ComPost October/November 17

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C o m P o st

is a publ ic atio n o f

J ust F o o d C o - op

The ComPost


What's New? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 About The Voting Process. . . . . . . . 4 Ballot Questions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Board Candidates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Your Stories Tell Our Story

About the ComPost Fertilizer for the Mind Editor: Victoria Scott

Board of Directors

The ComPost is a bimonthly publication of Just Food Co-op and is published for the benefit of our membership and the community.The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and not necessarily those of Just Food Co-op or its members.

For information about submissions, contact Victoria Scott at 507.650.0106 or Letters to the editor are welcome and may be sent to the same email or 516 Water St. S., Northfield, MN 55057. Just Food Co-op is a proud member of the Twin Cities chapter of the National Cooperative Grocers (NCG).

Dirk Peterson - President Penny Hillemann - Vice President Clark Ohnesorge - Secretary Alyson Center Adam Hoffman Joni Karl Nola Moen Lee Runzheimer

Management Team

Sherri Meyers General Manager

Stephanie Aman Marketing and Community Relations Manager

Lindsay Byhre Human Resources Manager

Val Critser Retail Manager

Robert Erpenbach Finance Manager

Membership Benefits

Co-op Staff Lining Up for the Defeat of Jesse James Day Parade.


The ComPost | Just Food Co-op

October/November 2017

• Supporting a locally-owned, sustainable and socially responsible business. • Email Subscription to The ComPost. • Profits returned to members as patronage rebates, at the discretion of the Board. • Member-only prices on Co-op classes. • Check writing for up to $20 over the amount of purchase. • Member-only specials on selected items throughout the store. • 10% case discounts, some exclusions apply.

What's New? Check out some of the new and notable happenings!

New Product: Brody's 579 Baking Mixes. This local product can be found in our baking section, & gluten free is all they do!

Hot Breakfast returns to the hot bar. Look for new and delicious recipes every weekday! Served from 7am-10:30 am

The holiday season is fast approaching. Gear up at the Co-op.

We have a podcast! Hotdish: The Just Food Co-op Podcast is available on Podbean, iTunes, Google Play & YouTube for your convenience.

October/November 2017

The ComPost | Just Food Co-op 


Upcoming Election: Six Board Candidates, Ballot Questions & Online Voting By: Alyson Center, Board Member

& Penny Hillemann, Board Vice President

You vote with your dollars on a regular basis, but as a owner-member of Just Food Co-op you also have the opportunity to vote for the people you want to serve on the Board of Directors. From time to time, as is the case this year, members can also have their say on suggested changes to the rules that govern how our Co-op and our Board operate.

Your Vote is Important!

Once a year, we collectively get to choose the direction of the Coop through selecting Board members and voting on bylaw changes that best reflect our vision of what we want the Co-op to be. It is critical that we as members do not forget this vital component of cooperative businesses that make them different from big box stores and corporations. It is us that make the difference.

Alyson Center

As organic continues to go mainstream, and with large grocery chains now carrying organic foods, it is cooperatives that still do it best -- through valuing local businesses and suppliers, paying a living wage to workers, and instead of lining CEO pocketbooks, putting that money back into local communities. Why? Because cooperatives exist for, and serve, local communities. The fact that we as members get a say in the direction of the business is unique, and something to not take for granted. When we do not vote, we are forgetting this vital component that is at the heart of the cooperative business model. Just Food Co-op is our Co-op and by voting we reaffirm our commitment to it and to our community.

Online Voting Option

Last year we made some changes to the voting system. We developed an election mailer that included Board candidate statements and a ballot with a postage-paid return option. This convenient way of voting resulted in just over 100 more votes than we had received in any election in the previous six years and came just short of doubling last year’s vote count. Win! However, the set-up and mailing costs of this returnable piece was a significant expense, and though it made voting easier for many, it still didn’t offer the convenience of online voting, which many of our members have been asking for. This year, we have found a cost-effective and secure way to offer online voting. By the time you are reading this article, each owner household should already have received a mailing containing details of the three ways you can vote: • Online through the secure service, • In-store with a paper ballot, or • In person at the Annual Meeting 4

The ComPost | Just Food Co-op

October/November 2017

By offering several options we hope to continue to increase owner participation in the voting process at the same time we are moving into the paperless era. We will always make a paper ballot available to owners who prefer that option, but we’d like to encourage online voting for its convenience, its low cost to Just Food, and its reduced environmental impact. As always, there is a limit of one vote per owner number, so please consult your household members before completing your ballot!

