JANUARY 10, 2012
New Hell Hole News - #34 January 10, 2012 Step 1 Grievance filed 12-27-11 Informal resolution Who did you talk to: Capt. Patrick Dickens. What was his response? "This is out of my hands. It's the major's call." State your grievance: Retaliation by Virgil McMullen, Major. Since 10-17-11 I've filed numerous complaints (on McMullen's illegal actions, conditions & policy). Answering none, McMullen siccs the skakedown team on me who tell me that McMullen has a hard on for me and has vowed revenge. On 12-13-11 I filed complaints via letter on McMullen. On 12-14-11 Prisoners Cobb 467 and Wilkens 533 assaulted staff. McMullen falsely accused me of a vague "conspiracy" involvement using an inappropriate I-203 process, punishing me with no due process by total deprivation of all property, leaving me naked for eight (8) days in a feces-contaminated cell despite the fact that both Cobb and Wilkens loudly proclaimed to the major on the run that I had NO involvement in their actions whatsoever. Held incommunicado and denied any measure of life's basic necessities my general and legal mail was interdicted and confiscated after opening and has not been returned to me along with my legal material. (Dictionary and encyclopedia), fan and Vatican rosary. I was subjected to sleep deprivation by incessant cell "searches" every two (2) hours, gas purge fans sucking freezing cold air into my cell intermittently, 30 minute interval door beating "verbal response" checks and lights locked on 24/7. Subjected to these actions and conditions intended as torture I was left naked in a freezing cold cell without even a roll of toilet paper or a bar of soap. When defecating I was forced to clean my anus with my hands and water, then use my hands to eat food loaf, on which I was improperly placed for an imagined offense. Pulled out of my cell naked and paraded naked every two (2) hours before (sometimes female) officers, during strip searches ordered to put my hands/fingers in my mouth and pull out my cheeks. The back wall of my cell is an outside wall and is freezing, my steel bunk anchored to it. Unable, with no mattress or bedding, to lie down and sleep on the freezing steel bunk, with temperatures in the 30's I was forced to constantly walk back and forth in the cell to try to maintain my body warmth until after six (6) days I collapsed from exhaustion. When officers could not rouse me from my fugue-like stupor they threatened to gas me and turned on the gas purge fans intermittently all night to "freeze that bitch out and wake him up!" The major had thick opaque coverlets placed on the cell doors making them solid and subjecting me to isolation/solitary confinement in absence of any disciplinary conviction for any offense or sentence to solitary. These incessant shakedowns continue despite the fact that the section was locked down. There was no movement. We were in empty cells with no property. The cell doors are totally sealed and under camera surveillance 24/7. Although there is no fourth (4th) amendment expectation of privacy in a prison cell, under the eighth (8th) amendment, searches must be reasonable under a totality of circumstances. In this case 96 cell searches in eight (8) days are intended as invidious harassment along with the other actions, conditions and/or deprivations described herein are NOT "reasonable" at all. Placed handcuffed (behind my back) in the shower stall and told "this is a use-of-force shower" by Sgt. Mooring. I was soaked naked with cold water, denied a towel and placed wet and freezing back in my cell. The gas purge fans were turned on to "blow dry" me when the outside temperature was in the 30's. While Mooring laughed and said "now that's what I call efficiency!" Portions of my property and mail are still being withheld. These actions, deprivations and conditions violate all my rights and constitute torture by any definition of that term, violate my constitutional rights under the first, fourth, sixth, eighth and fourteenth amendments and conventions and treaties against torture. Action requested: that my property be returned. McMullen and all those in privity/concert with him be restrained/enjoined from committing any/all future such acts, my level 1 status restored and that I be justly restored for my suffering. ____________________________ 999143 H. W. Hank Skinner December 27, 2011
A few things you should know additionally about this: I was never written any case in any of this and I had no involvement at all in any assaults at all. I have done nothing wrong, nada. These assaults on officers started on Nov. 27 and recurred on Dec. 6, Dec. 10/11 and Dec. 14. Before that the prisoners on E-pod, population ad segs, were assaulting officers too; four (4) got stabbed, one shoulder broke and another knee dislocated. Then six officers here on F-pod got shot with projectiles. All of this happened because the major decided to come down here and take the clothes of all the guys who're on Level III, in the dead of winter - long johns, tops and bottoms, t-shirts and shorts. Most of these guys are on cell restriction and only get to recreate one (1) day a week, on Monday. The major made another rule that anyone with hair on their face or head cannot go to the dayroom, so they got cheated out