FORUM Rethinking Brandeis activism 10
SPORTS Volleyball team gains five rookies 16 THE INDEPENDENT STUDENT NEWSPAPER
Justice www.theJusticeOnline.com
Volume LXI, Number 1
Waltham, Mass.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Univ projects Kalman FY ’10 balance lawsuit ■ Savings from
retirement benefit suspensions improved the financial situation. By MIRANDA NEUBAUER JUSTICE SENIOR WRITER
The University projects a balanced budget for fiscal 2010, primarily due to $7.4 million in savings from the one-year suspension of retirement contributions and a better-than-expected endowment return for fiscal 2009, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Peter French wrote in an e-mail to the Brandeis community yesterday. The University also raised $78.3 million in cash during fiscal 2009, according to Senior Vice President of Institutional Advancement Nancy Winship, despite an economic climate she characterized as the worst she
Team effort Brandeis athletes like Morgan Kendrew ’12 lent a hand Sunday to help orientation leaders, about 30 fewer in number than last year, move in a first-year class of about 825.
■ Executive Vice President
and Chief Operating Officer Peter French is among the departing staff members. By SHANA D. LEBOWITZ JUSTICE EDITOR
Four key Brandeis administrators, including Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Peter French, will depart this academic year. Personnel changes have also taken place at the Department of Community Living, formerly known as the Department of Residence Life, over the summer as part of a reorgani-
zation effort intended to make up for departed staff members. Along with French, other administrators who are leaving include Dean of Admissions Gil Villanueva, Senior Vice President for Communications Lorna Miles and Vice President of Financial Affairs Maureen Murphy. Activities Advisor in the Department of Student Activities Becca Lehrhoff and Operations Specialist in the Department of Student Activities Mark Metevier left the University March 20. According to Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Student Life Rick Sawyer, the DCL’s new name emphasizes that its directors “will
See ADMIN, 5 ☛
portion of the new Carl J. Shapiro Science Center after late donor Julius Kalman. By HARRY SHIPPS JUSTICE EDITORIAL ASSISTANT
An injunction filed by the estate of Julius Kalman against Brandeis University claiming that the planned demolition of the Kalman science building violated Kalman’s will has been settled, according to a document filed in the Suffolk Probate Court Aug. 18. The terms of the settlement require the University to name a research laboratory in Room 2-15 of the new Carl J. Shapiro Science Center the Julius Kalman Research Laboratory and to place a tribute plaque within the lobby of the Science Center. Additionally, the University will also place a naming plaque, which shows that a specific room or area has been named after a particular person, outside the laboratory. The plaque will be consistent with the size and design of other naming plaques around the building. Sumner Kalman, the greatnephew of Julius Kalman, filed the injunction against the University May 7. The Kalman building is scheduled to be razed later this year as part of Phase 1 of the Science Complex Renewal Project, according to the Web site of the Office of Capital Projects. According to the terms of the settlement, the University must install the tribute plaque on the ground-floor lobby of the Science Center within 30 days of the demolition of the Kalman science building. Adjacent to the plaque will be a label on the wall. The label will read, “From 1957 to 2010 this plaque was hung within the Julius Kalman Science Center, which stood adjacent to this building. Two generations of Brandeis scientists were trained within its walls for the betterment of humankind. The Julius Kalman Research Laboratory within this building is named to pay tribute to Julius Kalman. Brandeis University is deeply grateful to Julius Kalman who had faith in this university in its earliest years.”
See FUNDS, 5 ☛
Rose lawsuit shifted to Suffolk court members of the Rose Board of Overseers will move to a probate court.
Four key administrators to leave the University
■ The University will name a
■ The lawsuit filed by ADMINISTRATION
has seen in 15 years. According to Vice President for Budget and Planning Fran Drolette, the University closed the fiscal 2009 budget gap through a combination of budget reductions, added revenue and use of unrestricted reserves. The unrestricted reserves refer to liquid assets—money that is part of the endowment that the University can access. She stated that Brandeis used less of its reserves than was previously anticipated for fiscal 2009. Additional budget relief came from the $6.3 million that mainly consisted of bequests solicited during the University’s fundraising effort. According to Winship, the bequests were one-time donations that will not necessarily repeat. “You can’t plan a budget based on bequests,” she said. In March, the University projected an $8.9 million operating
The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachussetts transferred a lawsuit filed by three members of the Rose Art Museum Board of Overseers asking that the University halt the closing of the Rose to the Suffolk Probate court Aug. 6, according to Emily LaGrassa, communications director for Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley. LaGrassa explained in an e-mail to the Justice that the probate court is the appropriate venue for the lawsuit because it is a fact-finding court, whereas the Supreme Court hears appeals after the trial has already occurred. LaGrassa also wrote that a case management conference, a discussion of internal deadlines pertinent to the case, has been sched-
uled for Sept. 1. When asked about a trial date, LaGrassa responded that one would not be set for many months. Rose overseers Jonathan Lee, Meryl Rose and Lois Foster filed the lawsuit July 27 in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachussetts. The lawsuit states that the University’s decision to close the museum and sell its paintings would violate the museum’s ethical codes and Brandeis’ commitment to the Rose family to maintain the museum. Thomas Reilly, the University’s outside legal counsel on the lawsuit, said in an interview with the Justice that the decision to move the case to the probate court implies a lack of urgency in the lawsuit. “The Rose Art Museum is open. The plaintiffs were claiming that it’s closed; that’s simply not true. They were claiming that [there] was a sale of paintings that was imminent; that’s simply not true. So there are serious misrepresentations in the complaint, but the bottom line is the Court wouldn’t
See ROSE, 5 ☛
See KALMAN, 5 ☛
Women’s soccer
Junot Diaz
JBS Proposals
■ The team gears up for the 2009 to 2010 season.
■ The author spoke to justArts ahead of his campus appearance.
■ Students can submit proposals for Justice Brandeis Semester programs.
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