Engage @ JurongHealth – Issue 22

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engage Oct-Dec 2014 | ISSUE 22



Do Good and Be Rewarded


It’s a wrap, 2014!


Being Active and Loving it












Looking On:

Gearing Up for 2015 Writer Clara Chua Editor Tessa Monteiro Editorial Advisor Casey Chang

The construction of the Ng Teng Fong General Hospital (NTFGH) and Jurong Community Hospital (JCH) is progressing well as we countdown to our end-June 2015 opening. As at December 2014, all faรงade panels have been shipped to Singapore for installation, and other exterior and interior works have gone ahead at full steam. The superstructure of JCH has also arrived at Level 12, with internal works making good progress as well.


Familiarising with New Systems We are on target for the training of colleagues with the new systems and workflows that will be piloting at NTFGH and JCH to support seamless patient flow at both hospitals. As at December 2014, 91% of those identified have attended the Electronic Medical Records (EMR) training. To help them retain what they have learnt, a webspace to allow them to log on at their own pace to practice and familiarise with systems has also been created. As a prelude to Full Dress Rehearsals taking place in the months to come, a Technical Walk-Through (TWT) was conducted in December 2014 to simulate an outpatient scenario in a clinic to review information flow between these areas, and to test the integration of medical equipment and Epic/Non-EMR systems. It was a success and a similar TWT is in progress for areas such as the wards and Specialist Outpatient Clinics to likewise test the synergy between equipment, systems and facilities.


An Insight into Innovation and Improvement

In 2010, the Innovation & Improvement department (I&I) was formed to improve processes in JurongHealth. Today, the team plays an active role in building a quality culture, and facilitates and leads complex quality improvement projects through the use of quality improvement tools in training programmes.

allied health

Administration and Ancillary

pat ie nts medical nursing





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05 Divided into three functions, it comprises (i) Quality Improvement (ii) Systems Design and Analytics (iii) Innovation and Design Its team of dedicated analysts partner colleagues from Administration and Ancillary, Allied Health, Nursing and Medical departments to initiate, execute, monitor and deliver quality improvement and innovation projects across JurongHealth.

Quality Improvement Working with various stakeholders, the team promotes the use of Lean Six Sigma, Clinical Process Improvement and Project Management Methodology to improve processes and achieve effectiveness/efficiency with fewer defects at lower costs. Collaborations have led to a reduction in bedcancellation rates at the Intensive Care Unit, improved discharge-planning and community health screening processes and eliminated delays in the laboratory. Presently, several cluster-wide projects are also in progress, such as the Design of New Blood Transfusion Service and Reduction of 30-day Re-admission and Average Length of Stay. The team will continue to promote the use of Healthcare Quality Improvement Tools and

Methodologies by conducting courses and providing technical expertise and support to colleagues. These take the form of I&I Fundamental Tools Workshops, Foundational Operations Research, Design Thinking, Specialists Training Certification in Lean Six Sigma, Clinical Practice Improvement Programme and Project Management Methodology.

simulations, the team enhances patient safety and raises efficiency through optimal resource distribution. It also provides technical support and advice to various departments for strategic planning through a systematic and data-driven approach. Through project-based collaborations, Systems Design and Analytics aims to build synergy across JurongHealth.

Affiliated to the Quality Management Office, I&I coorganises the annual Quality Month to recognise and celebrate staff efforts and contributions in the areas of Clinical, Operations and Service Quality Improvement.

Innovation and Design

As part of the planning for the Ng Teng Fong General Hospital (NTFGH), I&I analysts are involved in designing new operational processes, which include mapping out medication administration process and working closely with various stakeholders to improve processes. With the Business Office, I&I analysts assist to streamline billing processes and reduce patients’ waiting time for their final bills.

Systems Design and Analytics This team focuses on generating insights by applying multiple analytical tools to support datadriven decision-making. Employing mathematical modelling, statistical analysis, data mining and computer-aided

They guide stakeholders to transform and convert innovative ideas into reality by scoping and establishing proper business case and benefits, finding appropriate funding sources, developing prototypes, validating solutions, and optimising/ propagating innovation. Transforming learning through Quality Detective, a mobile application that promotes best practices and safety at one’s fingertips, the team also works with the Code Blue team at NTFGH to create a seamless, quicker and more responsive protocol by integrating the future IP-enabled Nurse Call system and Unified Communications system. Other exciting projects in the pipeline include Tele-health in the community, an autonomous robotics for specimen delivery in NTFGH’s laboratory, hands-free communication devices that will pilot at operating theatres in NTFGH and JCH, and a prototype to improve hand hygiene compliance.

engage us identify an area for improvement

Let us support you in project scoping

We will assist you with approval

Alternatively, contact Julie at 6730 6600 or email improve_innovate@juronghealth.com.sg to know more.

