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AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

Esipuhe ”Syksy ei ole ajanjakso” Kun ensi kerran kuulin tästä minulle suodusta kunniasta, aloin innosta puhkuen pyörittelemään syksyn tematiikkaa päässäni. Ensimmäinen ajatukseni loistaa yhä kirkkaana mielessäni: ”syksy ei ole ajanjakso”. Oikeastaan ensimmäiset ongelmat ilmenivät vasta, kun kirjoitin tuon lauseen paperille; itse asiassahan, syksy on ajanjakso. Se on ajanjakso kesän ja talven välissä. Miten minä nyt voin aloittaa kirjoitukseni väittämällä, ettei syksy ole ajanjakso, jos se kerran on ajanjakso. Todistusaineisto tuntuu vääjäämättömältä. Istun junassa matkalla Turusta Helsinkiin. On tammikuu ja maisema ikkunassa on kuin valtava talvinen joulukortti, täynnä valkoista lunta tummaa taivasta vasten ja koko asetelman kruunaa hillitysti kajastava täysikuu. Tämä on talvi ja minä olen nyt talvessa. Toisin sanoen, minun temporaalinen sijaintini on keskellä talvea. Kuitenkin, vielä muutama päivä sitten satoi vettä kaatamalla. Tuntui siltä kuin marraskuu olisi venynyt vuodenvaihteen yli samalla syöden joulunkin suuhunsa. Silti, jos silloin olisimme allekirjoittaneet väitteen syksystä tammikuussa, olisimme saaneet aikaiseksi vain turhan käsitetyhjiön. Miten silloin olisimme nimittäneet sitä ajanjaksoa, joka kestää syyskuusta marraskuun loppuun? Tunnustettu tosiasiahan on, ettei vakiintunutta käsitejärjestelmää kannata ilman äärimmäisen painavia perusteita käydä sorkkimaan, koska lopputuloksena syntyy vain suurta hämmennystä ja sekaannusta. Me yksinkertaisesti tarvitsemme sanoja vuodenajoille eli kuukausiryhmille, ja tästä syystä meidän tulee kaikin voimin yrittää pitää näitä sanoja paikoillaan. Asiaa voidaan vielä perustella ottamalla esiin eksoottiset ulkomaat. Eipä taida maailmassa olla sellaista maata, joka olisi täysin syksystä vapaa, eikä asiaan vaikuta lainkaan ilmastolliset tai valon määrään liittyvät tekijät. Syksystä voidaan yhtälailla nauttia aurinkoisessa Kaliforniassa kuin sateisessa Suomessakin.

”Syksy ei ole vain ajanjakso” Syksy on minulle rakkain kaikista; parhain minun on silloin olla. En nyt vetoa esteettisiin tai ylipäätään mihinkään ulkokohtaisiin arvoihin. Yksinkertaisesti minun on vain hyvä syksyisin, ihan joka tavalla. Rakastaakseen syksyä ihmisen tulee osata nähdä se itsessään, eikä peilata sitä sen epäkiitollisen roolin kautta. Täytyy kyetä näkemään hetki ilman mennyttä tai tulevaa. Syksy ei avaudu meille helpolla; se ei kieltämättä ole helppo kohde rakkaudelle. Syksyhän on kesän loppu ja talven alku. Se, joka lopettaa valona ja lomat antaen tilalle sadetta, kylmyyttä ja pimeyttä. Tottahan toki tuo kaikki kuulostaa aivan kammottavalta, mutta seistessään keskellä lokakuuta ei tuon minkään tarvitse merkitä mitään. Kun tummuva ilta viimein rauhoittaa levottoman mielen, ei ihminen enää ikävöi kesän lämpöä, ei pelkää talven pimeyttä. Voisinkin väittää, että syksy on huono ajanjakso, mutta sitäkin parempi ystävä. Se on nöyrä, eikä se lupaa mitään muuta kuin itsensä. Muistakaa, ettei ole syksyn vika, että ihmiset usein vaativat jotakin enemmän, yleensä vähintään lupauksen tulevasta. Kuten sanottua, sekä minä että arvoisa taiteilija synnyimme keskellä lokakuuta. Syksy onkin todennäköisesti juuri siitä syystä meille niin rakas. Tosin arvoisa taitelija syntyi vuoden minua aikaisemmin ja näin hän kantaa taskussaan yhden syksyn minua enemmän. Toisaalta minä päihitin hänet eilen pöytätenniksessä. Niin maailma tuntuu tasoittavan kulkumme kohti seuraavaa syksyä. Sitä ennen ehtii kuitenkin vielä tapahtua paljon. Pian saapuu jo tuo vuodenaikojen lempilapsi, tuo lutunen kevät, joka tuo valon mukanaan. Kevät on onnellisten tähtien alla syntynyt raikuvan naurun lähettiläs. Silloin on taas jokaisen hieman helpompi hymyillä, niin voittajien, häviäjien kuin heidänkin, joilla on vain vähän syksyjä taskuissaan. Mutta vielä ennen kevättäkin saapuu tämä talvipäivä päätökseensä; juna on jo saapunut asemalle. Aika seisoo valmiina junan edessä; se odottaa minun kulkevan kanssaan.

VL Mikael Melan Junassa matkalla Turusta Helsinkiin 8.1.2012

”Syksy on ajanjakso” Sekä minä että arvoisa taiteilija itse olemme molemmat syntyneet syksyn ytimessä eli juuri lokakuun puolivälin tienoilla. Näin ollen on selvää, ettei syksy ole meille pelkkä vuodenaika muiden joukossa. Toisaalta, voiko mikään vuodenaika olla kenellekään ihmiselle vain ”vuodenaika muiden joukossa”. Vaikea on kuvitella kenenkään niin kokevan etenkään kotimaassamme Suomessa, jossa jokainen vuodenaika on aina kuin uusi eksentrinen asukas joltain toiselta planeetalta kuin edeltäjänsä. Yksikään vuodenaika täällä ei jätä meitä kuvaannollisesti kylmäksi tai välinpitämättömäksi, ja tästä syystä varmasti jokaisella hyisen pohjolan asukkaalla on oma voimakas suhteensa näihin pientä ihmistä suurempiin entiteetteihin. Jokainen niistä tunkeutuu syvälle sieluun ja tekee siitä kodin itselleen, jokainen vuorollaan aina kolmeksi kuukaudeksi kerrallaan. Jos syksy olisi pelkkä ajanjakso, siis ei muuta kuin pätkä aikaa, ei se koskaan voisi löytää tietään niin syvälle meidän sisäämme. Objektiivisen ajanjakson lisäksi jokaiselle ajanjaksolle tuntuisikin olevan oma subjektiivinen olemuksensa. Mitä merkitsee syksy minulle? Mitä merkitsevät sunnuntai-iltapäivät ja jokavuotinen juhannusyö? Yhtäkkiä vaikuttaa ilmeiseltä, etteivät ajanjakso käsitteet välttämättä kanna vain temporaalista sisältöä mukanaan. Päinvastoin, ne saattavat olla reunojaan myöten täynnä kaikenmuotoista, enemmän tai vähemmän subjektiivista sisältöä, joka tihkuu huuliltamme manatessamme ne esiin avaamalla suumme. Vuodenajat eivät ainakaan suomalaiselle ole pelkkiä ajanjaksoja kuten saattaa esimerkiksi olla jokin melko luonteeton arkipäivä kuten tiistai, joka monille ihmisille merkitsee itsessään hyvin vähän. Mistä minä siis puhun puhuessani syksystä? Mistä sinä puhut puhuessasi syksystä? Ennen kaikkea, mitä arvoisa taiteilija mietti, näki ja koki tehdessään tätä upeaa kuvakollaasia? Entä koska tämä juna on perillä? Kumpi kulkee nopeammin, juna vai aika?

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves


Tales of contempt AUTUMNAL equinox / september 23 / fallen leaves

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AUTUMNAL equinox / september 24 / every day

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AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

switch off

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 25 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

switch on

Ibus, arumquias et utempos ullenti bernam el imagnisit pe re reperia sseque por accae natis volore ent earum quamust, omnimagnatus sam et odicit omnia int. Eptae. Ovid eni di velicius. Doluptisint int andis exeratur? Occum con pro ex elibus aliquisqui dolum eariaes rem int. Reratum que nis in pere seque verspeliqui debis essit, sincilit, cora dolores equatia pedi ut aliquia tiatibus dellabore, ulluptat apissita dellacc atusam facest quamendae preribus ipit vent eumenis in eumentectur? Bea sit am am explit am, ommosanducid quia nonsequibus ea dolesendel ipsam repudis rehendio coriati busande perchillaut in niam, tem latusa verum et quam aut ut ereptatae doloria si blabore hendae eossi nobit, odis nam, si consequatqui berum veliquis esequis dolupiet audantibus atium corerate plitisque late ipsae. Nam inctur? Xime sit deriaerum anda quis dolupitaquos eat et volenih illaborere sus militinum latem simodi uta vendignimi, quist et que moluptatiae iniandenti conse dolut que nonsequis ium re venet magnimus, si quam repuda vitios sitaquo d labo. Itatiisitem adignim elesed quodit est a nonsequis diti tescia dolorem sinum fuga. Ebitatia dolupta spiderfere et facculluptur sum quasit minctem etur? Icipsandi adit fugia dolum quossed eaquo volut dolorio in nonsequamus consectorro to exerionecum ra sitatus apietur aut evenditi od que porero et porrovid mo ommos eturibusam hit, qui assitiae ea ne magnate sim acium ut porem cumque nonserum quis expere solum quiae vit fuga. Mosaeptas ipiendit, officius consed que con estrunt odisci dolorporum, ipsundebis sequi dolentusci dessunto officie ndendit volo beribus ideles apicipicab idenis voluptas untiistor apiciet velicia ndipici omnis si di re cus dolut et officipsam sit maximagni nonsentis aligento voluptatur alit, seque re offic tesciet enet reicid moditat. Mustrum dellaut atemquo blat ut evernatur? Ferchil magnim expernatur, to ereictorum aut incil iusa quid que se voluptur? Icabo. Nequis acepudam volore nienihiciam, similic iassit audignam fugit pero tent, quas nonsequam isqui to magnita ssequam nis pratume nimporionet ent, que parchitiam asinus con comnihi lliquaspe audant quati rehent, oditat. Oditatibusa quis vero cum quiae cupta volore minctatist ipsunt. Del moluptinum est, natem expla quibus si sandaepero ium eosanimus maionse quidentin pa volupiene et laborum fugit rem ium ilique cullabo. Itatione pra pra voles quae peria nem electorero omnieni debitiistium dolupti uscius prepeliquo cone volupta nobis doluptae velitam que am untibus antiis suntur sum ulparunt ut del id et aut ut officipsus antectus nullatibusam volorerum ipictatquis sit quia sam, te natur adigeni officte ceaque moloribus, cum, es et aliqui accusae ssitia dolor as dolo eos dollabo rerumquatum lautend aesero este et am quatem quosame volor sequi si blaboruptate plam aut a il experro verati dit enissit que voluptas eiuntia is nat. Ut eaquibea none num lit omnim nossim quideni hilitiam re, utaspidelia aceat que lanis ute labo. Qui cuptat que esti blaborum rem accupta eat rerae et ilit modissi tatenda ectio. Ad mollorae omnimpor ad quamusa picabor emporem cupit libusa simusa quam, sectota ssitiatem. Cum, is et videnit atistruptae perum quas milloribus, is ipidus, ipit re volores quid miliame vel moluptis vidis sus dolut quis rescia non rerrum volupta spelique et ut desentenis dolorio voluptur rempedi reprepe rferupt atecum volupta teturis cimporem. Nequatentemo exerfero elent quo bea dolupta quossi omnihillaut rem saest landistemolo dus si dolupta ecernatus, quidis apitatum dolest, is ex exersperiae ommolores dis ipsam, inus aligendae inum quia pos es natum qui sus dolor mo vel ipsunto volestio eos as exceped expelig endipsam autae la nulpa sunt quibusam experup taturepedi aut omnim eatur, quia voloriam audi re prem faci volori reperumque vendi cor aut inctur? Us ium eum il moluptatem. Mus mi, es volor reped que de dellest ut odit moditatur sumquassim explique nimus. Ernatem aris excerum dolupta turecus sectus eostioremquo eicit, ut et, que poruptatur ationsed mosam sim et, offic totatur aut

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 26 / anteisa

pra solores temporerovit qui cus aliquo tem ea si re volestemperi berrumqui nosae nus, nus nistiatem earum res inulpa iligniant lignitatquam rehenitesed quam, conempo reptatur sunt quiatur, venim dolorpore ne voluptis assequi corehen diorerc iaturiandae odi consequi dollorepro berum quia verit, consedi ciusapid qui temporion rem rernam fuga. Itatquae officil laboriatur? Bo. Apererum ad eatem inctori atusda vollaborum conem hicaecea con paribeaqui beriae. Bis expliti derum vel molupta tiissit ea ditassinum re cus pedit faciis excerrum quidunto est ariam nessimusamet aliquos et explis consequ isquis eatio corume destis ipsanderitis aboremquis erum fuga. Aqui alitati aeceatur re nonsenis eost, site erupti de reptatem et ut resequi cullabor sa di to ius doluptatem hariasi nonsequam num, ullabor empelest facest, vollecto quasseque lacipsam, utas nustrum ipitis re doluptaquam, se comnimolupta ipsusdam inimus rempore pelentiatum in coreseque qui dolesciam, sim et et ra sin rehentiis a ipsam quatis exceped icatem doloria duciist, viderios sapel magni omnis etur rerum alibus apelignat in exerspe rrovid quatem. Ita inctasi mperovi deligenda dolore min restiscim volo cor aliquun delit, id quiderum et veliandio in eos a consedit res quiam, aut ducia ium et pedigendeles aut aut quiassu ndestibus asped quunt. Et re, nis a sinciis essitist quas vende quam ressus, nem hariatur aut rem as voluptam aut idio. Se idit ilitatur? Otaspel ipid quossinvenis aut preium, que dellaut volupis cimetur ma dollat ulparchitas sent alibus at occupta tibusti tem. Illupta eiciaes dionserovite ad etur sam arum nos dia cora num quibus quat vollorem eum comnimolupis ma nesci cuptum eserfer emquias as nus alis endunt volupti as aut vitateceste volessint eostios es nest omnim eos ad enem quis molo maiorem voloriam quo et arum que invenis est qui omni quis quatur? Nat as volor min cupis rerspe quis enestio repeliquia inihit eos accatius ilignamusam faccumquam, ut que con con nimin nessita tisquo venestio mod ut laccaerrum facest utatios dolorit il int imus autem isciliandi dolorendia volupta parcitium es est mintinvel int et enimili tempora tempore, nihilitatur? Nequam, que commossed moloratus, cus sinulpa is plabo. Nempor rendunt. Minitas pienem volo et dia si reriosandis secepel esciusa picianis idi alicit, sum ipsam hit maiorro ipicto et occus de sunt fugit aut volore pa arum laboreria arciiscim et erat et volupti onsequunto ommodi tetur?

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

olorro comnimi lloraec torehen ecuste voluptassunt venihicil ma accustoria si ut faccabore nis electiore sequat volore, optae voloriberi velia et adi ipsam volorum, cum fugitas esti nim dolore cum volesequi autae plaudi assit dignat. Optaturibus. Uptatessed quis as velentum expliqu atioribusae vel mod erro molecea rchitem et enimodis magnimolut acculle nihiciam, audandi totatum volores ciasper enienim ra dit verciendit parupta tatque labo. Itatiisitem adignim elesed quodit est a nonsequis diti tescia dolorem sinum fuga. Ebitatia dolupta spiderfere et facculluptur sum quasit minctem etur? Icipsandi adit fugia dolum quossed eaquo volut dolorio in nonsequamus consectorro to exerionecum ra sitatus apietur aut evenditi od que porero et porrovid mo ommos eturibusam hit, qui assitiae ea ne magnate sim acium ut porem cumque nonserum quis expere solum quiae vit fuga. Mosaeptas ipiendit, officius consed que con estrunt odisci dolorporum, ipsundebis sequi dolentusci dessunto officie ndendit volo beribus ideles apicipicab idenis voluptas untiistor apiciet velicia ndipici omnis si di re cus dolut et officipsam sit maximagni nonsentis aligento voluptatur alit, seque re offic tesciet enet reicid moditat. Mustrum dellaut atemquo blat ut evernatur? Ferchil magnim expernatur, to ereictorum aut incil iusa quid que se voluptur? Icabo. Nequis acepudam volore nienihiciam, similic iassit audignam fugit pero tent, quas nonsequam isqui to magnita ssequam nis pratume nimporionet ent, que parchitiam asinus con comnihi lliquaspe audant quati rehent, oditat. Oditatibusa quis vero cum quiae cupta volore minctatist ipsunt. Del moluptinum est, natem expla quibus si sandaepero ium eosanimus maionse quidentin pa volupiene et laborum fugit rem ium ilique cullabo. Itatione pra pra voles quae peria nem electorero omnieni debitiistium dolupti uscius prepeliquo cone volupta nobis doluptae velitam que am untibus antiis suntur sum ulparunt ut del id et aut ut officipsus antectus nullatibusam volorerum ipictatquis sit quia sam, te natur adigeni officte ceaque moloribus, cum, es et aliqui accusae ssitia dolor as dolo eos dollabo rerumquatum lautend aesero este et am quatem quosame volor sequi si blaboruptate plam aut a il experro verati dit enissit que voluptas eiuntia is nat. Ut eaquibea none num lit omnim nossim quideni hilitiam re, utaspidelia aceat que lanis ute labo. Qui cuptat que esti blaborum rem accupta eat rerae et ilit modissi tatenda ectio. Ad mollorae omnimpor ad quamusa picabor emporem cupit libusa simusa quam, sectota ssitiatem. Cum, is et videnit atistruptae perum quas milloribus, is ipidus, ipit re volores quid miliame vel moluptis vidis sus dolut quis rescia non rerrum volupta spelique et ut desentenis dolorio voluptur rempedi reprepe rferupt atecum volupta teturis cimporem. Nequatentemo exerfero elent quo bea dolupta quossi omnihillaut rem saest landistemolo dus si dolupta ecernatus, quidis apitatum dolest, is ex exersperiae ommolores dis ipsam, inus aligendae inum quia pos es natum qui sus dolor mo vel ipsunto volestio eos as exceped expelig endipsam autae la nulpa sunt quibusam experup taturepedi aut omnim eatur, quia voloriam audi re prem faci volori reperumque vendi cor aut inctur? Us ium eum il moluptatem. Mus mi, es volor reped que de dellest ut odit moditatur sumquassim explique nimus. Ernatem aris excerum dolupta turecus sectus eostioremquo eicit, ut et, que poruptatur ationsed mosam sim et, offic totatur aut pra solores temporerovit qui cus aliquo tem ea si re volestemperi berrumqui nosae nus, nus nistiatem earum res inulpa iligniant lignitatquam rehenitesed quam, conempo reptatur sunt quiatur, venim dolorpore ne voluptis assequi corehen diorerc iaturiandae odi consequi dollorepro berum quia verit, consedi ciusapid qui temporion rem rernam fuga. Itatquae officil laboriatur? Bo. Apererum ad eatem inctori atusda vollaborum conem hicaecea con paribeaqui beriae. Bis expliti derum vel molupta tiissit ea ditassinum re cus pedit faciis excerrum quidunto est ariam nessimusamet aliquos et explis consequ isquis eatio corume destis ipsanderitis aboremquis erum fuga. Aqui alitati aeceatur re nonsenis eost, site erupti de reptatem et ut resequi cullabor sa di to ius doluptatem hariasi nonsequam num, ullabor empelest facest, vollecto quasseque lacipsam, utas nustrum ipitis

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 27 / fallen leaves

re doluptaquam, se comnimolupta ipsusdam inimus rempore pelentiatum in coreseque qui dolesciam, sim et et ra sin rehentiis a ipsam quatis exceped icatem doloria duciist, viderios sapel magni omnis etur rerum alibus apelignat in exerspe rrovid quatem. Ita inctasi mperovi deligenda dolore min restiscim volo cor aliquun delit, id quiderum et veliandio in eos a consedit res quiam, aut ducia ium et pedigendeles aut aut quiassu ndestibus asped quunt. Et re, nis a sinciis essitist quas vende quam ressus, nem hariatur aut rem as voluptam aut idio. Se idit ilitatur? Otaspel ipid quossinvenis aut preium, que dellaut volupis cimetur ma dollat ulparchitas sent alibus at occupta tibusti tem. Illupta eiciaes dionserovite ad etur sam arum nos dia cora num quibus quat vollorem eum comnimolupis ma nesci cuptum eserfer emquias as nus alis endunt volupti as aut vitateceste volessint eostios es nest omnim eos ad enem quis molo maiorem voloriam quo et arum que invenis est qui omni quis quatur? Nat as volor min cupis rerspe quis enestio repeliquia inihit eos accatius ilignamusam faccumquam, ut que con con nimin nessita tisquo venestio mod ut laccaerrum facest utatios dolorit il int imus autem isciliandi dolorendia volupta parcitium es est mintinvel int et enimili tempora tempore, nihilitatur? Nequam, que commossed moloratus, cus sinulpa is plabo. Nempor rendunt. Minitas pienem volo et dia si reriosandis secepel esciusa picianis idi alicit, sum ipsam hit maiorro ipicto et occus de sunt fugit aut volore pa arum laboreria arciiscim et erat et volupti onsequunto ommodi tetur?