Ballot Questions and Board Candidates

This year there are two ballot questions in addition to the election Penny Hillemann of Board members. One asks for approval of a proposed amendment to the bylaws relating to Board eligibility when certain conflicts of interest exist. The other asks owners to authorize a stipend for Board members. Background information on both of these questions will be provided in the voting materials. This year we had an unusual amount of mid-term turnover on the Board, as Kathy Zeman, Doug Hiza and Dan Forsythe left the Board at various time in the year. The Board made interim appointments to fill those three seats for the rest of this year, but now we need to have our owners vote to fill those seats, in addition to three seats that were coming up for election anyway. That means that there are SIX openings on the Board this year, out of nine total seats., you may think your vote We have six well-qualified candidates for those six slots (some who are new to the Board and some who doesn't much matter. have previously served and would like to return), so you might think your vote doesn’t much matter. Au Au Contraire! contraire! Three of the open seats are for full 3-year terms and three are for 1-year terms to complete the terms of the Board members who resigned during the year. (All three who left happened to have just one more full year left in their terms.) The three candidates receiving the most votes will receive the 3-year terms, and the three receiving fewer votes will receive 1-year terms. Your vote will indeed make a difference. Just Food's future is dependent on each of you, the owners, in electing a Board of Directors to represent you in governing the Co-op. One of the jobs of the Board is to make voting as accessible and cost-efficient as reasonable. Therefore, we keep evaluating our options in meeting these goals. We ask each of you to do your part by voting for the candidates who will take Just Food Co-op into the future.

October/November 2017

The ComPost | Just Food Co-op



The ComPost | Just Food Co-op

October/November 2017

Ballot Question 1 Board of Directors Compensation For this Ballot Question, Each Member Will Vote Yes OR No. Article IV, Section 9 of the Just Food bylaws states in relevant part: Compensation and reimbursement. Compensation of the Board of Directors shall be determined by the members of the association at any regular or special meeting called for that purpose. Just Food Co-op does not currently compensate the members of its Board of Directors. A volunteer board is common during a co-op’s startup phase, but most established co-ops recognize the value of work performed by their directors by providing some level of stipend. Just Food Co-op is now in its 13th year of business, has annual sales over $6.5 million, is free of long-term debt and has been profitable for the past several years. It is unusual for a co-op at this stage of development not to compensate its board members. Former Just Food board member Matt Berg-Wall wrote in detail about the reasons to provide reasonable compensation to board members in the October/November 2016 edition of the ComPost. The responsibilities of the Board of Directors (as the representatives of the owners) is to set the strategic direction for the organization, monitor the performance of the General Manager, and perform fiduciary duties to protect the assets of the Co-op. This is accomplished through monitoring the performance of the General Manager through a series of Executive Limitations Policies and the Ends Policy. The Board also monitors its own performance through a suite of policies. The Board meets monthly to perform these duties as well as conducting an Annual Meeting to update the owners on status and progress of the Co-op in working towards its Ends Policy. The average work commitment of a board member is about 10-12 hours/month, and officers may have commitments of up to 20 hours/month. The Board of Directors proposes and requests owner-members to approve the following annual compensation plan to begin in calendar year 2018: Board member (non-officers) (5) Treasurer Secretary Vice-President President

$ 500 $ 650 $ 650 $ 800 $1,000

Annual total:


