This is the Grade 3 Class 6 of The Experimental School Attached To Sichuan Normal University. There are 38children and 2 head teachers in this big family.
we are joyful. We love our planet and try our best to protect it.
我们自己动手设计,用废旧物品制作的环保时装, 来表达我们对绿色地球的热爱! We were presenting a show to express our love toward our beautiful earth by wearing the clothes that we made ourselves using recycled plastic or organic materials.
我们热心公益事业: 在假日里走上街头售卖报纸,用自己的劳动帮助需要帮助的人. We love volunteering: during this holiday we sold newspapers and helped others who needed help.
We love our life and want to be close to nature
We are united as one, and we share our happiness!
Our Spanish friends, Let us join hands in fellowship and strive to bring the world closer in friendship.