Project Kick-off!

in & Around


HIP FRACTURE Integrated Care Pathway On 15 October 2014, the Hip Fracture Integrated Care Pathway (ICP) was added to our list of ICPs offered, which includes the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Diabetes, Heart Failure and Stroke ICPs. At its launch, A/Prof Cheah Wei Keat (Chairman, Medical Board) shared the three guiding principles that shaped the team in their development of the ICP. They are:

Screenings Early intervention to help the community Stay Well

Multi-disciplinary team Shared expertise to help patients Heal

Rehabilitation Caregiver-training that Empower the community

Dr Gamaliel Tan (Chief Medical Information Officer and Head, Orthopaedics) also gave insights into the background and development of the Hip Fracture ICP as he highlighted the importance of forging partnerships with organisations such as the Handicaps Welfare Association, Healthway Medical Group, SATA CommHealth, St Luke’s Eldercare and NTUC Eldercare. He said these will enable our patients to receive better all-round care, from treatment to recovery after being discharged from the hospital. Mr Foo Hee Jug (Chief Executive Officer) then presented tokens of appreciation to members of the Hip ICP team, and locked in the final screw of a mock hip prosthetic at the event to mark its official launch!

07 Nurturing THE Next Generation Healthcare Colleagues The Clinical Education Office held its first Teacher’s Day Appreciation and Award Ceremony on 30 October 2014 to acknowledge the distinguished educators in our midst. Held at the Alexandra Hospital, these colleagues were commended for making significant contributions to the undergraduate disciplines of Medicine, Nursing and Allied Health. We congratulate:

The Department of Medicine

The Department of Nursing

The Division of Allied Health

For clinching nine awards in the categories of Best Programme Tutor and Overall Best Tutor.

For receiving 13 awards in the categories of Best Clinical Instructor/ Preceptor and Ward with Most Number of Compliments from Students.

For bagging 13 awards in the categories of Clinical Coordinator Appreciation and Clinical Education Appreciation.

Graced by A/Prof Cheah Wei Keat (Chairman, Medical Board), he shared an excerpt from a partial autobiographical novel, Made in Japan by Mr Akio Morita (Co-Founder, Sony Corporation) to inspire more to step into the role of an educator. The book tells of the important role educators play in shaping the success of the next generation. Mr Morita also attributed his success to the inspiring teachers in his life. Present at the ceremony too were Mr Foo Hee Jug (Chief Executive Officer) and members of senior management, who were treated to the musical talent of Dr Sharon Chong (President, Malaysian Society of Music and Medicine). We congratulate all colleagues who were acknowledged at this ceremony. Your dedication and efforts have paved the way for future generation colleagues to benefit and be groomed into future healthcare leaders.

in & Around

d o o G Do ewarde d R e an d B

On 12-13 November 2014 and 27-28 November 2014, Service Quality (SQ) unveiled the inaugural A+ in Doing Good initiative to recognise good work around JurongHealth. The initiative aimed to encourage more colleagues to share good acts and in doing so, spur others to do the same. At these roadshows, staff penned their experience on a card and dedicated it to a staff or mentor they were thanking. Whether it is a colleague who had brought a smile to their face, or a mentor who had guided them in their work, all who penned an A+ in Doing Good appreciation or were acknowledged in one, enjoyed an ice-cream treat from SQ!

The initiative also extended to department heads who took the opportunity to appreciate team members. Staff who had consistently exhibited good work attitudes or exceptional standards of work also received either a pair of movie tickets or shopping voucher to enjoy. What a great way to spread the good we have going at JurongHealth!



