Intelligent Attractors Flexible tectonics towards Urban Dynamics
Intelligent Attractors Flexible tectonics towards Urban Dynamics
I would like to thanks Dr. Andong Lu and Dr. Arie Grafland tor make me notice various aspects of the architectural and Urban design though my thesis. I also like to thanks all the classmates, my friends and my parents for supporting. And would like to thanks Mr. Alexander Kalachev and Makshym Yurovnikov.
manifesto [intent]
issue [research]
critical position [ ]
flexibility [ ]
site [reserach]
site [analysis]
street [analysis]
program [ ]
conceptual [ ]
tectonic[] 12
design [ ]
bibliography[ ]
Halle/Saale [ ]
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manisfesto[intent] Implementing new forces to the existing formation of an area will in turn brings new life, social culture, events, spaces, interaction, adoptation and urban dynamism. These forces are the preliminary elements that adds complexity and shapes the urban structure. To investigate these urban dynamism that is shaping the cities from the beginning of the development can be achieved by analyzing and mapping the underlying fibres and forces of an area; i.e. demographics, history, culture, circulation, transportation, climate, context, voids, solids, noise, views, movements, technologies and uses. These fibres are considered the genetic codes of the urban structure that shapes the physical, social and environments. So, the fibres of different urban structure is the manifestation of their own genetic codes. In this project, I have introduced some of these forces to the site and provide the site with certain degree of flexibility to get the closest outcome through design. The site is analyzed in various parameters and different kinds of pragrams are implemented to get high social interactions. Main point is stronger the social interactions in community, more stronger the network and spaces would be, resulting the maximum use of it. For this, various flexible programs are implemented on the site, to enhance the use of the space, in terms of environment, time and mass. The program can give birth to the design of certain space but it cannot directed the urban growth towards some targets. Thus, program plays a role of strong force to enhance the unpredictable social interactions. The use of different flexibility methods to make the structure to be flexible and provide multiple functional areas within the town. This way, if the building is not attractive enough to the locals, it can be tranformed to another for different uses. So, the space would be dynamic and interactive. My first approach to the project is to deal with the urban conditions and improving the spaces which existed in the site by small alteration. And secondly providing them with dynamic, flexible and interactive space for different entertainment purposes and adding some open green spaces to it. Technically, gaining the flexibility is bit challenging, so, the testing of these details is one of my interest in this project. Attractors, which are positioned into the site after all research and analysis, to activate the different dead areas, is translated into architectural form that is the generative process of the programmatic layer and the new genetic codes introduced in sites.
Thus, the physical and social architecture evolved is the evolution of the existing and the newly implemented urban fibres. Designing of the urban fibres as a flexible interventions gives more opportunity to interact with space, user and the environments. I see this as an approach to the site to extend the longetivity of the urban structure. More the spaces are flexible and interactive, it is more user friendly. The main idea is to give soul to the spaces and enhance the living condition of the site by the research on different programs which would locate static or dynamic attractors which activates the urban surfaces uniformly. Further, the site was deigned by analyzing the possibility of these attractors or attractive space to be flexible, sustainable and adaptive to its context. The use of different flexibility methods to make the structure to be flexible and provide multiple functional areas within the town. This way, if the building is not attractive enough to the locals, it can be tranformed to another for different uses. So, the space would be dynamic and interactive. My first approach to the project is to deal with the urban conditions and improving the spaces which existed in the site by small alteration. And secondly providing them with dynamic, flexible and interactive space for different entertainment purposes and adding some open green spaces to it. Technically, gaining the flexibility is bit challenging, so, the testing of these details is one of my interest in this project.
