ComPost Fall 2018

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C o m P o st

is a p ubl ic atio n o f

J ust F o o d C o - o p

The ComPost F e rt i l i ze r

f o r t h e mind

Fall 2018

An Energetic Election . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Article Amendment. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Board Candidates. . . . . . . . . . . . 6-16 The Ends & The Beginning. . . . . . 17 Not My Bag.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-19 Healthy Kids Lunches. . . . . . . 20-21 Apples Anytime . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-25 Fall Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

About the ComPost Fertilizer for the Mind Editor: Victoria Scott The ComPost is a bimonthly publication of Just Food Co-op and is published for the benefit of our membership and the community.The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and not necessarily those of Just Food Co-op or its members. For information about submissions, contact Victoria Scott at 507.650.0106 or Letters to the editor are welcome and may be sent to the same email or 516 Water St. S., Northfield, MN 55057. Just Food Co-op is a proud member of the Twin Cities chapter of the National Cooperative Grocers (NCG).

Board of Directors

Penny Hillemann - President Joni Karl - Vice President Nola Moen - Secretary Clark Ohnesorge - Treasurer Karen Fossum Nancy Malecha Dirk Peterson Lee Runzheimer

Management Team Sherri Meyers General Manager

Stephanie Aman Marketing and Community Relations Manager

Lindsay Byhre Human Resources Manager

Valdon Critser Retail Manager

Membership Benefits

Save The Date! OCTOBER 13, 2018 10am-1pm

Just Food Co-op Annual Harvest Festival There will be food, and family fun for all ages. 2

The ComPost | Just Food Co-op

Fall 2018

• Supporting a locally-owned, sustainable and socially responsible business. • Email subscription to The ComPost. • Profits returned to members as patronage rebates, at the discretion of the Board. • Member-only prices on Co-op classes. • Check writing for up to $20 over the amount of purchase. • Member-only specials on selected items throughout the store. • 10% case discounts, some exclusions apply.

An Energetic Election! By: Penny Hillemann, Board President

Please vote! I urge you to read the candidates’ statements thoughtfully and vote for up to five candidates.

Penny Hillemann

Since I first ran for the Just Food Board of Directors in the fall of 2011, there hasn’t been a Board election even close to what we have this year: 10 candidates running for five open seats. Many feel this is ideal, giving Owners real choices in their Board representation. In past elections we have rarely even had one more candidate than seats available. People are busy, there are many opportunities to serve on other boards and commissions in Northfield, and that’s just the way it has been.

What’s different this year? There could be a variety of factors. There are issues people are passionate about. Also, this year we were able to extend the application deadline from mid-July to early August. And last fall the Owners approved a modest level of compensation for board members effective this year. Any or all of these factors may be playing a role. Whatever the reason, we on the Board are happy to see this much interest in Board service and so many strong candidates. The Board’s primary duties are to set strategic direction for the Coop, evaluate the General Manager’s performance through a series of policies, and protect the assets of the Co-op through duties such as approving large contracts, making sure our policies and bylaws keep up with a changing world, and conducting an annual meeting to keep Owners informed. Please vote! I urge you to read the candidates’ statements thoughtfully and vote for up to five candidates you believe will bring the most valuable experience and perspectives to their role as Board Members tasked with representing all of Just Food’s Owners. Fall 2018

The ComPost | Just Food Co-op




Amending the Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation WHEREAS, the board of directors (the “Board”) of Just Food: Northfield Community Co-op, Inc., a Minnesota cooperative

(the “Co-op”), has approved, subject to the approval of the members of the Co-op (the “Members”), an amendment to the

Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation of the Co-op (the “Articles”), the form of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by this reference to increase the number of authorized shares of its Class A and B stock (the “Amendment”);

WHEREAS, the Board has deemed it to be advisable and in the best interest of the Co-op that the Members of the Co-op

WHEREAS, the Members believe that it is in their respective best interest and in the best interest of the Co-op to approve

approve the Amendment, and has directed that the Amendment be submitted to the Members for their approval; and

the Amendment.


RESOLVED, that the Articles of the Co-op shall be amended by the Amendment, the provisions of which shall be deemed

FURTHER RESOLVED, that all acts and things heretofore done by any officer, employee or agent of the Co-op, on or prior

to be incorporated therein by reference as if originally a part thereof;

to the date of these resolutions in furtherance of the transactions contemplated by the resolutions herein contained be, and the same hereby are, in all respects, ratified, confirmed, approved and adopted as acts on behalf of the Co-op; and

FURTHER RESOLVED, that any officer, employee or agent of the Co-op is authorized to take all those actions, execute

other documents and pay those expenses that are in the judgment of such officer, employee or agent necessary, proper or advisable to complete and carry out the intent of these resolutions.


The ComPost | Just Food Co-op

Fall 2018

Article Amendment Continued

Exhibit A

Form of Amendment

Section 1 of Article V of the Articles will be amended and restated in its entirety to read as follows: “Section 1. The amount of authorized capital stock of the association shall be eleven-million-fifty-thousand

dollars ($11,500,000) and shall be divided into four classes of stock. Class A stock shall consist of six-thousand (6,000) shares of voting stock with a par value of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per share for a total of one-

hundred-fifty-thousand dollars ($150,000). Class B stock shall consist of six-hundred-thousand shares of nonvoting stock with a par value of five dollars ($5.00) per share for a total of three-million dollars ($3,000,000).

Class C stock shall consist of twelve thousand shares of non-voting stock with a par value of two-hundred-fifty dollars ($250.00) per share for a total of three-million dollars ($3,000,000). Class D stock shall consist of

10,000 shares of non-voting stock with a par value of five-hundred dollars ($500.00) per share for a total of five-million dollars ($5,000,000).”

Amendment Explanation • Our original articles only provided for 4000 shares of Class A stock, meaning we could only have 4000 Just Food Co-op members. • We currently have close to 3600 Owners (active and inactive) and new Owners join almost every day! • In order to continue to welcome new Owners, we would need to amend our articles as suggested above.

Fall 2018

The ComPost | Just Food Co-op


Candidate Profile community without straying from our core principles. Strong

that support efforts to promote cooperative values in broader society.

connections with local farmers

This is an important part of fulfilling

will be key to this process. We

Cooperative Principle 5: Education,

need to make sure that expansion

Training and Information, as well as

means providing more high quality, locally produced foods, not

Cooperative Principle 7: Concern for Community, and is a role that Just

trying to out-Cub Cub and becoming

Food Co-op is in a unique position to

indistinguishable from a corporate

be able to work towards in

chain grocery store in the process.