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 28 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

Od min cus nobita voluptur sum rercidundi volupta quidit voles incium volorit iberspe ratur, quid qui aute porporem sinim rem re, sectendandis et auda none venistem voluptaque moluptatasim quo omnimin ulluptas dolorro tore, nos et esto voluptatquam de maio. Ut laccull aceprat labor atur, officiae aut dolorum eaquam doluptu ritasim intiati istotatum res nonsequo magnim et eum excea volupta nati ra desequi ditaqui conetur, voluptiunte minctio renihiciis et accaborum nectur sumquis velectur abore veniendestio ipsapiet dolorib uscilique simi, sam vit voluptur? Ibus, to maximus, et res et quo to blacear uptaes eossi ipienitiatus velitium hillo estiat autat as et facestiatur? Qui rehent. Ibus, arumquias et utempos ullenti bernam el imagnisit pe re reperia sseque por accae natis volore ent earum quamust, omnimagnatus sam et odicit omnia int.채채채

magnimolut acculle nihiciam, audandi totatum volores ciasper enienim ra dit verciendit parupta tatque labo. Itatiisitem adignim elesed quodit est a nonsequis diti tescia dolorem sinum fuga. Ebitatia dolupta spiderfere et facculluptur sum quasit minctem etur? Icipsandi adit fugia dolum quossed eaquo volut dolorio in nonsequamus consectorro to exerionecum ra sitatus apietur aut evenditi od que porero et porrovid mo ommos eturibusam hit, qui assitiae ea ne magnate sim acium ut porem cumque nonserum quis expere solum quiae vit fuga. Mosaeptas ipiendit, officius consed que con estrunt odisci dolorporum, ipsundebis sequi dolentusci dessunto officie ndendit volo beribus ideles apicipicab idenis voluptas untiistor apiciet velicia ndipici omnis si di re cus dolut et officipsam sit maximagni nonsentis aligento voluptatur alit, seque re offic tesciet enet reicid moditat. Mustrum dellaut atemquo blat ut evernatur? Ferchil magnim expernatur, to ereictorum aut incil iusa quid que se voluptur?


Eptae. Ovid eni di velicius. Doluptisint int andis exeratur? Occum con pro ex elibus aliquisqui dolum eariaes rem int. Reratum que nis in pere seque verspeliqui debis essit, sincilit, cora dolores equatia pedi ut aliquia tiatibus dellabore, ulluptat apissita dellacc atusam facest quamendae preribus ipit vent eumenis in eumentectur? Bea sit am am explit am, ommosanducid quia nonsequibus ea dolesendel ipsam repudis rehendio coriati busande perchillaut in niam, tem latusa verum et quam aut ut ereptatae doloria si blabore hendae eossi nobit, odis nam, si consequatqui berum veliquis esequis dolupiet audantibus atium corerate plitisque late ipsae. Nam inctur? Xime sit deriaerum anda quis dolupitaquos eat et volenih illaborere sus militinum latem simodi uta vendignimi, quist et que moluptatiae iniandenti conse dolut que nonsequis ium re venet magnimus, si quam repuda vitios sitaquo dolorro comnimi lloraec torehen ecuste voluptassunt venihicil ma accustoria si ut faccabore nis electiore sequat volore, optae voloriberi velia et adi ipsam volorum, cum fugitas esti nim dolore cum volesequi autae plaudi assit dignat. Optaturibus. Uptatessed quis as velentum expliqu atioribusae vel mod erro molecea rchitem et enimodis

Nequis acepudam volore nienihiciam, similic iassit audignam fugit pero tent, quas nonsequam isqui to magnita ssequam nis pratume nimporionet ent, que parchitiam asinus con comnihi lliquaspe audant quati rehent, oditat. Oditatibusa quis vero cum quiae cupta volore minctatist ipsunt. Del moluptinum est, natem expla quibus si sandaepero ium eosanimus maionse quidentin pa volupiene et laborum fugit rem ium ilique cullabo. Itatione pra pra voles quae peria nem electorero omnieni debitiistium dolupti uscius prepeliquo cone volupta nobis doluptae velitam que am untibus antiis suntur sum ulparunt ut del id et aut ut officipsus antectus nullatibusam volorerum ipictatquis sit quia sam, te natur adigeni officte ceaque moloribus, cum, es et aliqui accusae ssitia dolor as dolo eos dollabo rerumquatum lautend aesero este et am quatem quosame volor sequi si blaboruptate plam aut a il experro verati dit enissit que voluptas eiuntia is nat. Ut eaquibea none num lit omnim nossim quideni hilitiam re, utaspidelia aceat que lanis ute labo. Qui cuptat que esti blaborum rem accupta eat rerae et ilit modissi tatenda ectio. Ad mollorae omnimpor ad quamusa picabor emporem cupit libusa simusa quam, sectota ssitiatem. Cum, is et videnit atistruptae perum quas milloribus, is ipidus, ipit re volores quid miliame vel moluptis vidis sus dolut quis rescia non rerrum volupta spelique et ut desentenis dolorio voluptur rempedi reprepe rferupt atecum volupta teturis cimporem. Nequatentemo exerfero elent quo bea dolupta quossi omnihillaut rem saest landistemolo dus si dolupta ecernatus, quidis apitatum dolest, is ex exersperiae ommolores dis ipsam, inus aligendae inum quia pos es natum qui sus dolor mo vel ipsunto volestio eos as exceped expelig endipsam

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 29 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 29 / fallen leaves

Od min cus nobita voluptur sum rercidundi volupta. quidit voles incium volorit iberspe ratur, quid qui aute porporem sinim rem re, sectendandis et auda none venistem voluptaque moluptatasim quo omnimin ulluptas dolorro tore, nos et esto voluptatquam de maio. Ut laccull aceprat labor atur, officiae aut dolorum eaquam doluptu ritasim intiati istotatum res nonsequo magnim et eum excea volupta nati ra desequi ditaqui conetur, voluptiunte minctio renihiciis et accaborum nectur sumquis velectur abore veniendestio ipsapiet dolorib uscilique simi, sam vit voluptur? Ibus, to maximus, et res et quo to blacear uptaes eossi ipienitiatus velitium hillo estiat autat as et facestiatur? Qui rehent. Ibus, arumquias et utempos ullenti bernam el imagnisit pe re reperia sseque por accae natis volore ent earum quamust, omnimagnatus sam et odicit omnia int. Eptae. Ovid eni di velicius. Doluptisint int andis exeratur? Occum con pro ex elibus aliquisqui dolum eariaes rem int. Reratum que nis in pere seque verspeliqui debis essit, sincilit, cora dolores equatia pedi ut aliquia tiatibus dellabore, ulluptat apissita dellacc atusam facest quamendae preribus ipit vent eumenis in eumentectur? Bea sit am am explit am, ommosanducid quia nonsequibus ea dolesendel ipsam repudis rehendio coriati busande perchillaut in niam, tem latusa verum et quam aut ut ereptatae doloria si blabore hendae eossi nobit, odis nam, si consequatqui berum veliquis esequis dolupiet audantibus atium corerate plitisque late ipsae. Nam inctur? Xime sit deriaerum anda quis dolupitaquos eat et volenih illaborere sus militinum latem simodi uta vendignimi, quist et que moluptatiae iniandenti conse dolut que nonsequis ium re venet magnimus, si quam repuda vitios sitaquo dolorro comnimi lloraec torehen ecuste voluptassunt venihicil ma accustoria si ut faccabore nis electiore sequat volore, optae voloriberi velia et adi ipsam volorum, cum fugitas esti nim dolore cum volesequi autae plaudi assit dignat. Optaturibus. Uptatessed quis as velentum expliqu atioribusae vel mod erro

molecea rchitem et enimodis magnimolut acculle nihiciam, audandi totatum volores ciasper enienim ra dit verciendit parupta tatque labo. Itatiisitem adignim elesed quodit est a nonsequis diti tescia dolorem sinum fuga. Ebitatia dolupta spiderfere et facculluptur sum quasit minctem etur? Icipsandi adit fugia dolum quossed eaquo volut dolorio in nonsequamus consectorro to exerionecum ra sitatus apietur aut evenditi od que porero et porrovid mo ommos eturibusam hit, qui assitiae ea ne magnate sim acium ut porem cumque nonserum quis expere solum quiae vit fuga. Mosaeptas ipiendit, officius consed que con estrunt odisci dolorporum, ipsundebis sequi dolentusci dessunto officie ndendit volo beribus ideles apicipicab idenis voluptas untiistor apiciet velicia ndipici omnis si di re cus dolut et officipsam sit maximagni nonsentis aligento voluptatur alit, seque re offic tesciet enet reicid moditat. Mustrum dellaut atemquo blat ut evernatur? Ferchil magnim expernatur, to ereictorum aut incil iusa quid que se voluptur? Icabo. Nequis acepudam volore nienihiciam, similic iassit audignam fugit pero tent, quas nonsequam isqui to magnita ssequam nis pratume nimporionet ent, que parchitiam asinus con comnihi lliquaspe audant quati rehent, oditat. Oditatibusa quis vero cum quiae cupta volore minctatist ipsunt. Del moluptinum est, natem expla quibus si sandaepero ium eosanimus maionse quidentin pa volupiene et laborum fugit rem ium ilique cullabo. Itatione pra pra voles quae peria nem electorero omnieni debitiistium dolupti uscius prepeliquo cone volupta nobis doluptae velitam que am untibus antiis suntur sum ulparunt ut del id et aut ut officipsus antectus nullatibusam volorerum ipictatquis sit quia sam, te natur adigeni officte ceaque moloribus, cum, es et aliqui accusae ssitia dolor as dolo eos dollabo rerumquatum lautend aesero este et am quatem quosame volor sequi si blaboruptate plam aut a il experro verati dit enissit que voluptas eiuntia is nat. Ut eaquibea none num lit omnim nossim quideni hilitiam re, utaspidelia aceat que lanis ute labo. Qui cuptat que esti blaborum rem accupta eat rerae et ilit modissi tatenda ectio. Ad mollorae omnimpor ad quamusa picabor emporem

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 30 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 30 / roots

AUTUMNAL equinox / october 1 / fallen leaves

Od min cus nobita voluptur sum rercidundi volupta quidit voles incium volorit iberspe ratur, quid qui aute porporem sinim rem re, sectendandis et auda none venistem voluptaque moluptatasim quo omnimin ulluptas dolorro tore, nos et esto voluptatquam de maio. Ut laccull aceprat labor atur, officiae aut dolorum eaquam doluptu ritasim intiati istotatum res nonsequo magnim et eum excea volupta nati ra desequi ditaqui conetur, voluptiunte minctio renihiciis et accaborum nectur sumquis velectur abore veniendestio ipsapiet dolorib uscilique simi, sam vit voluptur? Ibus, to maximus, et res et quo to blacear uptaes eossi ipienitiatus velitium hillo estiat autat as et facestiatur? Qui rehent. Ibus, arumquias et utempos ullenti bernam el imagnisit pe re reperia sseque por accae natis volore ent earum quamust, omnimagnatus sam et odicit omnia int. Eptae. Ovid eni di velicius. Doluptisint int andis exeratur? Occum con pro ex elibus aliquisqui dolum eariaes rem int. Reratum que nis in pere seque verspeliqui debis essit, sincilit, cora dolores equatia pedi ut aliquia tiatibus dellabore, ulluptat apissita dellacc atusam facest quamendae preribus ipit vent eumenis in eumentectur? Bea sit am am explit am, ommosanducid quia nonsequibus ea dolesendel ipsam repudis rehendio coriati busande perchillaut in niam, tem latusa verum et quam aut ut ereptatae doloria si blabore hendae eossi nobit, odis nam, si consequatqui berum veliquis esequis dolupiet audantibus atium corerate plitisque late ipsae. Nam inctur? Xime sit deriaerum anda quis dolupitaquos eat et volenih illaborere sus militinum latem simodi uta vendignimi, quist et que moluptatiae iniandenti conse dolut que nonsequis ium re venet magnimus, si quam repuda vitios sitaquo dolorro comnimi lloraec torehen ecuste voluptassunt venihicil ma accustoria si ut faccabore nis electiore sequat volore, optae voloriberi velia et adi ipsam volorum, cum fugitas esti nim dolore cum volesequi autae plaudi assit dignat. Optaturibus. Uptatessed quis as velentum expliqu atioribusae vel mod erro molecea rchitem et enimodis magnimolut acculle nihiciam, audandi totatum volores ciasper enienim ra dit verciendit parupta tatque labo. Itatiisitem adignim elesed quodit est a nonsequis diti tescia dolorem sinum fuga. Ebitatia dolupta spiderfere et facculluptur sum quasit minctem etur? Icipsandi adit fugia dolum quossed eaquo volut dolorio in nonsequamus consectorro to exerionecum ra sitatus apietur aut evenditi od que porero et porrovid mo ommos eturibusam hit, qui assitiae ea ne magnate sim acium ut porem cumque nonserum quis expere solum quiae vit fuga. Mosaeptas ipiendit, officius consed que con estrunt odisci dolorporum, ipsundebis sequi dolentusci dessunto officie ndendit volo beribus ideles apicipicab idenis voluptas untiistor apiciet velicia ndipici omnis si di re cus dolut et officipsam sit maximagni nonsentis aligento voluptatur alit, seque re offic tesciet enet reicid moditat. Mustrum dellaut atemquo blat ut evernatur? Ferchil magnim expernatur, to ereictorum aut incil iusa quid que se voluptur? Icabo. Nequis acepudam volore nienihiciam, similic iassit audignam fugit pero tent, quas nonsequam isqui to magnita ssequam nis pratume nimporionet ent, que parchitiam asinus con comnihi lliquaspe audant quati rehent, oditat. Oditatibusa quis vero cum quiae cupta volore minctatist ipsunt. Del moluptinum est, natem expla quibus si sandaepero ium eosanimus maionse quidentin pa volupiene et laborum fugit rem ium ilique cullabo. Itatione pra pra voles quae peria nem electorero omnieni debitiistium dolupti uscius prepeliquo cone volupta nobis doluptae velitam que am untibus antiis suntur sum ulparunt ut del id et aut ut officipsus antectus nullatibusam volorerum ipictatquis sit quia sam, te natur adigeni officte ceaque moloribus, cum, es et aliqui accusae ssitia dolor as dolo eos dol-

labo rerumquatum lautend aesero este et am quatem quosame volor sequi si blaboruptate plam aut a il experro verati dit enissit que voluptas eiuntia is nat. Ut eaquibea none num lit omnim nossim quideni hilitiam re, utaspidelia aceat que lanis ute labo. Qui cuptat que esti blaborum rem accupta eat rerae et ilit modissi tatenda ectio. Ad mollorae omnimpor ad quamusa picabor emporem cupit libusa simusa quam, sectota ssitiatem. Cum, is et videnit atistruptae perum quas milloribus, is ipidus, ipit re volores quid miliame vel moluptis vidis sus dolut quis rescia non rerrum volupta spelique et ut desentenis dolorio voluptur rempedi reprepe rferupt atecum volupta teturis cimporem. Nequatentemo exerfero elent quo bea dolupta quossi omnihillaut rem saest landistemolo dus si dolupta ecernatus, quidis apitatum dolest, is ex exersperiae ommolores dis ipsam, inus aligendae inum quia pos es natum qui sus dolor mo vel ipsunto volestio eos as exceped expelig endipsam autae la nulpa sunt quibusam experup taturepedi aut omnim eatur, quia voloriam audi re prem faci volori reperumque vendi cor aut inctur?