How can an architectural intervention can be flexible, interactive and adaptive to the environment. How these flexible tectonics shaping the urban scenario of small town “Changjing�, in China, for longetivity of the town.
research experiments
materials road networks
Halle/Saale Chinese urbanism
case studies
Origami Urban Catalyst Parametric design
society/culture context
site studies
critical position[ ]
Critical Position [ Zone of Ideal Urbanism] Zone of Ideal Urbanism : When an act of fill, erase, or move is successful, the ideal urban state is realized. An urban condition will remain in the steady state until it becomes obsolete, returning to void. This moment is a realized architecture: its content defines it as unique from other steady states. Move: A shifting of thing, person or notion (unique or cyclical) Fill: An act of object creation or psychological construction. Erase: A removal of material yielding a blank or flexible platform. Void: An unseen lack, weakness or instability in the urban condition. A city may exist in all of these zones simultaneously; the designer’s charge is to bring the city to the ring of the ideal urban form as often as possible. In order to achieve remain steady urban conditions, there should be a balance between the move, fill, erase and void. If the balance between them is not maintained then it will change its state of being stable either to shrinking or to expand. When the void and erase would be bigger, fill and move smaller then, the urban process takes the path of shrinking. Vice verse,it will expand. It doesn’t only depend on its scale but also to the speeds of fill, erase and move that determines the urban processes. The basic concept of attractors and dark spaces which was extracted from case study also illustrate a similar concept of urban process. Thus, this theory has brightened the context more precisely and clearly.
VOID- an unseen lack, weakness, or instability in urban context
FILL- an act of object creation or pyschological construc-
Redefining SHRINKING
ERASE- a removal of material yielding a blank or flexible platform MOVE - a shifting of thing, person, or notion ( unique or
Urban Process
Critical Position [ Urban Catalyst_Strange Attractors and society] “Radical transformation processes are changing our cities and landscapes. Traditional instruments of architecture and Urbanism get them is less and less answers. By Philipp Misselwitz, Philipp Oswalt and Klaus Overmeyer, 2003. In my perception the self evolving urban catalyst, or the catalyst developed from the certain situation of the site or induced urban catalyst are the major fibres which transforms the cities in unpredictable form. These catalyst are one of the key issues that should be considered during the design and development phase. And these catalyst are considered as the genetic codes of urban structure. Thus, the concept of the urban catalyst as an attractive , flexible and adaptive space to regenerate the urban structure. Strange attractors and society “As complexity increase, precision and meaningfulness becomes incompatible. While precision thrives on stable (fixed) meanings, the fuzzy meanings are unstable- they can simultaneously relate the several attractors and express specific types of meaning generating crisis. Instability of the fuzzy meanings makes them flexible for interpretation and open for evolution and transformation. And these are precious qualities necessary for understanding the complexity.“ By Vladimir Dimitrov, Strange Attractors of Meaning, 2000. From the initial stage, this project has been fluctuating from various parameters because of its complexity. This project has provided a flexible state, which is open to innovative ideas, open for evolution of architecture and transformation of it. The multilayer research and design has taken complex form and in the meantime should provide the simple design solutions. “In short, frozen components, the requirements for order the capacity to adapt and adaptation to the edge of chaos through natural selection may reappear at many levels in complex adapting and co adapting systems. A generalized poised state may prove to be the ultimate attractor of an evolutionary dynamics.” By Stuart Kauffman, The Origins and Order, 1993, Pg. 281 Various arguments come forth in this research, one of the arguments is that, this research could be a natural process, the attractive spaces would transform with the time through natural selection. My question is should we wait for the natural selection to shape our city or we should prevent processes, we acknowledged before it becomes arrives or becomes unstable.
