November 20, 2014 - NEW HELL HOLE NEWS #39

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NOVEMBER 20, 2014

New Hell Hole News - #39 November 20, 2014 *TAKING OUT THE TRASH* Y’all check this out: I guarantee you, you’ll laugh your asses off reading this insane drivel. Madam investigator here is clearly off her medication, again. It is my personal opinion that anonymous cowards should be banned from the Internet. That’s what you are Madam, a pathetic little liar, coward, hater, Internet troll, schizoid, too. You and your “facts” ain’t squat, missy. If you were truly about something, you would not have to hide your little coward self by acquiring a domain name and paying extra to eNom in Washington state to remain anonymous. But that notwithstanding, after a little digging, we know who you are. Ha/ha. Soon, you and your little game will be exposed to the whole world. Naked truth. Ha/ha. I kind of wanted to go through some of this again, as it’s been altered and distorted to form some new lies. So I’ll address a little of it, below. There are several versions of this thing, all incomplete, but each one added to. The longest is five (5) pages then another one of two (2) pages, then two (2) more of one (1) page each. Total nine (9) pages. The first one begins with “the facts” under a headline of “the real ‘facts’ about the killer”. To Mizz Schizo Madam, “real” and “facts” equate to labels on modern processed food items. If it’s “new!” and “quick!” you will buy it. Ha/ha. The five (5) pager ends with “watch some videos of Hank Skinner just being himself”. I’m sure that must be interesting. I’m not an actor by any means and all I say is not easily understood by everyone. But regardless of whether it’s all made-for-tv-moments or, there are gaffs here and there, I try hard to keep it real. Honesty means more to me than public acceptance or any accolades. I’m not looking for an Oscar, Emmy or SAG award… I’ll also admit that I’m an infernal smart ass. I like all the colorful but hollow phrases Mizz Schizo Madam uses throughout her little hater diatribe. Machiavelli had a saying that it’s always those closest to you who betray you; therefore “keep your friends close but your enemies closer still and thus you will always be the first to know”. Because a rat will always give itself away, I’d add. It just takes a little time and patience. Unfortunately the Internet has become such a haven for schizos, trolls, split personalities, psych patients, attention seekers, needy grabbies, etc. etc. OK, here we go, now: “The facts” she says. “First you need to get used to reading the phrases ‘Skinner claims’, ‘according to Skinner’, ‘so says Skinner’, etc. because most of Skinner’s ‘evidence’ boils down to some claim Skinner (or his jailhouse sweetie) passes off as fact” she says. It is true that the media often mis-sources “claims” to me, my lawyers and others. I’m constantly battling them to get it right. They never do. I just wrote a piece called “torturous death by mob journalism and media distortion” that addresses this and other similar matters. A reporter for the biggest newspaper in the state recently wrote a story about me wherein he said that I “rigorously monitor the media for reports on my case and rail against its representatives for perceived misrepresentations”. As I told him, “If you’re writing stories that allege facts known to be not true, you’re lying. If you’re presenting the true facts but in a way that leads to false assertions/conclusions, you’re lying. It I catch you doing it, I’m going to say something about it. My life is at stake here and that’s something I take very, very seriously. If I had my druthers, my case would not be “out there” in the media or on the net. I’m a captive, forced participant. My attorneys make limited statements when necessary, but they must focus their time and energies on pursuing our case in the courts. Social, print, TV or radio media cannot order me released. Only a court or the governor can do that. I agree with them. So that leaves me and my wife to present my case in public and we do the best we can. My wife is not my “death row sweetie” nor my “jailhouse spouse”. She’s a very noble woman and a very discerning, intelligent one. She doesn’t stick by me because she’s an abolitionist or an activist. She’s got my back and represents me out there because a) she knows all the true facts and evidence of this case and NHHN #39


