HOT OFF THE PRESS Naše drugo spletno partnerstvo Posebna izdaja HOT OFF THE PRESS ponuja bralcu izbor izdelkov, ki so nastali med šolskim letom v okviru spletnega partnerstva in sodelovalnega projekta za medkulturno vzgojo in uporabo IKT med Državnim znanstvenim licejem France Prešeren iz Trsta in turško večstopenjsko šolo Çamlaralti Koleji iz Izmirja. Pri pouku angleščine so dijaki in dijakinje 3. C razreda naše šole in 1. B razreda partnerske šole pisali članke ob ustvarjalni rabi tujega jezika in informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije in se obveščali o dogajanju na obeh šolah. ETwinning projekt HOT OFF THE PRESS spada med pobude MEDKULTURNE VZGOJE in je del širšega deželnega projekta VKLJUČEVANJE TUJIH UČENCEV z naslovom Z majhnimi koraki do širokih obzorij 2012/2013, med šolskim letom pa je postal tudi del posebnega deželnega projekta ANILS-FJK PLURILINGUISMO: VEICOLO DI CULTURA E IMPRENDITORIALITA’/ VEČJEZIČNOST: PRENOSNIK KULTURE IN PODJETNIŠTVA. Ta knjižica je namreč tudi sad podjetniškega duha, saj je nastala z namenom, da ohrani in širi informacije o pestrem šolskem dogajanju na obeh šolah v šolskem letu 2012/13. Svojim člankom so za to priložnost dijaki in dijakinje dodali še podnaslove ali krajše povzetke ali vložke v slovenščini, italijanščini, nemščini in ruščini. Zahvaljujem se vsem dijakom in dijakinjam, ki so izčrpno poročali o šolskem dogajanju, kolegicam Tatjani Miletić, Nevi Zaghet, Lari Posega in Sonji Zupancic za sodelovanje, gospodu Juretu Batagelju za oblikovanje, tiskarni Eurocrom4 za tisk in turški kolegici Özge Özkeresteci, s katero sva odkrivali svet spletnega partnerstva, za zaupanje in prijateljstvo. Posebna zahvala gre gospe Eriki Tabai, ki je že drugič prisluhnila našim željam in podjetju ARC Group srl, ki jih je uresničilo. Prijetno branje! prof. Melita Valič
DOBRODOŠLI! Projekt Dobrodošli! je program sprejemanja dijakov in dijakinj prvih razredov: poleg slavnostnega sprejema na prvi šolski dan ponuja ob delavnicah, ogledih in jutranji ekskurziji možnosti hitrega vključevanja v novo šolsko okolje. Every year at France Prešeren High School in Trieste all first year students are involved in a project which helps them to meet with their new schoolmates and feel at home. Like in previous years the project Dobrodošli!, a welcome programme for first year students, coordinated by English teacher Mrs Melita Valič, occurred in four phases. Nastja Maver
from Class 1C reports, “It is a good opportunity to make some friends and to get to know each other”. In fact, on the first and the second day, when boys and girls stayed at school, they had some activities together. On Monday 10th September, the first school day, they had a reception in the big hall and were greeted by our headteacher Mrs Loredana Guštin and the other teachers involved in the project. This year a student who used to attend this school sang for them, her name is Demetra Malalan and she won the first Slovenian version of the famous music show X FACTOR. They also went on a tour around the school building and visited the laboratories, the art room, the computers’ room, the gym and the students’ as well as the teachers’ library. The visit to the school building might seem a little bit boring, but it was not so for some girls who took advantage of the opportunity to “have a look at the boys of the school”, and found out, “they are not bad”. The next day special workshops were organized in their classes. So, they got to know each other even better, but they did not always stay at school. They visited the school neighbourhood of San Giovanni/ Sv. Ivan. The purpose of this outing led by Slovenian teachers Ms Sonja Zupancic and Ms Neva Zaghet was to introduce the new students to this area
because some of the students at Prešeren are not from Trieste and others have not seen it yet. Anyway, the students who had already visited or already knew the area found the visit a little boring. But they did a funny game; when they reached the gardens of the former mental hospital, they were in pairs and one of them had to cover the partner’s eyes with a black nylon strip and then guide the partner through the park without talking. On October 3rd the project came to an end with a day trip to the Karst village of Basovizza/ Bazovica, where they visited the Nature Information Centre, a multi-functional centre that provides information about the environment. It is located close to Trieste in the former forestry nursery area,
where the ambitious project to reforest the Karst started in the early 19th century. The students had a walk through the gmajna (typical Karst land) to the monument to the four heroes of Bazovica, Slovenian and Croatian patriots and antifascists executed in 1930, and then had a walk through the wood guided by forest guard Ms Anastazija Purič, who showed them some particular trees and flowers. In the end they visited the local church guided by Art teacher Mr Boris Grgič. Teresa Bertogna reports, “We walked into the wood, and it was great, but we got lost. I think this was funny”. Of course, the students had the possibility to know each other better on other occasions too, but this project is meant to make socialising easier by learning about the place we live in, and it was considered successful by our first year students. Jan Loredan
HAMLET WILL ROCK YOU SHAKESPEARE IN MUSICAL FOR SCHOOLS AT THE SLOVENIAN THEATRE Every year students from our school attend theatre performances in English. This year all first, second and third year students saw Shakespeare’s HAMLET in musical, while all fourth and fifth year students appreciated the performance of young English actors in WAITING FOR GODOT by Samuel Beckett. On 10th December 2012 the company of actors engaged by Palkettostage performed for us Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet and they called it ”Hamlet Will Rock You”. It was directed by Daryl Branch and all the young actors were from the UK. We saw it at the Slovene theatre Kulturni dom because of a school project.