critical research[ ]
Movable Movable
Critical Research [Site] The following is a research paper I wrote in an attempt to understand the flexibility in architectural design techniques through the use of various techniques and as well the nature mimicry. The definition of the architecture has widened since it was first coined. Architecture was limited by certain traits before but in last hundred years the development on various fields such as science, technology, environments and other fields have influenced the architecture vastly adding new definition each days. The computational method have introduced new dimension to architecture widening the more opportunities to it. The advancement of the technology has high impacts on the human pyschology. People’s basic expectation from every object has moved from one function to multi-functional i.e. flexible, adaptive, responsive and user-friendly. Similarly, the flexibility in architecture has become one of the most essential traits in present day scenario. “Flexibility is a quality in an Architecture that describes traits of that Architecture that lend themselves to adaptability of the solution in order to produce an “Agile” response.”-Archi-
tecture Qualities - Flexibility
flexibility- “able to be easily modified to respond to altered circumstances”-Definition by
The use of the word “flexibility” in architecture has no sole meaning. There are various degree of flexibility in architecture such as adaptive, universal, movable, transformable and responsive. 1. Adaptable. adaptable structures features repositionable partitions or are changeable per user/occupant. For example, Japanese homes. 2. universal. what typifies a universally flexible building is its ease of adaptation per use. these buildings are often characterized by open floor plans and typology free design. For example, S. R. Crown Hall-by Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe. 3. Movable. movable flexible buildings consist of relocatable or repositionable structures or buildings capable of being torn down and reassembled in another location. For example, airstream trailers
4. Transformable. characterized by modular design (capable of adding or removing units or components) transformable structures can also open and close, change form, or change color. Transfomable house to bunker by KWK Promes. 5. Responsive. responsive buildings can respond to a number of external stimuli, including, but not limited to, energy/environment, interaction, usage, or occupation. For example, Prairie House, A prototype house for Northfield Illinois USA.
Japanese House[ ] Housing in Japan includes modern and traditional styles. Two patterns of residences are predominant in contemporary Japan: the single-family detached house and the multipleunit building, either owned by an individual or corporation and rented as apartments to tenants, or owned by occupants. Traditional Japanese housing does not have a designated use for each room aside from the entrance area, kitchen, bathroom, and toilet. Any room can be a living room, dining room, study, or bedroom. This is possible because all the necessary furniture is portable, being stored in oshiire, a small section of the house (large closets) used for storage. It is important to note that in Japan, living room is expressed as i-ma, living “space�. This is because the size of a room can be changed by altering the partitioning. Large traditional houses often have only one ima (living room/space) under the roof, while kitchen, bathroom, and toilet are attached on the side of the house as extensions.
S. R. Crown Hall[Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe] Crown Hall is one of the most architecturally significant buildings by Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe. It is located on the campus of the Illinois Institute of Technology. It is a two level building in a pure rectangular form, 220’ by 120’ by 24 feet high, enclosing a column free interior space on the upper level sitting above a sunken lower level. Four steel plate girders welded to eight H-columns form the primary structure from which the roof has been suspended, This design was derived from a drive in restaurant Van Der Rohe had recently built, the Cantor Drive-In Restaurant that was constructed in 1945. Crown Hall is characterized by an aesthetic of industrial simplicity, with clearly articulated exposed steel frame construction. The steel frame is infilled with large sheets of glass of varying qualities of transparency, resulting in a light and delicate steel and glass facade wrapping the open plan, free flowing interior of the upper level. While the lower level consists of compartmentalized rooms, the high upper floor level, occupying almost 50% of the total area of the building, is dedicated to a single glass-enclosed architecture studio space. Mies called it a “universal space”, intended to be entirely flexible in use.
Transfomable house[KWK Promes] Strong and sustainable are my first word for this house. This is a house that built in boxes architecture shape. Using large glass window this house is looks like ordinary house, but the house is having transformable ability. It will change in to sustainable bunker house. Not only it will be very cool, but it also can stand out against weather change. It will also adaptable with different climate. Part of the house, that previously covers with glass wall / windows, is covered with strong rolling door and sliding windows. So it is now a bunker, not a house anymore. The same idea goes with the swimming pool next to the house. Truly is an innovative way of home living. This bunker house is located in Warsaw, Poland. This house is designed by KWK Promes.
Airstream[ Hawley Bowlus] iArstream is a brand of luxury recreational vehicle manufactured in Jackson Center, Ohio, USA. Airstream trailers are easily recognized for their distinctive rounded aluminum bodies, which originated in the 1930s from designs created by Hawley Bowlus. Bowlus was the chief designer of Charles Lindbergh’s aircraft, the Spirit of St. Louis. This is the most flexible kind as per movement till today;s date. It is a compact designed and many people uses this to travel around as it has become handly easy and with every thing. It is a complete package of home and due to it’s mobility, it is more popular, as in tday’s era, people are moving all the time and there is no fixed location. The change of living style has greater impact on technology and available facilities are tend to be made flexible and multipe uses.