knows without a doubt that I’m innocent. It bothers her conscience seeing what has been and is being done to me; b) we’ve been together almost nineteen (19) years. We’re legally married and I’ve got the marriage certificate to prove it. It sounds to me like Mizz Schizo Madam is jealous. So I say to her, “Look baby, don’t hate, procreate!” We’re bohemians, we got room in the ride for a good wingwoman! Ha/ha. She says, “all the facts on this website are taken directly from the legal documents published on the killer’s own website (especially the evidentiary hearing transcripts, news reports and other claims Skinner has made publicly)”… Unfortunately, that’s simply not true. There are slim and none “facts” reported here. Most of it is just Mizz Schizo Madam’s ridicule and hate spewing rhetoric, as you’ll see. “Claim: Skinner was comatose from codeine during the murders. Fact: Skinner was only comatose when he wanted to be. Skinner’s actions on the night of the crime tell a different story. He was up, down, stuporous then lucid, stuporous then lucid all night long. Up until the time he was arrested hiding from police at his exgirlfriend’s house. Even his own experts classified his behavior as ‘strange’ for someone ‘claming’ to be comatose”. I’m not the one who said I was comatose. The state’s second star witness, Howard Mitchell, is the one who testified to that. As you’ll see from reading the interview of Mr. Mitchell, he stated he pulled on my arm and jerked it until he partially pulled my whole torso off the couch while screaming in my face, “C’mon Hank!! Get up!! Let’s go!!” but I was out of it and appeared to him to be “kind of comatose”. His words. Not my “claim”. This little Mizz Schizo Mdam’s hater bloviation is full of this sort of thing. It’s because, obviously, she’s never taken time to actually read the record facts, which so easily expose all her lies, projection and bloviation. My expert, Dr Lowry, did not classify my behavior as strange, he said it was strange what the state was alleging and what Andrea Reed first testified to, because it was at odds with the established facts and what he knew to be the correctly applied scientific discipline. Mizz Schizo Madam twists it to suit her. As we continue down this twisty little rabbit hole, we see Mizz Schizo Madam in the light of day… “Claim: severe allergy to codeine. Skinner’s claim: he was too loaded with ‘accidentally ingested’ codeine… to have committed the murders. Fact: Skinner was never diagnosed with any such allergy. At his trial, the state presented testimony of an ER doctor who was an expert on allergies. This doctor testified that Skinner had no allergy to codeine, it had never been documented in Skinner’s medical records”. This is a complete lie and totally fabricated out of thin air. No doctor testified for the state at my trial, nor at any subsequent proceeding to what’s stated above. In fact, one of the issues on appeal dealt with the fact that my sellout trial counsel, ex-D.A. Harold “Judas” Comer, never told my experts that I was allergic to codeine so it was never addressed at trial by either side. At the federal habeas hearing post-trial in November 2005, the state did present an ER doctor, but he was never classified as any expert like Mizz Schizo claims and was later totally impeached and disgraced when he was found to be lying and misrepresenting the record. The doctor (quack!), Michael Chamales, lied about his credentials – claiming he had hundreds more hours of experience than was humanly possible for the time span he indicated. He claimed he X-rayed me when I complained of the sheriff assaulting me and found that I was malingering to get pain medications and had no injuries. He wasn’t aware that the hospital had a quietly kept policy of reviewing all his work because he was known to be a quack. A radiologist for the hospital reviewed the X-rays and found that I had five (5) broken/fractured ribs and I was in serious pain. I coughed blood for two weeks and this happened in late October 1993 – at the time of the murders, I could not raise my arms above shoulder level. The radiologist and hospital admin ordered me returned to the ER for treatment and pain meds. It’s in the record. NHHN #39


I’ve worked construction all over the United States, most of it commercial construction – so I’ve been in hospital E.R’s from Wyoming to Florida and places in between due to various injuries like pieces of steel that shot into my arms and legs, cuts that required stitches, debris in my eyes and other light to moderate injuries. My medical records are thus extensive and were presented at the federal evidentiary hearing. We also had a credible witness who had seen me have the reaction to codeine. The state stipulated to her testimony and waived cross-examining her because they knew what she said was true and could not be refuted. My medical records 25 years long all show I am allergic to codeine as do my jail records. All of it is part of the record in my case. But there’s more. Mizz Schizo Madam only addresses codeine. She doesn’t say anything about the .29-.33 blood alcohol content (BAC) I had on the night of the murders Alcohol and codeine have what’s called a “synergistic effect”, which means that they are both CNS depressants and, combined, they each greatly multiply the effect of the other, so that the combined effect is many times greater than the sum total ingested. Without even adding the allergy, the level of intoxication alone that I suffered was at lethal levels at the time of the murders. These facts are not in dispute by either side. The state has never presented a toxicologist because they’d consulted several and got the same response: Dr. Lowry’s and Dr. Kalant’s data/evidence are 100% correct. Dr. Lowry was an FBI agent of 27 years experience. He caught Dr. Chamales in every lie he told. Last year, from July 31 st until August 23rd, I was in the hospital at Galveston suffering from acute pancreatitis and almost died. I was being given oxycodone for breakthrough pain. I had on a red allergy bracelet with the word “codeine” on it in black block letters ¾ “ tall. Despite that, one of the nurses accidentally dosed me with codeine – just one codeine #3. I immediately had the reaction, got violently ill vomiting and almost seizured, couldn’t breathe right, couldn’t sit up straight or stand up due to vertigo and almost died. The residual effects were way worse because of the oxycodone in my system and I broke out in hives all over my trunk, upper arms and thighs so bad they had to call a dermatologist team to assess and treat it because it quickly turned into lesions that were raised patches the size of a quarter to fifty cents pieces, red and rough, itching like nine thousand. They had to give me Atarax every three hours for about 8 days and hydrocortisone lotion to try to control it. I was lethargic for days afterward. My pancreatitis relapsed and I almost died. This is not “Skinner claims”. It’s well documented in my medical records, every bit of it, even that they gave me a codeine pill and I took it. Because I didn’t recognize it was codeine. I was so sick, I was barely conscious. The pain was the worst I’ve ever known. It hurt so bad I was begging to die, just to get away from it. One of the state’s memes at the federal hearing was that, even though, I was so sick off the codeine supposedly, I walked 4 ½ blocks to Andrea Reed’s house for help. Mizz Schizo Madam says the same thing here on The only problem with this assertion is that it’s simply not true and there’s no evidence of it at all in the record. Andrea said she looked out the window and saw me laying in the grass beside her trailer. She says later her friend Ella saw someone at about that time walking away from their platt, on the other side of the street. I’m pretty certain I could not have walked to Andrea’s by myself and that I did no such thing. All the “hood rats” who lived in that neighborhood walked the alleys to avoid the cops. So I think someone who knew me found me in the alley, picked me up, carried me to Andrea’s and left me there. I remember waking up in the alley freezing cold and trying to get up, staggering forward and falling, thinking I was going to freeze to death. I have no recollection of traversing the distance to Andrea’s. But I do know, from the police reports and their established timelines, it took me over 45 minutes to get to Andrea’s, a 5-8 minute walk normally. Andrea says when she picked me up to take me into the house I couldn’t even mount the four steps to the porch and fell over backwards. These two things, the steps/falling and 45 minutes to travel four and a half blocks, are in the record.