The play is about Hamlet, a young man, who is the Prince of Denmark. Through the whole play he wants to revenge his father’s murder. The director made up a really good musical. He definitely created a good performance which was easy to understand, although the story is complicated. His choices were very effective, the songs were amazing. They were perfect for the descriptions of the characters’ feelings. The actors performed well. They were very nice and spoke clearly, so we understood every word they said. They also sang well. The make-up was good, but the costumes were not the best. All these effects made up a very successful play. The songs chosen for this play are popular with young people. We liked so much Pink Floyd’s Shine on You Crazy Diamond, Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody, I’m Going Slightly Mad, We Will Rock You, We Are the Champions, U2’s Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Killers’ All These Things That I Have Done, Lady Gaga’s Marry the Night, Rolling Stones’ Paint It Black, Cyndi Lauper’s Time After Time, and Tainted Love by Soft Cell. Madness by Muse came as a surprise. The production had a very big success. Каждый год студенты лицея Преширен ходят в театр, чтобы посмотреть английскую пьесу. В этом году мы видели мюзикл Hamlet Will Rock You. Этот был очень интересный спектакль, актёры были прекрасны и рок музыка удивительна.
If you have never understood Hamlet and you like rock songs, you have to see it! It’s an amazing musical, although it is so sad. Juraj Berky
FIRST GREATEST EXHIBITION ON TIBET IN THE WEST “Tibet: tesori dal tetto del mondo zakladi s strehe sveta” In Treviso, Casa dei Carraresi , dal 20 ottobre al 2 giugno 2013 On 13th December classes 3 A, 3 B, 3 C and 4 A went to Treviso for an extraordinary event, a visit to the exhibition “Tibet: Treasures from the Roof of the World”. We didn’t know much about Tibet, so during History lessons at school our teacher of
Philosophy and History, Mrs Neva Bizjak, introduced us to this mysterious land.
We went to Treviso by coach, and we started our trip at 7.15 in the morning when we all met in Oberdan Square. We arrived in Treviso at about 10 o’clock and quickly we walked to the building where the exhibition was set up. When we got there, two guides were already waiting for us and split the whole company into two groups. We eventually started our journey of Tibet learning about history, religion art and daily life. The exhibition was very interesting and the guide was very friendly and very good at explaining things and objects from the Potala Palace and the Buddhist temples of the high plains as well as from the Imperial collections. We saw some statuettes of Buddha, their main god. There were many different statues of several gods they have, with 3 or 4 pairs of arms. Then we saw some instruments of their typical culture. I remember a strange stick with which they play on a big bell. We also saw the costumes they wear. If you are poor, you must wear poor clothes, the richer you are, the richer clothes you wear. All the things they wear are very colourful. Their favourite colours are red, orange, yellow, blue and green. After the exhibition we were given some free time for lunch, then we met in a square where two other guides were already waiting for us to go on a city tour of Treviso. It was really interesting and great.
We returned home at 7 o’clock in the evening. I really enjoyed this trip also because of the theme of the exhibition. I was interested in Tibet so much! Nicoletta Vatovec
COMENIUS PROJECT: BELIEVING IN HUMANITY Flea Market and Xmas Concert Charity Begins at School Every year in December a
Christmas concert is held at our school. This year it was again part of the Comenius project: Believing in Humanity and it took place on 20th December. Even this year a lot of artists from different classes sang, danced and starred on different instruments.