If handled well, this could be an

Meet Revmira Beeby:

opportunity to get the Co-op involved

Before I got involved with Cooperation

in the community in new ways and

Northfield, I served on the city’s

play a more active role in supporting

Human Rights Commission. My

Growing up in Northfield, Just Food

all kinds of cooperative efforts, as well

experience on the HRC taught me the

Co-op was my first introduction into

as increasing the knowledge of and

value of having a diverse age range on

the world of cooperative economics,

desire for local sustainable products. I

a board or commission. This diversity

and helped teach me the importance

am excited to have discussions among

offers a variety of perspectives and

of sustainability, democratic

the membership about how to take

connections with a variety of groups

community control over resources,

advantage of these opportunities going

within the community. I also got the

and fostering local connections and


opportunity to learn about what kind

cooperation. These are values that

of human rights issues Northfield

continue to form a core part of my

Beyond being raised in a Just Food

was facing, work on projects like the

worldview and inform the projects

Co-op family, my involvement

Municipal ID campaign to address

I have been working on since high

with cooperative enterprises also

some of these issues, and help host

school. I am running for the Board of

includes working with Cooperation

community events such as MLK Day.

Directors because I want to play my

Northfield, a group dedicated to

I will be interested in seeing how

part in ensuring that Just Food Co-op

building economic democracy in

the Co-op can address important

remains grounded in these values and

town. Our group’s projects include a

issues relating to our values from our

continues to be a just, democratic

compost collection worker co-op and

position in the Northfield community.

institution deeply rooted in the

a sustainable chicken farming worker

Northfield community.

co-op. We’re also dedicated to social and environmental justice organizing.


One of the main challenges I see

I believe that the role of co-ops is

facing the Co-op is how to scale up

not just to be standalone businesses,

and serve more of the Northfield

but to serve as anchor institutions

The ComPost | Just Food Co-op

Fall 2018

Candidate Profile We’d rather not eat in a cafeteria

board member of Cannon Village

and prefer not to eat processed

Gardens. I have taught quite a few

and packaged food. Is this an

courses at the Cannon Valley Elder

impossible dream?

Collegium on subjects including China, Afghanistan, and science-fiction.

Our hope is that the Co-op, with the forthcoming expansion of its kitchen and eating areas, will solve at least part of this problem for us and others in Northfield’s

Meet Richard "Dick" Bodman:

growing senior population. If elected

Ways to Vote

as a Board Member, I will do my best to support the Co-op’s mission and to assist in the current fund-raising

For the past fourteen years my nose

campaign. I would also like to increase

and tongue have led me to the tasty

opportunities for Co-op staff and

hot soups and crunchy walnut cookies

Board Members to speak to groups

at the Co-op.

in the community. For myself, I would like to learn more about the grocery

I am applying for a position on the

industry so that I can judge better

Board of Directors. My wife and I have

what sorts of improvements would be

been Co-op members since the

practicable and desirable.

beginning and have benefitted greatly from having a source of safe, healthy

I am retired from St. Olaf College,

and locally-sourced food. We eat lots

after twenty-six years teaching Asian

of fresh fruit and vegetables and make

Studies and Chinese language. I have

most of our food from scratch, but

been a department head, served on

now that we are seventy, we can see

personnel committees, and served on

that future food preparation and food

the board of a consortium of private

shopping will become more work and

colleges teaching about Asia. My wife

less fun. How can we continue to live

and I have a hobby farm near Cannon

on our own, eat healthy and delicious

City but also maintain a residence at

meals, but have someone else do the

Village on the Cannon in Northfield.

cooking, the washing up, and maybe

At Village on the Cannon, I have been

even the food delivery?

a member of the Aging In Place task

• Simply Voting is handling our email voting service again this year. Open the email (coming in late September) and follow the insturctions to fill out your paperless ballot. • You can fill out a paper ballot in the store. This will be available midSeptember. Your digital vote will supersede the paper ballot. Only vote using a paper ballot if you DO NOT intend to vote online. • Request a mail-in paper ballot. If you can't make it to the store or use email, we can mail you a ballot.

force and am also a newly-elected Fall 2018

The ComPost | Just Food Co-op


Candidate Profile and the daily focus on getting

Farm, and Valley Creek Farm. We’ve

the operational details right

helped to plant and harvest, helped

all happen thanks to the

with fundraising, and joined in many

commitment of staff, Directors,

potlucks and celebrations. It’s difficult

and owners. I’ve gotten to

to overestimate how much these

know many of the cashiers and other staff members much better

Meet Tim Braulick:

memberships have enriched our lives – we’ve had so many

since my wife became a part-time

opportunities to get involved, learn

employee and I like how that has made

new ways of thinking, work with

my experience of the Co-op richer.

others who share our hopes and

I know that I can make a positive

values, and just have fun belonging to a

contribution to keeping the Co-op


Serving on the Board of Directors

strong and growing, helping it fulfill

of Just Food Co-op

its mission of inclusion, justice, and

Opportunities and challenges for

I’d like to serve on the Board because

sustainability. I’m looking forward to

Just Food Co-op

I believe in the Co-op’s mission. I see

meeting new and interesting people,

I see that there are many challenges

how the Co-op is part of the quality

and learning a lot about how our Co-

and opportunities at Just Food, many

of life here in Northfield and I’d like to

op works.

flowing from the planned expansion

contribute to the efforts of those

and many coming from the high goals

individuals who make the Co-op so

Experience with Just Food Co-op

and standards that the Co-op has for

much more than just a store.

and other cooperative enterprises


We’ve been shopping at food co-ops Our family joined the Co-op in its

and have been members of CSAs for

I think the time during the expansion

start-up days and I stop in often.

more than twenty-five years, and I’ve

project will offer operational

Sometimes I do a big shopping run,

been amazed in the steady growth

challenges of just keeping all the

sometimes I just pick up one or two

in professionalism and quality I’ve

functions working well to provide a

items. Often, I see a friend and have a

seen. I’m also deeply heartened by

good experience for customers and

conversation. I might bump into

the enthusiasm, commitment, and joy

staff. In addition, good communications

someone I know slightly and perhaps

I see from those who work in these

and sound fiscal management will be

get to know them a little better.



the store and confident in the quality

At one time or another we’ve been

After the expansion, the challenges

of products.

members of The Wedge, East

and opportunities will probably be

Always, I feel engaged in the energy of


Calhoun Co-op, St. Peter Co-op,

even greater. The change from being

The sense of community, the work

Just Foods, Common Harvest Farm,

a “small” co-op to a medium-sized or

to promote health and fairness,

Open Hands Farm, Big Woods

“large” co-op will require setting and

The ComPost | Just Food Co-op

Fall 2018

Meet Tim Braulick Continued

managing new expectations, building

In the corporate world, I’ve managed

trust to change, and developing and

large budgets, built teams, hired and

maintaining a larger staff with more

managed vendors,

nuanced skills.

designed new processes, and selected

and the group’s activities (1 year). •

Member of the Board of East Calhoun Co-op (1 year).

Owner of a small consulting

and implemented new technology/

business (writing,

Additionally, there is competition

systems. As a member of a farm family,

communications, education) that

from other food stores who see the

I’ve worked as the managing partner to

employed my wife and me, along

growing consumer demand for local

help siblings and other family members

with 4-8 sub-contractors (7+

and organic food. I think Just Food

complete a generational transition of


has done a wonderful job keeping

the family farm.

its position as the store of choice for

Manager in corporate world (medical device industry) in

many shoppers, but I think competition Professional and volunteer

various departments, including

will continue to put pressure on our

experience relating to the work of

professional services, edwucation,


Just Food Board

creative services, and marketing.