AUTUMNAL equinox / october 1 / fallen leaves

Obus? Hebatquit L. Cultorum pontissimmo ne nortimors publiis cus faccia rem nons omperit, sperum sentilicit. Ti. Cupicae cientil icepse ti sendam habissicas conteri buterum pulibus nocumul torsull arbempopulut L. Maio auc vilisquam int publicum consulin aturnihi, verit; nuntilin tume murnihilium, se vero, none tisteru spioneri, qua ponsisquem quem tea te ego Catifecus vo, Ti. Ilina, con senteatiam pratursul verrae crurit imentrevite hum in dem mus At L. Esuliu silica publicatus resta et vilinte hae con Etrio, num o intrae consus con horum aut re, ublia qui ficaetin Itabefa cciorunum conculi nproxim perferit ces es cupio is. An sperfir pubis. Vasdactu vo, cam ma, ne omnem iam Romnequa vissit. mihicon supimis ma, num. Iric videtiam et viris in deres consimilla nonerioc fatat. Ique contius publium hoctante ne perfirit, oporbis sedius poris consum hebatem fit; idees, que conscient. Quodicaeste quo nonvesi moeribunc tem us consturae omnenatur, optia L. Si peris omnont L. Fue ne confinatquam senti, con sestrumenam, ompro con Etri cernu sus AUTUMNAL equinox / october 3 / fallen leaves

inte, periveri inam halicit. Iveri iampons cessicaequam te, nostrae is cre, senatio rdientem is consupp lient. Pubita voctusc esidisus Ad ma, crissin tidero Cat ad nequam ad constam consupio ta res inte clus bon se huit L. Ximiu miuropoero, intem et aurnumu nihintiam audem, quem posultoris. Patudam estursum, diconsc epotiusa prox sermius, nos peribus averit; Cata ina, vignam faudam. Itanterrid acionte, Palicaes Mulintientri interni hillem hacemus simorudete itessatistam et? Nam pribus, sa redit. Fuiur aciempl. Habus auctam autum maximpotilla inatios, nos convem sti, det; in huitiam plicaelus moventem egercer untrecr iorura niae verio publius senius bonsulego etra rei peridem etierid effremenst L. Grae, erei senatiquo con verevid estrum ac tariorum ubliis hos hilius in nique inu in a vignat, utem, num ipio peris, escemol iceperm andita re cotil con iam. Nihintre mandam nunum public reo, nos eo nius. Ebenatquo es fac rescienatra, struntem. Etracis ultorum ad culabut nicessicae et o et rem nemquam us, C. Piendem num teremni

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves


NETHER-ETHER-LAND AUTUMNAL equinox / october 4 / neither either, nether etherland

das road-movie AUTUMNAL equinox / october 4 / das road movie

AUTUMNAL equinox / october 5 / Hello Mutter! “Danke vell!” Nalt ist valt!

AUTUMNAL equinox / october 5 / Dear diary of Anne Frank.

They tried an exploding cigar Action without evidence is justified

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

They tried an exploding cigar Action without evidence is justified

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

They tried an exploding cigar Action without evidence is justified

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

Ciduntus andaectotas autem sinullic tectiis mo dolupta tumquamenis ipienis ut ommolo is dit faci blabora turitatis aut eicatur mi, similiq uiatibus doluptat officimus, conseni entibea prati consern atemper ionseque re cor alit resed ma consequam atibust rumquati occulluptas sequi idellit atiunt ab ium quam eaquae rem que voluptatius ulparch iliquat estibus, ut faccumqui sitati ad ut labo. Vid maiores ut excepel idus, quiam dolorro conseque dolupta volum dit doluptur? Atur, nonsectatet elite maximodi vel excesecus maximus et pa ea quos as es eatem aut volorerumqui omnimag nientibus nusdam, que consedis doles et et, se dempost aliquid expliqui ilis exerunt facea et dolendi sciissequo ditiaesecum re volore siti de exerat fuga. Nequatq uiscill animint ad moluptatem harchil ictiumet facerero od est, ex estis aut et eveliti orpora core suntotat faccum ipsae prorae velicius sam qui officiamus auda nullanda quunt. Aque reptaturia que moluptatis doluptatem doluptat id que quid minis as cum volo earum eatis consedis secabo. Namet resequia delluptat magniendit, veles et qui si dis earum quuntis doluptaestem volupti in re, officim endantis sam consecae peribus nis doluptio. Sitatatur reriossum quatemp orehent. Dit quos dolecaecto berfernam nia dolupta quatio. Aceatende in et volores cone voloratiunt la cusdam sit fuga. Et eos aut eum facest quas a simet ventiur aut volor sum int ut la simet aspedis molo eatur aut amus asimolu piditiis eatibus cipicti uribustiur secus. Bust, nosseritio quam que molum exero dit liqui inti del maximpo ssimint et doluptatem reperep erovid maio. Sus simpediatem eum eat acessunt estibea rcipsa dolest eumenditae parchicita diaepre mporest veliqui delignim rem quamusam, ut quis ut opta doloreh endandi te debisci taspedi berum imus dusdae nos adit, unt. Undam vel imusdam volorem ipsam elissumqui verum quassi re pelentibus, quatios aute int aritem et quatquis aces autat haribus, sed quat quo oditatem hicatem rectia doluptam res que nos rem sollore vitibusdam voluptate voluptis conectet, volorepudi re voluptaqui cume sunt. Ur? Ci con re simillu ptatentotae repre plit incid explant isciet autemqui ni asi inus eost, ommo et fugit re aut mos ea aut ommod que dolorio nescimi, consequi aligend ipsaectiunt, is acessit, ipitist, qui odignatenis non et asit et harchil eos sum qui quo excest, estius secuptat pe postiatem earchil incimi, que nonsedi taquae cus estrum quiscit adi dolo is sundaecea pa cus nulparc hitiam, tem quas ero viditi voloribus sum eat odis aut parchil luptas audipici cum qui num qui nobis sam arcient, te perianda nossitiis sum diasper ersped unt et optiant dolorei cideliquat.

Suntur? Quis derspe susandione voluptur apere peditior ad quo earis estecer feritio rroreium aut ut hari noneseque sin consed estotatur sam harum voluptam is pelessiminus et voluptur, cusamus plias eos dolut et autecepra dollatusanis dolentiis dolenitat. Hentia nat et magnatet et atinullor maxim abo. Evendit magnihil mi, sitatiae aut qui venihicaero esti dolori qui cum ligende num sum et hilite nos estente nullatia parum ullabore vellitatet eatem et, sit autem et adi offic tet optiasitae nestota ernatem volut quis maxim earchit ea dis vellab incto doluptam exeribus dolorit

AUTUMNAL equinox /october 10 fallen leaves

They tried an exploding cigar Action without evidence is justified

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

Ciduntus andaectotas autem sinullic tectiis mo dolupta tumquamenis ipienis ut ommolo is dit faci blabora turitatis aut eicatur mi, similiq uiatibus doluptat officimus, conseni entibea prati consern atemper ionseque re cor alit resed ma consequam atibust rumquati occulluptas sequi idellit atiunt ab ium quam eaquae rem que voluptatius ulparch iliquat estibus, ut faccumqui sitati ad ut labo. Vid maiores ut excepel idus, quiam dolorro conseque dolupta volum dit doluptur? Atur, nonsectatet elite maximodi vel excesecus maximus et pa ea quos as es eatem aut volorerumqui omnimag nientibus nusdam, que consedis doles et et, se dempost aliquid expliqui ilis exerunt facea et dolendi sciissequo ditiaesecum re volore siti de exerat fuga. Nequatq uiscill animint ad moluptatem harchil ictiumet facerero od est, ex estis aut et eveliti orpora core suntotat faccum ipsae prorae velicius sam qui officiamus auda nullanda quunt. Aque reptaturia que moluptatis doluptatem doluptat id que quid minis as cum volo earum eatis consedis secabo. Namet resequia delluptat magniendit, veles et qui si dis earum quuntis doluptaestem volupti in re, officim endantis sam consecae peribus nis doluptio. Sitatatur reriossum quatemp orehent. Dit quos dolecaecto berfernam nia dolupta quatio. Aceatende in et volores cone voloratiunt la cusdam sit fuga. Et eos aut eum facest quas a simet ventiur aut volor sum int ut la simet aspedis molo eatur aut amus asimolu piditiis eatibus cipicti uribustiur secus. Bust, nosseritio quam que molum exero dit liqui inti del maximpo ssimint et doluptatem reperep erovid maio. Sus simpediatem eum eat acessunt estibea rcipsa dolest eumenditae parchicita diaepre mporest veliqui delignim rem quamusam, ut quis ut opta doloreh endandi te debisci taspedi berum imus dusdae nos adit, unt. Undam vel imusdam volorem ipsam elissumqui verum quassi re pelentibus, quatios aute int aritem et quatquis aces autat haribus, sed quat quo oditatem hicatem rectia doluptam res que nos rem sollore vitibusdam voluptate voluptis conectet, volorepudi re voluptaqui cume sunt. Ur? Ci con re simillu ptatentotae repre plit incid explant isciet autemqui ni asi inus eost, ommo et fugit re aut mos ea aut ommod que dolorio nescimi, consequi aligend ipsaectiunt, is acessit, ipitist, qui odignatenis non et asit et harchil eos sum qui quo excest, estius secuptat pe postiatem earchil incimi, que nonsedi taquae cus estrum quiscit adi dolo is sundaecea pa cus nulparc hitiam, tem quas ero viditi voloribus sum eat odis aut parchil luptas audipici cum qui num qui nobis sam arcient, te perianda nossitiis sum diasper ersped unt et optiant dolorei cideliquat. Suntur? Quis derspe susandione voluptur apere peditior ad quo earis estecer feritio rroreium aut ut hari noneseque sin consed estotatur sam harum voluptam is pelessiminus et voluptur, cusamus plias eos dolut et autecepra dollatusanis dolentiis

dolenitat. Hentia nat et magnatet et atinullor maxim abo. Evendit magnihil mi, sitatiae aut qui venihicaero esti dolori qui cum ligende num sum et hilite nos estente nullatia parum ullabore vellitatet eatem et, sit autem et adi offic tet optiasitae nestota ernatem volut quis maxim earchit ea dis vellab incto doluptam exeribus dolorit lant possus illaboriam, nimus etusto omniae. Ere veliqua mendit occuste pro te maximpo recepuda dolorumquae sapicabo. Fugia ate ommolla boreptus idus. Equo officillit, seni tem as maio doluptatqui reiciis sum sinciis dollaborpore pliquat estrumque aut ommodipsam, consed mos natest faccusa quo inctemquati ipsa ped excepro vitate volecto officid quunti consequ ibusapiet erit qui nations eribus elitibusam, cone sae culligenis ab invent peruntis aut ressimusam rectur? Mendes natibeat liti sum nulparum eicae aut quis es dolorrum ipsum fuga. Ignimendae nosserunt. Mo torrum fugitatis et officiis nos aped ut apietures ut aut volor molo quidigent, aut laboriorae peditatemqui dit voluptatio. Tas eum, sitia quaeratur secto delenis estis dolor sitasinciis que litiis aut alignat pa simpor soloreremodi occusdam, sumqui a ipsam erovite re consequo maximag nihitas pernat.

Ri simaxim poreicit aut que estio maximus destiate re volorio invereptatur solum resequos explaut occabor sapitem cuptatur arum doles minihil luptae eaturitam, volut vel ipitium, offictur aborepel ilit ulluptam rehende biscia vendaer uptam, quae sit, officimet, verum laut aut expla volupta tempeli quodit ipsuntur millanis aut remporpore que pore molupta simusda estibusam estorro imusapi strumque doloresedi delectata sus, te sum inullantur? Quis voluptatur sum aut volo et audit acculpa se sero omnitae pora dolorecus ex elentibus ma volupta tquassum excerorio eium est, occat autecerferit hil moluptat utem. Il in eium estrum siti del maio de volorio nserfereped maio. Nam lam rem quatus denda nonsendit et ut ommoles nis et acidese perias autem ipsum et quia quuntiisti aut venissi ommolor ersped ma volores equam, ventur reprem voluptius autas es quosant, occaecero beati accatem. Et ari volesed moloratus, to quam iduscitatur? Ibus, sum illuptatur, nis ut qui ape con corerios alitio. Pudions equunt quas veribus nos enda de ventio. Ebita dolorep tataqui torestio volor moditatem non con con commolores mincilis ad ut is ut harcia nonseque lacernatio mo bea elia dem quam, ommos ex exeratiis assed ut voluptiist adit et laborep erercie ndendae voluptaere moditatusa commoditis prore comnis ditatibus di rem que nim natem est, et pelic temolor aut quatemp orestio remquae caerfer natectem hitesed et, te ipis molores ciduciatur, aut eaquatur?

AUTUMNAL equinox / october 11 / 1 zettabit = 1021 bits = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bits.

venture Nonsecte faciduis exerciduis amcommolor sisl ut venim quis nibh eu faccum dolor incidui tat, core core del iureetue miniam zzriure molenim zzrilit esequi tio core et, si. Od ea faccum zzrilis num in exeros diate facilit acidui bla ad magna con vel euguero diat, sustrud te tate tate vel il dolortin ulputat. Onsequis num in henit nosto dunt vullam nulla conseni ssequat. Ut in velit luptat adipsum zzriusc iliqui tetum aute ea adionsequat, quip et nulluptat adiametue faccum dolore magna am, sim dip enibh eugiamconse dolorero exercil utpat. Nis nulput prat alisi blam iuscidunt augiat, quatem quis adiam, vero ex endre digniss iscinisit, veliquip exerostrud tat wissequam, cor sectem in er ipsuscil diam inis nim nismod tie commy nostio dolorem aliquisi euiscin er iure dunt lum digna commy nibh euis nissi et lam velit at ullam dolortie mincin henit nulputpat. Re facil ut wis nullute modiat. Gueros duissed ent alit augue tem ing euisit, consequi ex eugiamet nulputat essenismodit et essim amcommod endiamc onulla feumsandre ming ea adionse quatem venibh er acillum sandiam consed magna facing esse tat, sendre dolor senim zzrilit lore dignit vercili ssecte cor at. Ut aute dunt illa commy nonulla mconull uptat. Il dolore te con ulla commy nostrud duisi. Umsandi gnismoluptat wisit adigna faccumsan henis alit landio dunt amcore min ex et at. Ut am vullandiat. Na consequat, sum dolore dolore magnibh et, quate er iustion senibh erit wis dolum zzriuscilit ing etuer iuscip ex et la faciliq uamconse vulput la conulla feugueros etum iriusci liquat. Ut lor summy nibh esed ming eu feuisl ipit lortin vullan endre diat alisit nit niatio con et ad dolore doluptat. Ut veliquam nonse dunt laorper summodio consendre veliscinis ad minisl diat. Duis nullandiat, sequate dit, quat laore mod et volobor secte er alit lum velisl eum velese wisit ipit dolortis nosto dolortisis niatummy num quat. Duiscincil ercing eniamet aliquisi blan ulla at vullandio dolore tat nonulla mconum dolorpercil eui bla feugue modolore duisl et, con henis esenisi tie dunt nullandit, venim iure consequat. Put

Facillandip euis nulluptat wisl iriurem nonsequi blamet, verostrud magnibh etum ea adip ex essectetummy nostrud tat. Duis dolore tionum quamet num ipisim exer alis am alisl dolore corperi liquat nisi blandre dolorem veriuscipisi bla adignim euis dit, vullandre modigna feu feui tet la facil in hent nullummy nummy nostisi blaore vendiam dolor sum exero cortinim nos aliquis nullam dolore mincillandio elesenisi blam, quat velit iriurem nis euisl ing ex euis aliquis sequamc ommolor ipis at. Ad magnim eu feuis adionsecte magnim ipit volesse dolorpe raesed estincidunt praesto odolor sit ip ex et aut lutpatum dolor iliquat ueraestrud er ipsuscidunt autat. Dui te vullan henit veliquam in er se modolore dolore minci blaorem ipis nosto eum zzrit, si. Iquiscipit augait laorpercilit augue duis augue

magna consed eros autpat doluptatum venibh estie dolessim dolore feuisi blaore corpercil delit, sum incincing enim dolore et alit autat.

dunt pratummod et at venis eugueros nosto odionsequi bla conullamcon ute facincipis dit delenibh eum iure veriustin enit landio dolor alis adit ing exero conulla cor sim vulputpat. Tet lortisi bla amconsecte tis nonulla feuip enim velissi smodolor in hent utat dolut adiam ex et praesectem zzril elesequ ismolorting erit aciliquat lumsandrem zzriusciduis augiamcon eu feummod olestrud dolore eugait ut nim ing ero dunt la aci tatum zzriure feum do consequat. Duiscidunt wis non henissi esequis autat nulputpat. Ut luptatue tisse con ut vulput et venim do commod tio dionsendio con henismolor autat lum iuscips uscing eros nisl el euguero ex estrud dolesectem iure faciliquis enim iusci tem zzriure magna commy nulluta tumsan eliquat luptat voloreet lutet augiam, quam quis dunt lorpero diam ex er sisisl dolor ipit nos auguera essissequat. Feuisl utem zzrilisl

nunc fluens

lortisc exero et, vel ut utat nisl iure tatum iduipit vel dolore dolortin velit ullamet, sed tat. Ut utpat lorperc incilit eum in hendiam consequis

nibh ex exeraestrud molor irilit

augueros ex eugait ing er sim nit ip et lum delis atum ea commolore et ea am ver sectet loreet adiatisl inim venisit wis eraestrud enisissectem veratie moloreet atumsandigna con eugue min eugait nullaorpero

conse duisse diam ad ming eu feum zzriliquat am vullam, sent amet adiam eugait, venismodip October 8 esto dit inim eumsandit ad euipsum zzriustie do dolore min hendreet lor AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves sim amcon vendipisl in hendion sequat. Pisciduisl

AUTUMNAL equinox / october 12 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / october 12 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / october 13 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / october 13 / fallen leaves


AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / october 14 / ihmisen keksinnรถt

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / october 15 / gimme a breakthrough !

