四 年级 四班 Grade 4 Class 4 of The
Experimental School Attached To Sichuan Normal University. •2015/12/14
四川师范大学附属实验学校四 · 4班 这是一个由三十九个孩子和两位班主任组成的阳光书香班级
This is the Grade 4 Class 4 of The Experimental School Attached To Sichuan Normal University. There are 39children and 2 head teachers in this big “sunshine class”.
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四川师范大学附属实验学校四 · 4班 这是一个由三十九个孩子和两位班主任组成的阳光书香班级
This is the Grade 4 Class 4 of The Experimental School Attached To Sichuan Normal University. There are 39children and 2 head teachers in this big “sunshine class”.
我运动,我快乐 Exercise! Happy!
我悦读,我成长 I read, and I grow
群文阅读 test reading
阳光阅读 sunshine reading
社会实践social practice
社会实践 social practice
才艺展示 talent show
才艺展示 talent show
走进大自然 close to natuere
热爱科学passion for science
热爱科学passion for science