The Justice, April 5, 2022

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The IndependenT STudenT newSpaper Volume LXXIV, Number 22


Waltham, Mass.

BrandeIS unIverSITy SInce 1949

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Waltham, Mass.


BRIEF Student Union spring election results announced Students voted in the Student Union elections for the upcoming academic year on April 4. There were 11 races for a total of 13 open seats in the Union, including for the president and vice president, who ran on a ticket together. President and Vice President Peyton Gillespie ’25 and Lia Bergen ’25 ran for union president and vice president, respectively. Gillespie and Bergen are currently both senators for Massell Quad and the class of 2025, respectively. Bergen said in her bio that she and Gillespie would prioritize listening to students and plan to “develop a position on the Student Union EBoard devoted to addressing sexual violence and harassment on campus.” Secretary Ashna Kelkar ’24, the former executive senator, secured the position of secretary. Kelkar said in her bio that she wants to work on transparency between students and administrators as well as run “successful and smooth elections.” Head Treasurer Maggie Chang ’23 secured the position of head treasurer. Chang wrote in her bio that she has experience as a deputy treasurer, which has given her an “in-depth” knowledge of how treasury functions. Junior Representative to the Board of Trustees Shelley Polanco ’24, secured the position of JRBT. Polanco’s bio includes improving access to cultural spaces on campus as a goal.

Representatives to the Brandeis Sustainability Fund Board Aman Qutab ’24 secured the position of representative to the BSF Board. Qutab’s goals, according to (their) bio include holding a used clothes drive in order to promote the re-use of old clothing. Ana Loza Pérez ’25 secured the position of representative to the BSF board. Pérez said in her bio that she has experience in reducing the use of single-use plastics, and that she plans on advocating for Brandeis to make necessary changes to increase its sustainability. Allocations Board Member Jacqueline Floro ’24 secured the position as a member of the Allocations Board member. Floro said that she “will work with students and staff to have the needs for their clubs met.” Lexi Lazar ’24 secured the position as a member of the Allocations Board. Lazar’s goals include increasing sustainability efforts on campus and working closely with Intercultural Center clubs in order to “make marathon a more equitable process.” Community Enhancement and Engagement Fund Representative Carolina Jacobs ’25 secured the position of CEEF representative, after running unopposed. Jacobs said in her bio that she wants to “help approve and execute projects that students propose.”

Photo courtesy of ESS BRANDEIS

SPEAKERS: The participants of the event gather for a photo after a successful and inspirational night.

University members speak at campus TEDx BrandeisU

— Max Feigelson


Transgender student athletes speak about their experiences ■ The GSC and Brandeis Athletics

partnered with Athlete Ally to give trans athletes an opportunity to speak about their experiences. By MADDY DULONG JUSTICE STAFF WRITER

Students gathered in the Napoli Room in Gosman to watch a fishbowl style panel featuring transgender athletes from across NCAA sports, divisions, and schools, on Thursday, March 31. The panel was sponsored by the Gender and Sexuality Center, Brandeis Athletics, and “Athlete Ally,” an organization working to dismantle the systems of oppression in sports for LGBTQIA+ people. The panel featured four student athletes, as well as a moderator from Athlete Ally. The moderator, Emet Marwell provided questions and topics for the panelists to give their opinions on. The panelists included Alexander Wicken (he/him) ’23 from Brandeis University, Malakai Chukas (he/him) ’20 from Mount Holyoke College, Natalie Fahey (she/her) ’19 from

■ Brandeis held a TEDx

Southern Illinois University, and Priyana Kalita (they/she) ’21 from the Miami University of Ohio. Each panelist spoke to their personal experiences as transgender athletes and provided valuable insight as to what it’s like being accepted in their sports, as well as what cisgender allies can do to make these experiences as comfortable as possible. Brandeis’ own Wicken spoke about his experiences coming out during high school and what it was like interacting with people who were supportive, as well as those who weren’t. The other panelists had similar experiences, discussing the dysphoria that comes up with gendered sports, and especially the language used in “locker room talk,” typically used out of habit, even by those who may be supportive of their transition. Kalita spoke about the experiences they had in the tennis locker room when a coach would consistently use the phrase “okay, ladies!” Even after describing their discomfort with that phrase, the coach didn’t make an effort to stop saying it, or change it to a more gender-neutral option.

See PANEL, 5 ☛

event on April 2, celebrating ideas for "New Paths to Discovery." By HANNAH TAYLOR JUSTICE EDITOR

Brandeis students and alumni spoke to inspire the campus community at the TEDx BrandeisU event on Saturday, April 2. Titled “New Paths to Discovery,” the speakers discussed ways to transform one’s life and ways of thinking, as told through their own personal stories and experiences. Thabong Matona Matona ’24, planning to major in HSSP and Business, spoke first. From South Africa, he graduated from the African Leadership Academy and helped organize youth leadership development programs before coming to Brandeis. Matona shared his ideas on how to create a more equal society through his speech, “One banana is better

than no banana at all.” Matona began by talking about his grandmother. He explained that despite working very hard, his grandmother and others like her remain impoverished because they don’t receive credit for the work that they do. Instead, all of the credit and pay goes to those at the top. “I’m convinced that my grandmother is stuck in poverty because, unlike me, she’s not receiving accreditation. And if people like her did, we can effectively end social inequality,” he said. “I know that this sounds like an oversimplified solution to one of the world’s most complex problems, but…I’m here to share an idea that could help us reimagine the world we live in.” Matona explained this idea further through a metaphor where banana farming chimpanzees are similar to the current culture of our society and where fishermen are similar to the society we should strive to have. In the chimpanzee society, he said, one chimpanzee runs a banana farm from which he and his

investors profit immensely, keeping most of the bananas for themselves as well as earning credit for running such a successful business. However, the laborers doing the actual farmwork are only rewarded one banana each and are not recognized for their efforts. Conversely, Matona continued, in the fishermen society, all of the fishermen split the fish they catch evenly and each receive credit for their work –– the ideator, investors, and fishermen alike. “How do we make human society less like the chimpanzee society?” Matona asked. The answer? “Recognizing that everyone is important in making the endeavor possible,” he said. By showing respect to our fellow colleagues, classmates, and others around us and by crediting each person involved in a project, business, etc. for the important work they do, we will change ourselves and society for the better, Matona explained. There needs to be a “willingness to just give people the credit they deserve,”

See TEDX, 5 ☛

"We wanted to act"

‘Turning Red’

Peter Frumhoff speaks about environmental activism

Two Russian community-members spoke about anti-war efforts on campus and their experiences with censorship and propaganda in their home country.

"Turning Red" reveals struggles encountered by teenage girls in their comingof-age process.


SMILEY HUYNH/Justice File Photo

Univ. COVID-19 communication lacking By THE EDITORIAL BOARD




Formula One announces the Las Vegas Grand Prix for 2023

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MINA ROWLAND/the Justice


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