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I wasn’t up, down, stuporous, lucid; I think that trauma played a role in causing me to fight the poisoning and intoxication enough for limited movement at certain points. Like when my hand got cut, when I fell, it burning the way it did maybe caused an adrenaline rush that gave me a few moments ability to see past the haze of my extreme intoxication and sickness? My memories of that night are very fragmented but a few things I’m pretty certain of. Scooter waking me off the couch and cold air rushing in the house, Scooter telling me, “We’ve got to get out of here, they’re coming back”, falling on the floor, looking across the floor and seeing what was done to Twila, knowing she couldn’t survive that, falling in the bedroom while Scooter examined his brother, falling in the alley, falling in the alley more when I tried to get up and move. But of everything presented, that’s all I am pretty sure of. The rest is extrapolated from the evidence and witness testimonies. “So let’s assume it’s true. Let’s just accept that the experts, like everyone in the legal system, were just out to frame him.” This is a perfect example of the way D.A. John Mann also sought to convict me. Like Mizz Schizo Madam does here. Start off with a false premise and then add more false assertions to it, to paint an even falser picture. Where do I say any expert was out to frame me? Especially one who never even testified at my trial? Ha/ha. Chamales testified at my federal post-conviction habeas and it’s true he was just a puppet who’d say anything the state put him up to, and it’s true he tried to cast doubt on my allergy to codeine by saying I was “self-reported” but all that was meaningless because all he knew was the records he created at Coronado Hospital in Pampa and we had massive hospital records from all over the country and two of them was where I was admitted to the hospital while suffering the codeine reaction. And, we had live witnesses who’d seen me have the reaction. Chamales was totally impeached, discredited and proven to be lying. He slunk off the stand defeated. Then, in rebuttal, Dr. Lowry produced the medical books that Dr. Chamales had claimed to quote from, which showed he was lying, that the medical literature on the subject was just the opposite of what Chamales claimed. So much for MIzz Schizo Madam’s “state’s expert”. Lastly on this subject of the codeine allergy I’ll say the worst of the effects subsides in maybe 4 or 5 hours and, at some point, the sickness of the poisoning becomes prevalent over the intoxication factor. “I was too ‘roided up on codeine to have done anything like that”. Miss Schizo Madam attributes this to me, in quotation marks saying it’s my “biggie defense”. I’ve never said those words and I’ve never used steroids or been ‘roided up’” Fabrication hate. “Shortly after midnight, Skinner managed to navigate the four blocks from the murder scene to Andrea Reed’s home…” Uh, no, Andrea says she took me into the house at midnight precisely and she remembered that clearly because the Mexicans across the street were firing shotguns into the air at the stroke of midnight to celebrate and bring in the New Year. “Navigate”. I like that word. All of this structure of her writing is subtle psychological manipulation. “Navigate” implies total lucidity, doesn’t it? The definitions out of Webster’s confirm this: “to direct or manage a vehicle or object on its course to a plotted destination”. “He told Reed not to call police then went to work trying to stitch himself up”. Andrea never testified to any such thing, even when she was lying. She said I asked her to treat my wound. I never tried to stitch myself. B.S.!!

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“Then around 3:00am police found Skinner hiding in a closet. Skinner takes issue with the police account and recalls in vivid detail where he was, how and why he tripped and fell into the closet, even down to the position of his feet when he’d finished falling”. More lies and psychological manipulation. It was not “around 3:00am”, it was 3:40am or so. The police have never alleged I was hiding in any closet. This was a creation of John Mann then D.A., a meme he used to try to claim I had some sort of consciousness of guilt. He’d bellow “Skinner was found hiding in a closet? Why would he do that if he weren’t guilty? Why? Because he is guilty, that’s why! And he knew it!” Total “Come on” B.S. Mizz Schizo Madam is attempting something similar, here. Pandering to the state’s old bullshit, to which they don’t even still claim. Here’s why: The sheriff himself, the first one into Andrea’s house, testified at my federal hearing by deposition that I was never hiding anywhere; I was in plain sight at all times. As to my remembering anything: “Again, a pretty remarkable memory for someone who claimed to be comatose all evening, right?” This wasn’t “all evening”. It was 3:40am almost, five hours after the murders, if they occurred at 11:00pm11:15pm as the police and Martin Brueur stated. All during the time I spent at Andrea’s, she was feeding me cigarettes and coffee. She’s a lifelong drug user and alcoholic herself, who had some years of sobriety in A.A. She knows how to deal with drunks. She made me coffee very strong. By the time the cops got there, I was coming out of it enough to have some grasp of what was going on. I still was a long way from either lucid or coherent but the adrenaline surge from seeing the sheriff drive up did a lot. You’ve got to understand, Randy Stubblefield was a meth addicted psychopath and he was well known to be trigger happy and to have a major hard on for me. The last interaction I’d had with sheriff Stubblefield, he’d beat me unconscious while I was handcuffed behind my back and used his pointed toed cowboy boots to kick in my sides and back until he broke five of my ribs. I was scared to death of him and in fear for my life. Incidentally, while I’m thinking about it, my levels of codeine and alcohol were determined by the tox screen labwork done on my blood and it was testified to at my pretrial habeas hearing by officer Morse Burroughs. He also testified about the debilitating effects of that level of intoxication. But he, like Dr. Lowry, was never told pretrial about my allergy to codeine because John Mann and Harold Comer concealed it from them; although I’d written Comer about it early on in his representation of me and Mann knew, because he had all my hospital and jail records. The tox screen blood work was done by the lab at the Coronado hospital. So none of this is in dispute by either side. The state just asserts in conclusory fashion with no evidence to support it, that I must have committed the murders then calmly walked to Andrea’s for help. “Skinner’s most recent revelation was that he had gotten so drunk he went colorblind (this incredible claim is in rebuttal) and accidentally drank from Twila’s codeine laced fuchsia (it’s not a typo, that’s how it’s spelled in the dictionary) pink glass instead of his baby medium blue one as opposed to, maybe popping the codeine at Reed’s house to commit suicide when he heard the police coming” I don’t understand why anyone would think I needed to go to Andrea Reed’s house to commit suicide or, attempt it? That’s just silly. As to my perceptual and visual disturbances, it’s well known science – ask any neuro-toxicologist. I didn’t say “colorblind”. I said your vision goes monochrome. That’s how a state’s expert in another case described it. But the codeine reaction also messes with my vision and since I’d experienced it several times in my young teenage and adult years when I was prescribed codeine for injuries while I was stone cold sober otherwise, I have a perfect memory of what happens in that situation. Everything looks sort of silvery green and reddish NHHN #39