Im Dezember war das
Weihnachtskonzert in unserer Schule. Das war ein Stück vom ComeniusProjekt. Die Schüler haben verschiedene Lieder gesungen. Sie haben auch getanzt. Manche haben auch verschiedene Instrumente gespielt.
Den besten Auftritt hatte Martina Zerjal. Sie hat “Stille Nacht” in drei Sprachen gesungen. Am nächsten Tag sind die Schülern ins Seniorenheim „Mater Dei“ und in ein Seniorenheim, das von die Schulschwestern geleitet ist, gegangen, um das Konzert zu wiederholen. Es war sehr schön. The program began with the typical Christmas song “Jingle Bell Rock” sang by Sara Mikolič. Then six classmates from Class 1 C recited a Slovenian poem entitled Nekoga moraš imeti rad ( You Must Love Somebody) by Ivan Minatti and Karen Klobas played a Beatles’ Medley. Then the representatives of the school wished a happy Christmas to everyone. After that Rachele Valeri played “Doctor Gradus Ad Parnassum” (Debussy) on piano and Samuel Creeps played “Sonata No. 8” (J. Haydn), both from Class 2 C. Jennifer Antonini from Class 5 C danced to the song “You’ll Be in My Heart ” (P. Collins), which was very original. Then our headteacher Mrs Guštin joined us and wished everybody peaceful holidays and thanked the students taking active part in the Christmas concert, but the
recital was not over. Tjaš Leghissa played “My Heart Will Go On” on the guitar. Sara Mikolič sang “Last Xmas” and Karen Klobas played “Capricho Arabe” (F. Tarrega). Then two our classmates, Felipe and Jan, played on two different instruments . Felipe played “Czardas” (V. Monti) on the violin and Jan played “Sonata Facile ” (L. Van Beethoven) on the piano. Matjaž Zobec played “Sonata Patetica” (L. Van Beethoven) and Ivan Pelicon recited Prijatelji (Friends) by Tone Pavček. Amazing was the performance of Martina Zerjal, who sang traditional Sveta Noč (Silent Night) in different languages to conclude the concert. It was a very beautiful concert. Vice headteacher Mrs Barbara Lapornik, the coordinator of the Comenius project, thanked all the students and teachers involved in the project, and everybody who took active part with donations in the flea market.
And the next day on 21st December students performed in two homes for the elderly situated in the neighbourhood of our school and made everybody happy with lots of good music, singing and dancing as well as good wishes.
The Flea Market For the Comenius project a Flea Market was run from 19th to 21st December. We brought things like vintage clothes, jewellery, and books to school that students and teachers bought and thus donated for charity.
USEFUL INFORMATION The Comenius program is a European Union Education Project. Its name derives from the 17th century Czech educator John Amos Comenius. Our “Believing in Humanity” project aims to promote educational activities that lead to
the formation of attitudes and behavior based on respect for nature, human rights, social justice, peace culture, rejection of violence, equality and respect between the sexes and promotion of civic and democratic values. Ksenja Daneu and Martina Milic
PREŠEREN’S DAY-THE DAY OF SLOVENIAN CULTURE 8. FEBRUAR - DAN SLOVENSKE KULTURE Every year students and teachers celebrate the day of Slovenian culture and France Prešeren, the poet after
whom the school is named. He wrote a lot of important poems and poetic texts, that’s why he is considered the greatest Slovenian poet ever and the students celebrate this day all together. Most of the times an important literary figure from Slovenia is invited or a representative of our Slovenian minority, and a performance is organized, based on one of their books, poems or stories. During the celebration there are always some musical points when students perform singing songs, playing instruments and reciting texts they themselves have written. Ogni anno celebriamo la giornata della cultura slovena con una recita e ospiti importanti, rappresentanti della cultura slovena. È una tradizione di cui andiamo fieri. This year the school hosted Mr Marko Sosič, who is an important writer, theatre director and playwright from Trieste. Two students, Nada and Nina, developed an interview with him and we got to know many interesting things about him. We learnt also about the current situation in literature and politics. Our schoolmates from many classes performed a part from his important novel, “The Translator of Pain” literally. They had to do “Ballerina, Ballerina” but the coordinator, Italian teacher Mrs Darja Betocchi, and some students fell
ill, so they had to change the text. In the end the actors were quite satisfied because they managed to prepare this new play in only two days, although part of the audience was somehow bored. After the performance our schoolmate Felipe performed on his violin, and he did a great job. Also Martina with her great voice sang a wonderful song by Christina Aguilera. All’s well that ends well! We are proud of our great Slovenian poet and we will always celebrate him on 8th February, the day when he died in 1849. Nicoletta Vatovec and Felipe Prenz Kopušar
Photographs: Most famous portrait of France Prešeren, His Statue on Prešeren’s Square in Ljubljana
