5 minute read

Seeking Volunteers for Board of Directors Annual Election 2021–2023


Directors Annual Election 2021–2023 Term

By Kirk Wooldridge, General Manager

THE TIME IS APPROACHING when the Tahoe Keys Property Owners Association (TKPOA) will start seeking candidates for the three seats on the Board of Directors that will be vacated at the end of the current term of office. Board Members: Joe Sherry, President; Sean Ward, Secretary; Mel Meyers, Director; have their 2019–2021 terms coming to an end. Vice President Dave Peterson, Treasurer Keiron McCammon, Director Bonnie Halleran, and Director Steve Shepherd still have their 2020–2022 terms to complete. A mailing to all TKPOA property owners will be going out on April 26th, 2021 announcing the upcoming election and requesting you to volunteer your services as a TKPOA Board Member through the Self Nomination process.

From the TKPOA BYLAWS ARTICLE VII, Board of Directors,

Section 2: Number and Qualification of Directors.

The Board of Directors shall consist of seven (7) persons who shall be owners of lots whose memberships are in good standing with all assessments current and not subject to any suspension of membership rights. Only one owner per lot shall be eligible to serve on the Board at any time and at least one of the seven Board positions shall be occupied by a townhouse owner.

Section 3: Term of Office.

Each director shall serve for a term of two (2) years, with three (3) directors elected in odd-numbered years and four (4) directors elected in even-numbered years. No individual shall serve more than two (2) consecutive two-year terms on the Board. Each director, including a director elected or appointed to fill a vacancy or elected at a special meeting of Members, shall hold office until the expiration of the term for which he or she was elected and until a successor has been elected and qualified.

Board of Directors

The Association has responsibility for its common elements as well as the management and operation of the Association’s business affairs; all in accordance with standards established by the Governing Documents. To the extent that an association (in our case nonprofit 501(c)(4) corporation) has such authority and control, it is its Board of Directors that carries out these duties and responsibilities. TKPOA’s responsibilities include: on-going maintenance functions, upkeep of the common elements, and to provide and direct TKPOA management and staff. The TKPOA Board’s authority includes all of the powers and duties enumerated in general law, as long as these powers are not inconsistent with the provisions of the Governing Documents of the Association. To be successful, the TKPOA Board of Directors must uniformly and fairly govern the community, and it must have a reasonable level of participation by each of its members over time.

The duties include: preparing for and participating in 12 Open Board Meetings during the year, 12 Executive Session Meetings during the year, serving as liaison to a standing committee, providing articles for the monthly Keys Breeze, and participating in Town Hall Forums and other meetings to represent the Association and to seek input from members. It requires the contribution of 20 hours per month to 20 hours per week. If you have questions about running for the Board, the current and prior Board Members are a good resource of information.

Officers of the Association

Once the Board of Directors have been elected, each year Article XI of the TKPOA Bylaws requires that the President and Vice President shall be elected by the Board from among the Directors. The Board may appoint, or may empower the President to appoint, such other officers (Secretary and Treasurer) as the affairs of the Association may require, each of whom shall hold office for such period, have such authority and perform such duties as are provided for in the Bylaws and as the Board may from time to time determine.

The TKPOA acts through its officers, committees, TKPOA management and staff. The Board of Directors makes the policies for the Association, but the officers, committees, TKPOA management and staff carry out these policies and administrative functions for the community. All of the officers have an affirmative obligation to act with utmost good faith towards the Association and cannot deal in the funds or the property of the Association to their own self-advantage.

I invite your candidacy as an Association Director for the coming Fiscal Year 2021–2023 two-year term. The successful operation of our Association is dependent on a qualified and dedicated Board of Directors. The Board meets each month based on an agreed upon yearly schedule at the TKPOA Pavilion to conduct Association affairs and provide members an opportunity to express their views and offer suggestions.

To receive additional information on Board candidacy please contact Heather Blumenthal at (530) 542-6444, ext. 228 or email at hblumenthal@tahoekeyspoa.org. If you are a “Member in Good Standing”, as defined in the TKPOA Bylaws Article VII and are interested in serving as a Director, you may nominate yourself as a candidate. Candidates MUST be registered by no later than May 28th, 2021 at 4:30 pm in order to be included on the ballot. Members, who have registered by the deadline, will automatically become candidates and their statements and photographs will be included with the ballot mailed to all members. TO BE SUCCESSFUL, THE TKPOA BOARD OF DIRECTORS MUST UNIFORMLY AND FAIRLY GOVERN THE COMMUNITY, AND IT MUST HAVE A REASONABLE LEVEL OF PARTICIPATION BY EACH OF ITS MEMBERS OVER TIME.


Submittal Deadline (Wednesday prior to the meeting)

April 14 August 4

April 28 August 18

May 12 September 8

May 26 September 22

June 9 October 6

June 30 November 3


Tanner Hart


General Engineering PO Box 8233 South Lake Tahoe

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INC 530-541-1111


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