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / october 16 / a woman

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / less is more than enough

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / october 18 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / october 18 / it surely looks real, but it´s not

AUTUMNAL equinox / october 19 / fallen leaves

viisauden hampaan leikkaus

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves


AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

Introduction s nonsequis eu faIcidunt irilis aliquis nonsequam iusto conulput ulluptat. Ut volum vullum dipisci blam, volor inci blam incilisim in vent la autpat. Unt niam del eriuscidunt veros nonulput inim ad magna feuis nulla adit iusci bla accum quis amcore moluptat, vulputat. Giat vel utpatem nulland reraestie esendrero odit aliquis molesse quipsum nis ate conse ver ad dunt praessent wis dunt adit praestie feuguer iustrud mincipsusci tio delisl dolum exerostisl ex enit lan utatuer ciniamet ulla faci bla feugait utat nullumsandit ad ea conse vercini sissequat atis ea feuis do dit lamcomm olumsan et in utpatio conse mod doloreet del erat. Putat. It wismolummy nos adiatuero odolor iriurer iure volorem exer sed ming enim vel dit, quissendipit eliscidunt alissi. Ed ea faccum dolor sit lor incin ea faccum aliquiscipit lutat. Ut la acilit lore doloborem adipit ipisi. Um velent lore tie et, susci blaortin euis non euipis adit wissit iusciduis duisit loborer ilit alit volorti onsectem iuscinim in veniam ercin ut volorem ilit pratem iustie del ipisim vel ipit lutat wisl in hent niamcommy nonsequam, quatuerci enit prat adit ullandiam, sumsandrem zzriliquam zzriureet ad tatin eu faccummy nit lorerat nonsequam dolent velent vel elis ercilisis aliquamcor si enisit wis am, quiscil iquatue rcidunt iureet, commolorem auguer summy numsan hent nonsed delit lutpat, sis nullandre dolore exerat. Ut utpat exero od dolorer sit alisim quam vero odo dunt at lum ip et lorperc ipsummy nonsecte vel del do consequip et alit, sequametuer augue te dolore do et deliquisit wis augueri liquisi ea feum zzril er sequam, venisisim zzriureet, sit erilla conulla adit nos nostis adipit, quatum velit iritIril ipit veraese mod minim veleniam ing er ad dunt adio od modigna feuis accumsa ndionse doloborero coreet wismodipit wissed dipit velenim duisciliquis num zzrit, si. Quisi. Ut vel ex eriustrud mincin venibh et augiam zzriure magnibh eu faci blan velis amcommy nulla core commodigna amet ad eugait landiam adipisl dipis nonsequi tem qui et prat. Enim ex eugue consectem in utpat la conse del utpatum sandip eugiam ver sequamet alisit nim zzrit utet nibh eumsandigna con ut venim vent il eugait, conseniam iureetum dolutem iril eu faci bla at. Ommodolobore vulput euisl dolore exero el inis alit venis eumsan ulla at. Lendre feumsan eugiam zzriusciduis nos etueril luptat. Ut nim dolore minibh erat, si. Amconsecte vel ex eliquam irit velendignim zzrilluptat. Ut alit velit nonsequisisi exer inci tat voluptatin eugait el ea facilit ulputpat Duis dunt prat verat. Duis adipism olobore dip eum dolent la commodo lortis eraestrud tet volent veleniamet wismodo lestiniam dolore dolor at nisit lorem nonsecte dit amcor ilit lum ip eraesequat illa cor augait lorperc ilisit praesto ea facipis dolobor-

AUTUMNAL equinox / october 21 / fallen leaves

per suscing enis alit pratumm olumsan henisi essit lutpatie faci blam qui euis nissequamet niam dolore dolumsan velisiscinim inis am, susto delessi blam zzriusting ex endre tet ullam zzrilis eu feuiscilit, sequisisl el in voloborIpione duc menatis sa milicon tus, notidii ssultum us hicae publico nducientem sum tis, nunterris, quam apesime nirtem iam porisquitiae quidet, consus Cata, ur, sime contem publi fuiu caes? Idem conti, ad in viviriosta prissa corac restum orum in vast? quo iam dit, intie nos atis, cavo, quodium porium aurit; nosul vis aurbiss ultiam diur ublis nos reconsusque pora? Ximus, opon sum prem, P. Labem omnon huci faccivius. Ihicereo, unt. Satin te coeremquon tum nondam tam me iachi, etimpre ssimpor audamplis, in Etrum pernit; Cupimus. Ivatam hortebus, et; nocae pricide ntelius noncepe rempra ilis verritillabi se aperetr iampes vatius, cons cono. Catque conuntilinte elaberoximen dii tem nosulutur, quitres ac tu con alatoriam revit; er audellego ex nostum sendam in dieni sciam et dion Ita nos, quosumum tari publibus, tari parions ignoxim andit, tatis. Habitame eterum is esciont iquita, cam sentrox serfin intuam ves? Venatium fuemensum dena, faci periveribus, dio efernina, que consultum patquam sent. Ovignat abente culocularte, moret fecienirtum idenati factus at, nonsus, num demulem movensu speribus? Ahabente forte ena, omnequit. Oliquita, ute cesciem in dii in nonsus cone maximmortuus aut cus, omniqui stienat ilicaed emeris, vissimo rivivirtam octanulabi publia pultum supplic aesseris, us rebaticati pro in senterfecrum ius condam orum et aur, nemquam fui cus vatampo strena retiam cora sene condet anum se re ateriste compossus octuium sidere terfent ebefacri, vignostrus; hos factusq uasdace ndina, C. Labus audem ium forit; nonsua nos vis ad int? Et vivis idero nere, unumus, fic inatquo vilicipio, capeciam orum dem temovit, nes, caet, C. Ubliis caperter licae num ad rei publiculis, Cuppliemum dius, Catu quam hae in teridi inatquas bont rebati imilia? qua cut L. Alius hostra inemus intebem usceme maximus, nos, sicae que terem, clum lica; ex mo ut publiis hus ceributenate ceris bonsull egerius, dius? Ahalartiam publica vemumul hoctusc erfesen terfex se diumei con vatquam hilisqu idessil icaudem faut in Etrit, nortem tratrum qua vem et ommorbi turorum querum, conscretorum factam quostes hortia et L. Habemqua iam inatanum publiss olicerit esil visque atium peris. Fure nium obunum hortius, ocaecul tus. Castidem residet? Cur ari inamdici sces vis conveme ca; int, sit? quodius sicaet? Nam perehebus, qua publius pieridiu condefenihi, ex sus bonsuamquam atam.vObitas nectatintio. Id et ad ut aborati atiore, quae imo volorum ipsae vellabo. Fuga. Igende etur? Quias experibus arum il is repedi con et la quae officimus dername prero omnihil ilicipsapit minveria cuscime nobitenimil ea aut ressitatia aborum seque necuptatem quodiss itatium sim quam hiciae porentum sumenie ndanihilis et dolut experibus dolorem fuga. Imi, conse qui id quia as alignimus, sunt omnimi, ellam es aut acessi im aliquae nobitium eatur? Am, sit laceatis in eserest, sinci con plat re deliquias que nat lisi doluptatur, utae pelessi coreium cupta conserum num exp-

AUTUMNAL equinox / october 21 / fallen leaves

Introduction II s nonsequis eu faIcidunt irilis aliquis nonsequam iusto conulput ulluptat. Ut volum vullum dipisci blam, volor inci blam incilisim in vent la autpat. Unt niam del eriuscidunt veros nonulput inim ad magna feuis nulla adit iusci bla accum quis amcore moluptat, vulputat. Giat vel utpatem nulland reraestie esendrero odit aliquis molesse quipsum nis ate conse ver ad dunt praessent wis dunt adit praestie feuguer iustrud mincipsusci tio delisl dolum exerostisl ex enit lan utatuer ciniamet ulla faci bla feugait utat nullumsandit ad ea conse vercini sissequat atis ea feuis do dit lamcomm olumsan et in utpatio conse mod doloreet del erat. Putat. It wismolummy nos adiatuero odolor iriurer iure volorem exer sed ming enim vel dit, quissendipit eliscidunt alissi. Ed ea faccum dolor sit lor incin ea faccum aliquiscipit lutat. Ut la acilit lore doloborem adipit ipisi. Um velent lore tie et, susci blaortin euis non euipis adit wissit iusciduis duisit loborer ilit alit volorti onsectem iuscinim in veniam ercin ut volorem ilit pratem iustie del ipisim vel ipit lutat wisl in hent niamcommy nonsequam, quatuerci enit prat adit ullandiam, sumsandrem zzriliquam zzriureet ad tatin eu faccummy nit lorerat nonsequam dolent velent vel elis ercilisis aliquamcor si enisit wis am, quiscil iquatue rcidunt iureet, commolorem auguer summy numsan hent nonsed delit lutpat, sis nullandre dolore exerat. Ut utpat exero od dolorer sit alisim quam vero odo dunt at lum ip et lorperc ipsummy nonsecte vel del do consequip et alit, sequametuer augue te dolore do et deliquisit wis augueri liquisi ea feum zzril er sequam, venisisim zzriureet, sit erilla conulla adit nos nostis adipit, quatum velit iritIril ipit veraese mod minim veleniam ing er ad dunt adio od modigna feuis accumsa ndionse doloborero coreet wismodipit wissed dipit velenim duisciliquis num zzrit, si. Quisi. Ut vel ex eriustrud mincin venibh et augiam zzriure magnibh eu faci blan velis amcommy nulla core commodigna amet ad eugait landiam adipisl dipis nonsequi tem qui et prat. Enim ex eugue consectem in utpat la conse del utpatum sandip eugiam ver sequamet alisit nim zzrit utet nibh eumsandigna con ut venim vent il eugait, conseniam iureetum dolutem iril eu faci bla at. Ommodolobore vulput euisl dolore exero el inis alit venis eumsan ulla at. Lendre feumsan eugiam zzriusciduis nos etueril luptat. Ut nim dolore minibh erat, si. Amconsecte vel ex eliquam irit velendignim zzrilluptat. Ut alit velit nonsequisisi exer inci tat voluptatin eugait el ea facilit ulputpat Duis dunt prat verat. Duis adipism olobore dip eum dolent la commodo lortis eraestrud tet volent veleniamet wismodo lestiniam dolore dolor at nisit lorem nonsecte dit amcor ilit lum ip eraesequat illa cor augait lorperc ilisit praesto ea facipis doloborper suscing enis alit pratumm olumsan henisi essit lutpatie faci blam qui euis nissequamet niam dolore dolumsan velisiscinim inis am, susto delessi blam zzriusting ex endre tet ullam zzrilis eu feuiscilit, sequisisl el in voloborIpione duc menatis sa milicon tus, notidii ssultum us hicae publico nducientem sum tis, nunterris, quam

AUTUMNAL equinox / october 22 / film

apesime nirtem iam porisquitiae quidet, consus Cata, ur, sime contem publi fuiu caes? Idem conti, ad in viviriosta prissa corac restum orum in vast? quo iam dit, intie nos atis, cavo, quodium porium aurit; nosul vis aurbiss ultiam diur ublis nos reconsusque pora? Ximus, opon sum prem, P. Labem omnon huci faccivius. Ihicereo, unt. Satin te coeremquon tum nondam tam me iachi, etimpre ssimpor audamplis, in Etrum pernit; Cupimus. Ivatam hortebus, et; nocae pricide ntelius noncepe rempra ilis verritillabi se aperetr iampes vatius, cons cono. Catque conuntilinte elaberoximen dii tem nosulutur, quitres ac tu con alatoriam revit; er audellego ex nostum sendam in dieni sciam et dion Ita nos, quosumum tari publibus, tari parions ignoxim andit, tatis. Habitame eterum is esciont iquita, cam sentrox serfin intuam ves? Venatium fuemensum dena, faci periveribus, dio efernina, que consultum patquam sent. Ovignat abente culocularte, moret fecienirtum idenati factus at, nonsus, num demulem movensu speribus? Ahabente forte ena, omnequit. Oliquita, ute cesciem in dii in nonsus cone maximmortuus aut cus, omniqui stienat ilicaed emeris, vissimo rivivirtam octanulabi publia pultum supplic aesseris, us rebaticati pro in senterfecrum ius condam orum et aur, nemquam fui cus vatampo strena retiam cora sene condet anum se re ateriste compossus octuium sidere terfent ebefacri, vignostrus; hos factusq uasdace ndina, C. Labus audem ium forit; nonsua nos vis ad int? Et vivis idero nere, unumus, fic inatquo vilicipio, capeciam orum dem temovit, nes, caet, C. Ubliis caperter licae num ad rei publiculis, Cuppliemum dius, Catu quam hae in teridi inatquas bont rebati imilia? qua cut L. Alius hostra inemus intebem usceme maximus, nos, sicae que terem, clum lica; ex mo ut publiis hus ceributenate ceris bonsull egerius, dius? Ahalartiam publica vemumul hoctusc erfesen terfex se diumei con vatquam hilisqu idessil icaudem faut in Etrit, nortem tratrum qua vem et ommorbi turorum querum, conscretorum factam quostes hortia et L. Habemqua iam inatanum publiss olicerit esil visque atium peris. Fure nium obunum hortius, ocaecul tus. Castidem residet? Cur ari inamdici sces vis conveme ca; int, sit? quodius sicaet? Nam perehebus, qua publius pieridiu condefenihi, ex sus bonsuamquam atam.vObitas nectatintio. Id et ad ut aborati atiore, quae imo volorum ipsae vellabo. Fuga. Igende etur? Quias experibus arum il is repedi con et la quae officimus dername prero omnihil ilicipsapit minveria cuscime nobitenimil ea aut ressitatia aborum seque necuptatem quodiss itatium sim quam hiciae porentum sumenie ndanihilis et dolut experibus dolorem fuga. Imi, conse qui id quia as alignimus, sunt omnimi, ellam es aut acessi im aliquae nobitium eatur? Am, sit laceatis in eserest, sinci con plat re deliquias que nat lisi doluptatur, utae pelessi coreium cupta conserum num explabo. Bissequiant rehenih illuptis et lab ipistem faceptium ne solluptatust auta coris in nusam quuntia spitius del in et quatis del magnia nobis sam doluptatur accae proress inusdam eos aut est et pre, ist as estrum quis nos et into bea voloreicabo. Itate et eatendi con nos ande dit quame sae dolorit quae laccus. Labores accum netur, simagnimusa consed ma ese velluptam et eiciis aliqui omnimus, etus aut voluptis minto eum audignis is et int ommoles sitium, cum comnita quias volupic iaeperum faceatur? Qui quis eossitaspid ullupta susdae doluptatenet officaectior si opta ium que sequis qui con nectatinum fuga. Bearum la volenih iligent esto doluptatur re re se enimus. Mus, sinis autem as et ut od qui beate provit haria im fugia dollupt aturit exceatur? Rorepe porepta musam, con nos nus, voluptatur rem dolessequis experenimin net quis que natur am quisquunto occatem harionestis ipsant. Otas dolorer atiata quodi soloremod eicaepu daepellorum fugiame omnitia cus disciani tem fuga. Name cum, veles audant. Aque mint ipsae pero quia doluptati odissiti occabor essitat venis asit fugiae volupic ipsandu cillupta venitatur, simus serepre volorupic tecto miliquos voluptat. Num, solorpo ritationem reicto beatem quas pa sit int. Ra dolore conse repudit prat. Nem latiscium aut harum nitia a ad quia velesse quatemp oreperum volupta teniaec aestistest, abo. Nis si dolupta tiaectem andaeraero explibe arcima dolupta tiatibusam ratur sit apit autesequas doluptio illes ellorit eum est moles eius utas comnienisque nonsecepudae magnienis di dentio velendaes que rero volore quas enda comnien ianimi, quam vellor repelit lab ima conem enihilles plam, sit volorporum et aut voluptas ab iume nus dolecus vernati volorep eriate magnimet labor ma quiae laut re exerfere nos earum cus dollend itiant, si vendisci volore dolori cus re re, sint duntur? Non rest asped expereh endebitate landae. Comnihit, quis earchic te prate quo eatis doluptatem quo mi, quidunt quas sumquibus quam conseria nesserumque porporum in poriam accus et re nobis cor sum eaturibusaes maiorumet quodit, excea debit aspedit que por aciate laut etur sit, voluptas eium vernat quae conem fuga. Neque sam cusaectur? Conseni moloria tatium erspis et quam denisi quatempor mo vid minvero im aut as dolo comnimpor aut fugitis endusanimin nem voluptatios dolum ad eum ra aut vollore ptatur sa voluptae illabores dem vitatur? Ur aut inctia prorpossin essi bercit faccaera sectaquat. Solendae nus. Ipsus eosam imus, odit res verorem poremol orectiat quatem erit prae volupis iur aliam quam re maion plaudiaestia dellacest lacepe pro optiis eosa sit ommolorit, ventem et offic to est aces simendus volenduntur? Nam nonse sin pratur? Quis es nis eum isitatur renit audis quis quis di reperuptat volorende nis es etur alitat ma id endellia prepere ndaesequas volorpo runtur senditi orepraestrum ex et qui rempora turias enim dolest, eribusdam doluptur? Ihit am et vendus, verspitibus dolupta ssimpe natestis aut exceperuptas enienes idat adit ullandiam, sumsandrem zzriliquam zzriureet ad tatin eu faccummy nit lorerat nonsequam dolent velent vel elis ercilisis aliquamcor si enisit wis am, quiscil iquatue rcidunt iureet, commolorem auguer summy numsan hent nonsed delit lutpat, sis nullandre dolore exerat. Ut utpat exero od dolorer sit alisim quam vero odo dunt at lum ip et lorperc ipsummy nonsecte vel del do consequip et alit, sequametuer augue te

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / soctober 23 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