Grew up on small family farm in

Managed large and small


teams, including employees and

Managing partner of the limited

contractors, with budgets around

opportunities, but what

liability company set up by my


a great place to be! These challenges

siblings and myself to manage

and opportunities are part of the

assets of our small family farm and

successful growth of the

transition ownership to the next

The next few years will offer new and some unexpected challenges and

Co-op and from ambitiously putting into practice the high ideals of the

generation (15+ years). •

Member of the Core Group for

members of Just Food.

Member and harvest volunteer at

Skills, formal training, and

Member of the Board of Directors

staff, directors, and

Valley Creek CSA (10+ years) Big Woods CSA (4+ years)

education that may directly

of the Friends and Foundation of

contribute to the mission of Just

the Northfield Library during the

Food Co-op

period when the Foundation was

I have significant experience in

created (3+ years).

managing people, budgets, and leading

Volunteer and paid member of

teams to complete large

Arts Plan team, which led to

projects. I have writing and

creation of Northfield Arts and

communications skills that I’ve applied

Culture Commission (1 year).

to change management and

Created and maintained initial

organizational readiness, as well as to

web site for ReNew Northfield to

employee and customer education.

build awareness of wind energy Fall 2018

The ComPost | Just Food Co-op


Candidate Profiles I am one of the founders of

Northfield Curbside Composting, which operates as a Worker

Compost, growth of our business over the past year has opened up new, unforeseen challenges and countless

Cooperative. That is a business

opportunities. You can’t have one

that I did research and

without the other, and I would like to

development for and finally

see the co-op make the most of these

kicked off in July of 2017. We

opportunities, and handle the challenges

have now been successfully in operation for over a year. Through

that arise in a way that keeps the communities best interests in mind.

the process of starting that business

Meet Helen Forsythe: Why would you like to serve on

and governing it as a worker co-op, I

With reference to the “Criteria” for

have learned a lot about co-ops and

serving as a Just Food Co-op Board

the cooperative principles through

Director, what skills, formal training

research prior to starting this business,

or education would you bring that

and primarily the direct experience of

directly contribute to the mission of

running this business.

Just Food Co-op? I have taken courses through Prescott

the board of directors of Just Food Co-op?

I am also a founder and current worker-

College in the field of Sustainable

I would like to serve on the board of

owner at Feed the People Farm, a

Community Development. I do the

directors of Just Food Co-op because

worker cooperative of four young

bookkeeping for both the farm and the

I feel that Just Food is an important

people located just north and west of

compost business, so I have financial

pillar in the Northfield community and

Northfield. We sustainably grow free

experience that I think will be very

I would like to be a part of shaping and

range chickens using organic methods

applicable in the Just Food Co-op

sustaining this important institution.

and permaculture design learned from

Board. I am skilled in group facilitation

I see Just Food and other grocery

our partners at Main Street Project. I

and in coalescing diverse groups of

cooperatives as a crucial part of a

am a farmer dedicated to regenerative

people around common goals.

strong, healthy agriculture system, and I

agriculture and building the cooperative

feel that I have the skills and passion to

green economy.

support Just Food.

Describe any professional or volunteer experience you have

What opportunities and challenges

had that would provide insight

What experience or involvement

do you see in the future for Just

or skills on the Just Food Board,

have you had with Just Food Co-op

Food Co-op?

including having served on a board

or other cooperative enterprises?

I see expansion as being a great

or a governing committee of other

I have been a member of Just Food

opportunity for the co-op to have


since I moved to Northfield at the age

more business and thus further support

Professionally, I have started and

of 9 and recently started my very own

local farmers, and create more good

currently run two worker cooperatives.

household membership!

jobs for this community. I also see

This means that I am skilled in the

expansion as a possible challenge. From

practices of teamwork, democratic

my experience in Northfield Curbside

decision making, conflict resolution,


The ComPost | Just Food Co-op

Fall 2018

Meet Helen Forsythe Continued

strategic planning, finance/cash flows,

Just Food Co-op. Since that time, Just

challenge in the near term. More space

marketing, human resources, and most

Food has been for us the place we turn

means the Co-op can provide more

importantly; prioritizing the welling

to for fresh, local, sustainably produced

products and services to the community,

being of people and the planet while still

foods; a place of community and

bring in more quality products from local

operating a business to make a profit.

friendship; and a resource for learning

producers and provide a better working

about issues that affect us every day. In

environment for staff and shopping

I served for three years from 2011

a word, Just Food has been a place of

experience for customers. Essentially, I

until 2014 on the Healthy Community

nourishment for us and I would like to

think the expansion allows Just Food

Initiative Board, with one of those years

see that it continue to be a nourishing

to grow in those areas where we

as a co-chair of the board. This gave me

place, in the broadest sense, for its

have been and should continue to

experience operating in a formal board

customers, staff, local producers and the be successful. But it does bring with

setting, being a part of decision making,

wider community.

and meeting facilitation as the board

it serious challenges: taking on and servicing more debt and adapting to a

co-chair. I have also been involved in

As a downtown business owner

new way of operating can be stressful

many less formal committee settings,

(Imminent Brewing), I value the Co-op

and quite difficult while also trying to

such as being on the Earth Day Planning

for the vibrancy it brings to Northfield.

maintain the principles and goals Just

Committee for the past 7 years putting

Having a locally run, downtown grocery

Food was built on.

on festivities for the Northfield area in

store is a luxury not many small towns

celebration of Earth Day.

enjoy and it keeps our downtown

Longer term, I see great opportunities

strong. Imminent Brewing has worked

for Just Food to partner even more

with the Co-op in a variety of areas

with local producers as the Cannon

and in my former position in the solar

Valley continues to flourish as a quality

industry, I was thankful for Just Food’s

food producing region. Just Food has

community room where I could

the ability to differentiate itself from

provide a space for people to learn about solar panels and what

other stores that simply cannot supply the same quality of products as our

factors to consider when deciding co-operative can by tapping into and if solar may be a good fit for their

supporting local products. Competition

homes. Simply put, the Co-op is

from larger grocery stores bringing

more than just a grocery store—it’s on more organic products is certainly a community gathering space and a resource for Northfield.

something to be concerned about, but Just Food can compete with them and has an opportunity to cement its

Meet Derek Meyers:

The expansion plans at Just Food

reputation as the only store where you

will make the Co-op an even greater

can get a variety of products that are

resource for our community. However,

truly local.

When my wife, Laura, and I moved to

having recently gone through a large

Northfield 5 years ago, one of the first

buildout, I see the expansion as both our

things we did was become members of

greatest opportunity and a difficult

Continued on Page 12 Note: Derek Meyers & Sherri Meyers are not related.

Fall 2018

The ComPost | Just Food Co-op


Meet Derek Meyers Continued

If I’m to be considered for this position, I should also say a bit about myself.