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in & Around

l i t a y u Q Everywhere, Everytime

11 Traditionally known as Quality Month, the Quality Management Office which comprises the Corporate Planning, Innovation and Improvement and Medical Affairs departments, unveiled a yearlong initiative to inspire quality and safety in all that we do. Known as Quality Year, it focuses on our smooth and safe transition to the Ng Teng Fong General Hospital (NTFGH) and Jurong Community Hospital (JCH) with a theme, Quality Everywhere, Everytime. Upholding quality and safety in systems, processes and infrastructure across JurongHealth, it dovetailed existing transition events and works to encourage a quality mindset at work. At its launch, colleagues picked up tips on quality and safety from booths set up by the Infection Control, Learning and Organisation Development, Nursing and Workplace Safety and Health teams. These aimed at acquainting colleagues with the importance of hand hygiene and patient safety, even as games and quizzes reinforced learning and gave colleagues opportunities to win prizes. Colleagues also caught a glimpse of the new systems and processes that will be piloting at NTFGH and JCH as the vendors of different systems set up shop to showcase hands-free communication devices, medical and logistics mobility devices and hand hygiene solutions for our new hospitals.

in & Around

nursing new year lunch

It's a Wrap, 2014!

From CEO and CMB's Appreciation Year-End party to Rehabilitation's X'mas X-factor party, right down to the food and feasting that took place across JurongHealth, we relive some of the highs as we bade 2014 adios!

service Operations

biomedical engineering

13 improvement & Innovation

Human Resources

corporate planning


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Allied Healt

in & Around

jurong medical centre


Communit and Serv y Relations, Comm ice Qualit unication y s

lakeside family medicine clinic


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15 medical social Services


Materials Management Department


tat ili b a h e r

food se rvice

in & Around

Understand Your Medications, Take Charge of Your Health Pharmacy Week came to Alexandra Hospital (AH) and Jurong Medical Centre (JMC) in October 2014 with a theme that centred on medication safety. Booths were set up at the lobbies of AH and JMC to provide patients, staff and visitors with complimentary medication reviews, body fat analyses (body fat percentage and Body Mass Index) and tips to correctly identify medications, just to name a few. Pharmacy also took the opportunity to share about medication adherence, unsafe practices and information on generic and branded medications. The week-long initiative ended with an appreciation dinner on 24 October 2014, where close to 100 colleagues attended. Ms Joanne Yap (Chief Operating Officer) took the opportunity to commend the team on their efforts to transit safely from AH to the Ng Teng Fong General Hospital (NTFGH), as the team readied the pharmacies at NTFGH while colleagues received tokens of appreciation from Mr Foo Hee Jug (Chief Executive Officer). All enjoyed an evening of games and lucky draws, as they added another photograph from the instant photobooth to their collection of JurongHealth memories.

17 World Radiology Day On 7 November 2014, we celebrated World Radiography Day as patients, staff and visitors stopped by the Alexandra Hospital auditorium to learn more about Radiology and what it does. A theme that centred on radiology safety, guests could walk down memory lane and learn more about the history of X-rays and the various imaging modalities and equipment that the department uses in its day-to-day functions, diagnoses and treatments as part of the healthcare system.

Happy Respiratory Day We celebrated Respiratory Day on 25 October 2014 as members of the Respiratory Therapy team gave staff, patients and visitors insights into the different respiratory therapy modalities used. A/Prof Gerald Chua (Head, Medicine, and Director, Clinical Education) gave a short insight into the new modes of mechanical ventilation, while Mr Lawrence Azul (Respiratory Therapist, Respiratory Therapy) highlighted the evolution of mechanical ventilators and gave colleagues a broad understanding of what the team does and the machines that support it. Mr Azul then introduced the new equipment that will be piloting at the Ng Teng Fong General Hospital (NTFGH), and the expanded capabilities of the new ICU at NTFGH.

in & Around

Diabetes Management at Jurong Shipyard Since 2009, the Jurong Medical Centre has been conducting a Diabetes Monitoring Programme for community partners such as Jurong Shipyard Pte Ltd (JSPL) as part of JurongHealth’s workplace health promotion programmes. This year, it continues to offer holistic and multi-disciplinary care to JSPL staff who have been diagnosed with diabetes. A total of 90 JSPL staff are now on the programme. To help them manage their conditions better, colleagues from the Community Outreach and Pharmacy departments recently set up booths at Sembcorp Marine’s Innovation Carnival to teach JSPL staff how to use self-monitoring devices to manage diabetes. They also conducted “live” demonstrations of blood glucose and blood pressure monitoring devices to empower them in the care of their conditions and symptoms better. We look forward to working with more community partners to bring health to every home!