tint, with dark edges to it and shades of gray – I’ve described it as sort of Kodachrome on LSD. Kodachrome is an early camera film. Paul Simon sang a song about it, called “Kodachrome”. One last thing I forgot: the cups. Blue and pink, my recalling that as “great memory for being comatose” – Duh. The cups are in the crime scene photos. We didn’t just possess them out of thin air on that night; we’d had the cups for months. So I’ve seen them plenty of times sober and drank out of my blue one like, every day… “Claim: a key witness recanted her testimony. Andrea Reed, at whose home Skinner hid after the murders, recanted several ‘key’ elements of her (trial) testimony. Fact: Reed’s recantation was found to not be credible”. I don’t think I ever called it “key elements”. No, it’s not true that Andrea’s testimony was “found not to be credible”. What is true is that the federal magistrate refused to credit it. Andrea’s trial testimony was in direct conflict with the state’s own evidence – it was obvious she was lying. For just one example, amongst many, she claims I told her, “I kicked Twila to death”. Twila wasn’t kicked at all. She didn’t have any footmarks on her anywhere. Andrea didn’t recant only portions of her trial testimony, she recanted all of it. She detailed also precisely where and what she lied about and why. For example, John Mann, D.A., Bill McMinn D.A. investigator and Katie Gearhardt, Pampa P.D. officer, all threatened Andrea, told her that, if she’d tried to help me knowing the police would soon be after me, she could be charged as an accomplice, her kids would be taken from her, and she’d be sent to prison for the rest of her life. That’s a damned powerful incentive to lie, ain’t it? Already. So she said I busted in the house and essentially took her hostage and threatened to kill her and wouldn’t let her call anybody – to make it appear that she cleaned and dressed the wound on my hand only under coercion and duress – which in Texas are affirmative defenses to being charged/convicted as an accomplice under the law of parties. Mann, McMinn and Gearhardt all denied having ever threatened Andrea. But when she recanted sua ponte in 1997 and Mann found out about it, he issued a warrant for her and had her hauled in front of the grand jury, where he purported to be investigating her for charges of perjury. Forgetting that a court reporter was present and getting mad because he couldn’t persuade her to say she was coerced to recant and instead, she reiterated her recantation and that it was true. Mann started threatening her all over again! When he realized what he was doing and that a court reporter was present, he turned around and screamed at him, “No, no!! Don’t take that down!! That whole interrogatory, strike (erase) that! There’s a reason! I’ll tell you later”. The shocked court reporter took it all down anyway. We have the record and it’s irrefutable. The state had an opportunity to cross examine Andrea and they did not refute a single thing she said. Her recantation testimony was in accord with the known evidence. The state didn’t attack it because they knew it would only highlight the truth. The federal magistrate failed/refused to credit her recantation only because, if he had, it would have been an instant reversal of my conviction and he’d had to have ordered the arrest of Mann, McMinn and Gearhardt for witness tampering, official oppression and misconduct of office, and Mann for retaliation and terroristic threats to a witness in furtherance of obstruction of justice. Unfortunately the magistrate, Clinton Averitte’s nuts weren’t big enough to enforce justice. He’s a little too weak spined to do that. Mizz Schizo Madam’s words are interesting. “Found not to be credible” implies some outside determining factors, evidence – when that’s not so. “Reed’s daughter, at the hearing contradicted some of what her mom recanted”. That’s a lie. Reed’s daughter never testified at the hearing. She said she no longer remembers anything about that night. NHHN #39


“Reed’s attempt at recanting her story, however, would not have changed the essential elements of her testimony: that Skinner showed up at her house, four blocks away, wearing bloody clothes and insisted (or threatened) that she not call the police or take him to the hospital. The police found Skinner at Reed’s house hiding in either a front bedroom, or a closet, depending on whether you believe Skinner or the police”. The words, again. Reed didn’t “attempt” to recant, she did recant, totally. (Link to her affidavit 09/27/97) “Essential elements” are? a) bloody clothes, b) don’t call the police c) hiding, already shown to be a lie. A) The state’s expert testified at trial that only two bloodstains on my clothes were tested, contact stains. One was Twila’s DNA. One was a mixture of Scooter’s and Twila’s DNA. He said that was not evidence I killed either of them but only evidence that I’d come into contact with a victim or a surface upon which they’d deposited blood, at a time after they became bloody and that it was consistent with my assertion of innocence. That I’d gotten off the couch after the murders, attempted to help/check on the victims and seeing they were beyond help, staggered out of there. B)

The sheriff was trying to arrest me on bogus warrants before this ever happened. Don’t call the police wasn’t even in the offing. Andrea only said she was going to and I stopped her. As part of her coercion/hostage/duress defense to being charged as an accomplice.

