16 minute read
Today we’d like to introduce you to Dr. Purposed Carn.
So, before we jump into specific questions about what you do, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. At the age of one is when my first experience with molestation began. I had to walk through that painful season well into my teens. When I turned four my mother questioned me trying to determine if her child’s innocence was being stolen yet, her approach was always to make me feel if I didn’t tell I would suffer the consequences from her. This was my first lesson of knowing the enemy plans were strictly for evil. Years later, she became my abuser physically, emotionally and mentally. My mom feared no one but God, which she never stopped me from getting to know my Creator.
My high school years at Scarborough High School in Houston, TX became my scapegoat. I buried myself in working, playing Volleyball all four years and maintaining my grades with plans on becoming a star. I participated in plays, tv production, choir and any talent and black history show they had. My father worked all the time and my mother made me think I was never meant to be here or would never be accepted doing anything in life. My principal Mr. McGee would say, “One day we’re Gonna see DeDe on radio and tv!”
I was a goal setter. I was determined to attend Grambling University after high school. I had it down to a Science besides one thing, I didn’t see a baby in my plans. Even that didn’t stop me, however, it forced me to grow up fast. I was now a Mom out of wedlock.
Only 19 but, my mission was to never have any more kids until I was married and God held me to that promise. I was introduced to my future husband and sure I could discern he had a spirit I had witnessed before the abuse. After 13 years of Domestic Violence and three kids later, I received my calling as a Prophetess. Because of my surrender, God delivered me from the hands of my enemies.
In 2005, I received my 1st degree in Human Science (Psychology/Sociology). I was an entrepreneur and landed my first job/ministry assignment at CPS. I made a decision to take care of my Mom before God called her home from cancer. And on my last workday, a Client fell on her knees asking, “What must I do to be saved?”
During that journey, God allowed my now-husband, Pastor Micheal David Carn to find me and within 45 days, we were married. Our first kiss was on our wedding day July 28, 2006. It was a God Thang!
In between time I’ve written 5 books, Prophetically Speaking II, Stretched Beyond Measures, Don’t Get It Twisted, Remember, You’re Purposed and my most recent, How to deal with Death, Dying & Grief, after recently losing my two younger brothers, August 5, 2017, & August 14, 2018. Recording my first Gospel single“I Owe It All To You”, stageplays and hosting my first show. Did I mention the Counselor found herself put away in several mental institutions suffering from Clinical Depression, Anxieties and Suicidal attempts? Yes, it was a very low point in my life and ministry. Within that time, I received my Masters in Human Science, MBA, an Honorary Doctorate and became an
Now, I’m a host of a very demanded show called, Let’s Get To The Root where Pain is turned into Purpose, on 101.5 FM, www.rhemagospelradio.com and my FB Live Ladera Carn, every Monday 1-2PM, Motivational and Inspirational Speaker, Grief Coach, spiritual life coach, and Christian Counselor. We just renewed our 13-year wedding vows, purchased the home of our dreams and learning to trust God more as he heals me physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. I see a Psychiatrist on quarterly bases to get rid of my childhood PTSD. It’s not easy but it’s still a part of me living my purpose!
Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way? We go from faith to faith and glory to glory. It’s not all easy, however, because I have a personal relationship with Christ makes it bearable. I understand the purpose for my suffering.
Stretched Beyond Measures Spiritual Life Coaching & Counseling – what should we know? What do you do best? What sets you apart from the competition? I’m currently in the process of finding investors and finances for my companies. D’Vine Destiny & Crisis Center for Women & Children, mainly those who’ve been through or in Domestic Violence situations. Also, I’m known as Dr. Purposed helping others push past pain to their purpose. I love social work helping understand their purpose, value, and self-worth. What sets me apart is this is my purpose and I would do it even if it wasn’t connected to a fee.
What is “success” or “successful” for you? I define success as setting a goal and proving it. I look at myself as successful because I maximize my potentials. And if God was to call me home now, I’ve accomplished many of those goals.
Story courtesy of Voyage Houston -