19 To reinforce safety in the laboratory, Laboratory Medicine conducted its first Laboratory Safety Awareness Day recently. Guided by the Laboratory Safety Committee, it offered formal training and competency assessments to help colleagues uphold safety at work. Using crossword puzzles, posters and games to keep learning fun, staff picked up fire safety tips, good ergonomics, proper segregation of wastes and management of chemical spillage, amongst others, from it. Laboratory Medicine also partnered Facilities Management to equip staff with the all-important know-how to operate a fire extinguisher in the event of a fire. To continue upholding safety in the laboratory, the team even upped its frequency of safety audits to provide a safer working environment for all.

in & Around

Spreading Festive C heer to Pat i e n t s

Christmas came early to patients this year as Community Relations (CR) lined up a slew of Christmas activities. On 2 Dec 2014, the talented and passionate Friends of JurongHealth volunteers popped by Wards 5, 10 and 11 and taught patients how to fold creative paper ornaments that subsequently went onto the Christmas tree at the Alexandra Hospital (AH) lobby. Known as the Wishing Tree initiative, it collects pledges from staff and visitors every year to aid needy families with basic amenities. On 6 December 2014, patients at Wards 11 and 12 were also treated to a soothing performance by the International Baptist Church’s handbell ensemble. In the spirit of giving, Wards 10 and 13 were even treated to the talented performance of a volunteer quartet, who performed some of Christmas’ best-loved favourites. Finally, at Wards 2 to 5, patients welcomed carolers from the Singapore Bible Church on 24 December 2014 as they relived Christmas cheer right at their beds.


HO ho ho

service improvement

Prevent Falls A patient admitted for an Orthopaedic procedure commented that his pants were too long and nearly caused him to trip and fall. To prevent this, Linen Services (Environmental Services) promptly reviewed the pants length of all Orthopaedic and Urology patients, as well as the pyjamas worn by inpatients. The length of all pants has since been shortened to reduce the incidence of falls.

Reduce acci d e n t s

A patient was hit by a door as he was wal along the corr king idor near the Occupationa Therapy depa l rtment at Ale xandra Hospi tal. A glass-pane led door has since been installed to pr omote better visibility on bo sides. A caut th ion sign has al so been placed, and the floor marked to info rm passers-by of an outwardopening door .



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liments P m cO This issue, we turn the spotlight on you as we feature the staff-to-staff compliments from Service Quality’s A+ in Doing Good initiative. Stay inspired!

Mr Jamie Tan Executive, Corporate Planning Your patience and assistance allowed me to overcome my problems with the Document Management System. I am now more confident to explore its functions and use better. Thank you for your help! Ms Lee Hee Hoon Senior Assistant Director, Allied Health and Head, Dietetics & Nutrition You are a really nice and understanding boss who always offers a listening ear. It is clear you place your staff welfare as priority and are always generous and attentive to our needs. You deserve an A+ for all that you have done! Dr Masinas Marxengel Leonin Clinical Associate, Emergency Medicine Dr Marx is a very kind person who treats everyone with respect. Always humble, thank you for your appreciation and smiles. Ms Michelle Lo Assistant Manager, Hospital Planning Thank you for combing past records to recall some of our earlier decisions. Without you, we would not be able to recall the design/colour of some of the furniture we had chosen. Thank you for being patient!

Ms Siti Zulaiha binte Sa'at Patient Service Associate, Admissions and Backroom You are very helpful and always assist our patients in solving problems. Keep it up! Ms Isabelle Tan Senior Accounts Assistant, Business Office Thank you so much for your calm composure and good service. You consistently deliver A+ satisfaction to all and are awesome! Ms Sumathi Sagayamary d/o Lourdusamy Nurse Clinician, Clinic K You are a good role model, who treats and cares for your patients like family. A skilled wound care nurse, you also inspire with your life-long learning. Ms Joanna Chia Deputy Director, Medical Affairs Joanna is very passionate in her work and influences the Clinical Quality team positively. You would go out of your way to explain and clarify doubts in our team and are an excellent role model. Despite being busy, you make sure everything is running smoothly in our department. We are proud of you, Joanna!