Prairie House[orambra] The prairie house is a project that uses actuated tensegrity systems, in conjunction with new cladding systems, to produce a house that is estimated to emit less than half of the carbon of a typical house in illinois while also letting the most beautiful qualities of parametric architectures to flow into the world via physical responses. This work is driven by an interest in using programming as a form of architectural media that is able to transpose new modes of very specialized operation onto standardized building assemblies. So what are the tangible benefits of this approach? Do responsive buildings that change shape or color actually result in improved levels of environmental performance or a new aesthetic? They do. Mathematical simulations indicate that general returns for skins that can change color, for example by shifting from black to white via thermo or photo-chromatic inks, typically provide a combined annual saving of 0.45% In the mid-west climate zone. To maximize savings the interior membrane must become lighter on warmer days while turning darker on colder days. Studies 3 and 4 demonstrate that for a building with a naturally ventilated rain-screen, the color of an exterior rain screen has a negligible impact on the thermal performance of a building, leaving the exterior screen to adapt more freely than its interior. Further savings are provided when combining color with permeability. For building rain screens that can open or close combined annual savings of 2.48% Result. These savings are achieved when the exterior screen opens to let warming sunlight hit the dark interior on cold days while closing to shade the interior during hot days. Levels of insulation can also be controlled. By varying insulation levels seasonally, from 2� to 12� a larger combined annual saving of 8.01% Savings is obtained in the mid-west climate zone. The saving is provided when the thickness of insulation is reduced to shed heat in the summer while insulation is increased in thickness during colder periods. Though productive, these savings are dwarfed by those offered by structural systems that can change shape and volume. Shape changing systems provide combined annual savings of 23.72% In the mid-west climate zone. To achieve these savings buildings should expand to reduce the impact of internal heat loads on hot days, and shrink to reduce heating requirements on cold days. These results have informed our focus in building structural systems that change shape while also bringing some of the oldest architectural knowledge into a new light. That the shape of a building is intimately tied to its performance has been known since people started to build, what has not been known is that we can use this principle to drive a fundamentally different type of architecture.
case studies[halle/saale]
[ Map of Halle/Saale]
Case Studies [ Halle/Saale] The shrinking city Halle/Saale has two small towns that are connected by a bridge, and the people are mostly concentrated on each center and other areas of the town was decaying. Later, the observation was carried on the two streets in Altstad(left circle); The street connecting main train station and the center was crowded and the movements of people were higher and the other street Hochstrasse, that connects the Altstadt and Neustadt has less movement or crowds. These streets were chosen because both the phenomenon shrinking and expansion existed in close periphery. The movement pattern of both streets was observed and these movements were directed towards the attractors only. From the case study, the concept of attractor and the dark space has taken a shape and this concept has evolved as a major projection in this project.
[Distorted Street Map ofHalle/Saale-Showing the people’s Movements]
Neustadt Same typology
Leipziger Strasse
Attractor Leipziger Strasse
Interactions Between User and the Built space Hochstrasse
Similarity( same demands) Design Process
Diminishing Redefining
Leipziger Strasse
Street Scenario
Life cycle of Building
Pattern of Interactions
Interacting possibility of one
Random Intereactions
[Intial Concept]
experiments analysis[ ]
Experiment [Magnet and Iron fillings] Two magnets were placed under the paper to check its attractive field to see how close it should be to cross its magnetic field. Then, these magnets were moved under in various different shapes to activate all the iron fillings,. The magnets were moved in linear direction, rectangular shape, cirular and other different shapes. But, all these motions were not able to activate the whole of the iron fillings. But when it was moved in spiral shape, the experiment was able to activate all the fillings. This experiment was an attempt to check the behaviour of the different motion of the attractive field. With the basic idea of movement and attraction field, the experiment was done on processing. Sone attractors with its growing field moving in random direction to test the void and filled spaces. This experiment was plain but it directed the conceptuals of this project. Thus, as one of the first idea, it has greater influence on the whole desing process.