Sweet Potatoes Are Perfect For Diabetics

Sweet potatoes are an excellent choice for diabetics since they contain natural sugars that decrease and stabilize the insulin resistance in diabetics. They are also good for the regulation of the sugar levels. The sweetness of this potato comes from the beta-carotene. The body uses it to produce vitamin A, and that is the reason why it is referred to as Provitamin A.
Sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fibers which are good for digestion. They also prevent colon cancer and help with constipation.
Sweet potatoes contain carotenoids which help in producing Vitamin A. This vitamin regenerates the respiratory system. So, people with respiratory problems, especially smokers should consume sweet potatoes more often. Vitamin D is also contained in sweet potatoes. This vitamin is good for the teeth, heart, skin, bones, energy levels as well as for the normal function of the thyroid gland.
In general there can be an improvement of the heart functioning with the help of the potassium. This vitamin lowers the impact of the sodium, regulates blood pressure and makes a balance of the electrolytes.
The sweet potato has Vitamin B6 that prevents heart attacks, strokes and degenerative diseases. The potassium in the sweet potatoes is good for healthy tissues and muscles. It also helps in reducing swelling and cramps, provides with energy and relaxes the muscles. It also regulates heartbeats and nerve signals.
Beta –carotene in the sweet potato acts like an anti –oxidant. It helps with arthritis, gout and asthma, protects against lung and breast cancer and it also reduces aging effects.
Since sweet potatoes are rich in folic acid, they are a great source of folic for healthy fetal development. Pregnant women should consume more sweet potatoes.
The potassium content in potatoes increases the flow of oxygen, regulates the balance of the body’s water and normalizes the heartbeats. The magnesium content on the other hand acts as an anti-stress agent.
Vitamin C is crucial for the entire body’s function and sweet potatoes have abundance of it.
Sweet potatoes are also rich in iron that has a crucial role in the producing of red and white blood cells. That’s why they help against anemia.
Did you know that you can use the water from the boiled potatoes for treating your skin? Especially for irritation of the skin, cleaning the pores and absorbing impurities.
The Vitamin C contained in the sweet potato will produce collagen while the vitamin E will help in the improvement of the complexion of the skin. Anthocyanins will help you in removing wrinkles and purifying the dark circles around the eyes.


Theresa Roemer

Theresa Roemer

All you need is one month and the determination to change your life Naked in 30 Days is a day-by-day guide to getting yourself in shape through the insider secrets the author has learned in her decades as a fitness expert and award-winning body builder, as well as through diet and exercise and life experience. Theresa’s passion for health inspired her to write Naked in 30 Days to empower women to feel as vibrant and healthy at 45 and beyond as they did at 25. Anyone can do anything for a period of 30 days, and if you put yourself on this plan, you will find that you change your approach to food and exercise, as well as your relationship to both. Before you know it, you’ll be standing naked with yourself…and proud of who you are and how you got there

Believe in Yourself
The strongest factor for success is self-esteem: Believing you can do it, believing you deserve it and believing you’ll get it -Anonymous
If you do not believe in yourself, no one else will. Until you believe in yourself you will find you are trying to convince people to believe in what you think. You will find that other people’s opinions, thoughts, and reaction dictate your destiny. This is a miserable life to live. This is a life where you have little to no control over your outcome. This is the life that most people live. Dare to do the unthinkable! Gravitate to doing things what you believe in and that you truly love to do! Once you do that, then it will become so easy to believe in yourself as you love every single thing that you do. Honestly, if you don’t believe in yourself, who else will. It starts with you!
Reflect on accomplishments
I used to think it was wrong for me to reflect on accomplishments. However, I later learned that it was okay to acknowledge goals that I set and executed for myself. It is okay to celebrate who you are. You have to teach people how to handle you. If you do not show people what you deserve, then they will provide you with what they see fit for you. Speaking about the things you have accomplished encourages you to do better and motivates you to exhibit more positive behaviors. This is actually a necessity. I also speak positive affirmations over myself a couple times a day as a reminder to myself of who I am and what I, in fact, embody. The love I pour into myself is incomparable to anything that another can pour into me. I acknowledge things that have yet to occur and speak them into existence. I know the power of the tongue and because of that I am intentional as to what I speak over myself!
Talk to people who love you
It is important to surround yourself with people who love you. When you surround yourself with people who love you, then you are able to feed on their positivity. You will find that both the positive spirit and vibe is contagious in its entirety. This is another thing that you pour into yourself. Positive people, places and things are contagious, to say the least! Remember you are a product of your environment! So execute your position in ensuring that the energy that you surround yourself with is positive!
Find a cause that you believe in
I know you have heard the saying, “Do what you love!” If you have never heard of it before now, then you can definitely say that you have now! I used to wonder why people use to say that. I mean, I had never heard anyone that I knew who loved their job wholeheartedly. The people I knew always woke up grumbling and disgusted with the mere thought of going to work. The thing is, when you have a passion for what you do, then work simply does not feel like work at all! This places you in a position where you have found your true passion in life. Once you unlock that passion, then you are in a position to move mountains. You will find that since you have exercised your right to unlock that door and find true happiness that your health will improve and you will enjoy working. It is something that you believe in and aspire to do.