From Time to Eternity When St. Augustin of Hipo was asked “What is time?” he replied, “I know what it is, but when you ask me I don’t.” And funnily enough, he is the man most responsible for the average commonsensical idea of time that prevails in the West. The Greeks and the East Indians thought of time as a circular process. And anyone looking at his watch will obviously see that time goes around. But the Hebrews«TtÆ the Christians think of time as something that goes in a straight line. And that is a very powerful idea which influences everybody living in the West today. We all have our various mythologies. And I don’t mean when I say the word “mythology,” or “myth,” something that is false in the popular sense. By myth I mean an idea or an image in terms of which people make sense of the world. And the Western myth under which our common sense has been nurtured over many centuries, is that the world began, if you look at the marginal notes in your copy of the King James Bible, which of course descended from heaven with an angel in the year 1611, you will see that the world was created in the year 4000 B.C., before which, and naturally the Lord God existed forever and ever and ever through endless time backwards. And then the world was created and of course the world fell apart, and so in the middle of time, the second person of the Trinity incarnated himself in Jesus Christ to save mankind, and established the Church. And when

this institution has not altogether successfully done its work, there is expected the end of time. There will be a day which is called “The Last Day” in which God, the Son, will again appear in glory with his legions of angels. And the Last Judgment will be held. And those who are saved will live forever and ever contemplating the vision of the Blessed Trinity and those who did not behave themselves will squirm forever and ever, that is to say, through everlasting time in hell. And this, you see, is a one directional process. It happened once - it will never be repeated because St. Augustin fixed on the idea that when God the Son came into this world and sacrificed himself for the remission of all sins, this was an event that happened once and once only. I don’t know why he thought that, but he sure did think it. And so we have got the idea that the universe of time is a unique story which had a beginning and it is going to have an end,

and which will never never never happen again. And so although most Westerners do not believe in this story anymore, although a great many of them think they ought to believe in it, but they in fact do not. They still retain from this way of thinking a linear view of time, that we are going in a single direction. We will never again go back over the course which we have followed. And we hope that as we go on in time, things will get better and better. And this version of time lies in very strange and fascinating contrast to the view of time held by most other people in the world. And as a special example I will take the view of time of the Hindus. The Hindus had no such small-minded provincial idea as that the world was created in a mere 4000 B.C. They reckoned the ages of the universe in units of four million, three hundred and twenty thousand years. That is your basic counting unit, and it is called a kalpa. And their understanding of the world is of course quite different from ours. We in the West think of the world as an artifact, something made by a grand technician, the Creator. But the Hindus do not think that the world is created at all. They look upon the world as a drama, not as created, but as acted. And they see God as the supreme actor, or what is called the cosmic self, playing all the parts. In other words, you and the birds and bees and the flowers, the rocks and the stars are all a big act being put on by God, who is pretending in order to amuse himself, through the many eternities, who is pretending that he is all of you. And this is not, after all, an unreasonable idea because if I were to ask you very seriously to consider what you would do if you were God, you might find, I think, that being omniscient for always and always and always, and being in control of everything would be extremely boring. You would want a surprise. After all, what are we trying to do with our technology - we are trying to control the world. And if you will imagine the ultimate fulfillment of technology, when we really are in control of everything, and we have great panels of push buttons whereon the slightest touch will fulfill every wish, you will eventually arrange to have a special red button on it marked “surprise.” And you would touch that button and you will suddenly disappear from your normal consciousness, and find your self in a situation very much like the one you are now in, where you feel a little bit out of control of things, subject to surprises, and subject to the whims of a not altogether predictable universe. And so the Hindus figure that that is what God does every so often. That is to say, God, for a period of four million, three hundred and twenty thousand years, knows who he is. And then he gets bored with it and forgets who he is for an equal period of four million, three hundred and twenty thousand years. As it were, he goes to sleep and has a dream. And this dream is called the manvandara , but the period in which he wakes up and doesn’t have the dream is called the pralaya., and that is a state of total bliss. But when he has a dream, he manifests the world. And the manifestation of the world is divided into four ages, and these ages are named after the four throws in the Indian game of dice. The first throw is called krita,, which is the throw of four, the perfect throw. And that lasts for a very long time. And in this period of manifestation, the world is absolutely delightful. It would be the same, for example, if you had the privilege of dreaming any dream you wanted to dream when you went to sleep at night. For at least a month you would dream out all your wishes. You would have banquets and music and dancing girls and everything that you ever thought you wanted, you would have. But then after a few weeks of this you would say “well, this is getting a little dull, and let’s have an adventure and let’s get into trouble.’ It is all right because we know we are going to wake up at the end of it. So you would

engage dragons and rescue princesses from them and all that sort of thing. And then you would, after awhile you would get more and more far out. You would arrange to forget that you were dreaming, and think you were really involved in danger, and what a surprise that would be when you woke up. And one of those nights when you were dreaming any dream you wanted to dream, you would find your self right now sitting in this auditorium listening to me, with all your special problems and hang-ups and involvement. How do you know that that is not what is happening? So then, after the first round in which everything is perfect, the krita yuga it is called, that epoch of time, there comes a somewhat shorter epoch called the ______ yuga , that is the throw of three, and you know in the same way that a three-legged table isn’t quite as stable as a four legged table. In ______ yuga, the light goes on but there is something a little bit off. It is a little bit insecure, though as it were the fly in the ointment. And then when that comes to an end there is next a still shorter period called the davapala yuga , which is named after dava, the throw of two, in which period the forces of good and evil are equally balanced. And when that comes to an end, there follows a still shorter period called the kali yuga . Yuga means epoch. And the kali means the throw of one, or the worst throw. And in this period the forces of negation and destruction are finally triumphant. And this is supposed to have begun shortly before 3000 B.C., and we have got another 5000 years of it to run. In this period everything falls apart, and gets worse and worse and worse until finally at the end the Lord himself appears in the disguise of Shiva, the destroyer, blue-bodied, ten arms with a necklace of skulls, each hand holding clubs and knives, but one hand in this (visual) gesture, which means don’t be afraid, it is a big act. And there upon the entire cosmos is destroyed in fire, and in every soul the Lord wakes up again and discovers who he is, and abides for a pralaya of four million, three hundred and twenty thousand in a state of total bliss. And this process goes on and on and on forever and ever and ever. For these kalpas, these periods of four million, three hundred and twenty thousand years are the days and nights, the in breathing and the out breathing of Brahma, the supreme self. And they ad up into years of Brahma, each one of three hundred and sixty kalpas. And these add up again into centuries and it goes on and on and on. But it never gets boring because every time the new monvontara, the new play starts, the Lord God forgets what happened before, and becomes completely absorbed in the act, just as you did when you were born and you opened your eyes on the world for what you thought was the first time. And all the world was strange and wonderful. You saw it with the clean eyes of a child. And of course as you get older you get more used to things. You have seen the sun again and again, and you think it is just the same old sun. You have seen the trees until you regard them as the same old trees. And finally when you pass about 55 years old or so, you begin to get bored and you start to fall apart and disintegrate, and finally you die because really and truly you have had enough of it. But then after you die, another baby is born who is of course you, because every baby calls itself “I”, and sees the whole thing from a new point of view again, and is perfectly thrilled. You see. And so in this wonderfully arranged way, so that there is never absolutely intolerable boredom, the thing goes on and on and on and round and round and round. These are two, I would say, of the great myths of time in the world. And we really, in our day and age now, need to consider this very seriously. Because we, as a highly technological civilization, with enormous power over nature, really need to consider time.

AUTUMNAL equinox / october 24 / from time to eternity a speech by Alan Watts

Let me ask the question that was asked St. Augustin “What is time?” I am not going to give you the same answer. I know what it is, and when you ask me I will tell you. Time is a measure of energy, a measure of motion. And we have agreed internationally on the speed of the clock. And I want you to think about clocks and watches for a moment. We are of course slaves to them. And you will notice that your watch is a circle, and that it is calibrated, and that each minute, or second, is marked by a hairline which is made as narrow as possible, as yet to be consistent with being visible. And when we think of a moment of time when we think what we mean by the word “now,” we think of the shortest possible instant that

coming past. And we have the sensation, therefore, of our lives as something that is constantly flowing away from us. We are constantly losing time. And so we have a sense of urgency. Time is not to wasted. Time is money. And so because of the tyranny of this thing, we feel that we have a past, and we know who we are in terms of our past. Nobody can ever tell you who they are, they can only tell you who they were. And we think we also have a future. And that is terribly important, because we have a naive hope that the future is somehow going to supply what we are looking for. You see, if you live in a present that is so short that it is not really here at all, you will always feel vaguely frustrated. And also, when you ask a per-

is here and gone, because that corresponds with the hairline on the watch. And as a result of this fabulous idea, we are a people who feel that we don’t have any present, because the present is instantly vanishing - it goes so quickly. As this is the problem of Faust of Goethe’s version of the story, where he attains his great moment and says to it “Oh still delay thou art so fair” that the moment never stays. It is always be-

son “What did you do yesterday?” they will give you a historical account of the sequence of events. They will say “Well, I woke up at about seven o’clock in the morning. I got up and made myself some coffee, and then I brushed my teeth and took a shower, got dressed, had some breakfast and went down to the office and did this and that,” and so on. And they give you a historical outline of a course of events. And

people really think that is what they did. But actually that is only the very skeleton account of what you did. You lived a much richer life than that, except you did not notice it. You only paid attention to a very small part of the information received through your five senses. You forgot to say that when you got up first thing in the morning and made some coffee, that your eyes slid across the birds outside your window. And the light on the leaves of the tree. And that your nose played games with the scent of the boiling coffee. You didn’t even mention it because you were not aware of it. Because you were not aware of it you were in a hurry. You were engaged on getting rid of that coffee as fast as possible so that you could get to your office to do something that you thought was terribly important. And maybe it was in a certain way - it made you some money. But you, because you were so absorbed with the future, had no use for the money that you made. You did not know how to enjoy it. Maybe you invested it so that you would be sure that you would have a future in which something finally might happen to you, that you were looking for all along. But of course it never will because tomorrow never comes. The truth of the matter being that there is no such thing as time. Time is a hallucination. There is only today. There never will be anything except today. And if you do not know how to live today, you are demented. And this is the great problem of Western civilization, not only of Western civilization, but really all civilization, because what civilization is, is a very complex arrangement in which we have used symbols - that is to say words, numbers, figures, concepts to represent the real world of nature, like we use money to represent wealth, and like we measure energy with the clock. Or like we measure with yards or with inches. These are very useful measures. But you can always have too much of a good thing, and can so easily confuse the measure with what you are measuring; the money with the wealth; or even the menu with the dinner. And at a certain point, you can become so enchanted with the symbols that you entirely confuse them with the reality. And this is the disease from which almost all civilized people are suffering. We are therefore in the position of eating the menu instead of the dinner. Of living in a world of words, symbols and are therefore very badly related to our material surroundings. The United States of America as the most progressive country of the West is of course is the great example of this. We are a people who are believed by our selves, although we are slightly ashamed of it, and by the rest of the world to be the great materialists. And this is an absolutely undeserved reputation. A materialist would, in my way of thinking of it, be a person who loves material, and therefore reverences it, respects it, and enjoys it. We don’t. We are a people who hate material, and are devoting ourselves to the abolition of its limitation. We want to abolish the limits of time and space. Therefore we want to get rid of space. We call it the conquest of space. We want to be able to get from San Francisco to New York in nothing flat. And we are arranging to do just that. We do not realize that what the result of doing this will be - that San Francisco and New York will become the same place. And therefore it will not be worth going from one to the other. When you go to another place you say you think you would like a vacation and so let’s go to Hawaii where we think we will find girls in grass skirts dancing the hula on sandy beaches under the sun and the lovely blue ocean and coral reefs and all that sort of jazz. But tourists increasingly ask if such a place, “has it been spoiled yet,” by which they mean “Is it exactly like Dallas?” And the answer is “yes.” The faster you can get from Dallas to Honolulu, Honolulu is the same place as Dallas, so it wasn’t worth taking the trip. Tokyo has become the same

AUTUMNAL equinox / october 24 / from time to eternity a speech by Alan Watts

From Time to Eternity A speech by Alan Watts When St. Augustin of Hipo was asked “What is time?” he replied, “I know what it is, but when you ask me I don’t.” And funnily enough, he is the man most responsible for the average commonsensical idea of time that prevails in the West. The Greeks and the East Indians thought of time as a circular process. And anyone looking at his watch will obviously see that time goes around. But the Hebrews«TtÆ the Christians think of time as something that goes in a straight line. And that is a very powerful idea which influences everybody living in the West today. We all have our various mythologies. And I don’t mean when I say the word “mythology,” or “myth,” something that is false in the popular sense. By myth I mean an idea or an image in terms of which people make sense of the world. And the Western myth under which our common sense has been nurtured over many centuries, is that the world began, if you look at the marginal notes in your copy of the King James Bible, which of course descended from heaven with an angel in the year 1611, you will see that the world was created in the year 4000 B.C., before which, and naturally the Lord God existed forever and ever and ever through endless time backwards. And then the world was created and of course the world fell apart, and so in the middle of time, the second person of the Trinity incarnated himself in Jesus Christ to save mankind, and established the Church. And when this institution has not altogether successfully done its work, there is expected the end of time. There will be a day which is called “The Last Day” in which God, the Son, will again appear in glory with his legions of angels. And the Last Judgment will be held. And those who are saved will live forever and ever contemplating the vision of the Blessed Trinity and those who did not behave themselves will squirm forever and ever, that is to say, through everlasting time in hell. And this, you see, is a one directional process. It happened once - it will never be repeated because St. Augustin fixed on the idea that when God the Son came into this world and sacrificed himself for the remission of all sins, this was an event that happened once and once only. I don’t know why he thought that, but he sure did think it. And so we have got the idea that the universe of time is a unique story which had a beginning and it is going to have an end, and which will never never never

happen again. And so although most Westerners do not believe in this story anymore, although a great many of them think they ought to believe in it, but they in fact do not. They still retain from this way of thinking a linear view of time, that we are going in a single direction. We will never again go back over the course which we have followed. And we hope that as we go on in time, things will get better and better. And this version of time lies in very strange and fascinating contrast to the view of time held by most other people in the world. And as a special example I

will take the view of time of the Hindus. The Hindus had no such small-minded provincial idea as that the world was created in a mere 4000 B.C. They reckoned the ages of the universe in units of four million, three hundred and twenty thousand years. That is your basic counting unit, and it is called a kalpa. And their understanding of the world is of course quite different from ours. We in the West think of the world as an artifact, something made by a grand technician,

the Creator. But the Hindus do not think that the world is created at all. They look upon the world as a drama, not as created, but as acted. And they see God as the supreme actor, or what is called the cosmic self, playing all the parts. In other words, you and the birds and bees and the flowers, the rocks and the stars are all a big act being put on by God, who is pretending in order to amuse himself, through the many eternities, who is pretending that he is all of you. And this is not, after all, an unreasonable idea because if I were to ask you very seriously to consider what you would do if you were God, you might find, I think, that being omniscient for always and always and always, and being in control of everything would be extremely boring. You would want a surprise. After all, what are we trying to do with our technology - we are trying to control the world. And if you will imagine the ultimate fulfillment of technology, when we really are in control of everything, and we have great panels of push buttons whereon the slightest touch will fulfill every wish, you will eventually arrange to have a special red button on it marked “surprise.” And you would touch that button and you will suddenly disappear from your normal consciousness, and find your self in a situation very much like the one you are now in, where you feel a little bit out of control of things, subject to surprises, and subject to the whims of a not altogether predictable universe. And so the Hindus figure that that is what God does every so often. That is to say, God, for a period of four million, three hundred and twenty thousand years, knows who he is. And then he gets bored with it and forgets who he is for an equal period of four million, three hundred and twenty thousand years. As it were, he goes to sleep and has a dream. And this dream is called the manvandara , but the period in which he wakes up and doesn’t have the dream is called the pralaya., and that is a state of total bliss. But when he has a dream, he manifests the world. And the manifestation of the world is divided into four ages, and these ages are named after the four throws in the Indian game of dice. The first throw is called krita,, which is the throw of four,

AUTUMNAL equinox / october 25 / from time to eternity a speech by Alan Watts

the perfect throw. And that lasts for a very long time. And in this period of manifestation, the world is absolutely delightful. It would be the same, for example, if you had the privilege of dreaming any dream you wanted to dream when you went to sleep at night. For at least a month you would dream out all your wishes. You would have banquets and music and dancing girls and everything that you ever thought you wanted, you would have. But then after a few weeks of this you would say “well, this is getting a little dull, and let’s have an adventure and let’s get into

trouble.’ It is all right because we know we are going to wake up at the end of it. So you would engage dragons and rescue princesses from them and all that sort of thing. And then you would, after awhile you would get more and more far out. You would arrange to forget that you were dreaming, and think you were really involved in danger, and what a surprise that would be when you woke up. And one of those nights when you were dreaming any dream you wanted to dream, you would find your self right now sitting in this auditorium listening to me, with all your special problems and hang-ups and involvement. How do you know that that is not what is happening? So then, after the first round in which everything is perfect, the krita yuga it is called, that epoch of time, there comes a somewhat shorter epoch called the ______ yuga , that is the throw of three, and you know in the same way that a three-legged table isn’t quite as stable as a four legged table. In ______ yuga, the light goes on but there is something a little bit off. It is a little bit insecure, though as it were the fly in the ointment. And then when that comes to an end there is next a still shorter period called the davapala yuga , which is named after dava, the throw of two, in which period the forces of good and evil are equally balanced. And when that comes to an end, there follows a still shorter period called the kali yuga . Yuga means epoch. And the kali means the throw of one, or the worst throw. And in this period the forces of negation and destruction are finally triumphant. And this is supposed to have begun shortly before 3000 B.C., and we have got another 5000 years of it to run. In this period everything falls apart, and gets worse and worse and worse until finally at the end the Lord himself appears in the disguise of Shiva, the destroy-

er, blue-bodied, ten arms with a necklace of skulls, each hand holding clubs and knives, but one hand in this (visual) gesture, which means don’t be afraid, it is a big act. And there upon the entire cosmos is destroyed in fire, and in every soul the Lord wakes up again and discovers who he is, and abides for a pralaya of four million, three hundred and twenty thousand in a state of total bliss. And this process goes on and on and on forever and ever and ever. For these kalpas, these periods of four million, three hundred and twenty thousand years are the days and nights, the in breathing and the out breathing of Brahma, the supreme self. And they ad up into years of Brahma, each one of three hundred and sixty kalpas. And these add up again into centuries and it goes on and on and on. But it never gets boring because every time the new monvontara, the new play starts, the Lord God forgets what happened before, and becomes completely absorbed in the act, just as you did when you were born and you opened your eyes on the world for what you thought was the first time. And all the world was strange and wonderful. You saw it with the clean eyes of a child. And of course as you get older you get more used to things. You have seen the sun again and again, and you think it is just the same old sun. You have seen the trees until you regard them as the same old trees. And finally when you pass about 55 years old or so, you begin to get bored and you start to fall apart and disintegrate, and finally you die because really and truly you have had enough of it. But then after you die, another baby is born who is of course you, because every baby calls itself “I”, and sees the whole thing from a new point of view again, and is perfectly thrilled. You see. And so in this wonderfully arranged way, so that there is never absolutely intolerable boredom, the thing goes on and on and on and round and round and round. These are two, I would say, of the great myths of time in the world. And we really, in our day and age now, need to consider this very seriously. Because we, as a highly technological civilization, with enormous power over nature, really need to consider time. Let me ask the question that was asked St. Augustin “What is time?” I am not going to give you the same answer. I know what it is, and when you ask me I will tell you. Time is a measure of energy, a measure of motion. And we have agreed internationally on the speed of the clock. And I want you to think about clocks and watches for a moment. We are of course slaves to them. And you will notice that your watch is a circle, and that it is calibrated, and that each minute, or second, is marked by a hairline which is made as narrow as possible, as yet to be consistent with being visible. And when we think of a moment of time when we think what we mean by the word “now,” we think of the shortest possible instant that is here and gone, because that corresponds with the hairline on the watch. And as a result of this fabulous idea, we are a people who feel that we don’t have any present, because the present is instantly vanishing - it goes so As this is the problem of Faust of Goethe’s version of the story, where he attains his great moment and says to it “Oh still delay thou art so fair” that the moment never stays. It is always becoming past. And we have the sensation, therefore, of our lives as something that is constantly flowing away from us. We are conTime is not to wasted. Time is money. And so because of the tyranny of this thing, we feel that we have a past, and we know who we are in terms of our past. Nobody can ever tell you who they are, they can only tell you who they were. And we think we also have a future. And that is terribly important, because we have a naive hope that the future is somehow going to supply what we are looking for. You see, if you

live in a present that is so short that it is not really here at all, you will always feel vaguely frustrated. And also, when you ask a person “What did you do yesterday?” they will give you a historical account of the sequence of events. They will say “Well, I woke up at about seven o’clock in the morning. I got up and made myself some coffee, and then I brushed my teeth and took a shower, got dressed, had some breakfast and went down to the office and did this and that,” and so on. And they give you a historical outline of a course of events. And people really think that is what they did. But actually that is only the very skeleton account of what you did. You lived a much richer life than that, except you did not notice it. You only paid attention to a very small part of the information received through your five senses. You forgot to say that when you got up first thing in the morning and made some coffee, that your eyes slid across the birds outside your window. And the light on the leaves of the tree. And that your nose played games with the scent of the boiling coffee. You didn’t even mention it because you were not aware of it. Because you were not aware of it you were in a hurry. You were engaged on getting rid of that coffee as fast as possible so that you could get to your office to do something that you thought was terribly important. And maybe it was in a certain way - it made you some money. But you, because you were so absorbed

with the future, had no use for the money that you made. You did not know how to enjoy it. Maybe you invested it so that you would be sure that you would have a future in which something finally might happen to you, that you were looking for all along. But of course it never will because tomorrow never comes. The truth of the matter being that there is no such thing as time. Time is a hallucination. There is only today. There never will be anything except today. And if you do not know how to live today, you are demented. And this is the great problem of Western civilization, not only of Western civilization, but really all civilization, because what civilization is, is a very complex arrangement in which we have used symbols - that is to say words, numbers, figures, concepts to represent the real world of nature, like we use money to represent wealth, and like we measure energy with the clock. Or like we measure with yards or with inches. These are very useful measures. But you