Experiment [Origami] Numbers of research were done to attain the flexibility in the structure. Many of the paper origami were tested. This one is the simplest square shape paper, which was tested to change its shape with minimum effort. The paper origami structure was changed by flexible plastic rods which are connected by the cables and two cables running diagonally can manover the shape of the structure. The experiment was tested in various materials like cardbord wood and the plastic tubes, with the plastic tubes and rubber wires or the fibre glass, the structure became stable and flexible and helped to design a flexible intervention which can be transformable. The images shows the change in structure. This construction techniques of this structure gives ultimate flexibility to the structure.
Site research[ ]
[Changjing (Long Canal Town “
Site [Changjing (Long Canal Town), CHINA]
Existing Influences in Changjing, China
SITE Residentials
Public Open Spaces
Grain storage
Commercial shops
Water Bodies
Restaurants Traditional Restaurant
Actress Meuseums Silk- factory Meuseums
Local shops New-Built Appartments
Transportation Diagram of Changjing Local Transportation system
Vehicular roads Pedestrian and only two wheelers
Movements of people
Mostly used streets Lesser usage Used only if “reasons�
Onlu few streets were used as compared to other. Most of the people would like to use the old streets for leisure and People from other parts also visits these areas.
Historical/Cultural Aspects
2 3
1- Old streets zone, culturally protected, actress museum, traditional houses and lots of arts n craftmanship
2- The old theatre for the memorial of famous actress. 3- Silk-factory turned into Museum.
Green Areas in site:
Green open spaces Trees in open spaces
Insufficient green public spaces, the town is very dense and more open spaces required.
Site analysis[ ]
Urban regeneration Project/Cultural Restoration project By the local Management of Changjing
Buildings Restored by local Management of Changjing The local Management have restored streetscape buildings as an restoration project, which have increased the towns popularity. The project was only focused on the buildings in streetscapes, the inner buildings and the buildings inside the courtyard have disadvantages.
Density of site A major problem
Highly Densed area of site Total area of site- 138821 sq.m Number of houses- 531
Approach de-densifying
Removed Buildings [Single storey buildings] The strategy is to remove the old, poor conditioned single storey Buildings to improved the streetscape and neighbourhood conditions. It de-densifies and open opportunities for the interconnection and public spaces.
single storey house double storey house three storey building Four storey building
Street Analysis[ ]
four points connectivity
Axial Integration
Axial Entropy
Relativized Axial Entropy
Step depth Axial
Topological Step depth
Site Analysis[ Long Canal Town Changjing] The long Canal town, Changjing is located in between famous cities Shanghai and Nanjing. Only, very small part of the town, is the site which is approximately, 12 896.90 sq.m. First impression of site, the site was recently renovated with traditional style and looks very impressive. It has a canal which gives a impression of small part of the Venice. It is highly densed and there is small area as for public spaces, and streets are very narrow at this historically preserved town. Most of the streets in the sites are pedestrian and for two wheelers, but they do drive there three wheelers car in some wide streets. There are two major bigger roads on the edge of the site an one medium in the middle. These are only vehicular ones. Two years back the urban restoration project was completed, where the local project organization restored all the streetscapes with with whitewash and wooden doors and the slate tiles. As with this restoration project, the town seems much more richer but once one cross the border of the streetscape into the house, the difference is really high. And the restoration project is considered to be lucky for those people who have their houses in the streets, the residents who have the houses inside the couryard or in deep alleys don’t get this opportunity to restore the house. Some of the single storey house seems build very old with no treatment to the wall and one single room with a bed, cooking area and even the waterclosed. Most probably, they take shower outside just small space of 0.9*1.5m on the backyard of the houses. More than 80% of the site is paved but the people living there seems very keen in growing vegetables in small area outside of the house fence or any unused or unpaved land which is very rare. This shows that the need of the people living there varies from the planners and developers of the town. Though there is huge agricultural land outside of the town, but the town itself lack a big public space, for wider social interactions. The center comprises of minimum facilities despite the housing and commercial area, there is one old theatre which has been recently redesigned with modern touch. The analysis of streets of the site were acomplished before visiting the site and it has gave some basic information of major connecting and activated streets.