October/November 2017

The ComPost | Just Food Co-op 


Ballot Question 2

Board of Directors Eligibility -

Recommended Changes to Just Food By-Laws For this Ballot Question, Each Member Will Vote Yes OR No. The Just Food Co-op Board of Directors is responsible for periodically reviewing the bylaws and policies of the organization to ensure they are current, relevant, and anticipate the future needs and direction of our growing Co-op. This year, the Board examined eligibility standards for being able to run for and serve on the Board of Directors. The Board’s responsibilities, as the representatives of the owners, is to set strategic direction, monitor General Manager performance, and perform other fiduciary responsibilities to protect the assets of the Co-op. Some candidates may have significant “conflicts of interest” that may limit their ability to act impartially and fulfill their responsibilities as a director. The Board identified the following situations where a candidate’s application evaluation would result in this concern and the candidate should be ineligible to run for or serve on the board: - A member-owner has a legal action or administrative proceeding against the Co-op. Any owner who is engaged in a legal action against the Co-op has a clear conflict of interest in fulfilling her/his duties as a director. A potential candidate would need to wait for 24 months after the resolution of the legal action to regain eligibility to run for or continue serving on the board. - An employee is terminated “with cause”. The Just Food Co-op by-laws allow for up to one employee to be elected and serve on the board. If an employee has been terminated with cause by the General Manager (who is responsible for hiring and terminating employees), it would be a conflict of interest for this person to evaluate the General Manager’s performance as a new board member. In a similar context, if a seated board member is an employee and is terminated with cause, s/he must resign from the board. A former employee terminated with cause would need to wait for 24 months following the termination to regain eligibility to run for the board. - A person with a continuing and pervasive conflict of interest. This provision would allow the Board of Directors to identify (usually with the advice of counsel) any unanticipated conflicts of interest that would significantly limit a candidate’s ability to fulfill her/his duties as a board member.


The ComPost | Just Food Co-op

October/November 2017

Ballot Question 2

Note: Substantive changes in content are highlighted in yellow and edits to improve the structure and readability are highlighted in grey.


Based on these recommendations, the Just Food Board of Directors recommends the following amendments to Section 1. Number of directors, eligibility and terms. and Section 2. Employee Director. of Article IV. Board of Directors: ARTICLE IV. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Section 1. Number of directors, eligibility and terms. The number of directors of this Association shall be not less than five or more than nine, each of whom shall be a member of the association. Directors shall be elected by ballot at the time of the annual meeting for a term of three years, shall assume office at the organizing meeting following the annual meeting at which they were elected, and shall hold office until their successors are seated New directors will be expected to attend board meetings and participate in an orientation program during the period between their election and assumption of office. The terms of office shall be so arranged that as nearly as possible the terms of office of an equal number shall expire each year. If any director shall cease to be a member of the association, his or her office shall be automatically vacated. Eligibility to run for the Board: - Directors must be member-owners of the Association in good standing. - One individual per membership shall be eligible to serve on the Board at a time. - No more than one Director at a time may be a paid employee of the Association. - A member who has commenced a legal action or administrative proceeding against the Association must wait 24 months from the date of final resolution of said legal action or administrative proceeding before becoming eligible to run for or serve on the Board. - An employee terminated by the Association for cause must wait 24 months from the date of his/her termination before becoming eligible to run for or serve on the Board. - A person with a conflict of interest so continuing and pervasive that he or she is unable to effectively fulfill the responsibilities of a director shall not be eligible to run for the board or serve as a director. If a director's position is vacant, the board may appoint a member of the Association to fill the director's position until the next regular or special members' meeting. At the next regular or special members' meeting, the members must elect a director to fill the unexpired term of the vacant director's position. In the case of insufficient candidates for election the board may appoint a replacement until the next election. When filling vacancies caused by resignation, the position(s) will be filled for the remainder of the original term(s). Candidates with the highest vote totals shall get three-year terms, and the candidate(s) with the next-highest vote total(s) shall fill the vacated seat(s) for the remainder of the term(s). No director shall serve more than three (3) consecutive terms, regardless of whether those terms are for positions being filled for the remainder of original terms (one or two years) or for three-year terms. After a period of a minimum of one year off the board, a director having served the maximum of three consecutive terms is again eligible to put forth his/ her candidacy for re-election to the board. Section 2. Employee Director. Subject to eligibility requirements set forth in the preceding section, all employees (other than the General Manager) who are members of the Association are eligible to put forward their candidacy in any year in which no employee already occupies a director position with a term that is not expiring. An employee director may not serve as an officer and is subject to all other provisions pertaining to directors of the association. An employee director who is terminated for cause must resign immediately. October/November 2017

The ComPost | Just Food Co-op 


Meet Your Board of D Voting Instructions You may vote for up to six candidates. The 3 candidates who receive the most votes will be elected to 3-year terms. The next 3 candidates will receive 1-year terms to complete the terms of directors who left the board in 2017.