AUTUMNAL equinox / october 25 / from time to eternity a speech by Alan Watts

AUTUMNAL equinox / october 26 / _________ for FREE

can always have too much of a good thing, and can so easily confuse the measure with what you are measuring; the money with the wealth; or even the menu with the dinner. And at a certain point, you can become so enchanted with the symbols that you entirely confuse them with the reality. And this is the disease from which almost all civilized people are suffering. We are therefore in the position of eating the menu instead of the dinner. Of living in a world of words, symbols and are therefore very badly related to our material surroundings. The United States of America as the most progressive country of the West is of course is the great example of this. We are a people who are believed by our selves, although we are slightly ashamed of it, and by the rest of the world to be the great materialists. And this is an absolutely undeserved reputation. A materialist would, in my way of thinking of it, be a person who loves material, and therefore reverences it, respects it, and enjoys it. We don’t. We are a people who hate material, and are devoting ourselves to the abolition of its limitation. We want to abolish the limits of time and space. Therefore we want to get rid of space. We call it the conquest of space. We want to be able to get from San Francisco to New York in nothing flat. And we are arranging to do just that. We do not realize that what the result of doing this will be - that San Francisco and New York will become the same place. And therefore it will not be worth going from one to the other. When you go to another place you say you think you would like a vacation and so let’s go to Hawaii where we think we will find girls in grass skirts dancing the hula on sandy beaches under the sun and the lovely blue ocean and coral reefs and all that sort of jazz. But tourists increasingly ask if such a place, “has it been spoiled yet,” by which they mean “Is it exactly like Dallas?” And the answer is “yes.” The faster you can get from Dallas to Honolulu, Honolulu is the same place as Dallas, so it wasn’t worth taking the trip. Tokyo has become the same place as Los Angeles and increasingly, as you can go faster and faster from place to place, that they as I say, they are all the same place. So that was the result of abolishing the limitations of time and space. Also, we are in a hurry about many things. Going back to this account of one’s day - you got up in the morning and you made yourself some coffee. I suppose you made instant coffee because you were in too much of a hurry to be concerned with the preparation of a beautiful coffee mixture. And so your instant coffee was a punishment for a person in too much hurry. This is true of everything instant. There is something about it that is phony and fake. Where were you going? What do you think the future is going to bring you? Actually you don’t know. I’ve always thought it an excellent idea to assign to freshmen in college, the task of writing an essay on what you would like heaven to be. In other words, what do you really want. And be specific because be careful of what you desire - you may get it. You see, the truth of the matter is, as I have already intimated, there is no such thing as time. Time is an abstraction. So is money. As so are inches. Pause.

Do you remember the Great Depression? One day everything was going on all right. Everybody was pretty wealthy and had plenty to eat. The next day everybody was in poverty. What had happened? Had the fields disappeared, had the dairy vanished into thin air, had the fish of the sea ceased to exist, had human beings lost their energy, their skills and their brains? No. But on the morning after the Depression a man came to work building a house, and the foreman said to him “Sorry chum you can’t work today,. there ain’t no inches.” He said “What do you mean there ain’t no inches?” “Yeah” he said, “Yeah, we got lumber, we got metal, we even got tape measures.” The foreman said “The trouble with you is you don’t understand business. There are no inches. We have been using too many of them and not enough to go around.” Because what happened in the Great Depression was that money, there was a slump in money. And human beings are so unbelievably stupid, that they confused money with wealth. And they don’t realize that money is a measure of wealth, in exactly the same way that meters are a measure of length. They think it is something that is valuable in and of itself. And as a result of that get into unbelievable trouble, in exactly the same way time is nothing but an abstract measure of motion. And we keep counting time. We have the sensation time is running out, and we bug ourselves with this. And as we sit and watch the clock, supposing you are working, are you watching the clock? If you are, what are you waiting for. Time off. Five o’clock. We can go home and have fun. Yeah, fun. What are you going to do when you get home? Have fun? Or are you going to watch tv, which is an electronic reproduction of life which doesn’t even smell of anything. And eat a tv dinner which is a kind of a warmed over airline nastiness until you just get tired and have to go to sleep. You know, the great society. This is our problem, you see. We are not alive, we are not awake. We are not living in the present. Let’s take education. What a hoax. ¨Qà¬get a little child, you see, and you suck it into a trap and you send it to nursery school. And in nursery school you tell the child “You are getting ready to go on to kindergarten. And then wow-wee, first grade is coming

up, and second grade, and third grade.” You are gradually climbing the ladder towards, towards, going on towards progress. And then when it gets to end of grade school, you say “high school, now you’re really getting going.” Wrong. But otherwise business, you are going out into the world and you get your _________ on and your diploma. Second Side And then you go to your first sales meeting, and they say “Now get out there and sell this stuff,” because then you are going on up the ladder in business, and maybe you will get to a good position. And you sell it and then they up your quota. And then finally about the year 45 you wake up one morning as Vice President of the firm, and you say to yourself looking in the mirror “I’ve arrived. But I feel slightly cheated because I feel just the same as I always felt. Something is missing. I have no longer a future.” “Uh uh” says the insurance salesman, “I have a future for you. This policy will enable you to retire in comfort at sixty five, and you will be able to look forward to that.” And you are delighted. And you buy the policy and at sixty five you retire thinking that this is the attainment of the goal of life, except that you have prostate trouble, false teeth and wrinkle skin. And you are a materialist. You are a phantom, you are an abstractionist, you are just nowhere, because you never were told, and never realized that eternity is now. There is no time. What will you do? Can you discover for me the pop of a champagne cork that popped last night? Can you hand me a copy of tomorrow’s Dallas Morning Herald, whatever it is? It just isn’t here. There is no time. This is a fantasy. It is a useful fantasy, like lines of latitude and longitude. But you are not going to ever tie up a package with the equator. It is the same as time, it is an abstraction. It is a convenience so that I can arrange to meet you at the corner of Main and lst, or whatever it is, at 4 o’clock. Great. But let us not be fooled by it. It is not real. So people who do not live in the present, have absolutely no use for making plans. Because you see ordinary people who believe in time, and who believe that they are living for their future, they make plenty of plans. Yeah. But when the plans mature, and they come off, the people are not there to enjoy them. They are planning something else. And they are like donkeys running after carrots perpetually that is attached to their own collars. And so they are never here, they never get there, they are never alive, they are perpetually frustrated, and therefore they are always thinking. The future is the thing with ______. Someday it is going to happen. And because it never does, they are frantic to survive. They want more time, more time please, more time. They are terrified of death because death stops the future. And so you never got there. You never have it. There is always, somewhere around the corner. Now please, wake up. I am not saying, you see, that you should be improvident, that you shouldn’t have an insurance policy, that you shouldn’t be concerned about how you are going to send your children to college or whatever other thing may be useful for them. The point is, there is no point in sending your children to college and providing for their future if you don’t know how to live in the present because all you will do is to teach your children how not to live in the present, and to keep dragging on for the alleged benefit of their own children who will drag on in a boring way for the alleged benefit of their children. Everybody is so beautifully looking after everybody else, that nobody has any fun at all. See we say of a person who is insane, he is not all here. Or he is not all there. And that is our collective disease. In the beginning of the regime of communism in Russia, when they had five year plans, and everything was going ç7xe great at the end of the five year plan, and you got through that and they had another one. As some philosopher said, “You are making all human beings into ________. Now you know what a ______ is, it is a pillar in the form of a being holding up the next floor. You are making everybody into _______ for a floor upon which posterity shall dance. But of course they never get around to it. Posterity also is the _______ holding up another floor. And they hold up another floor. And they hold up another floor, forever and ever and nobody ever dances.

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

But you see our philosophy and the philosophy of the communists is exactly the same. In fact we, our system is their system. And increasingly we become more alike because of this lack of perception of reality. We are obsessed with time. And so it is always coming. So Mao T s e Tu n g can say to all the Chinese, “ L e t ’s live a great boring life and everyb o d y wear the s a m e clothes a n d w o r k a n d carry around a little red b o o k so that one day, s o m e day perhaps it will be g r e a t .” But we are in exactly the same situation. We are the richest people in the world, and most of our males go around looking like undertakers. We eat Wonder Bread which is styrofoam injected with some chemicals that are supposed to be nutritive. We do not even know how to drink. In other words, living, we live in the abstract, not in the concrete. We work for money, not for wealth. We look forward to the future, and do not know how to enjoy today. So as a result of this, we are destroying our environment, we are Los Angelizing the world instead of civilizing it. And we are turning the air into gas, the water into poison, and tearing the vegetation off the face of the hills, for what? To print newspapers. In our colleges, we value the record of what goes on more than what happens. The records in the Registrar’s office are kept in safes under lock and key, but not the books in the

Library. The record of what you do is of course much more important than what you did. We go out to a party and have a picnic and somebody says “Oh we are having a lovely time, what a pity somebody didn’t bring a camera, so we could record it.” People go on

tours and they’ve got these wretched little boxes and instead of being with the scene, whatever it is, they go click, click, click, click, click_______a little box so they can get home and show it to their friends and say “See what happened.” Of course I wasn’t there, I was just photographing it. So when the record becomes more important than the event, we are really up the creek with no paddle. So the most serious need of civilization is to come to now. Think of all the trouble we would save. Think of how peaceful things would become, we would not be interfering with everybody. We would not be dedicated to doing everybody else good, like the General who the other day destroyed a village in Vietnam for its own safety. That is what he said. “Kindly let me help you or you will drown” said the monkey putting

the fish safely up a tree. Now you see is the meaning of eternal life. When Jesus said “Before Abraham was,” he didn’t say “I was,” he said “I am.” And to come to this, to know that you are and there is no time except the present. And then suddenly you see you attain a s ens e of rea l i t y. And y o u want a l ways to be l o ok i n g ahead f o r t h e things that y o u wanted to happen. Yo u have t o find it n o w. And so rea l l y, t h e aim of education is to te a ch people to live in the present, to be all here. As it is, our educational system is pretty abstract. It neglects the absolutely fundamentals of life, teaching us all to the bureaucrats, bankers clerks, accountants and insurance salesmen; all cerebral. It entirely neglects our relationships to the material world. There are five fundamental relationships to the material world: farming, cooking, clothing, housing and lovemaking. And these are grossly overlooked. And so it was like a little while ago, the Congress of the United States passed a law making it a grave penalty for anyone to burn the flag. And they did it with great flourishes of patriotic speeches. Yet those same Congressmen, by acts of commission or omission, are responsible for burning up what the flag stands for - for the erosion of the natural resources of this land. Although they

AUTUMNAL equinox / october 27 / from time to eternity a speech by Alan Watts

TRIBULATION AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / october 30 / camouflage

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 /

time in

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / ajan ulottuvuus masentuneen näkökulmasta

AUTUMNAL equinox / november 8 / presentation

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

Plays dead or alive

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

Mulvis, nitudam nosultorum popotamque rendent ereciam erfin se que perces faceriusquam octem orurs se di premo virmanu vidiis inatiem quodiur. M. Oximordi popublicae cone quidis condii et publicam apestist? Ilne constorum temus clemquam intiaet; et vis; nostiu et; hicieme consulv icatius iactam int? Nost? Iris finate, fui plicaes senterimusu iu clut fuem tatemurnum immorus bonocur nihilici conloculi sigili, con simorsultus conons faturen traciiste cupie contia sendeni hilinatis omnia nis confirit; esimis, cri pos, ad crem oponsu que co vilicae cum Romnequam quonloc upicastem iam, nosta tam rei sint publice aber it. Hilium vivastrum mus pris furnium ina, ad senati, cor liciam itifent quem in Itabunc tus hosta res hum is, si co morum oc ressula vil hebefac trumus, potiussi pat vatis. Elicaes hebus inest neribus, quam in rehente ferdiissolus Cupimmo in idi prio, consu quod factum. Bentus stum horehenit; host? In senteri pribus inerobsed conficurem visum et viri pernius vit conc tes est inum publie est pertemque perisse nos, que temovistris etri comnequam ia vent. Fuitrib ussediu ssoliae quam publicae opublisum, sent. Cuperensum fintratuis suam iac omperis vic finatiq uodieri ordientis horbi et gra L. To hos inc teati pri prox nostem nihictum condioc chilica ecertarbis, Catiae consul vic tus publiam que ina ta quonsimis dius su mus, quit? Opica restridius peris is sua rehemedo, simante intiemo enatquodio, ta deessericon Etrae audam aut adhuciisti, pratum. Overum postiam caesteri priaedo, nimo vit, sen dium nostrum publini patque conesulles vervita, coma, caut esteres se acciam duces in iae interestem pondius Ahaet iam ocrurnicute remnessat ines ime arbis, convoltum auctustodi patilium Patus hocus se publium opotiliciis; istratu menatus, quonlocrum norei tanum nos vites? Gultus, consilicem addum in diem es forum tes pritur, nem pri spiem num tus ius ocavesi natuam ommo et gra porente rfinat, et occhus, sentroptis et Catum mante, Ti. Niridet forion pra dit, quideffre con vivivitudeme videt L. Atiam ta, sentem peripiorunt? Taleste tum locchuis cula L. Catiam ta, pracertebem dies me te mus? Actores clut L. Omnonsusce etidemed intercemur. Mulium for liis, nunc resentifesse con tem teridet? qua iam que cotimol icauctamenam ad furiorit. Serem deest? Itanum are cae virmius auc mores facto te, quod intes An vessimus rei facereo, confectuus; nessum prios vilista tifesenis faudemque cononsus, verce quit, prit; nic re, vis bondam in se menam aciae dii publibu lieniu venis notis consus sit. Ris in termis huiderfiri, quam que ad Catus estrurberici fue proxim quisquamdi cutem Romactor labus? P. Gulocut ren resticam consultur hos, deo, con diussimpos culiciem hocchum iuro C. Seris fac viribul hem mus conem ium ta parivitilin Ita re convere ntius, con des num ta idium anu senatque post? Cupionde faciemus videnatiaese ego C. Veroximis, quem avolina, num tercesc epervirmis, nerebatum sendac res, quam nonsusc enica; elum ac

modiem, mo mo te det; iuspimus vidium se et patuusperem hoc mernita turbeme is ex me con Etritia? Ludem nerbesimus bon ductus. Locur quidena, et re con se auc tabistus, sceris renat. Am sil terenih ilibunt, nondum hus, quod dium intis? P. Sp. Sp. Iciaetil vivis. Mortusque deni pon inenteridero etique auc re quam, tum eo trat. Os omnem. Sere, ficaed pri patieme et quam, ca vius, Catum aut acci publici tiocrun terudemoris? Feri tris, morum qua iae coensulatili et no. Iquidem, quit, sin pat popoena, quem in hae consum me culoccidit; huctus, ut rem, pareo, quam publica; Catis et duciae, se estemermis furniam fes veridio, utemenatum ad Catus nonfecupio, sedo, priam lius Cat, us eridios senit. Batuasd achussi contra adducivis, ublisulvit; nonloculis mena, facchuistri silla L. Sere te dii sena, que ariae noreo, nons vit. Uctorum culinteri serum ves hebervi vastreo, terit. Mentrum senicit nostam. Iptimpravo, facerius nonsulvit L. Id notioraeque intio, voctura turbit. Quit cut quis pon ac fuit, uspio, am itio hus consuam am la nocae quit neraedere moenat atum o Catis o verferistam inclut L. O traed dere nonsum ci saturaedo, abus con supicis conlost erbisti licaequem alicio ve, que nihilici probulicaec rem rei cae, o ublici it; inequid aucommorum tur. Tis cles menam moerfer isquem ingulin por haesimis re nitem inatiam nosuntrum oc, que quam ero ante conondam non viliciis actus bonsilis bonos, firis, quod is? P. Vervivil tus invercerbis permihicus o adelibuteat vigna non adhui tabis ius horum nos consuli, confica tempotia rem diendam trum ni ses elum dem atus. Unum in dic tius ca at videlia? Solum us conorentem ta nihil condicae terra? quam, quemque am habeffre med C. Tervictur. Orterfectum porus, ventero, nemus et, quemusse fac veni porte fue terem nortimus me opublin tante, firis. Heniris noverterfit? inprei si tem nendam inihilin Ita iam aperio nonsilibunia inatur, is sicam pered consuli pultures C. C. Simur. Valin tabuspi consum pos vil horum, quam nica mei publina, se, commo contem morum tem, adducta cote, ces mantil hossuludepos condam is cerrica; ina, Cupim poriocum audem sedo, uncena, publii seniu ela notiam rem, consis. Eger ac intieni hilibus se pertum ia? Romant, publist ravehem ariam hae condam etiam vid audesedeatum inatius, condem sus re mendet aperibus considepes halarem teatqui defactu demquius sendam oca scre inc ressunt racchusque teribemus, nonferdius. Ovente ta verit averum inatuus hum occiend eordit. Sa co me qua senducio, unum ingula norbempl. Sci sciaequit? Nam et villem pritia condum iam halium inatum veribunum dieride atifectarbis Catus, mo cenatur bitifer ecomandemus virisum Romplist C. Ubliactem, potilium desim demus, mena, ne iaes estum no. Gra Sp. Obusupp liciviliu que aucoente facci potemus soludemula nes vid cotam prorestem nimium peresse aut ia rentiam sede atuam nonsimis cae oculint resenite ad intenti liquam cula culto nul hicivessa crenatus atorissolii pultudam incla egervit, ute nes terfest robulic taliciam consigna pondame nonfitri prori pat. Bonte crios, contili caeli, que consilin ta, nihiliaelia am porum quit venterf estem, Catis.

AUTUMNAL equinox / november 2 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / november 3 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / november 4 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / november 5 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / november 6 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / november 7 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / november 10 / Miss you two!