COLLOQUI FIORENTINI 2013 Giovanni Verga “Il semplice fatto umano farà pensare sempre.” Dal 27 febbraio al 2 marzo Jasmina, Klara, Martina, e Felipe hanno partecipato ai Colloqui fiorentini. I ragazzi sono stati accompagnati dalla prof.ssa Dunja Nanut. Per partecipare hanno dovuto scrivere una tesina sulle novelle del Verga. Alla manifestazione hanno partecipato più di 1.900 studenti provenienti da tutte le parti d’Italia. Di mattino i ragazzi erano occupati con conferenze e dibattiti, di pomeriggio erano liberi di visitare la città. E’ stata una bella esperienza per tutti, un’occasione per conoscere altri studenti e imparare. From 27th February to 2nd March four students from our class, Jasmina, Klara, Felipe and Martina went to Florence. We went there with our Italian teacher Ms Nanut because we took part in Colloqui fiorentini 2013, a congress for teachers and students on Italian literature. We had to write an essay on the Italian author Giovanni Verga, and after that we
could go to Florence. There were a lot of people who had decided to take part in the event. They reported Florence hosted about 1,900 students and teachers from all over Italy. In the mornings we always attended lectures which were for both students and teachers, and in the afternoons we had some free time. The teachers gave lectures on Verga’s literary production, while the students took part in many debates, and on 1st March some students performed for the participants in a play based on Verga’s “novella - short story” Rosso Malpelo. In the afternoons we visited the city. We saw the Duomo, Ponte Vecchio, Piazza della Signoria and other famous sights of Florence. We didn’t visit any museums, but we really enjoyed the project, it was amazing! We all think that it was a very beautiful experience. In fact, we got to know some new people and we also learned something new about Giovanni Verga. And last but not least, Florence is Florence, a monumental city indeed! Martina Budin and Jasmina Kante
8th MARCH: INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY 8 марта: Международный женский день, день борьбы за права женщин и международный мир.
This year the 8th March, International Women’s Day, seemed a normal school day until we saw Štefan Žužek and Igor Valič from Class 5B carrying two big cardboard boxes. Тоже мы в школе праздновали женский день.
In Italy we usually celebrate this day buying small sprigs of mimosa flower and donating them to women. These two boys were wearing yellow T-shirts, because the yellow color represents the day. The International Women’s day is very important because it wants to celebrate women’s rights and efforts for a better world; the celebration started after a factory was on fire and women who worked inside died.
During the first break Štefan and Igor started to give a sprig of mimosa to every girl in the school. A girl said that she wouldn’t forget them delivering flowers around the school. All the female teachers and the girls were very enthusiastic about it. It is reported this was the first time two boys had brought sprigs of mimosa to all women at school. Штефан и Игорь, два студента, дали каждой женщине одну мимозу. Все студентки и учительницы
были в восторге. And also the school was different. On the first floor there was a sort of mimosa tree with flash cards and
quotes related to the International Women’s Day. В школе тоже поставили дерево мимозы, на котором висели поздравления и цитаты связаны с этим праздником.
A girl said, “I like my school because we celebrate special days and every celebration, every festival makes the atmosphere at school more human and friendly.” Sara Gergolet and Greta Kralj
CELEBRATING INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR THE ELIMINATION OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION This year we celebrated 21st March, the International Day For the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, in a very special way. Four fifth year students, who had spent one year in a foreign country, and two AIESEC (Association Internationale des Etudiantes en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales) students talked about racial discrimination. Davide, Marco, Ivana and Mateja told us about their schools and community life abroad. They spoke about bullying, homophobia and cultural discrimination. Davide was in America, in Minneapolis-Minnesota. He was the first to speak and he told us about problems in his American school. There were many black students who often got into fights. He was also witness to a shooting. Ivana was in Ecuador, in Salcedo, a little town
where the people are always smiling. She told us that her host family had a servant who had to wait until the family finished their meal and only then could she eat her lunch alone in the kitchen. Mateja was in India and she told us how Indian people looked at her because of her skin complexion and the colour of her hair and eyes. People stared at her, which made her feel very uncomfortable. She also told us that Hindu and Muslim people don’t tolerate each other and that they often get into fights. Marco, who spent a year in Mexico, was considered a “gringo”. Barbara and Alex, the AIESEC students, came to Europe to learn languages and to make working experience with teaching young people. Barbara, the student from Brazil, told us about racial discrimination in Brazil. She was in our school for a month with Alex, the Taiwan student, and they told us about their countries and culture. They also taught Mathematics and Science. We only had Maths with Alex and the experience was very interesting.