The ComPost | Just Food Co-op

October/November 2017

Directors Candidates Why would you like to serve on the Board of Directors of Just Food Co-op? Since joining Just Food Co-op I have continually been delighted by the friendly staff, the welcome I get every time I shop, and the quality and variety of food available. I find the co-op staff and board to be very receptive to requests and staff members actively encourage co-op members to make suggestions or ask for what we need if not readily available at the store. I would love to be a part of continuing this positive addition to our community by offering my skills and experience to the role Just Food Co-op Board Director!

What experience or involvement have you had with Just Food Co-op or othercooperative enterprises? I have been a member of Just Food Co-op since our family moved to Northfield last fall. I was a member of my local co-op in my previous town for about twenty years, and joined a second co-op in that town as well. I am a strong supporter of independent cooperatives and want to help to make sure Just Food Co-op remains a resilient and vibrant part of Northfield. Having choices in the food I buy for my family is very important to me.

Karen Fossum

What opportunities and challenges do you see in the future for Just Food Co-op? Just Food Co-op has an exciting opportunity to expand its impact locally. With the increased space and upcoming remodel, we will be able to serve Northfield and surrounding areas in more ways than currently. I see opportunities for education in terms of nutrition, cooking, and using local, seasonally available food. I also would love to increase outreach, engagement, and access to a broader segment of our population. With reference to the “criteria” for serving as a Just Food Co-op Board Director, what skills, formal training, or education do you bring that directly contribute to the mission of Just Food Co-op? My professional and educational backgrounds include project management and technical and analytical work as well as policy work. This will be helpful in working as a Board Director for Just Food Co-op as I have experience seeing the big picture and figuring out how to turn vision into policy. I value the collaborative process and have experience finding compromise and common ground when working in groups with varied interests and goals. I have experience as an advocate and would love to advocate on behalf of Just Food Co-op as a Board Director, in addition to as a co-op member! Describe any professional or volunteer experience you have had that would provide insight or skills on the Just Food Board, including having served on a board or governing committee of other organizations. My volunteer activities in Northfield include serving on the advisory board of a local non-profit and volunteering with the Rice County Dispute Resolution Program. I have been an active St. Olaf alumna for many years, helping to organize events, act as a liaison between alumni and the college, and assist with fundraising. At our former K-8 school, I worked on a playground committee that ushered the school and local community through the process of building a new playground from concept to completion. October/November 2017

The ComPost | Just Food Co-op


Meet Your Board of Directors Candidates continued

To the Just Food Coop Membership, I’ve been a member of Just Food coop since 2005. I shopped at the co-op for a couple years before getting involved. My first volunteer opportunity with Just Food began with the Roots to Grow campaign of 2007. There were a handful of us who called all the existing members of the co-op trying to raise additional capital for the survival of Just Food. I was so impressed with the conversations and the members that I met at the time, I decided I needed to immerse myself in the co-op world. I was the Administrative Secretary for the Board and then after that year decided to run for the Board myself. I was elected to the co-op Board at the end of 2009. I was a general Board member in 2010, Vice President in 2011 and then served as Board President in 2012.

Joni L. Karl

During those years, the coop faced many challenges but continued to grow its membership base and sales. I’m very proud of the work that the Board, co-op members and staff have done to keep Just Food a thriving and growing part of our community. What I love most about our co-op is the passion our members have for food, equality and justice. I’m an advocate for Policy Governance and very excited and hopeful for the future of Just Food and would enjoy serving the co-op again. Thank you so much. Joni L. Karl