The difference in social classes is something that I teach in the seminars that I host. One of the things I share is that a person who takes the time to self-educate is a person who is on the road to riches. It is important that one does not stop there as learning without action is useless. To truly ensure that you have learned what you believe that you have learned, it is always good to teach it back. For everything I learn, I regurgitate it at least one time in an effort to ensure that I have truly mastered what I have been taught. Once I find that I am successful at teaching, I check it off as another skill of mastery. Self-education opens doors and places you in situations where you are able to truly grow and be who you aspire to be. I have spent so many hours feeding my mind that I have so much value that I can provide. Although I enjoy self-education, my passion is truly teaching! When is the last time you went to a seminar? When was the last time, before now, that you read a book that provoked your inner thinking? What are you doing to ensure that you are where you want to be? If tomorrow did not occur, would you be able to say that you truly lived your life? Are you proud of the legacy you have created?
Get a life coach
I will tell anyone to invest in a coach. Even if you are a coach, you want to invest in yourself. I have had three coaches in my life and they have all pushed me in different ways. I appreciate them all! Janet Adams was my first mentor. She helped me to understand that it is okay to be firm. I questioned the level of firmness that I utilized at the beginning. However, she gave me comfort in understanding that being firm but fair is needed. My second mentor was Janet Jones. Funny that I had two coaches with the same name, right? Well, she not only coached me, but she gave me what I like to call the juice. She took me from impacting one life at a time to multiple lives at a time. But this was all years ago. What I was teaching was becoming outdated. I found myself in a position where I needed to grow more. I was on the hunt as finding the right coach is the difference between growing and remaining stagnant.

1. Who is Cyzle Blessed & what separates you from other artist? Cyzle Blessed is a women driven to become greater then she already is. She loves to support and push others. What separates her from others its simple her heart..... 2. Do you write your own music? Yes I write my own music 3. Where are from? Mid-west 4. How long have you been doing music? Since 2014 with a New Genre 5. What gives you the drive & inspiration to keep pushing in such a competitive industry? Life is a lesson in itself regardless of all we go through. As individuals you have to push yourself to finish and to press forward. What kept me striving was my children and the thought of failing without trying... So I decided to use this as my motto “ Failure is not a option.” 6. What would we find on your ipod or music player? At this moment in my life I am my greatest inspiration. All you would on my Ipod or music player is my music. 7. If there was any advice you could give to up and coming artist, what would it be? I would encourage him/her to have your paperwork in order. Secondly, I would say if u believe in your brand psh and promote yourself.. ...thirdly, when people seem to fail you or walk away stay focus and Never give up on you. 8. Is Cyzle Blessed single or taken? Cyzle Blessed, is currently unmarried or engaged! 9. Can you give us a brief run down of the history of music from your city & how it affected you? Musical history is lengthy from Motown to the DeBarges, Twister, kanye west, R kelly, Do or die ect... I’ve been introduced to musical talent all my life.... “At this moment in my life i am my greatest inspiration “

10. What projects are you currently working on? I’m currently working on a few features, dropping new music and much more stay tuned. 11. Where do you see yourself 5 year from now? Within 5 years I hope to travel the country see my career takeoff and touch as many lives with a positive impact. 12. Are there any artist you would like to work with? I would enjoy working with Missy Elliott, Timberland... I enjoy people altogether anyone want to work let’s get it... 13. Is there anyone you would to give a shout out to? My children, family, friends, and supporters Thank you... Also Jusbu and My daddy (God).