Essential Skills Needed to Become a Fashion Designer By: Just Design Institute
Strong Drawing Skills: Strong drawing skills are a must in fashion, as designers need to be able to take a concept and get it down on paper. Understanding Texture, Color, and Fabric: Design requires a good sense of texture, color, and fabric. For example, you'll need to know whether a garment would work best in silk chiffon or another material. You'll also need to know which combinations of colors will be most flattering on a piece of clothing.
A Sharp Business Sense: To survive in the fashion world, you must have a thorough understanding of business, including the key business areas like finance, sales, and marketing, which are essential to becoming successful in the fashion industry. Attention to Detail: Good fashion designers don’t just need to be able to bring their ideas to life, but they also need to have a good eye for detail. To sell custom designs, every piece of thread, stitching, ruffle or pleat must be in the right spot.
Keep up with the trends: The fashion industry changes from season to season, so it’s important for designers to keep abreast of the trends. This can be done by regularly reading industry journals and magazines.