The ComPost | Just Food Co-op

October/November 2017

My name is Nancy Malecha. I am a current employee at Just Food Co-op, as a full-time Meat and Cheese Assistant. I live in Northfield with my husband, Matt, and our three sons: Joey, August, and Sammy. I am running for the Just Food Board of Directors. Years ago, when I lived in St Paul, my roommate came home and announced that she had joined our household to a Cooperative. We would have to volunteer as part of our membership, she said, but it was only a few hours per month. I don’t know how many hours she actually contributed, since she was a graduate student at the University of Minnesota, but I know I came to really enjoy my time working at Hampden Park Co-op, volunteering in every department, and becoming acquainted with how a co-op worked. Eventually, work and life pulled me away from St. Paul, and co-ops became a fond memory. Thirteen years ago, I talked with these guys on Division Street about a co-op they were trying to establish, and they were very close to launching the Northfield Community Cooperative, they just needed a few more members to join. I was intrigued, but needed more information than a five to ten minute conversation in the July sunshine to decide. I went to the first open meeting at Bethel Lutheran Church, and was convinced that this group of people really knew what they wanted in a Cooperative Grocer. I plunked down our money on the dream that became Just Food Co-op. Eight years ago, I was ready to re-enter the workforce after staying home with our three sons, and Just Food provided me with the opportunity to rejoin the co-op world, and I have never looked back.

Nancy Malecha

I’ve been interested in joining the board for a few years, but never really felt that my timing was right. I feel it is now, and am certain that an employee’s voice would be an asset to the Board. For seven years, I worked in the Front End as a Shift Supervisor and as the Clerk. Our cashiers are the true Front Line in the Co-op, they interact directly with members and nonmembers alike daily, fielding questions, providing answers where they can, and accepting both compliments and complaints as vital feedback on how our co-op meets the needs of the community (or how it can improve, as the situation warrants). This past year I have been a full-time Meat and Cheese Assistant, and employing my customer service skills (and, sometimes, cooking knowledge) in a totally different way. My expanded perspective as an employee is what motivates me to run for the Board. During the eight years I have been with Just Food, I served on two distinct committees: Safety and Open Book Management. On the Safety Committee, we reviewed our policies and procedures, and used current information to improve the overall employee and customer safety at Just Food. We met monthly, designed and implemented trainings, and tried to streamline processes. Open Book Management also met monthly, reviewed Swarm procedures, and really worked to engage and empower all employees with sound financial understanding of how the co-op is performing. I learned so much about what all the numbers really mean, in particular how we all can affect the growth of our business and drive the financial success of Just Food. Our new fiscal year is off to a decent start, and I’m excited by the possibilities that are on our horizon. Our first big step, changing the operating hours, will likely yield great results, especially once school is back in session. The potential of going forward with remodeling is also exciting, as it will improve our competitiveness in a constantly changing market. Ultimately, our best asset is our employees- we are what makes Just Food more than a grocery store, more than a cooperative- we make it a vital part of the Northfield Community as a whole, which has been the idea from the very beginning. Thank you for your consideration of my application to be a Member of the Board of Directors of Just Food, Northfield Community Co-op. October/November 2017

The ComPost | Just Food Co-op


Meet Your Board of Directors Candidates continued

Why would you like to serve on the Board of Directors of Just Food? I would like to serve on the Board of Directors of Just Food because I value the Co-op concept and I have been involved with food Co-ops for years. I am an advocate for local and organic foods. What experience or involvement have you had with Just Food or other cooperative enterprises? Eager to join a local co-op, I became member #141 when Just Food was getting started. Previously, I was a member of Food co-ops in Madison WI and Mpls.

Nola Moen

What opportunities and challenges do you see in the future for Just Food? I think the Northfield Community is very supportive of Just Food co-op and Just Food sets a high standard for itself. Just Food educates members with classes and workshops and provides healthy and nutritious foods for the community.