What opportunities and challenges

So, I’ve been involved with issues of

do you think in the future of Just

sustainability and the environment for

Food Co-op?

quite some time, which I see as key

Challenges: Will be over seeing

concerns for Just Food. My education

the Capital Campaign for the Just

is in English and Political Science and

Food expansion project.

I hold an M.A. in the latter where I

Opportunities: To learn and observe

focused on environmental politics. I

the navigating the many components of

pursued these studies further for a

the expansion project.

time in a geography PhD program at the London School of Economics, but eventually switched over to starting Starting a business taught me how

Reacquaint Yourself With Nola Moen:

to write a business plan, run financial

Current Just Food Board Secretary

and running Imminent Brewing.

analyses, develop a marketing strategy,

With reference to the “Criteria” for serving as a Just Food Co-op Board of Director, what skills, formal training and education would you bring that directly contribute to the

secure financing, hire and work with

Why would you like to serve on the

mission of Just Food Co-op?

contractors, complete a build out, attain

Board of Directors of Just Food

My background as a social worker for 31

a whole host of licenses and permits


years has exposed me to many

and, finally, open and run our brewery.

I would like to serve on the Board of the

challenging and unique experiences

I’ve also done a lot of community

Just Food Co-op because I

working with children and families.

engagement, both with Imminent

would like to become more involved in

Brewing and other businesses and

the Northfield community.

Describe any professional or

organizations I’ve been involved with

I have had a local CSA share for 5 years.

volunteer experience you have that

(All Energy Solar, BikeNorthfield, the

I support local farmers market

woul d provide insight or skills on

Spearfish Bicycle Co-operative, etc.),

and preserve food for the winter

the Just Food Board, including having

and I see reaching out and giving back


served on a board or

to the community as a crucial piece

governing committee of another

to running any successful business or

What experience or involvement


organization. I hope that my experience

have you had with Just Food Co-op

I have served 1 year on the JFB. My

running a business, engaging the

or other cooperative enterprises?

education background is a MSSW

community and working on issues of

1) I have served 1 year on the JF Board.

which focuses on communication,

sustainability may benefit the board of

2) As a former Social Worker I was

problem solving techniques, and

directors and that, if elected, my skills

involved in organizing community

strategic planning. As a School Social

will serve Just Food Co-operative and its

resources for low income families.

Worker, I served on many

members, employees, local producers

planning and problem solving

and the planet for the better.



The ComPost | Just Food Co-op

Fall 2018

Candidate Profiles The Just Food Co-op has the opportunity to serve the

needed while keeping in mind what is best for all parties involved.

community of Northfield in a niche that otherwise would go

If I am fortunate enough to be elected

unfulfilled otherwise. The Co-op

Director I pledge to give my full

can offer organic food from local growers and farmers unlike other

Meet Wayne Perleburg:

attention to the position. It would be my intent to see that

grocery stores in the area. I believe

Just Food Co-op is a success in the

this is very important and should be

foreseeable future! Just Food Co-op

expanded. Challenges facing the coop

should be a great place to work and its

include the “big box” stores such as

customers to shop.

Cub and Aldi. Pricing and selection are the main challenges to be overcome.

I would like to serve on the Board of

I fit the “Criteria” as Just Food director

Directors of Just Food Co-op because

due to my many years of involvement

of my deep belief in providing the

with organic food and alternative

best quality food and service to the

medicine. I have served on many boards

community possible.

involving health, welfare and pensions.

Voting Instructions • Each Owner Number gets 1 vote.

I have attended numerous workshops I also believe in the coop way of doing

and seminars that deal with the

business as keeps the store accountable

challenges and solutions to business’s

to its customers and the

both large and small.

community at large. And the customers also have a stake in seeing that store

I have served on the executive board

serves the purpose that it

of Bethlehem Lutheran Church. I

was created for.

have volunteered at various homeless shelters in Rochester MN, Mankato

I have been an owner/member for the

MN, and Chesterton IN.

six years that I have lived in Northfield. I have also belonged to Cannon Valley

My professional experience includes

Co-op in Northfield as well as the

serving on grievance resolution panels

Freeborn County Co-op which supplies

on the state, regional and national

LP gas. I have also belonged to the

level. My decisions have affected 10’s of

Evergreen Food Co-op in Albert Lea,

thousands of people. As a result I have


no problem making the hard decisions Fall 2018

• Please vote for up to 5 candidates. • The 3 candidates with the highest number of votes will recieve 3-year terms. • The 2 candidates with the next largest number of votes will recieve 1-year terms. • Please vote Yes or No on the Article Amendment Question.

The ComPost | Just Food Co-op


Candidate Profiles by the Co-op has been

Just Food Co-op has been good to

instrumental in the growth

me, my family, and my business. I'm

and success of our farm.

invested in very real and personal ways in its success and am eager for

My role as a Co-op grower also gives me a unique and I think important perspective

the opportunity to contribute my time and energy toward its exciting next chapter.

as a prospective board member.

Meet Michael Pursell:

As a local farmer and a founding member of Cannon Valley Grown, I've been working closely for the past few years with other local farmers

One of the first things my family and

on the Steering Committee of that

I did when we moved to Northfield

new initiative to help put local food

three and a half years ago was to

on the map in a new way. I hope

become members of Just Food, and

that as a member of the Co-op's

we have frequented the Co-op nearly

Board of Directors, I can be a

every week since. We moved here

voice for local producers and for

from South Minneapolis, where we

deepening the Co-op's commitment

were proud members of the Seward

to products grown, raised, and made

Co-op for over six years and where I

right here in our community.

served on the Board of Directors of the Seward Neighborhood Group.

Despite my eventual landing in

My family shops at Just Food because

agriculture, much of my educational

investing in the Co-op is a way for us

and professional background is in

to express our values and invest in our

writing and communications, dating

Why would you like to serve on

chosen community at the same time.

back to my English major at St.

the Board of Directors of Just Food

Meet Mason Randall:

Olaf. As a small business owner, I'm


Since becoming members, our family

also familiar with the many of the

I believe my love of food and

has also become one of the Co-op's

challenges-financial and otherwise

professional skillset can support Just

suppliers, as we started Late Bloom

that face a growing business, and I

Food continue in their

Farm in 2016 and began working with

hope that I can bring this experience

upward trajectory as an amazing

Just Food to sell bouquets of our

to bear as Just Food makes the huge

community resource for quality food.

Northfield-grown flowers. This early,

and long-anticipated leap forward into

enthusiastic and ongoing support

its expansion.


The ComPost | Just Food Co-op

Fall 2018

Meet Mason Randall Continued

What experience or involvement

business development catering to the

Hollywood Blvd directly with the lead

have you had with Just Food Co-op

take-out or read-to-eat food market.

talent for the events to develop set

or other cooperative enterprises?