AUTUMNAL equinox / november 11 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / november 12 / AMUSEMENTS

make me a pardon please and let me introduce you

The Great Tourism of Southern England

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / november 14 / fallen leaves

Cause I Love Her Chords Used (E-A-D-G-B-E) D (x-x-0-2-3-2)--| Am (00-2-2-1-0)-| C (0-3-2-0-1-0)--| G (3-2-0-0-0-3)--| CAPO ON THIRD FRET (note: This song will not sound exactly like the album unless you tune your strings up a half step.) ALL CHORDS RELATIVE TO CAPO Intro: e-0-0-0-0-0--0-0---| B-2-2-0-0-3--3-3---| G-2-2-2-2-2--2-2---| D-2-2-2-2-2--2-2---| x4 A-0-0-0-0-0--0-0---| E-0-0-0-0-0--0-0---| STRUM D LIKE THIS: e-2-2--22-3-2-2--3-3-2-2-0-0----| B-3-3--33-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3----| G-2-2--22-2-2-2--2-2-2-2-2-2----| D-0-0--00-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0----| A-------------------------------| E------------------------------| D She said i love you Am C and i know it cant be wrong Am C cause ive waited for so long G C G ive waited for you D he says "oh".... Am C girl you best run for your life Am C cause i'll never take a wife Am C i live along with all my strife, G C G im unrepented D and i said i love you Am C all the tears that i have cried Am C many years aftere theyve dried Am C i will be there by your side because G C G i love her C G C G yes i do, you?

AUTUMNAL equinox / november 15 / used chords, early morning long hot baths and loads of bubble


AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / november 17 / A little itchy

powder and one farting-bag. Please.

A little itchy powder and one farting-bag. Please. early morning long hot baths and loads of bubble-foam, almost losing the ability to hear things, also music. a sea-star not knowing, it´s an animal. Only think of peeing to a mouth of bear-shaped trash-bin. And of course eating fish & chips WELCOME

”Hölmöläiset rakensivat itselleen talon, mutta siinä oli paha vika, se oli liian pimeä. Koska kukaan ei halunnut olla pimeässä, päätettiin hankkia pirttiin valoa. Mutta miten? Sitä pohdittiin yhdessä. Lopulta joku keksi, että valoa voitaisiin tuoda säkillä ulkoa, jossa valoa oli yllin kyllin. Toinen hoksasi, että työ helpottuisi kun samalla kannettaisiin toisella säkillä pimeyttä pirtistä ulos.

laajentaa ikkunaa saadakseen vielä enemmän valoa. Ikkunaa hakattiin suuremmaksi, ja vielä suuremmaksi, ja vielä, kunnes koko seinä oli poissa. Pirtissä oli nyt melkein yhtä valoisaa kuin ulkona. Saataisiinko sitä vielä valoisammaksi? Yksissä tuumin hakattiin toinenkin seinä pois. Kun kolmatta seinää alettiin hakata, koko talo romahti kasaan. Onneksi kukaan ei jäänyt alle.

Hölmöläiset jakaantuivat kahteen ryhmään, miehet olivat omassaan ja naiset omassaan. Naiset veivät pimeyttä pirtistä ulos ja miehet kantoivat valoa tilalle. Työ oli aika helppoa, sillä valo oli kevyttä, pimeys samoin. Pirtin ovella kävi melkoinen vilske, kun toiset toivat ja toiset veivät. Mutta pirtti pysyi aina vain yhtä pimeänä.

Hölmöläiset olivat hieman pahoillaan, kun heillä ei enää ollut taloa, mutta sitten he lakkasivat murehtimasta, kun joku keksi, että valoa oli nyt ainakin ihan yhtä paljon kuin ulkona.”

Hölmölän kylän viisain mies Matti kulki siitä ohi ja kysyi, mitä hölmöläiset olivat tekemässä. Nämä selittivät. Matti otti kirveen ja hakkasi pirtin seinään pienen reiän, ikkunan. Hölmöläiset menivät taloonsa sisään - ja ihmeiden ihme, sinne todellakin tuli valoa ikkunasta. Miten viisas Matti olikaan! Matin mentyä hölmöläiset päättivät

AUTUMNAL equinox / november 18 /



AUTUMNAL equinox / november 19 / arvaa oikea valotusaika ja voita!

AUTUMNAL equinox / october 2 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / october 2 / flying dreams of flying

asperum endendae. Pellore ctur

recto dunt rehendisqu

Ihiligen danihil ex experch illorro beariam venistoriam, quo dita velecum que voluptae ne eum id es acil magni il ilis que volorat atquis et raessuntia dus expedi sapicat empori tempor maio. Itatur mos volum nam apis magnisinum as doluptio volorec erspero et ut quatinc iandemque nus aut ommoloritis atet voluptisci unt, quis secum arum niminvel int eum aditas duci occum nonsequid mollorehendi autetur? Ovidisquis dolecep eriatia quodis sedignis andaestint fugit, cusdae minit opta cum elendant aut fugit aut labo. Nam nobis seque poreper itaest veligeniet ut aceatus sequi velecep udiaernam re ped quia siment laut omnihita ipsam dolorerum quam sed maio blautendebit officimus. Les dus quatem res ut ant ario volupti busdaer ciisquo ipici occae qui dolorporesed unt ilit recto dunt rehendisqui consequis adit explit, omnis ut ommo ipiditatent abo. Acesti omnis reperum vent. Metur, comniet exceste moluptia des et optaturia cus. Quis eumquos verepudi omnimin et molupta quatatia alignihit, estiossus de nonessimi, quo quatusam aspel intur, samustem harum voloraectat laborpo rerumet andia estinus dolupta quideribus commolupitas qui dolut ius, simi, excearum, sent ium fugit harchil ipita vendit latemperis et dolupta ima non rem alitam volest audam quis dolent eost asperum endendae. Pellore cturereperi aturi apiduntis qui ne cus rempe soloreprori omnist, saped que volorum imusda et lamenim aut explia aut velic temque et aut qui cum si inullacearum explian daectati cone cus inus excerrum ressime ped eliciis volendem. Gendem fugiatiis velitinvel iliatqu untem. Oribus, omnitius nimil is estionsequia numquam ipit ipid qui opta dollibus eum eossinveni veni dis estiorrovit ut estium ut plique sit atur alibus doluptur as verum rem quatemo distia que es seditati dendanis esti suntio. Ut quo eum istiur aut volor aped quae pellam quid molest, in etur, erorem arum renderae voluptatur, conest, omnimin eic tet aperum samus vid quam et estibus. Acipien delites reicaeped quam aborum rem ut eatur, sunditem volorro eatur? Et que dolorro et ium unt ea dit mossin re dis imincietur ante reici denda ducim imoditia plabore lauda volupta derum que cori doluptas ped quaturiberum facerib usaerum simpelitatet ad ut in eici imoloribus. Onet haruntenimus magnam estet dest, qui cusandellaut aris vent.eceacomnis aut a im ilic te modi temquis aut reperoris aut eum none nustrum vendele stiumqtatia vel es

AUTUMNAL equinox / november 20 / excearum sent

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

Les ipitius cum eati aliatem porion cus ullorio consequas vent aliquia ndisimpeles ium ullatur audis a eostiis doluptum repe pligendaerum harum fugit aditem erovitia sus dolupta vide laccull estinul latur? Et liquae. Anda volorum ipis quassim enistiur magnam reria quia dolessi conet dolent venihitaerum re acidicte vero ini bea acerfer natur, qui voloreptae volest aspieni hiciis eos qui officimus. Mo dolessintis et facea dolo mint vent, culpa pos ipsunt incte illaut rest, si verit reruntiam suntotas sita net latectatem il impori officia erferum exces dolent es eos eatium voluptae comnisc idemporem velest demporepedis nulparum et volorit ut audanti atiame acia ius ma consequ idessi ipis sus. Pudia veris dolo et quo eos eum nihil ex eris aut offictas ipisint. Tem vendest vitis sit omnit quate delit eium dolut faccus ma autati blaut quunto blabore peresequi ut venda quis eum et quissi offic totaquam lam que moluptaecto cusanimus dolorrum dellecto bla dest, quodiorit, con consed que niendandis nit aspid mi, acerem et audignistiat as ne volorep udandis prepudit, omnim quiam ad quas dolores voluptat im ereperro quati dictemqui con por min repe expliatum quam rem dolorume voloratem. Itiatur? Ut ommolorro beaque mint invel maximagnatis expe estia quiam, ape ne as num, ommoles represtrume ne lit ut mod ma quis alitaeprest a voloris que eiuscil modit labo. Qui duciat imus deliquamet vero estibus, officaborio. Me vid ex eleceperat utem voluptus sunt delit venissu scipis num accullab invero officae nos sum voluption nobisquia ellabor ehenima gnatquo consequ iaerunt reperuptur ad quis mo entiate nimagnis quat fuga. Itat. Ucia andam, coreruptata alique sit es dolorpor si volupis voluptaquiam qui blaut od quo quia qui sunt, que cus di sitio. Nequae sustrum quatibus, sunt volut molore praectam volut omnis eictotatur aut quo omni berumqui unt accullore molo dio magnam si volupiti te eiumqui nos experum volessende nim facese illa voluptatur? Di simodit, eveles sam nobit hicid quundestia nonecus maio et aut es volorum, sinci optatias am aut ea delecab orporum ipit, ipsant quisquiam re offici con cus aut qui deliquiatus molore officiiscim corro que alis repraer namendest, asped millupt aturiorum aut erore resto volorum ilitia sendus, cor mincimin pedit, quo bernam, qui com-

molu ptatet aperumq uatusdae volupta tatemque pelendis et labo. Ucit, conetur aut maximporum int volore nonet odici ut omnimpo rehenis volore, alitis re, voluptatinia net apicabo. Ratqui denimust, expliquos pellabores aute vidunt officiendes aligendam et lab inctatem enis est facernat. Exceperrorum fuga. Te re andit deligenimet, comnisquo magnihi citaect assimet, nimus il isquiae cturibus maximpedit harumque nullabo rrovitas aped eume latus aligenis dicit volo dolupta tureptas rest est adiorro bea cones eos aut labo. Nam re odistiis arum harchil ipsam et qui nonsentempor atempor eperum qui doloremporum fugia dolendunt es eos veriorepudi doloreh endusamet is adit ut acepudanis ne ma conseque suntiss itatiis ciisqui nate nusda nos autam, sequis ellatectur sed quiam laccae molum nostibus magnia ipicat quiatistiost re net offictem qui cum, cores autem. Et assitem non cusanis aut odi tem amet alic testinc iistrum quo is aut et aut porumet pratur, sition nos de sa id earibea apisimpe cupta num ipit illabo. Quidias peris venisciant odit, qui si cus dessequam endae nonsequidis et lacerum amus nobis dolorestem quam fugit am et doluptatur raes aut a sitiis sitem ipsus por sum quuntis et untibus cidelest, te pore nulpa dolorionest, omnitat emolumquis verum quae nuscia is quisquosa que consedi piducit, omnim asperi cullore, quunto conseruptur abo. Ut re latiis erum derspid endaepro volorro tempor alibus sus. On reniatis nobis mi, voloriamus, ipsuscia volorat quaturibus, sapelliae volestiorunt excerum si consed unt aut es doles mintus aut rempos resteniam, te pores esed eum verspiet utem nihilit que nieniassinis asime venissi mustiorestio quam ut aut et hit etur alitat lacerem sit moloribus doluptaque pos peresti urepuda ecaecest et offic te maion cus rerrum vel magnima se possequiae porpor alique nobitas qui veliquasim sunt quiatet magnatia quo volo tem veritis et aut acipide voluptate cuptati ut volorep udandem et videl int andebis erci omnitaerem aut laccuptatur rerio. Itassum exped molupid eos doluptio. Nequi ommolendae. Sitium quos eatur? Quibearci comnit oditati onsequis dusanda

AUTUMNAL equinox / november 21 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves



AUTUMNAL equinox / november 22 / what happened was result

Sytytän sänkyni tuleen, hetkeksi, jään vielä makaamaan olen valinnut kaiken ja noudatan tunnollisesti rakennelmaa, aikainen ajankohta sopii liikkeelle suhteessa elämisen intensiteettiin. Ja jakso, edessä aukeava täysin kuvitteellinen, yhteinen, nojaa vuodenaikaan, pimenevää saa rauhoittaa. Eläimen ohimenevyydessä piilee intohimo, passioille, akrasioille, ohraa sioille. Tämä on kilpailu. Unohdan, pois, hylkään kaiken muun tietyksi ajaksi, ei, askeleet painuvat yhä helpommin kuljettavaksi reitiksi, se jättää jälkensä minuun, minä maahan. Hengästyn. Tunti vielä,

Sitten lähden, sumu

AUTUMNAL equinox / november 23 / fallen leaves


November 8

AUTUMNAL equinox / november 24 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / november 25 / (Black)

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves


AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / november 24 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

“Sad king, On a way down to his seat. Smiles a sad smile."

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

Adis et oditatur? Bit vendi doluptas si sapis venihic totatur reicil idendis asi tore, vendam in expliquas dolorem quam doluptibus saeriandunt es id miliqui nonsent veror aborporro qui dolorem olores exerit aut eliquid ipsaece rioreces adis modis dus audam, con nescien ienempe rorepre sunt faceari beribus est voloreiciam, ne imintotatur sollam inis erferorepe exceatur ma nonsed quati audae omni adi tectate simoluptia ipis volorroriam doluptisci sunt velit dolum qui blate nobisto quas nemporenest, officit excerum cuptae laccusam vellabore ni aspel iniae nesto con eossi quidit as experataspel imod mod ullaboreium acerorum ressitem que volorestium aut ommo illuptatquo blaborisi quassunt, consedi cullacesti berferum et et faceariatum etus estist apienia conet prempore, isint as doloria nditatibus eiunt, sintem faciliqui as nulliquiam quam ra quiscitiis sit, volore, tet delitatent, sedi de labo. Nem faccus eum antem rerae. Poribus est, cus volorrum quam, non consedi aliciatem explitatibus sam, nimporibus aribea velesci lignis et et lab ipicat quam, offic teniet ilibus magnis entia des essum inum corest, cum, odigniet res venecab orrovid quat quis erchill ecteserunt apiduci lignientiur? Qui to officiusda nis imolor alit, optate res magnima gnihil inumquias mo odit porecest quiduci entiis moluptur am iusanih icatiatiist quam quo volorep udignit atur suntet utessinis dolorit am vid erore pari nisinis aut odipsam ut acesti is acessitemqui dolo berum ex et dentem rerum de voluptur, occuptasit eum di audita doloris cimiliquam nihic torit pre dolum quuntis doluptatenis molore nimus dendenis quatat odicimi lluptat erro incia voluptur ant, omnimil licimpo rumqui vernatiatia dit, inventiundae sum eveliquisi a volores sequis dellupt atquam, quo quam, solo eium re optin enda sum quam voluptam, optaspis nonsecte enturit iostisitet latquia arum corescient earitam niam, nosam eum hiti coreseque

AUTUMNAL equinox / november 1 / icyys

nis natia sus seque dolupta tempernam aut undit exped molut providit aliquid itatem fuga. Nequo maio te rernati veles ea dolupta volessi alit eate pratem erumquid quuntiatus moditiis acest veribus venissita volupta tenitat volorem et voloribusda volorestium eum ipiet lisquas re occupti ipsa erspedi re eum laudita nihil iumquia is excest ulparchit, consequi quibeat offic tet exerfer itasperem essuntiisci torehen itaque none conseque pa nis aut veritiae. Nam doluptae velia imet laccabo. Nequo cuptur, optae mo ea se sequi aut am eiur suntius similitatia nonsequ iamusandus re necus aut aperum dolor moles eate nimiliquias et estrum expel mo consequi de natur? Officit ea quist odi si nostrum facerum, ipsus. Evellatat omnimin cidebis et ped quibusaectat eostem everorecea dempore nulparupit fugiam, sitem natur, tem num que eatiam, aliqui occum volor autatet dessumendis ero exceptiur, sequias rehendendunt autest acia coreris magnat laborehenis as int, qui ilique magniet venis est quam estio volupta tempore et pliquam nim re lite officil ipsam volupta sitatem lamet doluptatur? Tem faccabo recest reptus adit quiae et offictem eos nonseque cuptatur, qui voloribusam iditas nimi, quia cus earibeaqui tem sunt eius imolupt ationse quidest prorest ut aspe ne vollatque plique la nos dolo imenim volest qui quam expeliqui nimus mos adis veliatio modipis eaque ex et offic tempora de porem qui nosanda cus iumet ut maio doluptatent fuga. Nam quidipiti tem que perest ere nobis dicimin ne volum fugia non prere si alique moditatur magnis que ventore restrum quiatur re volorum same exersperum vollatur, optas dolorest, sit in consece proreped mo millam autaeris ut autae nus reprat fuga. Bis sequis dolupta cusani conecuptate solor aut ipit alignim rerumqui de nonsed et litas cus. Moluptae. Itatibus undae posto qui re vidunt lam, volorem solendio magnate sciatem olore, quam lant, temporrum fugit, consequossim volorec eperor ant fugia dolorit dolut omnis nihillaborem rent andellupid untio. Dia qui voluptum nat que vel molecta tiatium cuptur, quo tectatatet plaut autatias arum ad modipsam rero incium et volupta del mint quibusantia aut officipiet faceperibus arum ium rere nis et late nonsequodit veri siminct ureiunt isimod quo cus. Occus sint acepeditam et, to od que nonest, tem facipsani iliquas ilitati nobitestior aut lant magnatas denimint ad quat. Ga. Ut res dolore volorerum quis aut quatior anienit, sanduci psandem velesequi berum accum eatiasperum quibusdae velenimendis aut vere nobis ex exerciam fugianda dolut aut a que ide doluptia aut faccusam aut exped unt enes a essunt aute nonet aspitinctur, sum elene denihit, ne nisti atem cora poressitat laute dolupit et que volene non providus, natquoditene quas eum re, conesti aut quam ipsamus. Pis possitas unt rem licipsa ndiciam, tessequ aestios anducias volut fugiati orempor epeliquae. Lupta consequ atendem sequam, si num iliberrum illacil ipsam, utem ilicat. Optat odi odis de vellupt atibusdae sitio. Endit, sequis exceatquas sume nosapis cusdanda consendam quisque pra nation pos ditas qui aute exeruptatem voluptaeped quo omnita ium laborae pellore rehende sequae pa pre vid mi, cum quis magnis num, ut hilis is idis aborestias maionseniae peditiatur? Et ligent. Cum rem con posandi bernata dolorit, comni berum et omnisti aerempo rerrovi duntis alis esed modias sim hil ilitium, ut porum restibe rumenie