With reference to the “Criteria” for serving as a Just Food Co-op Board Director, what skills, formal training or education would you bring that directly contribute to the mission of Just Food Co-op? I would bring my personal knowledge and education (a Master’s Degree Plus) regarding community organization and an understanding of how healthy organizations function. As a social worker for years I have had numerous courses in ethics training and public policy. Describe any professional or volunteer experience you have had that would provide insight or skills on the Just Food Board, including having served on a board or a governing committee or other organizations. As a school social worker for 31 years working with families of all income levels. I have also worked with clients of many ages and ethnic groups. Outside of my work history, I enjoy learning about and practicing good nutrition on my home. I have been a member of a local CSA for several years and have been a member of a number of Co-ops for the past 30 years. 14

The ComPost | Just Food Co-op

October/November 2017

I am a current board member who is running for reelection to the Board of Just Food Co-op. I would like to continue serving as I really enjoy the opportunity to work to facilitate the operation of something that is a highly positive force in our community. I like Just Food, I shop there a lot, I share the values espoused in the cooperative principles that Just Food follows and I want to see the store continue to grow and improve. As a board member I enjoy working to facilitate things that enhance the experience of owners; these include working to organize the Annual Meeting, attending Coffee With The Board, writing articles for the Compost and working as part of the Board Continuity and Annual Meeting committees. Last summer as part of the Outreach Committee I worked with other board members and store personnel to put on our first Movie Night in the parking lot at which we screened a movie on seed preservation and modern agriculture (Open Sesame). I also participated with Carleton students in gleaning for donation to the food shelf donation, I toured visiting Japanese students through local organic farms and worked to promote cooperation with local organizations. I participate in quarterly meetings with board members from other co-ops as a member of the Minnesota Food Co-op Board, and this year I attended the 3-day national coop meeting (CCMA). Over the past year I have served as the Board Secretary and in previous years I have worked to update our bylaws and the procedures used by the Board for policy review as well as preparing orientation materials for incoming board members.

Clark Ohnesorge

Importantly, I am a person who shows up when there is work to do, and I pitch in with a will. In terms of past experiences I have worked in a variety of business settings that include two family businesses, several small colleges, and a couple of individually owned companies. I feel that these experiences help me to appreciate the various tensions that can exist between levels of authority in an organization and also gives me insight about how to bridge those levels. On a volunteer basis I have served on the governing board of the Cannon Valley Regional Orchestra for more than 8 years and find that my experiences there help me to relate more completely to understanding the dynamics of a volunteer board. At Just Food I am currently completing my fifth year on the board. I am up to speed on the bylaws, the ins and outs of policy governance, the realities of the recently increased level of competition in the natural food business and our store’s current plans for expansion. I think that I am able to bring a fairly broad background to the table when we address issues related to food and our cooperatively-owned business. I’d like to stress that I understand that the role of the Board is NOT to manage the operations of the co-op on a day-to- day basis but rather to try to ensure that the interests of our 3500-some owners are channeled through the Ends Policies that form the ethical backbone of Just Food. I enjoy vigorous discussion and am open to new challenges. In the next year we are moving forward with expansion which will allow us to increase both the range and number of products offered in the store This is very important if we are to maintain our financial stability in the newly competitive natural food market.. Major challenges for board members will be to increase our outreach to owners, to increase the opportunity for local producers to participate in the local foodshed and to support our new GM as we move into our long-awaited expansion. Thanks for your consideration. Clark Ohnesorge October/November2017

The ComPost | Just Food Co-op 


Meet Your Board of Directors Candidates


I would like to again serve on the Board, during the critical next several years of analysis and decision making, regarding expansion of our store operations. I was previously involved as one of the founding members (member #3), and served on the Board as director and also as treasurer during the period of initial heavy fund-raising, and monitoring financial results during the period of start-up losses. During my early years of growing up in central Wisconsin, my family was actively involved in several agribusiness cooperatives, which were critical to the success of the original farming communities in this country.

Lee Runzheimer

The main priority that I see for the Board during the next two years, is to finalize the decision-making, and then the aggressive implementation of the expansion of store operations. My forty plus years of business experience have been in the areas of financing small businesses, starting and managing businesses, and expanding successful businesses. In Northfield, I was also involved in the successful launch of the Northfield Family YMCA, including serving on the Board, the capital campaign and the site selection committee. At our local church, I have been involved in various successful financial and fundraising activities, as the organization expanded over the past 15 years. I have also served as director or chairman, on the boards of directors of three other businesses. Lee Runzheimer


The ComPost | Just Food Co-op

October/November 2017

Just Food Events Saturday, October 7

Tuesday, October 17

Enjoy Sample Day with a Harvestfest theme!