For Just Food, I see this as a call to

pieces and sound solutions as well as

I presently serve on the Northfield

respond with its own expansion and

various music concerts to support

Day Care board of directors here in

community presence to not only “stay

planning, quality, and safety

Northfield where we are constantly

in the game,” but to step forward as

aspects. Working through these, I have

looking at ways to provide a top-

a more prominent name in the local

learned a great deal about logistics and

notch day care to the community

food industry. I think the on-demand

contingency planning, built networks

and identify grants and subsidies to

food options as well as the downtown

of associates in an array of fields, and

help the organization be a resource

location are huge pluses

gained an appreciation for the detail

for ALL community members who

that are a platform to be expanded

that is required to put together a large

care about quality and trustworthy

upon by building upon the existing

and successful event.

care for their children ages 3-6 years

business to develop new sales

old. At Michigan Tech, I was elected


On a personal level, I am passionate

and served as a Student Government

about food. Having traveled a great

representative for my class in addition

With reference to the “Criteria”

deal in my life, friends and family

to similar service in my K-12 years.

for serving as a Just Food Co-op

would surely note that I have a

Since my teenage years, I have been

Board Director, what skills,

common mantra that the best way

an active participant in the churches

formal training or education would

to meet a new town is to start with

I have attended to help serve the

you bring that directly contribute

their food. My wife often finds me lost

community by making events,

to the mission of Just Food Co-op?

in local grocery stores, restaurants,

resources, and logistics move our

I am presently the Director of

fishing boats, farms, and food trucks

mission forward.

Research and Development for a large

wherever we travel. It is not only a

healthcare company and

gateway to the culture,

What opportunities and challenges

have many years of experience

but to the people. I live and believe

do you see in the future for Just

developing robust and quality

this with great sincerity.

Food Co-op?

software products in a variety of

Just Food has a lot of challenges in

focal areas, project plans, technical

Describe any professional or

the near future with the on-going

infrastructure, managing employees,

volunteer experience you have had

renovations and attention to nearby

managing budgets,

that would provide insight or

Economart as they expand their

building and developing teams, and

skills on the Just Food Board,

footprint and offerings in addition

other related items that go with the

including having served on a board

to having a very successful brewery


or a governing committee of other

opening just across the street that


reminds people of their presence. An

As a side career, I have often, (more

Respectfully, I believe I covered what

area I feel they are entirely neglecting

so in my younger days) worked in

I have to share in the above questions

that leaves opportunity for Just Food is the live production field, working on

Fall 2018

and refer the reader there.

The ComPost | Just Food Co-op


Candidate Profile teamwork are necessary to move the

company forward. I feel I could bring a fresh face along with new ideas

spent long term and keep them

from shopping at one of our local competitors.

for growth. 4. What skills, formal training and 2. What experience have I had with Just food co-op or other

op would benefit from? •


As far as education, I have a Bachelor’s Degree in

enterprises? Our goal when my wife and I moved to

communications from Brockport

Northfield was to get involved in the

State University in Brockport, New

community. Colleen works part-time

York. Part of the SUNY system.

at the co-op and I have recently joined

Meet Stephen “Zack” Zastrow:

education have you had that the co-

Rotary. In Shakopee, I was involved

Grew up in a college town. • My professional background in sales

with the Lion’s Club for 15 years helping

and marketing would make me an

those in need. Some examples were the

excellent candidate for the co-op

Lion’s Club bowling for special needs

board. I make decisions every day

Thank you for your consideration

children all over the state of Minnesota,

on how do we as a company get

on selecting me as a potential board

our annual ice golf and softball

better. How do we increase sales?


tournaments help to make Shakopee

Is our customer base (membership)

Lions one of the biggest organizations in

growing? Are we using all social

the state.

media options? Are we providing

My wife Colleen and I moved to Northfield a year ago from Shakopee,

good customer service?

where we lived for 20 years. We were

3. What opportunities and

looking to downsize and always liked

challenges to you see for the co-op

5. Have I been on any boards that

what Northfield had to offer. We were

in the future?

would benefit the co-op?


These are exciting times at the co-op

• For the past 18 years, I have been

because of your upcoming

on the senior management team

1. Why would you like to serve to

expansion. I think having somebody

for 5 medical companies where my

serve on the Board of Directors?

with new ideas to move it forward,

input is relied upon on a daily basis.

My senior management background

offering input on what departments

would serve the board well. I’ve been

should be expanded and focusing on

and exceeding revenue goals is

in the medical device industry as a sales

what will increase revenue. Growing

something I’d like to continue to do

and marketing executive for over 30

can sometime be an issue short term.

the co-op.

years. I’ve been involved with a number

However, expanded product offerings

of start-up medical companies where

for our members and non-members

problem solving, unexpected issues and

I believe will help to increase dollars


The ComPost | Just Food Co-op

Fall 2018

• Heading up Sales and meeting

Thank you for your consideration.

The Ends and the Beginning By: Sherri Meyers, General Manager

As we look into the future and our annual election, it is important to take a moment and reflect on the incredible year we recently concluded (our fiscal year ended in June.) My heart is full of gratitude for those of you who continue to make the Co-op part of your life. For some this means stopping in for a quick, healthy lunch option, for others it means grabbing ingredients for a special meal, and for still others it means stopping in to chat with friends and neighbors while doing your regular grocery shopping. No matter how often you stop in to see us, we value the opportunity to be the Sherri Meyers

grocer you trust for quality, healthy food and the best customer service in town delivered by the most knowledgeable staff!

We accomplished some truly incredible milestones last year. Here are some highlights from my annual Ends review: • The Co-op purchased $1.7M from cooperatively owned businesses and $1.67M from local farmers and producers. • 91% of our waste was recycled or composted. • 51,000 bags were saved by our customers • An 81% decrease in refrigerant lost • $1.7M in wages, benefits, and staff discounts paid to staff. •

100% of employees at Just Food make a livable wage as defined by MIT’s county model. We add 5% for Northfield’s higher cost of housing.

• 82% of staff make an hourly rate greater than the minimum

If you want to know more about the great things • Our Marketing and Outreach team sponsored or held 111 Just Food accomplished last year, you may educational opportunities. That is one almost every 3 days! want to read my Ends review. It can be found This next year brings many challenges as we launch our Capital on our website at OwnersEndsFY18.pdf Campaign, and our long awaited expansion project. Just Food livable wage.

needs to remain competitive in our market – our competition is refreshing their look and their offerings. In order to continue to do good things in our community, we need to keep up, if not lead! I look forward to the opportunity to answer your questions about the capital campaign, or our expansion project. Feel free to stop in, drop me a line at gm@ or call me at the store at 507-650-0106. It has been a pleasure to do work on your behalf this past year leading Just Food through the planning of our project. I anticipate the day when we can cut the ribbon on our newly expanded store and sell even more good food, provide even more good jobs, and do even more good in our community.

Fall 2018

In Cooperation, Sherri   The ComPost | Just Food Co-op


Not My Bag.

may use them as a means to bring freshly picked garden vegetables in to share with coworkers; some may just have that ‘bag filled with other bags’ in their front hall closet. The knowledge that is slightly less common is that paper grocery bags have just, if not more, of a negative impact on the environment.

By: Kevin Krein


How could that be, you may be asking yourself—the paper itself the

s a shopper, how many times have you found yourself in this position?

bag is made out of must come from recycled material, and, like any good natured individual, you make the attempt to reuse, or recycle the bag when you are finished with it.