Ms Khodijoh binte Kamsir Therapy Assistant, Occupational Therapy Always nice, you care for your colleagues and even give them a massage once in a while to relieve them of their stress. I’ve seen you forgo your lunch just to comfort an upset patient. You are great. Mr Tee Hock Sing Senior Systems Specialist, Information Technology I once saw you assisting an elderly gentleman and was touched by the way you reassured him. It’s good to know there are staff like you around! Ms Ng Kim Sim Senior Nurse Manager, Infection Control You are a pleasant mentor, who puts us at ease and encourages us to be open about our problems. Your excellent time management allows us to manage our issues efficiently. Mr Han Hwee Kwong Logistics Associate, Materials Management Hwee Kwong is a very positive person, who possesses good attitude. Always appreciative, you can overhear him encouraging another often. Keep up the good work! Ms Angel Cai Executive, Nursing Administration An honest, reliable and dependable person, Angel treats everyone with fairness and compassion. It’s great having you in our team! Mr Noel Javier Navarro Senior Radiographer, Radiology You have been really encouraging to my peers and I, and never once treated us like juniors. You exemplify the mutual respect value that JurongHealth upholds, and it has been real joy working with you. You definitely deserve an A+ in Doing Good. Thank you for bringing out the smiles in us!


Ms Kelvinder Kaur d/o Amar Singh Secretary, Orthopaedics Thank you for caring for our students so kindly and patiently. Whether it is settling the carpark for us, answering our queries or simply being there. Thank you! Ms Ivy Ooi Psychologist, Psychology Services It was raining heavily and I did not have my umbrella. Thank you for waiting for me until my meeting ended to shelter me! You are the sweetest. Ms Nursyahidah binte Mohd Noor Patient Service Associate, Specialist Outpatient Clinic 1 You have a kind heart and I’ll never forget how you ensured that a dementia patient got home safely. Upholding patient safety and responsibility at work - well done, Shahidah! Ms Bevin Gair Staff Nurse, Ward 13 Despite being busy and occupied at work, you went the extra mile to wheel a patient from the ward to the cafeteria when he expressed a desire to have mee rebus. Putting a patient’s interest before yours, you are an inspiration! Dr Low Shiong Wen Consultant, Surgery Your belief in patient care and the extra mile you would go for them is contagious. The way you comfort and put a patient or Next-of-Kin at ease also inspires me to do the same. You are truly a Service Ambassador! Ms Lee Sui Hong Administrative Assistant, Medical Records Section You are very helpful and often take the initiative to answer queries all by yourself. Thanks for being a team player!


employee engagement


in our

g our

o i P

Crooning to an old favourite: Mr Tham Weng Kiong (Medical Technologist, Laboratory Medicine) relieves his yesteryears with Ms Candy Tan (Singer at the event)

s r e e n

57 former and current JurongHealth staff were honoured at the Intercontinental Hotel for their contributions to healthcare. Known as the JurongHealth Pioneers, they received tokens of appreciation from Ms Joanne Yap (Chief Operating Officer) for their efforts in shaping the healthcare landscape. To relive the nostalgia of yesteryears, Human Resources department even lined up old favourites for guests to sing along to, and played a game of Did You Know to acquaint all with Singapore’s history.

Smiling for the camera: Madam Kuttiammal Sundarasan (Chief Nurse, Nursing Administration) receiving her long service medal from Mr Lim Yong Wah (Chairman, JurongHealth Board)

Enjoying a golden moment together. Seated front row from left: Ms Chow Siew Ying (Chief Financial Officer), Mrs Sithawalla (Wife of Mr Haider Sithawalla, Chairman, JurongHealth Fund Board), Mrs Low (Wife of Mr Low Wong Fook, JurongHealth Board Member), Mr Low Wong Fook (JurongHealth Board Member) and Mr Lim Joo Boon (JurongHealth Board Member). Standing, left to right: Ms Anna Fok (Chief Human Resource Officer), Mr Haider Sithawalla (Chairman, JurongHealth Fund Board), Mr Lim Soo Tong (Chief Information Officer), Mr Ken Lee (Director, Human Resources), Dr Gamaliel Tan (Head and Senior Consultant, Orthopaedics), Mr Foo Hee Jug (Chief Executive Officer) and Ms Joanne Yap (Chief Operating Officer).