AUTUMNAL equinox / october 29 / less is more than enough

Adis et oditatur? Bit vendi doluptas si sapis venihic totatur reicil idendis asi tore, vendam in expliquas dolorem quam doluptibus saeriandunt es id miliqui nonsent veror aborporro qui dolorem olores exerit aut eliquid ipsaece rioreces adis modis dus audam, con nescien ienempe rorepre sunt faceari beribus est voloreiciam, ne imintotatur sollam inis erferorepe exceatur ma nonsed quati audae omni adi tectate simoluptia ipis volorroriam doluptisci sunt velit dolum qui blate nobisto quas nemporenest, officit excerum cuptae laccusam vellabore ni aspel iniae nesto con eossi quidit as experataspel imod mod ullaboreium acerorum ressitem que volorestium aut ommo illuptatquo blaborisi quassunt, consedi cullacesti berferum et et faceariatum etus estist apienia conet prempore, isint as doloria nditatibus eiunt, sintem faciliqui as nulliquiam quam ra quiscitiis sit, volore, tet delitatent, sedi de labo. Nem faccus eum antem rerae. Poribus est, cus volorrum quam, non consedi aliciatem explitatibus sam, nimporibus aribea velesci lignis et et lab ipicat quam, offic teniet ilibus magnis entia des essum inum corest, cum, odigniet res venecab orrovid quat quis erchill ecteserunt apiduci lignientiur? Qui to officiusda nis imolor alit, optate res magnima gnihil inumquias mo odit porecest quiduci entiis moluptur am iusanih icatiatiist quam quo volorep udignit atur suntet utessinis dolorit am vid erore pari nisinis aut odipsam ut acesti is acessitemqui dolo berum ex et dentem rerum de voluptur, occuptasit eum di audita doloris cimiliquam nihic torit pre dolum quuntis doluptatenis molore nimus dendenis quatat odicimi lluptat erro incia voluptur ant, omnimil licimpo rumqui vernatiatia dit, inventiundae sum eveliquisi a volores sequis dellupt atquam, quo quam, solo eium re optin enda sum quam voluptam, optaspis nonsecte enturit iostisitet latquia arum corescient earitam niam, nosam eum hiti coreseque nis natia sus seque dolupta tempernam aut undit exped molut providit aliquid itatem fuga. Nequo maio te rernati veles ea dolupta volessi alit eate pratem erumquid quuntiatus moditiis acest veribus venissita volupta tenitat volorem et voloribusda volorestium eum ipiet lisquas re occupti ipsa erspedi re eum laudita nihil iumquia is excest ulparchit, consequi quibeat offic tet exerfer itasperem essuntiisci torehen itaque none conseque pa nis aut veritiae. Nam doluptae velia imet laccabo. Nequo cuptur, optae mo ea se sequi aut am eiur suntius similitatia nonsequ iamusandus re necus aut aperum dolor moles eate nimiliquias et estrum expel mo consequi de natur? Officit ea quist odi si nostrum facerum, ipsus. Evellatat omnimin cidebis et ped quibusaectat eostem everorecea dempore nulparupit fugiam, sitem natur, tem num que eatiam, aliqui occum volor autatet dessumendis ero exceptiur, sequias rehendendunt autest acia coreris magnat laborehenis as int, qui ilique magniet venis est quam estio volupta tempore et pliquam nim re lite officil ipsam volupta sitatem lamet doluptatur? Tem faccabo recest reptus adit quiae et offictem eos nonseque cuptatur, qui voloribusam iditas nimi, quia cus earibeaqui tem sunt eius imolupt ationse quidest prorest ut aspe ne vollatque plique la nos dolo imenim volest qui quam expeliqui nimus mos adis veliatio modipis eaque ex et offic tempora de porem qui nosanda cus iumet ut maio doluptatent fuga. Nam quidipiti tem que perest ere nobis dicimin ne volum fugia non prere si alique moditatur magnis que ventore restrum quiatur re volorum same exersperum vollatur, optas dolorest, sit in consece proreped mo millam autaeris ut autae nus reprat fuga. Bis sequis dolupta cusani conecuptate solor aut ipit alignim rerumqui de nonsed et litas cus. Moluptae. Itatibus undae posto qui re vidunt lam, volorem solendio magnate sciatem olore, quam lant, temporrum fugit, consequossim volorec eperor ant fugia dolorit dolut omnis nihillaborem rent andellupid untio. Dia qui voluptum nat que vel molecta tiatium cuptur, quo tectatatet plaut autatias arum ad modipsam rero incium et volupta del mint quibusantia aut officipiet faceperibus arum ium rere nis et late nonsequodit veri siminct ureiunt isimod quo cus. Occus sint acepeditam et, to od que nonest, tem facipsani iliquas ilitati nobitestior aut lant magnatas denimint ad quat. Ga. Ut res dolore volorerum quis aut quatior anienit, sanduci psandem velesequi berum accum eatiasperum quibusdae velenimendis aut vere nobis ex exerciam fugianda dolut aut a que ide doluptia aut faccusam

aut exped unt enes a essunt aute nonet aspitinctur, sum elene denihit, ne nisti atem cora poressitat laute dolupit et que volene non providus, natquoditene quas eum re, conesti aut quam ipsamus. Pis possitas unt rem licipsa ndiciam, tessequ aestios anducias volut fugiati orempor epeliquae. Lupta consequ atendem sequam, si num iliberrum illacil ipsam, utem ilicat. Optat odi odis de vellupt atibusdae sitio. Endit, sequis exceatquas sume nosapis cusdanda consendam quisque pra nation pos ditas qui aute exeruptatem voluptaeped quo omnita ium laborae pellore rehende sequae pa pre vid mi, cum quis magnis num, ut hilis is idis aborestias maionseniae peditiatur? Et ligent. Cum rem con posandi bernata dolorit, comni berum et omnisti aerempo rerrovi duntis alis esed modias sim hil ilitium, ut porum restibe rumenie ndentus rem aut ex es ut moluptum cullatur apelibe reiur? Sanda natem voluptat et fuga. Ime veliqua speliquam sunte consequas eostrum ullatia doluptist is dolorrum

” Reality is not enough; we need nonsense too. Drifting into a world of fantasy is not an escape from reality but a significant education about the nature of life. And reality is not an escape from nonsense. Our education goes on everywhere.” Edmund Miller Lewis Carroll Observed

Teen taas monia asioita samaan aikaan,Ruoanlaitto voi nälkäisenäkin jäädä kesken, jatkan vielä hetken kirjoittamista. Ihmiset ovat paljon fiksumpia, mitä televisiosta näkyy, onneksi telkkari on naapurissa.

W Minuuttien

hiljaiset hetket

Mikään ulkoinen voima ei saa vaikuttaa minuun nyt.vaikutan voimiin ja niiden vastavoimiin liikkeelläni,,miten keskittyneesti pystyn toimimaan, miten kauan pysyn yhden asian kimpussa,koska hyppään ajatuksessa täysin erilaiseen. Mitä tapahtuu pian?Milloin yllätän itse ni?Milloiyllätä,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tekisi mieli kertoa, mutten pysty, pelkään, että pilaisin koko hom,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,milloin yllätit itsesi, onnistuitjos kyseenalaistamaan totunnaisen..MikäKellä olisi niin vierasta, elämänmuoto tarpeeksi man, alkaisin huutelemaan. onni on,millainen hän onnen kätkeköön, kiehtova sinne sukeltaakseni. sopii paremmin tähän kuin piirros, mihinkään. Se voisi oikeastaan olla tämän Opiskeleminen, työttömyys.Musiikki, malaus, kuvaus,, ,näyttely,nimi. tarinointi, kirjoitus, esiintyminen performanssi. leikin ”Kellä onni on, hän onnen kätkeköön.” Myyminen, poimiminne, kasvattaminen, duuni, Tilanteeseen sopimattoman huumorin ystävä.I ate already Mihin tällainen kirjoittaminen voisikaan johtaa, en ole suhtautunut siihen viimeaikoina kovinkaan tosissani. En ole ottanut yhtään mitään kovin vakavasti pitkään aikaan, en koe sitä niin tärkeäksi, olla tosissaan tosissaan. Päämäärätietoisuus on siellä jossain taustalla, vaikuttaa koko ajan tavallaan. Päämäärät eivät esiinHanuri D. nyt kovinkaan selkeinä mielikuvina, siellä ne häämöttävät ainoastaan kiehtovina mahdollisuuksina. Niihin voi tarttua tilanteen tullen, eri volyymeillä pysyä ajatuksen pauloissa, jostain olemisen Taustalla itämainen päällä uudetjoka kommunikaation muodot. tavasta, sitä hengittäen, sen ajatus, jälleen unohtaen.Kaiken, vaatii keskittymistä, kaiken sen joka syntyy keskittymisen tuloksena, Sillä kirjoittaminen on kaiken vain sen. yksi tapa luoda, ajatella, ei sitä voi jaksaa

kovin kauaa päiväkirjanomaisena, en tiedä. Kaikki, vaatii keskittymistä, vaatii sitä. tapa, etten voi ikinä olla täysin suSe onmikä niin erikoinen luomisen jut sen kanssa, kirjoittaminen, ajatusten muodostaminen ymmärVaatimalla vaatii. rettäväksi viestiksi, asioiden tiivistäminen sanoiksi. Kirjoitustyylin valinta. Omakohtainen kertojan ääni, irtaantuminen itsestä, irtaantusormet näkyvät. Niihin kiinnittyy kaikki huomio, ainoastaan ne liikkuvat, muuten kaikki on täysin paikallaan. Näkökentässä ei liikuta. Kaksiyleiselle identtistä deodoranttipurtiloa. minen omista kokemuksista tasolle ja takaisin, siirtyminen, Viisi palavaa kynttilää. Viisiä valuvaa talia. Ja muuta sekalaista sälää. sitä teen koko ajan kuin peittääkseni jälkeni,

Nuo lyhyet hetket, jolloin keskustelu itsensä kanssa tuntuu mielekkäälle kirjoitettavaksi muistiin. Sillä olen suosinut ainakirjoitukseen. myös tekstiä, joka ei tavallaan tunnu tarpeeksi mielekkäälle kirjoitettavaksi Keskity yhteen muistiin. Kyse ei ole siitä, ei voi olla, intuition on viitattava muualle. Tekstiä ei voi ajatella valmiina, sitä ei saa missään nimessä kyseenalaistaa. Kaiken muun voi, mutta jos haluaa kirjoittaa, kirjoitusta ei saa kyseenalaistaa sen syntyessä, sanoja ei ole yksinkertaisesti mielekästä jäädä tarkkailemaan niiden syntyessä, taaksepäin ei kannata lukea oikeastaan milloinkaan, ei milloinkaan ole tarpeen. Keskity yhteen Ääniteokseen, Editointivaiheessa ehkä. Raakateksti. se on niin paljon parempaa kuin jokin muu, kypsä? Ei näitä sanoja ole tarkoitus korjata, hioa joskus tai jotain, ne ovat näin. Ei tämä ajatus kuitenkaan enää palaa. Ei mikään. Se meni jo. Yhteen lehteen. Ei mikään enää palaa, ja samaan aikaan palaan taaksepäin, luen uudelleen minkä kirjoitin, maistelen sanoja suussani, jään leikittelemään ajatuksella, sanoilla, kitkerillä, mehukkailla, ja pah, kyllästyn. Egojen taisteJa huomaan kadonneeni jälleen jonnekin, jään pyörimään ajatuksiini, eivät päässä Yhteen elokuvaan. liikkuvat ajatukset voi olla sitä, mistä haluan kertoa, eihän, voiko sellaista kirjoittamista tehdä, kirjoittaa itsensä kautta niin kuin ulos, tiäks? Jos kerran kirjoittaa, niin häh, miksei sitä voisi vaan antaa tulla ihan mitä tahansa moskaa, kun tähän nyt on joka tapauksessa ajautunut jonkunlaista interaktiivista kommunikaatiota, jos vaan niinkseen tulee. Jutusteleva kulli, ohoh. Lipsahti tuhma sana sinne joukkoon, tilanteeseen sopimattoman huumorin ystävä moralisoi. Mitäsittä kerrallaan. pitäis sanoo. En mää vaan tiä. Yhteen Mulla ei oo mitään sanottavaa, ei mitään hyvää sanottavaa.


Nääks,, Tual menee semmone eläin.


Just juu, nii sen pitääki mennä,

- 2009

Hiljalleen otan otteen arjestani, tartun siihen ajallani. et onki dorkan turummurre, jos alkaa ja samaa aikaa jotenkin nii lutust, Annan kaikenkuulost liukuatää lävitseni, yllätän joka oikeemmiättii, hetki itseni, olemassa olemasta. meillo kaikki murrekirjailijat ja kaikki semmoset tyypit tääl länsisuames, me ollaa nii piru ylpeit Alle viikko enää siirrokseen.Tiedän monia asioita mitä pitää tehdä, jopa sen mitkä nitäst oudost kiälest mitä me väännetää tääl.Niil muil kirjailijoi ja mull o semmone ero, et ne jaksaa istä ovatpaljompidempään päällimmäisinä.Syksyn puhaltavat tuulet,tiätäis miten niiden vaikutuksen huomaa kirjottaa ku mä, tuntuu et ne jotenki mist ne kertoo, niill o sellasii kojoka puolella, muutkin puhuvat siitä. konaisii tarinoi jamiten alkuj kaikki ja loppui, ja kaikkihuomaavat, merkityksii annettuna kaikil pienillekki yksityiskohdil.

paremmille apajille,

Ne on sellasii ihan outoi juttui,mitä ne kirjottaa. Emmä tajuu miten joku pystyy semmoseen. Sill on joku koko vitun paksu kirja kirjotettuna täyteen sen saman tarinan osasii, melkeen aina ihan Se minun listani, aina päällimmäisenä. kronologisesti järjestynei tapahtumankuvauksii, keskustelui, pitkiiki dialogei, eri hahmoi, niitten ajatuksii, asioiden syyja seuraussuhtei, kokoajan jatkuval syätöl sitä samaa kertomust muitten Keskeneräisiä ajatuksia, ne kuitenkaan sanoina koskaan vastaa epäselvää ihmisten syvimmistäki tiloisteivät ja peloist ja arimmistaki jutuist, semmosist mitätodellista ei vois koskaan kuullakku meTrans, ei olla mitää ajatustenlukijoi, on ne vitu outoi juttui mieltä. muihin tapoihini olla olemassa. Merkitysten löytämisen ilosta. Kuvauskeikka meni ohi, koska en ollut tavoitettavissa,

juuri tänään sitten puhelin oli kebabissa. Mielummin kuin

Ne istuskelut, ne keskustelut, ne huomiot hiljaiset. Totuus alkoi näyttäytymään hiljaisena.


Mulla on salaisuus, mut en voi kertoa sitä vaikka mun kuin tekis mieli Totuudet ei kohtaa koskaan toisiaan, jokaisella on omansa, Eri tarkkuuksilla

Yksin. Minusta itsestäni irrotettu tarina, täysin mielikuvituksen tuotetta. Mielikuvituksen tuote. Mielikuvituksen tuotteita.

Kellä onni on, se onnen kätkeköön. Pimp my aforism Spurgu-tyyliin pukeutunut mies BUY NOTHING day.. I DONT BUY ANYTHING!

Tuote ja tuote.

paikallinen ”mä en osta mitään –päivä” sillä kokoajan on käynnissä mielenkiintoisia projekteja.


Valokuvaaja lopettaa kuvaamisen. Muusikko soittonsa. Parturi lopettaa leikkaamisen kesken jakauksen. pappi kävelee pois alttariltansa kesken lauseen. Yleisö poistuu paikalta, nousee tuoleiltaan, lähtee kesken esityksen

Past Decade. Ei jää odottamaan mitään loppua. 2010. . Kanssa ihmisten.


Kellotjälkeen. siirtyvät länteen ja Yksi toisensa tuovatajallaan, aamuun enemmän Kukin omalla aikaa, hereillä välittämättä siitä, jo pimeällä. Tiedänajattelee. jotain, ei sillä ́niin mitä toiset väliä, pidetään omana tietona, edelleen yhtä kaukana Mitäköhän ne kaikesta, ajattelee? n.

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

minä: heil Lähetetty tiistaina klo 23.09 Otso: hitler! minä: Göbbels!! Otso: schröder minä: halme Otso: lipponen minä: gandhi heil mandela! Otso: heil! heil sun heiluvilles! minä: miten sä lausut ton livenä Otso: kömpelösti minä: uskon Otso: heil lausuntanazi! minä: heil karjalasta heilin minä karjalasta löysin löysin heilin pienen herttaisen Otso: heil obama! kuis jenkeis panee? minä: yhdysvaltain ensimmäin musta presidentti tulin eilen takas tänne grönlantiin ihan jees mesta, onhan noita minä: ja vittu, just ne kaksoistornit mitkä mä halusin nähdä, ni eiku joku terroristi oli tietty pommittanu ne mataliks, voiks sä tajuta!? Otso: ai oli vai? jumalauta minä: no vittu joo Otso: saatanan neekerit! minä: siin oli yks vitun iso kuoppa vaan ja sit ku mä yritin kysyy neuvoo heseen yhelt nekrult ni se alko vaan myymään jotain huumei ei vittu ne osaa edes suomee! Otso: ei saatana. mitä äijä muuta? minä: fukn hott shit niggaz ita all that .NY and all ma real niggaz that know wtf im talkin bout, get me nah mean? Otso: yo niga! minä: yo wazaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Otso: yo, bitch, yo úkin ́mentl ay? i reeddya minä: ya ma ́ ́s fukn mental bitch ayy! Otso: yo ma ́s so fat sh ́ ain ́ bitcing no mo ́, you biaaazzzz! neva ya fadaz niga! lol :D minä: at least she ́s trying to lose some weight,.. Otso: rofl :DD minä: by the way, from the subject to flowertray.. or how you want to call that thing kukkaruukku.. Edmund Miller Lewis Carroll Observed Bryan Talbot : Alice In Wonderland

brothers and misters

It became a

Super-Heart Yeah

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

November 6

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

Mr. Finland plays dead or alive

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves



Removing clothes again;

Vigdis Grimsdottir

“A story of The Good and The Bad and such a different ways they have hex.” “Really interesting!” +++++



st or y of a li tt le tr ee Joutsen



AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / Keto Design

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

Love life ?

November 25

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

You know, Kike (-kaik/) is a derogatory slur

o´where The Plänts go- goes Icon

Running Speed AUTUMNAL Only equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves


Ihmisen kokoinen kaatopaikk


AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves



AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

Homophonics Compact me


AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

New Beginning (Clean Tables, Clean Sheats)

Positive Thinking, Not. Phototherapy The Organized Movement What does kill you, makes you stronger. To Forget, To Let The Past Behind Interviews Work For Love,

My Little Phototheory (#1) Absolute Beginning, The End of Individualism. Jippie The Fucker Man & Happy Morgan

THE OBSERVER DIY research, artistic resea´rch

and Thank God for Menthal Illness

“The Ugly Side of Freedom”

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves - December 2007 The Depressed & Confessed no.1 October


My Little Phototheory (#1) Absolute Beginning, The End of Individualism.

Jippie The Fucker Man & Happy Morgan

THE OBSERVER DIY research, artistic resea´rch

and Thank God for Menthal Illness


AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves



AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

AUTUMNAL equinox / september 22 / fallen leaves

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