You enter the grocery store—Just Food Co-op, for example—and upon entering, after you’ve dug out your list, and are firmly grasping

Members of the Just Food Green Team recently looked into the

the handle of the shopping cart, you realize that you’ve forgotten to

environmental impact of using paper grocery bags, and they were

bring in your bags.

surprised at what they found. Information on this topic has been available, both online and in print, for a number of years, and the first

If you’ve left your reusable grocery bags at home, it may not be

result from a quick internet search of ‘Are paper bags bad for the

worth leaving the store in order to drive back to your house and grab

environment?’ provides a short, helpful article from Eco Myths.

them—in this scenario, you will, more than likely, need to rely on the paper grocery bags provided by the store.

The conceit of the article is most accurately summed up through a quote Eco Myths uses from Eric Masanet, Ph.D., an Associate

But what if you’ve left your bags in the car?

Professor of both Mechanical Engineering and Chemical and Biological Engineering at Northwestern University in Illinois. Masanet says

After exhaling a long, pained, exasperated sigh at your own

that moving from plastic bags to paper bags isn’t exactly a ‘greener’

forgetfulness, do you park your shopping cart temporarily in order to

decision, and that consumers need to look at the impact each part of

dash back out through the parking lot and retrieve your bags from the

the product’s life cycle from the beginning to the end.

back seat, or trunk? Or, do you let a conciliatory thought run through your head—“It’s just this one time,” you say to yourself. “I’ll be sure

The use of natural gas and oil to create the film used for plastic

to remember to bring those bags in next time. Today, I’ll just use

grocery bags is certainly detrimental, but the production of plastic

paper bags when I get to the check lanes.”

bags apparently creates fewer greenhouse gases, and uses less water and chemicals than the production of paper bags.

Certainly, we’ve all found ourselves in some variant of this situation, but what if those paper bags were not an option? Or, if they are still

The conversion of hard wood into paper also requires a very

an option, what if there was a small cost, to you, in exchange for using

resource-heavy pulping process, which was determined through a Life

them to bag up your purchases?

Cycle Analysis to be ‘significantly worse’ than plastic in terms of the impact it has on human health, as well as eco-toxicity.

At this point, it’s fairly common knowledge that plastic grocery bags have a rather negative impact on the environment. Some people may

The article also talks briefly about the distribution of paper bags as

reuse a plastic bag to clean up after their companion animal; some

well—paper bags are five to seven times heavier than plastic bags,


The ComPost | Just Food Co-op

Fall 2018

and require more trucks to carry deliver them, causing more air

Outside of the compostable utensils the Green Team has researched

pollution in the process.

for Just Food’s deli department, as well as compostable bags for produce, the team has talked, on more than one occasion, about the

While the Eco Myths piece concludes that it isn’t really ‘black and

notion of Just Food becoming a ‘bagless’ store.

white’ between which is worse—paper or plastic—and in the end, points readers in the direction of purchasing reusable tote bags, it

During the summer of 2017, Seward Community Co-op began

does provide some anecdotal information about plastic grocery bags

charging customers five cents per paper bag used.

having a higher reuse rate—either as trash bags, or to pick up animal waste.

Allison Meyer, Advocacy and Governance Specialist with Seward, said the store originally looked into charging for paper bags in

It also discusses the environmental impact that littering both paper

preparation to comply with a proposed Minneapolis city ordinance

and plastic bags has. Paper bags decompose so quickly that even if

regarding paper and plastic bags. Due to legislation at a state level,

they are not reused or recycled, they are not necessarily going to

the ordinance was never adopted, but Meyer said Seward wanted to

have a detrimental effect on the ecosystem the way plastic bags

continue with the program—simply because of the positive impact it

do—the article plastic bags' ability to clog storm drains, as well as

would have on environmentally speaking.

their uncanny ability to end up in the ocean. In the year since

How many bags were saved by

Recycling a paper bag is relatively easy; trying to rid yourself of a

this program was

the the Planet Planet Patch Patch Program? Program?

plastic bag is not. In all likelihood, your residential recycling pick

implemented, Seward

FY2017: FY2017: 48,000 48,000 paper paper bags bags

up will not take plastic bags of any kind, and the hopeful inclusion

Community Co-op

FY2018: FY2018: 51,000 51,000 paper paper bags bags

of them in your curbside bin is only going to cause a number of

used 24 percent fewer

problems for the machinery at the recycling center.

paper grocery bags (139,400 bags.)

But if you aren’t going to reuse them for garbage, or for picking up

The same way that Just Food often asks its customers to ‘think

after your dog, and your hallway closet’s ‘bag full of other bags’ is

about where their food comes from,’ we would now like you to

completely full, what do you do with a plastic grocery bag to keep it

consider how you get that food from the store into your home.

out of the ocean?

Consider the journey that paper grocery bag has taken to get to the checkout lane at Just Food, the short jaunt it will take from the

The site Earth 911 has a helpful list of ways you can try to recycle

store’s parking lot to your home, and finally, what becomes of it

plastic bags, as well as reasons why you should do so.

after you’ve put your groceries away.

While a number of grocery stores—both large, chain stores as well

Consider if you would be concerned with the idea of paying five

as locally operated cooperatives—have encouraged shoppers to

cents for the use of a paper bag within the store, or if you would

be more thoughtful about the environment by ridding their check

be understanding; and think if this would serve as a strong enough

lanes of plastic bags, or temporarily going ‘bagless’ in celebration of

reminder to bring in your reusable grocery bags when you come in

Earth Day, Just Food’s Green Team has spent a number of months

to shop.

exploring what might be possible as the store looks ahead toward its long awaited expansion.

Resources: Earth 911-

Eco Myths- Seward Co-op blog-

Fall 2018

The ComPost | Just Food Co-op


Healthy Kids Lunches

Simple ideas to banish lunchbox boredom.


By Mandy Makinen kay, parents. We all

Battling boredom

know that back to

I had always planned on

school is, although

being the mom who

bittersweet for our children, pretty

would break out the

good for us. Our children are again

cookie cutters to make

occupied in noble pursuits, they get

lunchtime sandwiches

regular exercise, they have plenty of

special, or who would creatively

time with their friends and the

market sacks of carrot coins or a

echo of “I’m bored” vanishes from

stand-up broccoli forest to my child.

is that it teaches my son about

the halls of our homes. Things are

But the reality is, that takes time.

nutrition — which types of food

always good for a

Our family tries to put emphasis on

have what nutritional value. Now my

few weeks — at least until a

dinner and eating (mostly) home-

son knows that peanut butter is a

new boredom sets in. School lunch

cooked meals together at night,

protein, not a vegetable. He knows


so with already limited time in the

that a banana is not a significant

evenings, packing elaborate bag

source of complex carbohydrates

lunches has fallen by the wayside.

but that a whole wheat bagel is.