Either of these matters were not “essential” or “crucial elements” of anything. What was crucial and essential was Andrea lying and saying I told her I “thought I’d killed Twila, kicked her to death”, when I ‘d said no such thing. That and blood on my clothes convicted me. As Mann later told CBS TV News, “that was enough to convince a grand jury to indict him and a jury to convict; it was enough to go with and I went with it”. Notice here that Mann doesn’t say he believed I was guilty or he had actual proof of my alleged guilt, but only “it was enough to go with” and then lays it off on the grand jury and trial jury. Then here goes Mizz Schizo Madam again using the “hiding” trick. The sheriff made clear in his federal testimony that I was never hiding nor attempting to hide, I was in plain sight at all times. I was in the front bedroom only because Andrea led me in there and told me to stay there until she could see what the cops wanted and get rid of them. She later admitted she did that only because the sheriff was well known to be trigger happy and had a hard on for me. Her kids were asleep in the back bedroom and if the shooting started, she wanted me as far away from her kids as possible – to stop a stray bullet before it may hit one of them. “Claim: Twila Busby was raped. Skinner claims Twila was raped by her (now) dead uncle and that he dressed her back up again, buttoned her pants and then bludgeoned her to death (oops. Skinner didn’t say at all but…) Actually the latest round of DNA testing proved that was hogwash and it’s since been removed from Skinner’s account of events, but let’s look at what Skinner used to say”. Would it surprise you to learn that I’ve never said Twila was raped by Bob Donnell on the night of the murders? I did say, from the evidence, I believe she was raped and I still believe that. Speaking of Elizabeth Peacock, the medical examiner who performed the autopsies, she didn’t only testify at trial, she was called to the murder scene by D.A. John Mann, to view the bodies in situ and she testified at the pretrial habeas hearing. At that hearing, she told Harold Comer, in my presence, that when Twila was found her pants were pulled down to almost her knees, her top and bra were pushed up over her breasts. The police officers on the scene, after Peacock completed her gross exam, pulled up her pants before photographing her and pulled her top back down “to preserve the lady’s dignity”, they said. Only in Texas. “Peculiar form of chivalry” (Marquardt and Crouch, “THE ROPE, THE CHAIR AND THE NEEDLE”1).


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The police report states that visual examination of her panties at the scene indicates she had what looked like semen stains in the crotch of her panties. It goes without saying, they could not have seen all that if her pants were pulled up as they are in the photo presented by Miss Schizo Madam. Elizabeth Peacock testified at the pretrial hearing to the above stated and, she said that with this foreknowledge in mind, on autopsy she examined Twila’s genitals and found erythema, redding and chafing of the rim of her vaginal orifice. That, along with the way she was found and semen stains in her panties, indicated she could have been raped. So she did a full rape kit processing on it. “Fact: there were no signs of sexual assault. In November 2012, the rape kit from the crime scene was finally tested, it confirmed Twila was not raped.” See DPS contamination report here. No, most of the swabs gave “no interpretable result”, DPS says. One swab came back with Twila’s partial profile. The semen stains in the panties were not tested, too degraded, I think. Peacock did say that erythema was evidence of recent rough and/or forced sex. Additionally, two (2) of Twila’s closest girlfriends testified that Twila had confided to them that Bob Donnell had raped her several times and that now (then) when he came for it, she just gave it to him, rather than fight. Additionally, Twila’d also told Howard Mitchell that Donnell raped her and he testified to that too. So you know, Mizz Schizo Madam here just does not know what she is talking about. It’s not “Skinner claims”, it’s what three (3) separate state’s witnesses and a medical examiner testified to and what the undisputed police reports and autopsy evidence shows. Additionally on this subject, the DPS contamination report says this evidence was exposed to the elements – sun, wind and/or rain are “the elements”. Sunlight degrades DNA quicker than anything. One would have to wonder how this came to be? And, it was exposed to rodent, other vermin and insect infestation. This evidence was in police custody from the night of the murders until today. So someone(s) took it out of the evidence vault? Had to be. Since Mizz Schizo Madam is so in touch with the law, I’m hoping she can tell us all about it. We’ll be looking forward to that, alright. So there you have it. Ha/ha. Onward, now… “Claim: Robert Donnell was a knife-crazed sociopath. Fact: are we talking about the same ‘uncle Bob’? ODC documents: 11.29.88 describe uncle Bob as DOB 05.05.1930, 5 (five) foot 0 inches tall, 185 lbs. Uncle Bob been convicted in the 1950’s for car theft, burglary and embezzlement. In 1988 he went to prison for car theft. Uncle Bob never had an arrest, much less a conviction, for any crime of violence or weapons. Skinner, on the other hand, did have a history of violence, and was convicted of assault on a police officer.” If you read Howard Mitchell’s interview with D.A. investigator McMinn you will see that ol’uncle Bob bragged to anyone who’d listen that he killed two guys in a knife fight in a pool hall. He told all of us this story repeatedly to prove he’d kill any of us if we did him wrong or pissed him off and, he said it happened in Arkansas (not Oklahoma, Mizz Schizo Madam) and that he was arrested and served time under a false name and that he served 30 years. Mizz Schizo Madam here says he was convicted in the 50’s on burglary, embezzlement and car theft, then he gets into no trouble at all until 1988 (30 odd years later!) and gets arrested again for car theft. (Selfexplanatory. Thank you, Mizz Schizo Madam, for this great help! OKC OBI told us they’d destroyed Donnell’s records after the died) OK, here’s a picture! Ha/ha. NHHN #39