Dieses Jahr haben wir den Internationalen Tag für die Beseitigung der Rassendiskriminierung mit 4 Schülern aus der 5. Klasse und 2 Studenten von AIESEC gefeiert. Davide, Marco, Ivana, und Mateja aus der 5. Klasse haben über das Leben im Ausland gesprochen. Die Themen waren die Kraftmalerei, die Homophobie und die Diskriminierung. Interessant war die Erfahrung, die Mateja in Indien gemacht hat: die Menschen dort haben an sie viel angeschaut, weil ihre Farbe der Haut, der Haare und der Augen verschieden war. Die AIESEC Studenten Barbara und Alex sind nach Europe geflogen, weil sie die Sprache besser sprechen mochten und weil sie neue Erfahrungen mit dem Unterrichten machen mochten. Wir haben nur Mathe mit Alex gehabt und es war sehr interessant. Astrid Gregoretti and Jan Loredan
PRIMORSKI DNEVNIK PROJECT NOVINARSKA DELAVNICA V SODELOVANJU S PRIMORSKIM DNEVNIKOM Trije razredi liceja Franceta Prešerna so se udeležili novinarske delavnice, da bi se naučili novinarskih spretnosti. Izdelek, ki odseva njihovo izjemno delo, so štiri strani posebne priloge, ki je izšla v Primorskem dnevniku 26. maja 2013.
In February the classes 3 C, 3 A and 1 KL were involved in a project with the Primorski dnevnik, the only Slovene daily newspaper in Italy. The main goal of this journalist workshop, which was led by young journalists from the Primorski dnevnik, was to write four pages of articles that will be published in a special issue of the Primorski dnevnik. In this project we learnt how to properly write an article and how to work all together as a group. We had five meetings during which we visited the Editor’s office and learned many things about the journalist’s profession, we learned about the layout of a newspaper and we were delivered the assignments. We now know who writes the articles, who takes the pictures, who chooses which articles will and which ones won’t be published. We saw where the newspaper is printed every day, we talked to the photographer and the journalists. During the meetings we were divided into five groups and each group had a different assignment. Now we have to write articles and choose pictures that will be part of our special newspaper. In our articles we will write about school projects, we will write book reviews and interviews. We think all students are very interested in this project and we hope it will be a success. This project will help us learn how to write articles and work in groups. We think it is a very good project and we are very happy that we have taken part in it. Deja Gregorec and Teresa Zio
“Tuscany is a dream that keeps returning
for the rest of your life.” Anna Ahmatova, Russian poetess Il viaggio This year my class and other third classes in our school decided to go together on a school trip to Tuscany. We chose this destination because of the fabulous landscape.
I guess Tuscany is one of the most beautiful regions to visit in Italy also because of the immense cultural and artistic heritage, expressed in the region’s churches, palaces, art
galleries, museums and villages. Many of these artifacts are found in the main cities such as Florence and Siena, but also in smaller towns such as San Gimignano scattered around the region. We travelled by coach. We started from Trieste on 8th April 2013 at 7.30 am. It took us about six hours to get there; we had a lot of free time, so we listened to music or just had a chat with friends or we made some really nice and funny musical videos. I simply had a lot of fun with the best class ever. Firenze monumentale We slept four nights in Florence and almost every afternoon we spent our time there, visiting the city. I think it is one of the most beautiful cities I’ve ever seen, but it’s also really expensive. The city was a center of medieval European trade and finance. It is often considered the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance and was long ruled by the Medici family. We visited Galileo’s Museum, Signoria’s Square, Basilica di Santa Croce, Santa Maria Novella Square, Duomo, Battistero, Palazzo Vecchio, Ponte Vecchio, Santa Trinità Church, Repubblica Square and the highest place in Florence, where we could enjoy the fabulous landscape. In one of the main streets, in the Hard Rock Café, I bought a T-shirt for my little sister as a souvenir. Siena antica During the five days we spent in Tuscany we went to Siena, my favorite city in Tuscany because of the old-fashioned buildings and the friendly air. The historical center of Siena, declared by UNESCO a World Heritage Site, is famous for its art, museums,
medieval cityscape and the Palio, a horse race held twice a year by 10 out of 17 city quarters or “contrade”: Aquila, Bruco, Chiocciola, Civetta, Drago, Giraffa, Istrice, Leocorno, Lupa, Nicchio, Oca, Onda, Pantera, Selva, Tartuca, Torre e Valdimontone. Every native inhabitant of Siena belongs to one “contrada” and you can’t ever change your “contrada”. I found
this detail very interesting, and that’s also why I liked this city so much. We visited only the historical center of Siena. Città medievali We also visited two small cities, Volterra and San Gimignano, the former is famous for the Etruscan Museum we visited, the latter is famous for the medieval towers, and for the wine called “Vernaccia di San Gimignano”.