Working under time constraints

Emphasize efficiency

might take some of the creativity

There was a time, I am sure, when

For those who regularly pack lunches for an elementary school–aged child, you may

out of presenta-tion, but it

all kids would sit down to lunch at

common points of

doesn’t have to mean a boring or

school with enthusiasm and dig in,

friction. Namely,

unbalanced lunch. We adopted a

focused on the task of chewing their

boredom with

baseline of this equation: 1 + 1 +

food and getting refueled for an

have run into a few

1 = 1. One fruit or vegetable (e.g.,

afternoon of learning. I believe that

over what did not get

carrots, banana, cucumber, apple),

time was somewhere around the

eaten that day, and

one protein (turkey, peanut butter,

year 19-oh…never?

content, argu-ments

issues revolving around

ham, cheese), and one carbohydrate

trading for

(bagel, crackers, English muffin,

has always been, an important social

junk food. Let’s

tortillas) = one lunch. Dividing

time for kids. This is when jokes

look over

lunch-building into predictable

get told, bragging gets done and

the issues,

units makes it easy for my son to

where today’s hilarious sight gags are

one at a

participate by choosing different,

tomorrow’s doctor’s visits (raisins in

changing components. One of the

the nose, anyone?). This is also when

best side effects of this lunch style

your child is supposed to focus and



The truth is that lunch is, and

The ComPost | Just Food Co-op

Fall 2018

eat their whole lunch.

— are a hot commodity. For a kid

Remembering to keep portions

who brings a healthy lunch every

small and the eating process

lunch, at our local food

day, those things help him build an

co-op, where

efficient (think bite-size finger

argument that his mother is the

it’s easier to

foods) helps ensure that more food

meanest, most boring person alive.

gets eaten. This is the way toddlers

It’s disappointing to think that the

stuff I don’t want him to

eat, but I find it works great at any

healthy meal we spent time and

eat: high-fructose corn

age (I love a “snack lunch” at the

money planning and purchasing could

syrup, hydrogenated

office myself). It doesn’t have to

be traded for less healthy food on

fats, artificial chemical

look extremely coordinated to be

a whim. Though I suspect my son’s

a good lunch — a handful of nuts,

whole wheat bagel or almonds rank

a bag of snap peas, some cheese

low in lunch table trading values.

minimize the

sweeteners and dyes. My hope is that

cubes, grapes, whole wheat bagel

he’ll covet

half. All these things are easy to eat,

But to alleviate the feeling that

these treats

and more important, can be safely

my child is going to be scarred by

enough that they don’t end

eaten while paying attention to at

his health-fanatic mom who never

up in trading action and

least three other things at once.

allowed him to have fun foods,

it keeps him eating our

we've added “mystery” items to the

home lunches, which are

Less lunch trading

lunchbox — something that doesn't

My son reports that a lot of

fall into the main food groups: fruit

unsanctioned lunch trading happens.

leather, organic chocolate milk,

than the

Packaged, processed foods designed

natural energy bars, a single serving


for lunchboxes — fruit snacks,

of chips. We shop for these mystery

cookies, chips and cheese puffs

items, along with the rest of his


overall, for

1 + 1 + 1 = 1

fruit / vegetable



years to come.


Dividing lunch-building into predictable units makes it easy for kids to participate by choosing different, changing components. Reprinted by permission from

Fall 2018

The ComPost | Just Food Co-op


Apples Anytime

Ah, autumn — perfectly embodied in the humble apple. More than 17,000 varieties of this tempting fruit have been identified, and Red Delicious is only the beginning. At the Co-op, you’ll find apple varieties that boast wide-ranging flavor profiles, from the oh-so-tart to satisfyingly sweet. Some are ideal in a lunchbox, while others shine in baked goods. Explore an array of possibilities for savoring this versatile fall favorite at every meal with these recipes. You’ll quickly discover that “an apple a day” isn’t nearly enough!

French Toast with Warm Apple Pecan Compote Servings: 6. Prep time: 60 minutes.

Compote ⁄4 cup water or apple juice


⁄4 cup brown sugar


⁄4 cup maple syrup


⁄2 teaspoon cinnamon


⁄4 cup raisins


⁄4 cup chopped pecans


3 cups apple, peeled and cut into 1⁄2 -inch pieces Pinch of salt 1 tablespoon cornstarch 2 tablespoons butter

Reprinted by permission from

French Toast with Warm Apple Pecan Compote Continued

French Toast 2 tablespoons butter 5 large eggs 1 cup milk 2 tablespoons maple syrup Pinch of salt 1-pound loaf of soft-crusted bread (such as brioche or challah) cut into 1-inch thick slices 1. To make the compote, bring the water, brown sugar,

Waldorf Salad with Yogurt and Honey Servings: 4 – 6. Prep time: 30 minutes.

1 lemon, juice and zest (about 2 to 3 tablespoons juice) ⁄2 cup Greek yogurt

maple syrup, cinnamon and raisins to a boil in a


saucepan. Add the pecans, apples and salt. Bring the

1 teaspoon honey

mixture to a simmer and cook for about 15 minutes,

Salt and pepper to taste

stirring occasionally.

2 cups apple (1 large apple), cut into bite-sized pieces

Add the cornstarch and butter and simmer another

1 cup seedless grapes, halved

3 to 5 minutes until slightly thickened. Keep warm

1 cup celery (2 to 3 ribs), cut into 1⁄2 -inch pieces

while preparing the French toast, or prepare the


⁄2 cup toasted walnuts, coarsely chopped

compote the night before and reheat.

1. In a small bowl, whisk together the lemon juice, zest, yogurt and honey. In a large salad bowl,

2. Heat the oven to 300˚ F. Place a metal rack in the oven to keep pieces of finished French toast warm

gently toss the apples, grapes, celery,

while the rest is cooking. Melt a little of the butter in

and walnuts with the dressing. Season to taste with

a large skillet (or two skillets to make the process go

salt and pepper. Substitute nonfat Greek yogurt for a

faster) over medium-low heat. Whisk the

lower-fat version if you like.

eggs, milk, maple syrup and salt in a large bowl. Soak each slice of bread in the egg mixture for about 30 seconds on each side. Place in hot skillet and cook each side for 3 to 4 minutes until golden brown. Add more butter for each new piece of toast added to the pan. Slice French toast into triangles and serve

Breakfast, lunch and dinner — or anytime in between — there are endless ways to enjoy apples all day. Visit StrongerTogether. coop to find more delectable apple recipes.

topped with warm apple compote.

Fall 2018

The ComPost | Just Food Co-op


Cinnamon Apple Coffee Cake

Gingered Beet and Apple Salad

Servings: 8. Prep time: 55 minutes; 15 minutes active.

Servings: 6. Prep time: 30 minutes.