At the event, 14 colleagues were acknowledged as this year’s National Day Awards recipients for upholding service excellence in healthcare. We congratulate:

Commendation Medal

Efficiency Medal

For commendable performance, conduct and devotion to duty:

For exceptional efficiency or devotion to duty:

Ms Joyce Yeo (Manager, Procurement, Materials Management)

Mr Syed Farid Wajidi (Supervisor, Patient Transport and Patients / Visitors Management

Ms Soon Lay Khim (Assistant Director, Human Resource Management)

Long Service Medal For a person with irreproachable character, who has completed at least 25 years of continuous service in the government service: •

Ms Woo Li Ling (Senior Coordinator, Medicine)

Ms Anna Fok (Chief Human Resource Officer)

Ms Kuttiammal Sundarasan (Chief Nurse, Nursing Administration)

Ms Ng Kim Sim (Senior Nurse Manager, Infection Control)

A/Prof Yap Keng Bee (Senior Consultant, Medicine) • Dr Syed Beevee (Senior Consultant and

Ms Zainaf binte Ya’Akub (Senior Nurse Manager, Nursing Ward 2)

Director, Anaesthesia)

Ms Jolyn Tan (Assistant Director, Nursing Administration)

Ms Sally Ng (Senior Staff Nurse, Clinic K)

Ms Kunadevi Kumarasamy (Assistant Nurse Educator, Nursing Administration)

Ms Habibah binte Abdul Khamid (Nurse Clinician, Nursing Administration)



Came to Us in a Big Way Christmas came to us in a BIG way with the Employee Engagement’s Giant Christmas Card contest. 11 entries were received and judged for their card size, number of colleagues involved in its making, the people it was dedicated to, creativity, eco-friendliness and the messages of love, joy and hope.

The winning entries hail from the departments of Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Medical Social Services (MSS) and Nursing, and the Specialist Outpatient Clinic (SOC) A. Basing their card on the theme, Joy of Unity, SOC A wished to commemorate the wonderful friendships they have made with the different departments and colleagues they have worked with. MSS and Nursing’s Life-Giving Tree pays tribute to colleagues who devote their time daily to caring for patients.

Made of recycled saline infusion bags, it was one card that will not go unnoticed. ICU, who emerged winner of the competition, submitted the biggest card in dedication to the BIG JurongHealth family we have grown to become.

ICU mss and nursing

soc a

Employee Engagement

Cared To Excel in Exams

With examinations around the corner, students sponsored under the JurongHealth scholarship were treated to a lunch and massage recently as the Scholarship & Sponsorship (S&S) Unit of Human Resources took time to bond with them. Currently enrolled in the various Allied Health, Business Administration and Nursing disciplines at the National University of Singapore, these students will join us in caring for the healthcare needs of the western population after their graduation. At the lunch, S&S took the opportunity to update them on our hospitals’ progress even as we countdown to having them join us as one JurongHealth family.

27 Being Active and Loving It When Ms Koh Ang Hong (Principal Physiotherapist, Physiotherapy) was in school, she dreaded physical education. Barely making it in the National Physical Fitness Award tests, things started to change when she volunteered at the Singapore Triathlon and witnessed an elderly participant. This inspired her to enrol in her university’s dragon boat team, which improved her discipline. Sharing how “paddles need to move rhythmically and in unison with the rest of the paddlers (in dragon boating)”, she ended up training very hard to be on par with her team. The self-professed “late bloomer” then went on to represent Singapore in rowing competitions and eventually became a Sports physiotherapist. Participating in a triathlon recently with colleagues, Ms Koh advised firsttime runners to take it slow and keep runs at a manageable pace. “If you can only walk, do that. We’re out to have fun, not to kill ourselves.”

If you have never participated in a triathlon, but wish to do so, here are some tips to get started:

1 2 3

Go easy on yourself Do not attempt to cover a long distance on the first day

Set yourself a goal to work towards

Sign up for a simple 10km event and train for it

The Running Club at JurongHealth organises runs twice a week. Held every Tuesday (shorter routes) and Thursday (longer routes), meet at the Sports Clinic L at 6.30pm if you are interested. You may also contact Samuel Chee or Koh Ang Hong to find out more.


in the pink of health


Tip s f or

Great Mental Health See the glass half full this 2015 with our simple and do-able tips!



three. Have fun

Practice good nutrition





Count your blessings

Get some sunlight everyday


Discover new things

Make leisure a priority


Don’ t worry

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