Uncle Bob was not five foot zero inches (5’0”) tall. He was, according to TX DPS intelligence and counterterrorism unit, five foot eight inches (5’8”) tall, but I’m 5’9 tall and uncle Bob was about an inch to an inch and a half (1” – 1 ½”) taller than me, so I think he was about five foot ten, ten and a half at least (5’10” – 10 ½”). He weighed two hundred and thirty eight pounds (238lbs). I know because he used to say it like “I’m 5’10”, 238lbs of the meanest MOFO you ever met and I’ll stomp a mudhole in your ass and then stomp it dry! You hear me, boy? You better hear me…” Take a good look at ol’Bob’s photo. He just naturally looks like the sweetest fellow, don’t he? This photo right here, this was just after my investigator had talked to Bob in 1996, preparing my post-conviction state habeas and he’d told ol’Bob, “I think you did it and I’m going to prove it”. So ol’Bob and Beverly got them a joint hair NHHN #39


dye job to brown and Bob left a month or two later to go to Bartlesville, Oklahoma, where he’s originally from and on the way got too drunk, got on the westbound lanes of I-40 heading east and hit an 18 wheeler headon. Squished Bob and his Chevy luv truck flatter n’ a flitter. No more Bob. R.I.P. Howard Mitchell always said, “Bob had a certain kind of hate in his eyes” and you can sure see it in the photo, can’t you. 66 years old, not a single gray hair anywhere. Lil’ Mizz Schizo Madam, you make no mistake about it, this is the “uncle Bob” we’re talking about. The one and only! You notice that his weight and hair color are blank? Self-explanatory, being that it’s a state’s exhibit. Ha/ha. Next… “Claim: Skinner was a loving inseparable blah-blah. Fact: Uh, well, maybe not really…” I take offense to being called a “blah-blah” by this woman. I’ve been called a lot of things, but never a blah-blah. This damned woman has got to be crazy. “According to Skinner, Twila’s mother said he was very good to Twila, Scooter, Randy and Lisa. But Lisa, according to a news interview, avoided death by staying at her aunt and uncle’s house because she was worried Skinner might turn violent after drinking that night”… The document wherein Beverly Clark, Twila’s mother, said I was good to Twila, Scooter, Randy and Lisa was a phone interview conducted by John Mann, D.A., ten (10) days after the murders, on 01.10.94 and its contents are not in dispute either by either side. It was put in the record because, all through the document Beverly repeatedly alludes to my living at 804 E. Campbell with Twila, yet at the suppression hearing in September 1994, Mann had Beverly lying, saying I was only a “sometimes guest” because Mann was trying to do away with my right to object to a 10 days and ongoing search at our home after the murders. But Mann got busted after I testified, my attorney Ken Fields, called Mann to the stand and forced Mann to authenticate the memo he wrote about the interview, wherein he’d transcribed every word Beverly said. Here’s a few quotes from that document: “Beverly said Hank was very good to Twila and the kids. He helped Twila clean the house, wash clothes, cooked meals, bought groceries, and took up time with Scooter, Randy and Lisa, played board games with them and engaged other activities. ‘Hank wouldn’t hurt a fly, Mama’, Twila told Beverly”. So see, it’s not “according to Skinner” but according to Twila’s own mama. Beverly did not believe I committed these murders and Mann feared I would call her as a witness – he’d never been able to convict me, then. So, he sent a “civilian investigator” (whatever that is), Connie Ogle to act as a ‘victim’s liaison’. Madam Ogle immediately played up that role, consoling Beverly, taking her cupcakes and keeping her informed of the case, every step of the way. Beverly was so grateful that in later years, she called John Mann “her rock” and said he was always there for her, night or day. That lets me hate him a lot less. My heart went out to Beverly and Lisa. They suffered a lot. It must be hell to wake up and be told your mama and both your brothers have been killed. I know how much I love my family. My mama just died March 28th, 2014, seven days before my birthday (52. 04.04.14), so I have some idea how that feels. I’m still not over it. However, I hate the way prosecutors in Texas have pandered to the victims’ rights movement. TX D.A.s get in touch with the victim’s surviving family and send a victim’s advocacy liaison (like Andy Kahan in Houston – remember him?) to manipulate these poor people and sell them a dream that will never come true – “We’ll kill that nasty ol’criminal for you and give you closure! Yes we will!” They kill them alright, one or two a week most of the time. But those poor folks don’t get no “closure” and they usually come out of that witness room looking quite shell-shocked. Usually they recognize, “now we have two murders to live with”. If one of your loved ones was killed in a bad car wreck where they accidentally jumped a guardrail and off a cliff, down a mountain or, if they’re hit by lightning and killed – who’s going to give you “closure”? A. You are. It’s up to you to decide to make your peace with it, to consciously decide to put it behind you and go on with your life. I think it is just unquestionably hideously cruel for a D.A. to use a victim’s family to justify a death sentence, dragging them along for the ride with a false promise of “closure”. “We’re doing it for the victims!” they say. Huh. Really? That must be why, when the victim’s family says they don’t want a death sentence, 9 times out of 10 the D.A. seeks one anyway and usually gets it. Just like the gangsters from the old days, this NHHN #39


