13 minute read
Jusbu Plug Me In
Believe in Yourself
The strongest factor for success is self-esteem: Believing you can do it, believing you deserve it and believing you’ll get it -Anonymous
If you do not believe in yourself, no one else will. Until you believe in yourself you will find you are trying to convince people to believe in what you think. You will find that other people’s opinions, thoughts, and reaction dictate your destiny. This is a miserable life to live. This is a life where you have little to no control over your outcome. This is the life that most people live. Dare to do the unthinkable! Gravitate to doing things what you believe in and that you truly love to do! Once you do that, then it will become so easy to believe in yourself as you love every single thing that you do. Honestly, if you don’t believe in yourself, who else will. It starts with you!
Reflect on accomplishments
I used to think it was wrong for me to reflect on accomplishments. However, I later learned that it was okay to acknowledge goals that I set and executed for myself. It is okay to celebrate who you are. You have to teach people how to handle you. If you do not show people what you deserve, then they will provide you with what they see fit for you. Speaking about the things you have accomplished encourages you to do better and motivates you to exhibit more positive behaviors. This is actually a necessity. I also speak positive affirmations over myself a couple times a day as a reminder to myself of who I am and what I, in fact, embody. The love I pour into myself is incomparable to anything that another can pour into me. I acknowledge things that have yet to occur and speak them into existence. I know the power of the tongue and because of that I am intentional as to what I speak over myself!
Talk to people who love you
It is important to surround yourself with people who love you. When you surround yourself with people who love you, then you are able to feed on their positivity. You will find that both the positive spirit and vibe is contagious in its entirety. This is another thing that you pour into yourself. Positive people, places and things are contagious, to say the least! Remember you are a product of your environment! So execute your position in ensuring that the energy that you surround yourself with is positive!
Find a cause that you believe in
I know you have heard the saying, “Do what you love!” If you have never heard of it before now, then you can definitely say that you have now! I used to wonder why people use to say that. I mean, I had never heard anyone that I knew who loved their job wholeheartedly. The people I knew always woke up grumbling and disgusted with the mere thought of going to work. The thing is, when you have a passion for what you do, then work simply does not feel like work at all! This places you in a position where you have found your true passion in life. Once you unlock that passion, then you are in a position to move mountains. You will find that since you have exercised your right to unlock that door and find true happiness that your health will improve and you will enjoy working. It is something that you believe in and aspire to do.
Get a life coach The difference in social classes is something that I teach in the seminars that I host. One of the things I share is that a person who takes the time to self-educate is a person who is on the road to riches. It is important that one does not stop there as learning without action is useless. To truly ensure that you have learned what you believe that you have learned, it is always good to teach it back. For everything I learn, I regurgitate it at least one time in an effort to ensure that I have truly mastered what I have been taught. Once I find that I am successful at teaching, I check it off as another skill of mastery. Self-education opens doors and places you in situations where you are able to truly grow and be who you aspire to be. I have spent so many hours feeding my mind that I have so much value that I can provide. Although I enjoy self-education, my passion is truly teaching! When is the last time you went to a seminar? When was the last time, before now, that you read a book that provoked your inner thinking? What are you doing to ensure that you are where you want to be? If tomorrow did not occur, would you be able to say that you truly lived your life? Are you proud of the legacy you have created?
I will tell anyone to invest in a coach. Even if you are a coach, you want to invest in yourself. I have had three coaches in my life and they have all pushed me in different ways. I appreciate them all! Janet Adams was my first mentor. She helped me to understand that it is okay to be firm. I questioned the level of firmness that I utilized at the beginning. However, she gave me comfort in understanding that being firm but fair is needed. My second mentor was Janet Jones. Funny that I had two coaches with the same name, right? Well, she not only coached me, but she gave me what I like to call the juice. She took me from impacting one life at a time to multiple lives at a time. But this was all years ago. What I was teaching was becoming outdated. I found myself in a position where I needed to grow more. I was on the hunt as finding the right coach is the difference between growing and remaining stagnant.