⁄2 cup whole wheat flour

1 pound beets, peeled

⁄2 cup all-purpose flour

1 cup rolled oats

1 apple (about 1⁄2 pound) 1⁄4 pound carrots, peeled

⁄4 teaspoon baking soda

1⁄2 cup fresh parsley, minced

⁄2 teaspoon salt

2 tablespoon apple cider

⁄4 teaspoon allspice

2 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

1 1

3 1 1

1 ⁄2 teaspoons cinnamon

1 tablespoon fresh ginger, minced

1 cup sugar

2 tablespoon olive oil

⁄2 cup vegetable oil or melted coconut oil

Salt and pepper to taste



1 egg, beaten ⁄4 cup milk

1. Using the shredding blade of a food processor or a


1 teaspoon vanilla

grater, shred the beets, apple and carrots. Mix well

1 cup diced apple 1⁄4 cup dried cranberries

with the remaining ingredients. Season with salt and pepper. Serve immediately or refrigerate to let the flavors blend.

1. Heat the oven to 350°F. Butter or oil an 8 x 8 inch

Fresh apples and apple cider make this beautiful, jewel-toned slaw refreshing and delicious. Try using a variety of beets — like golden or chioggia beets — for an even more colorful salad.

pan. 2. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the flours, oats, baking soda, salt, spices and sugar. Stir in the remaining ingredients until just combined. The batter will be very thick. Spread the batter evenly into the pan. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes or until a toothpick stuck in the middle comes out clean. Let cool before slicing.

This moist cake is sure to become a coffee break favorite. 24

The ComPost | Just Food Co-op

Reprinted by permission from

Fall 2018

Butternut Apple Bisque

Apple Raspberry “Nachos”

Servings: 6. Prep time: 45 minutes.

Servings: 4. Prep time: 20 minutes.

1 medium onion, diced

1 cup frozen or fresh raspberries

1 tablespoon butter or vegetable oil

1 tablespoon maple syrup

1 tablespoon curry powder (or more, to taste)


1 butternut squash, about 1 ⁄2 pounds, seeded, peeled and

2 large Honeycrisp apples, halved, cored

⁄2 cup chocolate chips



and sliced thin ⁄4 cup pecans, chopped

1 Granny Smith apple, cored, peeled and cubed


5 cups low-sodium vegetable stock

2 tablespoons shredded coconut

Sea salt to taste

2 tablespoons plain or vanilla yogurt

1. In a 4-quart pot, heat the butter or oil and

1. In a small pot, simmer the raspberries and maple

saute the onion over medium heat until soft, about 5

syrup for 5 to 10 minutes, stirring frequently. Remove


the raspberry sauce from the heat and pour into a small container through a fine mesh strainer to

2. Add curry powder and sauté 3 more minutes, being


careful not to burn.

the seeds. Set aside the finished sauce.

3. Add squash, apple and vegetable stock to

2. Melt the chocolate chips either in a double boiler

the pot and bring to a boil.

or by microwaving for about 3 minutes on low, in a

4. Reduce to a simmer, cover and cook

microwave-safe bowl.

20 to 30 minutes, or until the squash is tender.

3. To build the nachos, spread out or overlap the apple

5. Puree the soup in a food processor or

slices on a platter or large plate. Lightly drizzle the

blender and salt to taste.

apple slices with the melted chocolate and raspberry Tip: For some extra spice, add 1 tablespoon ginger,

sauce, sprinkle pecans and coconut over the top, and

peeled and chopped, to the pan at the same time as

serve with yogurt as a dipping sauce.

the onions, or add chopped candied ginger as a garnish

Mix and match your favorite toppings for a creative, kid-friendly afternoon snack.

before serving.

Warm up with tart Granny Smith apples and creamy butternut squash. Fall 2018

The ComPost | Just Food Co-op


Co-op for Fall September 6, 2018

Townie Pepper Tasting

September 10, 2018

September 15, 2018

Taste some local peppers and

Capital Campaign Launch

Sept. Sample Saturday

see how many Scoville Heat

The official launch date to raise

Sample Day is the third

Units you can handle before

the 1.5 million dollars needed to

Saturday. Please join us in

reaching for the chocolate milk.

expand the Co-op.

trying samples from our

Price: Free!

Cost: Owners, ask for a packet.


Where: Just Food Co-op

Where: Just Food Co-op

Cost: Free

When: 6:00-7:00pm

When: September 10

Where: Just Food Co-op

Reminder that this month

When: 10am-1pm

$ 1,500,000 $ 1,400,000

$ 1,300,000

$ 1,200,000

$ 1,100,000

$ 1,000,000

$ 900,000

$ 800,000

$ 700,000

$ 600,000

$ 500,000

$ 400,000

$ 300,000

$ 200,000

$ 100,000

$ 25,000

September 9, 2018

September 18, 2018

Parade of Produce Just Food Co-op will be

participating in the DJJD Day

TwoAd Tuesday September 12, 2018

Fill It Fresh

There are usually 2 Tuesdays each month where you can shop

Our Monthly 10% off Fresh

both Co-op Deals flyers. This is


one such Tuesday.

staff will be even be dressed as

Cost: One time purchace of $2.99 cooler

Cost: None



Where: Just Food Co-op

Cost: Free

Where: Just Food Co-op

When: 7:00am-9:00pm

Where: Division St. Northfield, MN

When: 7:00am-9:00pm

Parade. We will be handing out local apples! Some of our

When: Starts at 2pm


The ComPost | Just Food Co-op

Summer 2018

Keep In Mind Dates To Remember for

Be on The Lookout For

September 19, 2018

Board Meetings

Seasonal Produce

Did You Know

September - Local Apples

Just Food Co-op is Expanding?

November 14, 2018

October - Squash

Owners may buy C Shares to

Remember to email Sherri at least

November - Citrus

invest in the expansion project.

1 week in advance to be put on the

& so much more!

Not an Owner?: It's a one-time

schedule if you would like to attend a

A benefit of membership is 10% off

investment of $125

Board Meeting.

case discounts. This includes produce,

Unable to Contribute Large Amounts?:

except where noted.

Don't worry! As the project moves

Dates To Remember for

Coffee With The Board

forward, we will be doing Round Up at

October 6, 2018

Board of Directors Election.

November 3, 2018

Voting for our new Board

Enjoy coffee and a treat and come talk

Directors will begin in

to your Board Members about the store.

September and end at our

September 1, 2018

the Register for specific items - you may contribute any amount at the register. How About a Job?: Watch our website for job postings.

Annual Meeting. Watch your Dates To Remember for

Fill It Fresh

email for voting information. Review ballot items and

September 12, 2018

candidates on pages 4-16.

October 10, 2018

Each owner number gets 1 vote.

November 14, 2018

$ 1,500,000 $ 1,400,000

Take 10% off your cooler bag of fresh

$ 1,300,000

$ 1,200,000

items. Learn more on our blog.

$ 1,100,000

$ 1,000,000

$ 900,000

$ 800,000

$ 700,000

Dates To Remember For

$ 600,000

Sample Saturdays

$ 500,000

$ 400,000

$ 300,000

September 15, 2018

$ 200,000

$ 100,000

October 13, 2018

$ 25,000

November 10, 2018 Sample items and speak to our vendors about your favorite prodcuts.

Fall 2018

  The ComPost | Just Food Co-op 


516 Water Street S Northfield, MN 55057 507-650-0106 Open Daily 7am - 9pm

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