The streets obeservation and on-site survey was completed by providing the pedestrian a map of the old part of the town where, pedestrians were asked to make a route of their starting point of the streets and the where the went through whole day and what was the pupose of the travel. And they were asked which streetly they visit mostly. More than twenty random people participated on this survey, But the result was quite similar. All of them, uses the old streets and the waterfront for leisure activity after the urban restoration project by local organization. Other streets were less used and there was no point to taking those streets. The space syntax analysis and the site survey has same result. Besides streets, the local organization is looking forward for various urban regeneration project to enhance the townscape. Thus, overall, their main target is to preserve their culture and encourage new generation to participate on it and set an example of one of the well preserved traditional town. With this site research, the baseline of the project is to preserve the condition of the site by enhancing the living condition and providing attractive interventions or required space for the town.
program[ ]
[ 10 ]
Site 3: Old theatre and open intervention Total public space now 3.4%
Site 3: CafĂŠ and exhibition
Added space in theatre area 1.3%
Site2: Library area
Old theater space 2.2% 3.4%
Site1:Sport & performing area
1% Green space
Total public space before: 3.2% Total public space designed:13.2%
Program for public space in site
Program[ Intelligent Attractors] The program I chose, is based on several factors. Flexibility in the architecture has always fascinated me. To add flexible qualities to the rigid things is quite challenging. The project is to bridge the gap between the structure which is to be built today and it can be flexible enought to be used after 50 years. Urban structure is shaped by small dynamic factors and it is unpredictable phenomena. The case study of the Halle/Saale “the shrinking city“, in Germany, directed me this approach to the program. In the case study, the streets leading to some attractive spaces, for example Cinema, Library, commercial zone was lively and over-dense where as the streets which doesn’t connect to any attractive space was dead. The idea of dynamic and interactive spaces could be one of the solution to interact with people and make most use of it. Based on this concept, site study, street analysis and people’s need and demand, the program is formulated. In this project, I would try to direct the urban composition by providing dynamic spaces to the town Changjing for it to long last. The basic concept of this project is to activate the urban surface by providing multiple flexible attractive spaces, interlinking each other. Firstly, the Changjing is a small town of area 12 896.90square meter with high density. My first approach to the site after analysis was to de-densify the town, to enhance the living quality of the town. Secondly, the town has minimum interactive space and only few counted streets where most of the people passes by. The streets connecting core residential area is dead. I figured it out four areas of site totally depending upon my space syntax analysis and the site survey which has been disconnected to the urban functioning system. To re-connect these areas and to provide more open and interactive spaces was the step. The research on the flexibile spaces have major impact on my design. As there are 4 kinds of flexiblility in architecture, i.e. Adaptive, Universal, Movable, Transfomable and responsive. My keen interest was on Adaptive, Transformable and Responsive architecture. Based upon these flexibility. I focused my design to Build a library which can be transformed into House. My site research and studies directed me to design a Library. The second dynamic space is to Build a Sports area with performing space which can be converted into huge hall for ceromonial pupose.
The third design is a responsive architecture, which responds to the environment and transforms into another structure after sensing the weather condition. The last one is the cafe attached to the old existing building which connects to the exhibition space which is an adaptive one. These flexible spaces area relative to time, the responsive attractive space reacts with environment and transform more often. The sports area which is ocassional, if there is some occasion it can be transformed into conventional hall, so, this transformation is not so often. The library which can last for longer, incase of dismantling it, it can be easily converted to a house. Lastly the adaptive space of grain tower can be used for multiple purposes as universal space.
conceptual design[ ]
[ 11 ]
Proposal of site
To activate the different areas of site uniformly
Attracting space Connection
The four different areas of site is taken to activate the urban surface. The site is chosen by the space syntax analysis of unused space and direct survey in site.[More than 20 peoples made a map of streets in provided paper where they went through and reason for going on specific site or streets.