1. Who is Cyzle Blessed & what separates you from other artist? Cyzle Blessed is a women driven to become greater then she already is. She loves to support and push others. What separates her from others its simple her heart..... 2. Do you write your own music? Yes I write my own music 3. Where are from? Mid-west 4. How long have you been doing music? Since 2014 with a New Genre 5. What gives you the drive & inspiration to keep pushing in such a competitive industry? Life is a lesson in itself regardless of all we go through. As individuals you have to push yourself to finish and to press forward. What kept me striving was my children and the thought of failing without trying... So I decided to use this as my motto “ Failure is not a option.” 6. What would we find on your ipod or music player? At this moment in my life I am my greatest inspiration. All you would on my Ipod or music player is my music. 7. If there was any advice you could give to up and coming artist, what would it be? I would encourage him/her to have your paperwork in order. Secondly, I would say if u believe in your brand psh and promote yourself.. ...thirdly, when people seem to fail you or walk away stay focus and Never give up on you. 8. Is Cyzle Blessed single or taken? Cyzle Blessed, is currently unmarried or engaged! 9. Can you give us a brief run down of the history of music from your city & how it affected you? Musical history is lengthy from Motown to the DeBarges, Twister, kanye west, R kelly, Do or die ect... I’ve been introduced to musical talent all my life....
10. What projects are you currently working on? I’m currently working on a few features, dropping new music and much more stay tuned. 11. Where do you see yourself 5 year from now? Within 5 years I hope to travel the country see my career takeoff and touch as many lives with a positive impact. 12. Are there any artist you would like to work with? I would enjoy working with Missy Elliott, Timberland... I enjoy people altogether anyone want to work let’s get it... 13. Is there anyone you would to give a shout out to? My children, family, friends, and supporters Thank you... Also Jusbu and My daddy (God).
Goodness is great! To experience respect and goodness in day to day circumstances takes work. The big wave overshadows our shadows but we must stay the course to learn life lessons. This takes determination. If we were to remove ourselves from our physical body for 15 minutes and observe it from afar, what would we see? Would we see ourselves as a giver, lover, friend, supporter or would we see anger, bitterness, betrayal, insecurity, manipulation and slander? Perhaps a combination? If you are wondering why some people may react a particular way by responding to fear, doubts about self worth, unreasonable criticism. gossip about others in general or if the level of it appears so disrespectful that you can not seem to wrap your head around how you attracted it in the first place, then perhaps a self check is in order. It is time to take a step back. Stop the mental chatter and observe what signals are in your environment. What is our environment attempting to teach us? Emotional surveying can be painful and requires hard work. If we are seeking change, then we have to identify the signals to comprehend the flow of how we create or manifest our reality. By this I mean being aware of what we are saying and doing. At the core of this paradigm shift is the truest gauge. It is the platform where we must launch the unearthing of childhood issues, challenges with triggers and aggressive responses. Yes, it is where we must take full responsibility if we are seeking to change.
When the light shines from the depths of the inner self we must get still. Stillness, attracts a universal rhythm that calls forth a wellspring of divine rejuvenation. With practice, our entire environment becomes harmonious almost miraculously but we have to be brave to face our twin self. It is the subsets thirsts for drama and confusion. However, the first step requires one to admit then commit to change. I have found that in my experience, working on the self is magnified by “how” we pray, then pay it forward to magnify our true intent. Observance of self through prayer, meditation and those self check moments are vitally important to this rhythm of change. It is not how others see you, rather, it is in the response. The law of attraction is indeed authentic and real.
This rhythmic flow is also interconnected with gratitude. To yield a strong return on this investment, we can help others, create a well spring of good fruit on several levels to mend internal fences. Harmony, balance, genuine humor, and laughter are all healing properties that once it is set in motion so that our soul align with its effects. We won’t be able to contour these emotions all the time, but in those instances where we are in flux, we must get quiet. Why? Well, every thought is a prayer and the most intense outcomes are created there! It is The feed back or responses reflecting the power and that power is magnified.
We deserve to pay ourselves first with this way of being for we’re deserving and entitled. It is alright to experience good.
Another way to jump start this wave is by giving. Giving is not subject to “things” like money or gifts but it is composed of small gestures in thought fused with our direction to experience good. Opening a door for someone else, letting someone in while merging into traffic (even in a hurry) or standing in line making small talk with the person a in checkout can be mindful ways to help someone else. Also, I have found nuances in positive gesture like these tend to be quite effective and nurturing.
