

Flow type D. (from grazing waste to peri-urban crop production)

MFA (Material flow analysis) based evaluation of current food system strategies for improving circularity in current food system

Data analysis A-Food demand in 2030 + Relevant demand of resources

STEP1.Implement new food production actors in urban and periurban area

Data analysis B-Gap of resources between actors after expanding food production

STEP2.Improve circularity of the food system in different recycling levels

STEP3.Balance strategy for gap of resource demand between actors

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