D.A. gets somebody sentenced to death, he’s “making his bones”, showing that he’ll kill for his elite – in this case, the state. Next election cycle, he’ll be running ads in the paper saying, “Re-elect me! I’m tough on crime! I got the death penalty the last three capital cases I tried!” You think he gives a damn about you, the victim’s family? Now he’s a serial killer, this D.A. He got a taste of blood and God-like power! The only thing he cares about is the next case, the next kill. He’s got a “Dr. Death” psychiatrist to testify about these “killers”! Once they start they can’t stop! It’s a rush, they’ve got to have it! Mr. D.A. doesn’t even realize, now he’s become that very thing he is prosecuting. “Dr. Death” is talking about and describing him! F.W.V. Nietzsche, the philosopher, said two things that have stuck in my mind for years, and they are: 1) “Beware all those in whom the urge to punish is very strong”, and 2) “He who fights ‘monsters’ must be ever vigilant to not become that very thing he loathes”. If I could say one thing to all victims and survivors, it would be this: do not allow yourself to get caught up in the justice system at all. Get out of it. Forget about ‘victim impact statements’, ‘closure’ and all the rest of it. Horrible as it may be to face, what’s done is done. Nothing is going to bring back your loved one or change what happened. Hard as it will be, face it, accept it, put it behind you and go on. Let the justice system deal with it – that’s what it’s there for and nothing you say or do is going to change it. All this victim’s rights shit is just an insidious way for prosecutors to use you up and look good doing it. It’s nothing but a political ploy. Anyone who does not recognize that is simply not seeing reality. I know all this for a fact. You see, I’m a victim too, I’m innocent of the crime I’m accused and wrongly convicted of and I’ve got DNA evidence to irrefutably prove it. But the state of Texas has persecuted me for 21 years and, despite all the exculpatory evidence that they, the state has produced, these sorry, corrupt, POS people are still trying to kill me for it. Meanwhile, they’ve killed four hundred and twenty-five (425) people since I got here, there are nine (9) people over there in A-section on death watch and I’m personally acquainted with eight (8) of them. Then, I have to watch them die, one by one, with every one, lose someone I’ve come to care something about over the years and realize all over again as they die, “that’s what the state intends to do to me”. I have to tolerate some hater-ghoul .02 cents P.O.S. “reporters” who love to hate and lie on me, who write one false story after another designed to usher my death for a crime I didn’t commit. And, if it ain’t that, it’s another Mizz Schizo Madam with a hater website, campaign or blog. There’s only one thing worse than being a victim’s family member or a victim survivor: being a victim-survivor who’s falsely accused, persecuted and tortured for 21 years! Now that I got that out of my system, back to our regularly scheduled programming: “is there life on Mars?” The answer is yes! Her name is Mizz Schizo Madam at! Ha/ha. Lisa, Twila’s daughter, did not avoid death by going to stay at her aunt and uncle’s. Lisa was a wild child at 16 and Beverly felt that if Twila and I were partying and drinking, we could not properly supervise Lisa, she’d sneak out and get into trouble. I can’t deny that, it’s true. Melvin Busby, Twila’s second ex-husband, Lisa and Randy’s dad, had picked them up to take them out to eat on the night of the murders. Beverly knew we were drinking. She called us and told us, early on in the evening, to tell Melvin, when he brought them back, to bring Lisa to her. In the daytime, we sort of held it down because, during business hours, Stubblefield and Co might make the scene and cause problems. But at night me and Twila would be chilling and watch movies until we fell asleep, drinking, smoking, etc. and that’s when Lisa would sneak out to go see her boyfriend(s). He/they’d done gave her a STD once and I had to pay Dr. Sisk to cure it. So Twila told Melvin to drop Randy off and take Lisa to her grandma’s, to Beverly. This too is all part of the record. So Lisa’s story now, that she went to her uncle (David Britto) is a lie! All instigated by him, P.O.S. that he is, to try to say I’m violent, etc. Just a big crock of B.S. “Uncle Dave” is about the same as “uncle Bob”. Unfortunately, it’s rampant in that family. But “uncle Dave”, thank God, is not related to Lisa by consanguinity, at least. He’s just some piece of trash that Melvin Clark’s daughter, Mary, took up with. Mary is Melvin Clark’s daughter from another mother, his wife before he married Beverly. When Beverly died of cancer, Dave and Mary moved in with Melvin to take care of him. When he finally died too, “uncle Dave” and Mary took over Melvin and Beverly’s house and properties, possessions, etc. and Miss Lisa came with the deal. So now, “uncle Dave” is her “care taker” and he feeds her all these quotes she is known for in the news interviews Mizz Schizo Madam spews in her little hate fest. NHHN #39