When our hearts are opened, the level of gratitude provides an opportunity to experience people from all walks of life, variety, culture or the expansion of that acknowledgement to learn something new. Being an act of virtue, it makes others happy and becomes a cyclical act of kindness because it is coming from the heart. It is genuine and enhances the belief that like you, perhaps there are humans who do have magnificent qualities. Alternatively, behaviors that cloud the experience to share is like a shadow that breeds divisiveness and fear. It looms over possibilities to grow with bolts so tightly driven that it exposes vulnerabilities. Structures whether in in social, or business settings host these weak points. This would happen to be one of those focal points that pushes the alter ego to grandstand, drive competitiveness and the need to horde thoughts about beating someone to over rule. The appetite expands and morphs into an emaciated composition of ideas to obtain more materially so exploiting it is never enough. The depths of this illness is so deep that folks have a CLUE that there are behavioral challenges. This trend of mental anguish does not entertain limitation because by all appearances, there is nothing wrong so the capacity to realize it. The behavior becomes marginalized. Then, as the issues grow, the pathology kicks in. What appears to be normal, is normal and so the law of attraction continues to feed it. The realization is that giving is not a random act rather, it is entitlement door to those believed to be deserving. The incessant programming response is connected to false expectations. The power of greed tumbles about as a force and shifts the intention on demand through favors. An eye for an eye. This behavior can be cold and frightening. My experience has led me to observe this group quite closely. Those who like to steal - ideas...intellectual, suppress information so that the shine, and bully folks through manipulation tend to think this behavior counts as mere philanthropic trade off for giving. The universe does not recognize good or bad, but it does recognize ‘cause and effect’. It is an act that molds itself in the womb of the mind and heart by pitching or perpetuating division. The womb is creation and a very powerful place so the person who harnesses selfishness like a child, ends up passing the baton subconsciously without having realized the intricacies of their value system.
Those of us who study the living sciences are tired of sickness and wrongful prosecution, and most all killing of our mental, physical, and spiritual bodies. As we meditate, we love to wonder and feel as we journey through our minds. We may start to feel like the space between things may not be empty. You know, we only experience a very small part of what’s going on in the space. There’s all kinds of electromagnetic fields, along with an assortment of many other things happening in what is perceived as a empty space that we don’t experience directly.
We may begin to think that maybe the space between things are not empty; but it’s full and it connects all things. When I studied the living sciences I came to understand some of the basis of quantum field theory. I realized that we had actually found that the space is not empty at all, but full of energy. These things are now proven. When we questioned ourselves and challenge our critical thinking then we expand our minds to reach a new level of understanding. Is that the point when we have intentions of the action we start to expand?
When the particles of the mind start to align with the informational protons that has been laid out since existence began then a system is created that is linked together and places us in a state of constant learning.
All things are fractal of one another, all information of one is in the other. Every particle within the universe, every atom in the universe seems to be a present holographic within each other, which connects them all through this wormhole network in the structure of the space information highway. This brings us to zero point energy. Zero point energy is the science of consciousness. In short, all energy is connected, a wave pattern of energy that connects through time and space. Understanding how this energy affects the insufferable pain many people experience can be a result of Toxic Tribalism. Tribalism is what you commonly know as family or close relations. Toxic Tribalism can be defined as your perception of others and believing you in some way superior. This narrow view or inflated sense of self is toxic and causes Toxic Tribalism.
Many of us have at some point experience being in a state of Toxic Tribalism. This type of thought process is causing major distress in many areas of our lives. This is continue because of the vacuum system being held by not linking into the protonic informational Highway of energy field of which we were created. This Toxic Tribalism is caused by beta blockers created by human conditions to block the vectors to disconnect your mind from emotional connection to the body and astral body. This action allows the internal connection to our electromagnetic pathway to travel the eternal energy field back and forth from the omega to the alpha. It is important that we are a part of the circle of life and not apart of a circle of survival. Believing in a higher power perhaps helps us understand the negative results of Toxic Tribalism.
Lastly, stop waiting to be saved by others when the power of everything and all things created are within our own atomic field. Learning to tap into your internal electromagnetic energy takes training(meaning education), practice (meaning understanding) and action( meaning wisdom).
So I will leave you with this quote: “Remember who you are” Lion King
written by: Dr Paul W Dyer Grandmaster of Martial Science