of their one day of recreation for 3 weeks in a row. Then the Major came walking through here while Wilkens was in the dayroom, went in his cell and started ransacking his religious items and accountrements for which Wilkens had property papers. Also, he called Wilkens a "bitch". To a convict, that's equivalent to a slap in the mouth, a fighting challenge. If you let anyone talk to you like that in prison and then don't address it, people will think you are a bitch. Me, I know I am a man; I'm secure within myself; I can't be incited/inflamed by a .02 cent B.S. but some of these younger ones can be manipulated that way and that seems to be what McMullen is after. And, they keep on manufacturing, aggrandizing, contriving and embellishing disciplinary cases and magnifying them into more than they really are otherwise. Like threatening an officer into "staff assault" on a classification form when the true facts would not even support a minor threat case to start with. It seems to me that McMullen is a sadist looking to provoke violence out of these prisoners so he can appear justified to ride in and crush it in an overbearing, excessive way. We know his actions were intended as torture because he flatly told us so and even bragged about it and, this is exactly the sort of treatment Congress condemned for non-combatant foreign nationals at Guantanamo in Cuba and Abu Ghraib prisons in Iraq 3 years ago. McMullen told Cobb "I'm going to torture your ass until you beg me to quit, but I won't, until I'm satisfied! I'm going to leave these lights on 24/7, we're gonna wake your ass up every 30 minutes! You're going to be out here on this run falling out standing up and begging me to make it go away! When you do get a pen and think to write out of here, you're gong to write me an I-60 instead, pleading with me to make it stop! If you spear another one of my officers I'm going to take you down to that barber shop where those cameras can't see me and stomp your fuckin' guts out!" He told me "your ass should've died two months ago. But we're gonna get you in another couple months, bet your ass on that!" I said in a real nice inquisitive tone: "Oh, you think so?" He said: "I damn well know so! Believe it!" He told me: "I took your soap (I had one bar of state soap for about 6 hours). You use them shitty hands to eat your food loaf and enjoy it. I'm going to cover up your door and leave your ass in there without nothing and make you miserable as hell!" I told him "your weak silly ass ain't got what it take to make me miserable, little fella", laughed at him and mocked his statements. "You gone git'ch your hearhht right, boy-eh." I just determined to never let him have any affect on me whatsoever and, no matter what he did, to stay in good humor and laugh at it. I did too, all the way through it. The food loaf - he made that rule that the officers could not open the beanholes/food tray slots on our cells without a Sgt. present. The day of the assaults they'd served breakfast late and had changed shifts so no Sgt came. All of us had trays in our cells. When I told the officer to get this tray out of my house, he told me "I can't open your slot without a Sgt. and I can't change it 'cause they're watching this section continuously in 12 control. Just leave it, I'll get it at lunch time". Then the assaults occurred at about 7:00 am - 7:30 am and the major came down here and took everyone's property, tracked feces off the run into my cell, going in and out to get my property, then tracked it all over my bunk when two of them climbed up there to look in the window casing, leaving me in the cell with nothing,
no rag to wipe it with, no toilet paper, nothing. They were pulling us out every 2 hours for shakedown, so I finally refused to go back in the cell at about 2:00 am and they got the SSI (inmate porter) to make a half-assed attempt to mop it out. Still smelled like shit, though. Now, with disinfectant mixed in. Wheee!! So, anyway, I never "refused to relinquish any food tray" -- that's 100% bogus. No one would ever tell me what was "possession of unauthorized items". The I-203 continuing me on level III and taking "all property" for 30 days dated 12/14 and continued through 12/22 claimed only the vague allegations of "conspiracy to assault staff; refusal to relinquish food tray (putting me on 7 days of food loaf); possession of unauthorized items". I was never written any case for any of these bogus, made up, vague and imagined "offenses". The law is more than plain that I cannot be classified for punishment. Yet that is exactly what this P.O.S. major is doing. So, that's the situation. We continue to be subjected to cell searches four times a day, at 6, 12, 6, 12 around the clock. For Wilkens and Cobb there might be some justification as they actually assaulted some officers. Myself and Licho Escamilla are totally innocent. We did nothing at all. Not a thing. Hope to hear from you soon. Best regards, Hank 999143 Polunsky Unit H W Hank Skinner 3872 FM 350 South Livingston TX 77351-8580 Facebook Twitter Newsletter For those of you who use JPay to write, don’t forget to always include your postal address and your e-mail address after your signature, so I can reply. don’t forget to enter my TDC number as an 8digit number: 00999143.