JustDialogue Winter 2025

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Thankyouforcelebratingour50thanniversary withuslastyear.Yourcontinuedsupportiswhat sustainsus,strengthensus,andgivesushope. Withyourhelp,wewereabletooffersupportive andemploymenttrainingservicestopeople heldintheDaneCountyJail.Weconducteda recordnumberofReentrySimulations,helping educatethepublicaboutthechallengesfaced bypeoplereturninghomefromincarceration andthewayinwhicheachofuscanbean

advocate for real reform in the criminallegal system.OnDecember 21st,2024,weheldthe 16thannualLongest NightHomelessPersons’ MemorialService, recognizing,celebrating andmourningour neighborsexperiencing homelessnesswhodied duringtheyear.In2024,we remembered42individuals.

Just this past month, I met with a non-profit housing developer to talk about ways we can collaborate to make sure their tenants know aboutourservicesandhowtoconnectwithus. We already have multiple Reentry Simulations scheduledforthecommunityin2025,including one in a local high school. Our Just Conversation series resumes this month and will offer a total of four community conversations about our criminal legal system. Wewillstandwithourneighborswhomaybe threatenedbyproposedfederal,

“Nowistheacceptedtime, nottomorrow,notsomemoreconvenientseason. Itistodaythatourbestworkcanbedoneandnot somefuturedayorfutureyear.Itistodaythatwefit ourselvesforthegreaterusefulnessoftomorrow. Todayistheseedtime,nowarethehoursofwork, andtomorrowcomestheharvest andtheplaytime.”

Mourning the loss of our neighbors is important butdoesnotbringjustice.Withyourhelpandby joining our voices with so many other partner agenciesinthecommunity,wesawanincrease infundingfortrulyaffordablehousing.Whilewe haven’t completed our annual year end and fourth quarter reports quite yet, we are likely to have surpassed our 2023 service levels across programsandinitiatives.Allofthatisbecauseof yourpartnership.

Now, as we move into 2025, a year fraught with uncertainty and anxiety, we also look for new opportunitiesthatwillpresentthemselves.

state,orlocalpolicychanges. Wewillwalkside-by-side withourprogram participants,aswell asourpartners, tosupportone anotheraswe continuetoworkfor diversity,equity,inclusion andjusticeinourCity, County,State,andCountry.

The work to create a community in which everyone is valued, heard, respected, and has theopportunitytosucceedandthrivehasnever been easy. It likely will be harder over the next few years. We are a persistent people here at JustDane, 50 years and counting as we pursue our mission of helping to transform individual lives and social systems to create a more just andequitablecommunity.Wearesogratefulfor your support, your persistence and your work in ourcommunity.

“Whether it’s a mom with a newborn and no place to call home or a man coming back to the community from prison trying to create a new life, JustDane is standing with them. It helps make the transition from fear and uncertainty to hope and a path forward. It does more than provide a temporary shelter or a supportive group. It works with people to find housing, to get job skills, to nurture family life. And as it helps individuals transform their lives, it also works to transform the social systems to create a just and equitable community.”

- Phil Haslanger, former JustDane Board member

Stories like this would not be possible without your support. You can contiue making a postive impact on JustDane’s mission by createing a legacy gift in your will. Legacy gifts cost nothing today but support individuals and families impacted by social justice issues in 2025 and beyond. Use the FreeWill writing tool below to get started


What’s New at Just Bakery? What’s New at Just Bakery?

The Just Bakery Winter Specials are up and running! Make sure to check out our website for what’s new (hello Multigrain bread rolls!). Remember, one of the best ways to support Just Bakery is purchasing our delicious treats!


Getthatspecialsomeoneagoodie bagincluding: 6Macarons 2ChocolateGanacheBrownies 4VeganLinzerHeartCookies $20

Orderby2/10forpick-upordelivery https://justdane.org/shop/

MENTORING connections

The holiday party for kids in Mentoring Connections was a great success!

Thank you to Lakeside Lutheran Church and our amazing volunteers for helping host the party and support the youth impacted by parental incarceration!

JoinusonJanuary17thfrom5:00-8:30PM forthefirstinstallmentofour 2025JustConversationsseries:

BreakingDownBarriers: PoliceDiscretion, ChargingDisparities,andRacial DynamicsinCriminalJustice

TheAtriumattheVillageonPark, 2300SParkSt.Madison,WI53713

Panelistsforthiseventincludeprofessors fromUWMadison,membersofthecity andstatecriminaljusticesystem, andtheMadisonpolicedepartment.

Doubles Pickleball Dream Doubles Pickleball Tournament Fundraiser Tournament Fundraiser


Saturday,February1st 8:30AM-1:30PM

ThePickleProCourts2907N ShermanAve,MadisonWI

Celebrationafterthepickleballtournament.Foodprovidedby ButterBBQ TrophieswillbeawardedtotheTop3teamsand communityorganizationwithmostdonations.


TeamRegistrationFee$50 Deadlineforregistrationis1/20/25

Toregisterordonate: givebutter.com/DreamDoubles/just-dane

Formoreinformation,pleaseemail communityengagement@madisoncollegeedu


MAY8,2025 5:00-10:00PM

$50 tickets

Doorsopenat5:00PM Eventandhorsd’oeuvres startingat6:00PM Cashbar-cocktails& mocktails AwardCeremonyat7:00PM

HanahJonTaylorJazzsaxophonist &flutist

DeeAlexanderHostofSunday Jazz

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