The truth is I had a very good relationship with Lisa in those days and although, she wouldn’t listen to me about a lot of things she had going on in her life at that time, there was no animosity between us. She loved me just as much as Twila, Scooter and Randy did, she hugged me every time we met and later parted. Lisa had been with us all day that day. Early that morning, Twila was at her mama’s house and I was in Amarillo finishing up some work details and Twila and I were talking on the phone. I told her I’d be home that afternoon, so she took Lisa home with her, to wait until I got there. I got there about 3:00pm-3:30pm, we ate brisket and played Wahoo until I got sick and caught the couch. I wasn’t “unclothed”. I had on socks and a pair of gym shorts, my normal attire for lazing around the house. To answer Mizz Schizo’s “biggie question” about why I didn’t call the police if I loved Twila so much? I don’t understand how these two things equate in anyone’s mind. I had no idea Scooter was mortally wounded – he had little external bleeding or signs of injury. But in the condition I was in, I could not see well enough to tell much about anything. I do not have any specific recollection about the phone except some vague memory of Scooter trying and it wasn’t working. I couldn’t see to dial a phone. Objects looked fuzzy edged to me, appeared to be moving side-to-side and coming closer then moving farther away. I wasn’t coherent enough to be making any decisions about anything. Everybody faults me for going to Andrea’s – I don’t think I even wanted to go to Andrea’s; that’s just where I ended up. I believe I would have wanted to go to Howard Mitchell’s, a block and a half further on down the street. That’s where my male friends were; but if I’d showed up there with blood on me and said, “we need help”, several of them would have helped and taken me back to Twila’s to see what was going on and then the situation would have had a different ending. To be perfectly honest, I would not have called the cops if my life depended on it. I had never called the cops in my whole life. I don’t snitch, I don’t want them in my life at all. Looking across the floor when I fell and seeing Twila, I knew she was dead. I knew Randy was dead after I saw Scooter check on him – I do not have a conscious memory of thinking about any of this but, assuming on some subconscious level I retained what I saw, cops could not have done a thing for them. The situation was, the cops were out to get me, so whatever happened, they wouldn’t care, they’d just saw it as an opportunity to blame me – and by God, that is exactly what they did! Far as I knew, Scooter was the only one to get help and he’d gone to the other neighbors to do that. So that just left me alone, in the cold, no coat, no shoes, just a thin button up shirt of poplin, in my socks. Dealing with the immediate problems, like freezing to death, suddenly took precedent. There was nothing I could do for them. Whatever had happened, I didn’t know, but on some level I knew they were dead. I just couldn’t get it in my mind – somehow I knew it, but I couldn’t believe it. I just remembered those flashes – getting up off the couch, falling, going through the house – looking up at Scooter as he checked on his brother and shook his head in the negative and covered him back up, going out the back door, to the alley, falling and telling him, “just go. Go get some help”. But when I woke up in the alley, it was like I was on reset. I initially had no idea what had happened or how I got there. I thought somebody had beat me up and threw me out of the house for some reason. When I was at Andrea’s and she was working on my hand, she said, “I’m going to call Twila to come get you”. That image of seeing Twila, when I’d fallen, popped back into my head and I said, “you can’t call her, she’s dead”. Andrea said, “Hank, how do you know that?” I told her, “I kicked her, she didn’t move, she’s dead” I meant to say, “I tripped over her legs”, but I didn’t yet have the power of coherent speech. Andrea knew what I meant. She said something like, “OMG. Who would do such a thing?” and I started like, “Yeah. Who?” In my mind, I started talking about people who’d been involved with us in the past, who might have had some reason, I just didn’t know. Andrea said, “I’m going to call over there and see what’s going on”. I said, “No! They’ll will kill us!”. I could not articulate it but I guess I instinctively knew that, if whoever killed them had come back to the house and Andrea called over there, they would recognize her voice, come to her house and kill us all. She had two kids in the house, 9 and 11 years old, Kris and Jessica. The best lies, they say, have a grain of truth as their basis. So Andrea tweaked my conversation with her just a bit to turn what I actually said in to a false confession to murder, “I think she’s dead” to “I kicked her to death” and then “No! Don’t call, they’ll kill us!” into “you can’t call anyone or I’ll kill you!” “Being inseparable boyfriend he was, the only thing Skinner could think to do was to run four blocks away, hide out at his ex-girlfriend’s, and instruct her (or threaten her) not to call anybody.” NHHN #39


Mizz Schizo Madam does the same thing, you see. What you read on her website is more a projection of her sick self – it’s just masquerading as some malicious critique of Hank Skinner. She’s just a sick hater. Scooter did the exact same thing! He went to a neighbor’s house. I don’t see anyone calling him a murderer? Here is the “biggie clencher”: the DNA testing has now clearly confirmed my innocence once and for all, proved what I say is true and what the state says is just some B.S., like Mizz Schizo Madam here. The blood of the victims is NOT on my hands. No matter how much or how many Mizz Schizo Madam’s show up to hate, no matter how many little catchy sound bite one liners A.G. spokeswoman, Lauren Bean or Gerri Strickland, come up with, the evidence clearly confirms my innocence and NOTHING will change that. Lastly, as beginningly, Mizz Schizo Madam says “First you need to get used to reading phrases like ‘Skinner claims’, ‘according to Skinner’, ‘so says Skinner’, etc.” Sure. Because Mizz Schizo Madam employs those exact phrases all through her little campaign of hate and B.S. website – checkmate, honey. “Fact: there are no facts which exonerate Skinner.” Really? Just try this fact, sweetness: the blood of any victims is not on my hands. And, contrary to your lies, my blood is not on any victim! “In order to believe Skinner is innocent of the ghastly murders of the Busby family, you have to ignore virtually all the major, glaring facts of the case and just take Skinner at his word.” Where, pray tell, in that whole diatribe of Mizz Schizo Madam’s hokey jive, do you see one credible “major glaring fact”? A. Nowhere. Just hollow rhetoric, misstatements of the evidence and record, fabrications and “Ah-Ah’s!” with no basis in any record fact. Trash, more trash. A lot of trash. The trash. Nothing but trash. So help her God. That’s why I named this piece “taking out the trash”. Aptly and correctly named. Mizz Schizo Madam is nothing but lying TRASH. “Make no mistake, Skinner and Ageorges are masters of (the twisty little) rabbit hole. When you guide yourself down one twisty little passage after another, you too will be convinced that the state of Texas got the wrong guy.” Yes, they did. I’ll have more to say about this, later… Til next time, Hank 999143 Polunsky Unit H W Hank Skinner 3872 FM 350 South Livingston TX 77351-8580 For those of you who use JPay to write, don’t forget to always include your postal address and your e-mail address after your signature, so I can reply to you. don’t forget to enter my TDC number as an 8-digit number: 00999143.

NHHN #39


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