La città della torre pendente The last day, on our way home we stopped at Pisa, where I personally liked just the main square with the leaning tower. We just had a walk around
the city. The city is also home of the University of Pisa, which has a history going back to the 12th century and also hosts the famous Napoleonic Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa and Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies as the best Superior Graduate Schools in Italy. There I bought souvenirs for my parents and a friend, I bought 3 little crooked glasses, just as the tower of Pisa is.
We were very lucky with the weather, it rained just once in the whole week, that’s also why I liked this school trip so much. We just had a lot of fun together, with our teachers and we learned also a lot of things about this beautiful region – Tuscany. Sara Gergolet
IL FASCINO ANTICO DELLE SALINE DI SEČOVLJE E LA MAGIA DEGLI AFFRESCHI DI HRASTOVLJE ČAROBNOST STARE TRADICIJE SEČOVELJSKIH SOLIN IN MAGIČNOST HRASTOVELJSKIH FRESK 18 aprile/april 2013 Si è voluto ripetere la riuscitissima esperienza della comune escursione alla chiesetta tardomedievale di Hrastovlje e alle saline di Sečovlje, iniziativa nata dall’idea della prof. Renata Brovedani del liceo Galilei. Obnovili smo izkušnjo skupne ekskurzije z obiskom poznosrednjeveške cerkvice v Hrastovljah in sečoveljskih solin. Pobudo za enodnevni izlet je dala prof. Renata Brovedani z liceja Galilei.
Le classi III G del liceo Galilei, V ginnasio classico e III C liceo linguistico del Prešeren, accompagnate dalle prof. sse Renata Brovedani, Melita Valič e Sonja Zupancic hanno visitato in primo luogo il Parco Naturale delle Saline di Sicciole, dove una guida ha loro illustrato il processo della produzione del sale, del tutto naturale e secondo gli antichi metodi, quindi si sono recati per una breve visita a Pirano, alla fine hanno potuto ammirare, sotto l’accurata guida dei bravi ciceroni del liceo Prešeren (Jan Loredan, Martina Milič, Maja Kojanec, Urška Petaros, Martina Husu, Nicoletta Vatovec, Martina Budin, Dana Milič, Linda Cappellini, Anna Lorenzut, Ivana Pahor e Felipe Kopušar) gli stupefacenti affreschi della chiesetta di Hrastovlje, risalenti al 1490. Dijaki 3. G razreda liceja Galilei, 5. višje klasične gimnazije in 3. C razreda jezikovnega liceja Prešeren so v spremstvu prof. Renate Brovedani, Melite Valič in Sonje Zupancic obiskali najprej Krajinski park Sečoveljske soline, kjer jim je vodička prikazala potek pridobivanja soli, ki je popolnoma naraven in sloni na stari tradiciji. Nato so odšli na krajši ogled Pirana, ob
koncu pa so si pod vodstvom odličnih ciceronov liceja Prešeren (Jan Loredan, Martina Milič, Maja Kojanec, Urška Petaros, Martina Husu, Nicoletta Vatovec, Martina Budin, Dana Milič, Linda Cappellini, Anna Lorenzut, Ivana Pahor e Felipe Kopušar) ogledali še čudovite freske hrastoveljske cerkvice iz leta 1490. I first heard about the trip from a student attending Liceo Galileo Galilei. When he told me they would spend a whole day with two classes of Licej Prešeren, I little thought that we could be one of the two lucky classes. Eventually, I found out we were in the project, and got so excited. Our trip just beyond the old Slovene border took place on 18th April. It was a beautiful sunny day and we were all looking forward to meeting new people. We already knew some of them, but most of them were complete strangers to us. Our class had already met other students in the
past; last year we had a project Biodiversity: The Importance of Being Different with Liceo Malignani from Udine. We had a really great time with them, and the great thing is that we are still in touch as we have a group on Facebook and sometimes we write on it. This year’s trip with Liceo Galilei was great too, but we were all too shy to start to talk and have a normal conversation. I think it takes some time before two persons that have never seen before start to speak. I tried to establish a conversation with some of them, but not very successfully. I am sure that if we meet again, I will be more successful. First we visited the salt-pans in Sečovlje, a beautiful place because of the fresh air you can breathe and the nice people, and the guide. The sunny day only helped. I enjoyed the guided visit to the salt-pans and I found it very interesting. I personally know a lady who worked there and she had explained things to me far before the visit, yet it was interesting. Then we went to Piran, where our teacher of English told us about the most important places, such as the main square, where Giuseppe Tartini statue is. We had then some free time for our packed lunch brought from home. Then a group of us went to a bar and I