Keynote Speaker: Stuart Reid - 1st General Manager of Just Food Co-op, Currently Executive Director for Food Co-op Initiative. In-person voting ends at 5:30pm.

Harvestfest Sample Day Just Food Co-op 10:00 am to 1:00 pm

Annual Meeting

St. John's Lutheran Church 500 3rd St W, Northfield, MN 55057 Doors Open at 5pm

Tuesday, October 17

5% off Day For All Members

Saturday, October 14

Vegan Food Tasting This smaller, more focused Sample Day features all of our vegan foods and offerings from our favorite vendors. Just Food Co-op 10:00 am to 1:00 pm

Saturday, October 14

Coffee With The Board Come chat with our Board about the upcoming board elections while sipping coffee and enjoying some tasty treats!

The day of our Annual Meeting is also Member Appreciation Day! Members will recieve 5% off their purchaces all day. Some exclusions apply.

Wednesday, October 18

Monthly Board Meeting The Board meets once, monthly. All members are welcome to attend Board meetings. The board requires that you register your interest to attend with Sherri, the General Manager, at least one week in advance of the meeting in order to be added to the agenda. Sherri's Email: Deadline to Register Interest: Oct. 11

Just Food Co-op 10:00am to 12:00 pm


The ComPost | Just Food Co-op

October/November 2017

Thursday, October 19

Energy: The Do's and the Don'ts Join us for a discussion on the best steps to reduce fatigue and improve energy. What are the best foods to boost energy? What are the best practices for sustained energy? Find out the keys to boost your energy naturally in 2017. Led by Noel Aldrich, PhD, CNS, Licensed Nutritionist with Nutrition Proportion. Please join us! Members and Nonmembers are welcome! Pre-Register on Facebook Just Food Co-op Community Room 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

Saturday, October 28

Wednesday, November 15

Thursday, November 23

It's Health Literacy Month at the Co-op. In honor of this month's theme we are holding a Wellness Fair, hosted by our Wellness Department. Come learn about how you can stay healthy this cold and flu season.

The store will be closed on Thanksgiving day to allow the staff to observe the holiday with family and friends.

Just Food Co-op

The board meets once, monthly. All members are welcome to attend Board meetings. The Board requires that you register your interest to attend with Sherri, the General Manager, at least one week in advance of the meeting in order to be added to the agenda.

10:00 am to 1:00 pm

Sherri's Email:

Wellness Fair

Monthly Board Meeting

Thanksgiving Day CLOSED

Deadline to Register Interest: Nov. 8

Saturday, November 4

Coffee With The Board Come chat with our Board about the upcoming holiday season while sipping coffee and enjoying some tasty treats!

Wednesday, November 18

Just Food Co-op

The Holiday Entertaining Sample Day is hosted by our Meat & Cheese Department. This event will showcase all of the fancier foods that will help to Friday , November 24 impress your friends and family during all Black Friday of the parties you will host and attend in Keep your eye out for deals at the Cothe upcoming holiday season. op including a deal on hot breakfast to help keep your shopping marathon going Just Food Co-op strong all day long. Open regular hours, 10:00am -1:00pm 7am-9pm.

10:00am to 12:00 pm

Saturday, November 11

Holiday Sample Day This holiday themed Sample Day will showcase the treats & eats that will help you get thinking about the upcoming holiday season.

Holiday Entertaining Sample Day

Just Food Co-op 10:00 am to 1:00 pm

October/November 2017

The ComPost | Just Food Co-op 


516 Water Street S Northfield, MN 55057 507-650-0106 Open Daily 7am - 9pm

Everyone Welcome J u s t F o o d C o - o p n o u r i s h e s a J u s t , H e a l t hy a n d S u s t a i n a bl e C o m mu n i t y • Justice – We strive for fairness in all our relationships in the community and throughout the supply chain. • Health – We provide healthy, sustainably produced products, and we work to strengthen our local foodshed through ongoing support and partnerships. • Sustainability – We work to build a resilient social, economic and ecological environment in our community and beyond. • Education – We are a community resource for education and information about healthy, sustainable food and lifestyle. We do this in context of being a financially viable, member-owned cooperative business.

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