Juris Magazine- Spring 1987

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. Sdl. I. At L Icgi/blive powers ,herein ~raotrJ Ihall be vcftl"d' in a COIl~rdl of the Unitcd States. which alaI! conflll of a SenOl!e and ilciu(c ot aep,c!eflu\ivC1. , .; Sdl • •". The Houfe' of Reprerrntative. Ih~~ be: cotnpofcd of mtlnbtrt chorto cvery fccClnd ynt by the: people of tbe,feverallhtr"and thef1?rt in :each ftate: hll hue the quali/kalion. requi. Cate for deaort of tlte moll mlnleroui bra ' t 'he Olte kglllacutc. , ' ' No perfon than be: ~ reprcfenl3live. who " not, ba~e 3ttaine,d lothe ageof Iwtnty.live),car1,andbeen fe,en yean a, I;ltIzcn of tbe UllIted aod;,wbo Dot, .. !)cD deaed, be an inhabitant of that Ilate in which he Ihall be chofen. , , ' ' : • .4 , • RcprCr~t~'tvC~ and .dircfl taxel !ball be. " , ni~ :nnong ,be f~YeT:lI /tatc. v.. hieh may be included wIthin tb,ll UDlon.aecord\ll~ to their , r~ruy.:.\Ulfllbere, willch thall be deternJincli bya~ ing to the ,!"hole ~umber o( free perfons. i. , Qifl~ 1t!~IbOOhd .t.~ 'crvice (\)'- I -,~~.m "',?f )'''lIra! and c:xcludlng rndlana not taxed. ,bree.fiftfi§ ~ 2ft' OlfIcT~., "l'~ lICloaf mOIftet'.non lM1l be made within thrcc ycars..after the Ii,J~~illg or··th~'"{' of the United State~. and .ilhin nery rubfc,qucnuerm of tenJears. in fuch ~a,nncr a1 tbey /hall by law dire4. The Jlumbu of J:qlrcfcntauyta.lhall not excee one (or I:v.ny thmy i.hoofarrd, but' each Itate fhaIl hue ;It leall Olle ~tativc; and until fucb enumer:1tioft Jb.Ube rn\lde. me lla~ of New.Hamp/hire !hall be en. titled tf) chufe three. Matfach"ktta eight, l\lt~c·Ul;lDd ladPro,idcnce Plaotations one, Conn .. clicut five, New·Y Qrk:. 'fix, ~cw. Jcrfcy four. Penarrlv;ania eight, Delaware -OPe, Maryland fill, Virg;ni, .teD, North-Carolioa l1,e. Soutb-CaroJina-fiyc,l- and Georgili three:. oj '. When. vacanc;ica happen in Ibe rc:prdcruation from any ftatc, tbe lJ:ecuti,e autbority tbcrcq( !hall UJ'ue wrilt of e!caion to fill filch ncuac:ie.. ' • '. The Houre of Ucpr(fcnlalivc& fhall eh"Cc~ir Speak... :!Dd ot.er otice"; and /hall hne ,be fole power of impeachment. . , "", , _' ,&d. 3. The ;SCnate of the United SI:ttCl · ~ be compof.c:d of two Cenaton from eacb nilte, tholen bY. the legiSabue thereof. for fur yarq ' ~d cadi feaawr Olall have onc ,ole. Immediately 'aIle'r, they iIlall be affembles In conrcqucncc: ot the tirtl dcilion. they Ih~1I be djvj. dcd: la, equally aa may be into three cwr~ ; ,'the feau of ct-.c frnator'& of Ihe tidl clar. 11, .. 11 b~ 'Uca. ,led; a(,tbe cxpiruion oC tbe fccQlld yen. o~ ,' fecond dars at the expiration of the fuuuh year, and dfthe tbird' clafs. at the espiration. ohbe ' 7~' Co thaL onc.lhi",!may ~ c!lof.c:n every fccond .' year; . and'if v&CUlcic:s happen by retie:~~~!(herwife, during the reeds ot the Legilhture of ..my f'ate, the El't~!n,_UlGCOf DlI,, ' , .'1.ypubJunc:utJ lUIltJ me'uat meetmg of t!le ...... -ugtlIll~rCh -flialt then fill ruch va~a~cie... . , No perfon thall be a fenator who Ihall not have iltu.ined to the a~ of thirty yean, and heen nine ycut:adllaeft of tbe Unltc<J Sua", and who lbaU noc, wben elcaed, be an inhabitant of thlllhl<. , . for which he {hall be chofen. " ·The' Vi(e·r~6dcnt of tbe: United StaIl:'I Iball be PrefideDt tbe fen:lte, but Ih;all lI;ne no \"Ote. uud' ,bey be: equally di"ided.




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