ordered a bowl of ice cream with strawberries, a delicious one. In the afternoon after lunch we drove to the small village of Hrastovlje, where we visited the famous fortified Romanic church. I learned a lot about this church, in fact, I was one of the guides who explained to the group the history of Hrastovlje and its church as well as its inside paintings. Once entered, we could see amazing frescoes everywhere. Their painter, Janez from Kastva, painted them at the end of the 15th century. The most important fresco is the “Dance Macabre�, which represents death leading the emperor, the pope, the king, the nobleman, the musician, the doctor, the beggar and the child to the grave. I do think such trips are very interesting and useful, in fact, you can meet a lot of new people from your own city and learn a lot of new things in a different way, and out of school. Consequently, they should be organised with more frequency and I personally think that students should not be so shy when they meet new people. To conclude, next year classes involved in the project should take part in a preparatory meeting to know each other better before they go on a trip together. Martina Budin, Sara Gergolet, Jan Loredan and Nicoletta Vatovec
THREE TEAMS at PREŠEREN All of us write the news and take care of the photos as well.
A TEAM coordinator SARA GERGOLET Martina Budin Klara Kravos Deja Gregorec Jan Loredan
B TEAM coordinator GRETA KRALJ Astrid Gregoretti Nicoletta Vatovec Felipe Jose Prenz Kopušar Anna Lorenzut
C TEAM coordinator TERESA ZIO Martina Milic Ksenja Daneu Jasmina Kante Juraj Berky
THREE TEAMS at ÇAMLARALTI There are 14 students in our class. We are really happy that we are going to share a project with you!!! Since the start of the school on 17th September, we’ve had lots of events at school. This is our teacher: Mrs Özkeresteci.
Turay, Alara, Eylül and Ege are responsible for writing the news.
Zeynep, Hasan, Ramazan, Nihat and Ecem are in charge of the photos.
Cenk, Egemen, Sude, İpek and Beste are responsible for preparing the power points.
‘We Make the World Breathe’ Our school, which is a member of the international ENO (Environment Online) progamme based in Finland, carried out a ‘Tree Planting Day’ event with schools around the world at twelve o’clock noon on st 21 September 2012. This event raised environmental awareness in our students. Since 2008 the ENO ‘Tree Planting’ activity has become a traditional event carried out twice a year. On the 21st September 2012 İÖÇK and its students took part in this activity and the second part of this event will take place on the 21st May 2013.
With the participation of our first, second, third and fourth grades, our students sang songs with our music teacher. Fourth grade students Ege Koyutürk in Turkish and Ela Nur Keskin in English, informed their friends about the establishment and the purpose of ENO. Third grade students İlke Yıkılmaz and Ceren Bilgenoğlu told their friends about the rapid destruction of forests by humans and the extinction of animals, which they learnt last year while doing another Project in connection with ENO. Susan Price, who’s responsible for İÖÇK’s ENO programme, said that since 2008, when the programme began, students have learned the importance of planting trees and protecting trees. The activity ended with the first graders showing their love of nature by planting a tree in the school garden.
Çamlaralti Fine Arts School is Getting Ready for its First International Project in its First Year Our Fine Arts School has started a Comenius Project in cooperation with Marden High School in the UK. The project’s Coordinator Mr Gareth Bowen and Marden High School coordinator Mrs Linda Noble were invited to our school on 2nd January 2013 to attend a project meeting with İÖÇK’s Fine Arts School Principal Aydın Koyutürk. Pınar Solak and Seçil Abay, who will be the
teachers taking part in running this project along with the students from the visual Fine Arts School, gave their support as to the contents of this project. It was decided that the theme of the project should be “İzmir and Newcastle’s Historical Coastal Buildings and their Effects on Culture’’. During the project there will be two visits made by each school and a joint exhibition at the end of the project to be exhibited in both Turkey and the UK.
