3 minute read
2021 Board Actions Summary
By Heather Blumenthal, Operations Manager
• Approved the Tahoe Keys Property Owners Association (TKPOA) Rules and Regulations for Water
Service Emergency Rule Change Order to cease all Landscape Irrigation for all water serviced properties and customers of the Tahoe Keys Water Company and to provide notification to all TKPOA
Members immediately. • Approved the Tahoe Keys Property Owners Association (TKPOA) Rules and Regulations for Water
Service Rule Change for an Order to cease all Landscape Irrigation for all water serviced properties and customers of the Tahoe Keys Water Company and to provide notification to TKPOA members for a 28-day rule change process scheduled for potential adoption at the May 19th, 2021 Board of
Directors Regular Open Meeting. • Approved installation of a temporary uranium treatment system at Well #3 as part of the 2021 Water
Allocation and Emergency Facilities Plan for a cost up to $400,000 to be expensed to the Water
Company Outside Services Operational Expense Account #51700 Professional Services. This project is not subject to the CEQA Review Process and due to the project’s emergency nature and timeline, the Board has waived the competitive bidding process in order to move forward immediately with ordering and installation. • Approved installation of a temporary uranium treatment system at Well #2 as part of the 2021
Water Allocation and Emergency Facilities Plan for a cost up to $225,250 to be expensed to the Water
Company Outside Services Operational Expense Account #51700 Professional Services. This project is not subject to the CEQA Review Process and due to the project’s emergency nature and timeline, the Board has waived the competitive bidding process in order to move forward immediately with ordering and installation. • Approved the purchase and installation of a new pump motor, differential assembly and VFD for Well #1, and reconditioning of the existing Well #1 pump motor and differential assembly to improve the reliability of Well #1 utilizing Commercial Pump and Mechanical (CPM) for a cost of $35,296 plus a 10$ contingency of $4,704 for a total cost of $40,000 to be expensed to the Water Company Outside
Services Operational Expense Account #51700 Professional Services. • Authorized borrowing up to $400,000 from the Common Reserves to pay for the three approved projects at Well #1, Well #2, and Well #3 to be paid back by Water Company Operating Funds by the end of the year.
• Reviewed eight personnel matters. • Reviewed six member disciplinary matters, including three hearings. • Reviewed 19 legal matters, including ongoing issues with the Tahoe Keys Marina. • Under legal matters, authorized staff to submit a loan application with Merchants
Bank of Commerce for funding an anticipated cash shortfall due to the TKM&YC’s communication of intent to not submit payment for their portion of the East Channel
Bulkhead Replacement Project completion. • Reviewed 10 contracts, no new contracts were approved.

• Approved the revised Water Restriction
Emergency Rule as of March 17th, 2021. • Approved the revised Water Restriction
Operating Rule as of March 17th, 2021 to be published for a 28-day membership review period. • Approved Noble Consultants for
Construction Management for the East
Channel East Bulkhead Replacement Project for $69,100 plus a contingency of $7,000 for a total of $76,100 to be funded out of the Channel and Lagoons Reserve Account #72300. • Approved Green Vista Landscape for the East
Channel East Bulkhead Project Revegetation and Erosion Control requirements for $15,050 plus a contingency of $5,000 for a total of $20,050 to be expensed to the East
Channel East Bulkhead Replacement Project and to direct staff to explore negotiating cost sharing with the California Tahoe
Conservancy (CTC) for their portion of this project requirement. • Approved publishing proposed Architectural
Control Rules changes for a 28-day member review period • Approved publishing the new TKPOA water quality website. • Changed the name of the Water Company
Long Term Facilities Plan Subcommittee to the Water Company Long Term Planning
Oversight Subcommittee. • Accepted Arlene Olson’s resignation from the
Visions Ad Hoc Committee.