Vehicular Road
Water Bodies
Theatre School
Silk-factory museum
Popular old street
Existing Public spaces
Site 4
Site 3
connector Bridge
Site 2
connector Bridge
Site 1
Chosen sites
Connection of site to spaces
Activated streets
Activated streets
Activated streets
open public green spaces
Creating more road networks by new attractive space.
Existing green spaces.
connector Bridge
Future development and interconnection area
Water bodies and open spaces
Opportunities: with new strong steet connection for future development.
Double storey buildings.
Single storey buildings in site.
Three storey buildings.
Removed buildings in black
Four storey buildings.
Removed single storey building to enhance courtyards
Site with existing buildings
Site with more open court yard in dense settlement
SITE 1: Transforming building. Here, the structure can transform its shape for space requirement. The units are designed for indoor sports, perfomance and other public function and if there is a need of the huge space for ceromonial activities then these unit opens and makes bigger space
Small public units
Roofs are moved parallel to ground for bigger space
Another possibility of using the same structure
Roofs are moved parallel to ground for bigger space
SITE 2: Transforming building. The design is made flexible as it is unit based structure which can be easly dimantle and joined. For the present public spaces are insufficient and a library is proposed, in future if it can be easily converted into other structure like housing or small cafe.
Library proposed
View from other side
Witth same number of elements 2 houses build
The structure is horizontally laid for different kind of use.
Above is the model of library Below is the model of small unit structure.
SITE 3: responsive intervention The structure designed reacts with physical environment and transfrom its shape. In experiment section, its transformability has been checked and result was reliable.
Intervention with self standing Model of flexible intervention
Intervention here used for another unit to gain more height
Model of flexible intervention-flat shape
SITE 4: uNIVERSAL FLEXIBILITY Here, in this site the existing tower is used to activate the site, by providding view point on the roof which can be used for ceremonies, art exhibition. The small room designed in the path of spiral stair case as for different uses. The roof is designed with plastic material to keep the light weight and attached with the cables, the hanging units are supported from roof by cables and also in base of spiral stair case from where the units are accessible.
Top view: roof and units
Tower regeneration
Tectonics design[ ]
[ 12]
Roof structure The roof is joined to itscounterpart by a hinge Roof of covered cylindrica structure
movable glass wall with rollers attached in the base
the pole the structure supporting unit with hydrolic techniqye Base structure with roller track provided for glass panels movement.
the unit system
Technical Detail of unit based building, sport area
lower part of roof
Movable circular unit-moves up and down
System as in door Metal structure-pole
lower part of roof System as in door
Upward movement of circular disk releases the cables losening the system to move outwards the pole and the roof goes down to inclined shape as there is no force to make it horizontal
Metal structure-pole
Movable circular unitmoves up and down
Baseplate Downward movement of circular disk tighten’s the cables and forces the system to move towards pole and the roof moves to horizontal
Technical Detail of the movement of the structure
additional slot
inclined slot for wall panel to insert in.
horizontal slot for floor panel to insert in.
slot for horizontal structure connecting rod slot for horizontal component which will attach to roller
horizontal slot for floor panel to insert in.
structural unit slot for horizontal component which will attach to roller
structural unit in opposite direction Diagram showing two structure connection
Structural element of the design
Technical Detail of structural element of element based design, Library & House
the vertical structure is attached to the horizontal circular shape
the vertical structure is attached to the horizontal curve Desired shapes of the structure as per need- flexibility in design
design[ ]
[ 13]
Open, intereactive space, designed based on small units
Small units opened for bigger convention
Small units moved to form different structure/
Open public space, build with elements-library unit
Same elements transforming into different functions Housing unit
Transfromable performing space
BIBILIOGRAPHY S. R. Crown Hall Housing in Japan Transformable house Airstream Trailers Prairie House
[ 14 ]