OUR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION’S MEANINGFUL GESTURE “Children are our Future’’ Çamlaraltı Private School Alumni Association has fullfilled its social responsibilities. With the help of Sunshine Band, Çamlaraltı Private School Alumni Association along with Çamlaraltı College said “Children are our Future’’. Sunshine Band captivated the audience with a wonderful New Year Concert. The band, which sung unforgettable songs from the past and present, inspired the audience with hope and happiness at the beginning of the New Year. Reyhan Ildırar, head of the Alumni Association of Çamlaraltı Private School, declared in her speech that they will participate in more comprehensive projects and wider organisations in order to contribute to create a happier and a better world in the future.
BERLIN TRIP During the winter break in February, the German Club went to Berlin with our German teacher. They visited: Humboldt University, Madame Tussauds, Pergamon Museum, The Story of Berlin, Planetarium, Zoologischer Garten, Aquarium, Check-Point Charlie and Alexanderplatz. They had great fun!
Çamlaraltı @ Vodafone Freezone ‘Vodafone Freezone’ is a song contest which is held between high school students throughout Turkey. This year there were 80 schools from the Aegean Region in the contest. In the following days, the bands which will take place in the finals are going to be announced. The name of Çamlaraltı’s band is ‘’Minore Settima’’. They performed a song of Şebnem Ferah ‘’Yalnız’’ (‘’Alone’’ in English). The members of the band from right to left: lead singer – Ezgi, vocalist – Miray, electro guitar – Oğuz, guitar – Nihat, bass guitar – Efe, keyboard – Berkay, drums – Ramazan.
CAREER DAY Every year the Guidance Service at our school holds the ‘Career Day’. They invite some people from different jobs to our school. These people tell the students about their jobs, education and experiences. The students have the chance to learn about some jobs, to determine their goals and to ask the questions in their mind. This year there were 22 visitors at our school on 27th February. The students watched all the presentations with a great interest.
DALI The municipality of Izmir held an exhibition last month. This was one of the most important art events of the year. There were 46 masterpieces of Dali in the exhibition. A group of students visited the exhibition. They showed interest in the paintings of Salvador Dali, who is one of the greatest surrealistic artists.
Çamlaraltı at ‘Golden Orange’ The Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival, a film festival, held annually since 1963 in Antalya, is the most important national film festival in Turkey. The festival starts with a parade in the city of Antalya in the evening of the first day. The opening ceremony takes place at the Konyaaltı Amphitheatre or in Antalya Cultural Center in presence of national and international film celebrities invited. At this ceremony, honorary awards are presented to cinema people for their contribution. The award ceremony takes place in the closing night at the historical Aspendos Amphitheatre, which holds around 7,000 people. In case of bad weather conditions, the award ceremony is transferred to the Glass Pyramid Sabancı Congress and Exhibition Center, which provides seating for an audience of 2,500.
Mert Kavdır, a student from 12-B, took part in the ‘International Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival’ as a living statue. Mert is a member of Street Arts Studio. The members of the studio always perform on the streets of Izmir, especially at the weekends. People love watching their shows.
LEARNING HISTORY Our History teacher visited Yeşilova excavation area with the 9th grades in order to teach them the importance of archeology. The students took a walk around the area with an archeologist. They had a chance to taste the life in Neolithic Age.
We celebrated the Pi Day on the 14th March. The aim of the day was to make the students love Maths and to raise their awareness in the truth that there is Maths in everything in the universe. Students prepared some leaflets and notice boards to tell the history of Pi and when and where it has been used.
ULUDAĞ TRIP Uludağ is one of the most popular winter holiday resorts in Turkey. It is in Bursa – the north-west of Turkey. It is 2,543 metres high. There are lots of facilities for winter sports like skiing, snowboarding, etc.
A group of students and our P.E. teacher went to Uludağ. They stayed there for a week. They learnt skiing and they tried other winter sports.
Youth For Understanding (YFU) Youth For Understanding (YFU) is a student exchange program which is active in 64 countries. A Portuguese, a German and a Turkish volunteers visited our school. They gave us some information about the student exchange program and they told their own experiences. YFU advised us to go abroad with the exchange
program or to host a foreign student at home. They told us that this would help us meet new people, develop our social relations and broaden our horizons.
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Ob 20. obletnici jezikovnega liceja v Trstu 1993/1994 - 2013/2014