The Justice, May 23, 2022

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The Independent Student Newspaper Volume LXXIV, Number 25

B r a n d e is U n i v e r sit y S i n c e 1 9 4 9

Monday, May 23, 2022

Brandeis students and faculty engage in Roe v. Wade activism ■ Many students attended

protests, and the Politics dept. hosted a discussion about the leaked draft and its implications. By DALYA KOLLER JUSTICE EDITOR

Even amidst the bustle of the end of the semester, Brandeis students and faculty found time to get involved in the pro-choice movement after the leaked draft from the Supreme Court revealed a potential overturn of the landmark case Roe v. Wade. Many members of the Brandeis community joined a protest at Boston Common and the State House on May 3. The protest came together with little planning, according to WBURFM, Boston’s NPR station, but the thousands of people who showed up to march on such short notice proved just how deeply the Boston community cares about upholding the current abortion laws and regulations. The rally included hours of speeches from activists, healthcare workers, and Boston citizens, at the front steps of the State House. Thousands of people gathered to march around Boston Common, chanting and holding signs. Leila Haller ’25 and Sam Brower ’25 were among the dozens of Brandeis students who attended the protest,

and they spoke to the Justice on May 15 about their decision to join the rally and what their experiences were like. Haller described feeling “so genuinely outraged” when she heard about the leaked draft that “the second I heard there was a rally nearby, I made the plans to go. I felt like I couldn’t just sit around if I had the ability to show up and stand against the injustices happening in the Supreme Court.” Brower expressed that they too felt “it was important for me to show up … Roe v. Wade has not been overturned yet, and I wanted to show that it wouldn’t be able to without mass outcry.” Brower recounted their experience at the protest, and that it felt “empowering to be there with so many people,” and Haller detailed that she “had chills the entire time. It is an indescribable feeling when you are standing in a sea of people, unified and passionate about a cause.” Brower expanded further on the importance of the protest and that the number of people who showed up to fight against the potential overturn “showed how the public opinion is in favor of the right to choose.” Haller and Brower both learned more about the potential effects of the overturn from being at the protest. Brower explained that while the protest was empowering and inspiring, “it also made it feel more real and terrifying, seeing how many people

See ROE V. WADE, 5 ☛

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy meets with Association of American Universities ■ Zelenskyy discussed how

American universities can support the rebuilding of the Ukrainian education system. By LEAH BREAKSTONE JUSTICE EDITOR

Amidst the Russia-Ukraine war, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy took time to speak with members of the Association of American Universities about the future of the Ukrainian education system. More specifically, he discussed how Ukrainians and members of higher education institutions in America can help rebuild and support higher education in Ukraine. The webinar took place on May 16 and was live streamed on YouTube. On May 15, University President Ron Liebowitz sent an email to the Brandeis community publicizing the event. Liebowitz, along with other university presidents and members of the AAU were invited to participate in the webinar and pose questions for Zelenskyy. Barbara Snyder, president of the AAU, began the webinar by addressing steps already being taken by American universities to support Ukrainian students and the Ukrainian education system. “A number

of AAU members are providing support for Ukrainian students through emergency funding, free tuition and housing, administrative flexibility, and visa processing support,” she said. Additionally, some universities are housing displaced Ukrainian students, faculty, and researchers and are providing access to online learning opportunities. Brandeis is included in the universities that have taken steps to help students affected by war. Recently, the International Business School launched a $1 million scholarship called the “Peace Scholarship Fund,” with the goal of supporting students who were “displaced from and forced to leave their country due to violent conflict or persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, or membership of a particular social group or political opinion,” according to their website. In an introductory speech, Zelenskyy discussed differentiating between being an actor versus an observer, especially in times of hatred and conflict. People can make the decision to help or turn a blind eye and merely watch what is occuring. This is also true for countries, and Ukraine wants to be an actor, not a passivist, according to Zelenskyy. “If you don’t want to be a victim or an indifferent bystander, you should instead be fighters for democracy, guardians of

Waltham, Mass.

SMILEY HUYNH/the Justice

ADDRESS: Former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick highlights democracy in his commencement address.

Deval Patrick H’17 stresses to class of 2022: ‘You are enough’ ■ Topics of democracy and

resilience were among the major themes of the 2022 ceremony.


The sweltering May heat of the Gosman Sports and Convocation Center did not deter the Class of 2022’s enthusiasm for being the first in-person Commencement ceremony since 2019. Along with faculty awards and speeches from varying members of the community, former governor of Massachusetts, Deval Patrick H’17, delivered the commencement address. Patrick’s speech focused on democracy and citizenship, drawing on his experiences from growing up on the South Side of Chicago, and explaining that though democracy aided his success story, “the American Dream itself is in jeopardy.” Patrick implored undergraduates to “have strong conviction alongside humility” as citizens in a democracy which so often feels as if it’s falling apart. “The moment is now,” he declared. “And you are

See UKRAINE, 5 ☛

 Sonali Anderson '22, co-creator of the Black Action Plan, speaks on the work still needed to combat systemic racism at Brandeis.

enough,” emphasizing that in a working democracy, each individual vote has an impact. Patrick grew up on welfare, living in his grandmother’s house while sharing a bunk bed with his mother. He recalled not owning a book of his very own until the age of 14 when he “got his break” going to a boarding school in Boston. He asserted that the trajectory of his life was “not defined or limited by my circumstances of birth.” However, while the American Dream helped Patrick achieve his dreams, he stressed that this kind of narrative is becoming more and more of a rarity. This kind of story is no longer as commonly heard, he said, “but it was once told more often in this country than any other place on this earth.” He continued, “this is an American story. The American dream is further and further out of reach for more and more Americans.” Patrick urged students to “make your citizenship personal,” and stressed that “citizenship is an act. A thing you do. Not just a thing you are.” He placed a large emphasis on the importance of not just registering to vote, not even just voting, but ensuring that your vote is counted. He urged the audience to get their peers to vote, even those they dis-

Image Courtesy of CREATIVE COMMONS

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agree with. Patrick emphasized again to the graduates that “you are enough,” enough to make a difference, even with a singular vote. Patrick argued that today’s political climate treats our democracy “as if it could tolerate limitless abuse without breaking.” Patrick drew on varying examples such as gerrymandering, the “undemocratic” filibuster, current issues in the Supreme Court’s functioning, and voter suppression. He declared that “substance, integrity, duty and honor seem always secondary” and blamed our leaders for focusing on the “next election or news cycle or the next poll instead of the next generation.” Although these graduates are entering an imperfect society with many challenges, they have the ability to overcome these roadblocks and nevertheless succeed, a theme echoed by undergraduate speaker Haley Brown ’22. Brown spoke about growing up with connections to and around Brandeis throughout her childhood. Despite the familiarity with the Brandeis community, she could have never predicted that her Brandeis experience would play out the way it did. She stressed that the entire class


'Conversations with Friends' Review

Marta Kauffman speaks at[Re]Commencement Ceremony

Hulu's adaption of Sally Rooney's novel lacks the emotional impact of 2020's "Normal People" and at times feels slow and aimless.





Waltham, Mass.


Black Action Plan



The editorial board recongnizes the Justice's editor class of 2022 By THE EDITORIAL BOARD


Brandeis has produced world-class atheletes and even Olympic medalists


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NEWS 8-9




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