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President's Message

We continue to make progress on major initiatives. Here is an update:

1. Keys Management. The board decided 7:0 to transition to professional management of the Keys. This is an important decision for the Keys and will help us achieve our vision to be “Lake Tahoe’s premier lakeside boating and recreational community delivering an exceptional lifestyle to homeowners.” Please see the separate article in this Keys Breeze on this.

2. Water Company Management. TKPOA contracted with Farr West Engineering to perform a number of tasks, the most important of which being an analysis of the various options for future water company ownership. They analyzed alternatives including continued TKPOA ownership, consolidation with STPUD, sale to Lukins Brothers Water Company, sale to Golden State Water Company, and sale to Liberty Utilities. Farr West’s qualitative analysis was reviewed by an Ad Hoc committee designated by the board. Their analysis and recommendations will be presented to the board in open session on July 20, 2022. The board’s intention is to hear the analysis and recommendations, hear member comments, and make a decision on an alternative for the General Manager to pursue. This is a very important issue, and I’m hoping members participate in the July presentation and discussion.

3. Aquatic Weeds. The control methods test (CMT) is fully underway, and data is being collected daily. We are hoping that the herbicide reaches a non-detect level before you read this, as non-detect is needed to remove the turbidity curtains to allow boating in the restricted areas. Please read the weekly e-blasts to get more timely updates.

4. CC&Rs. A hard-working team of Members, attorneys, and the Board have been working for some time to update our Bylaws and Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&Rs). The updated bylaws were voted on and passed by the membership last year. The CC&Rs are now ready to go out for member vote. We need a very high turnout to adopt the updates, so I’m asking all of you to please vote in the CC&R election. We intend to run it concurrently with the Board election, so please make sure you exercise your voting right. Look for a packet in your mailbox, a town hall, and e-blasts.

5. Landscaping. The Architectural Control Committee reports that a number of members are enthusiastically proposing changes to their landscapes using our new “Tahoe Keys Landscape Conservation Idea Book”. That’s great to hear, and I look forward to seeing the results! The water prohibition last summer left a lot of damage and “landscape blight”, and it’ll be nice to restore the beauty of our neighborhood.

6. Garbage and Bears. We moved the Pavilion dumpsters to the Water Company property on Texas Ave. for second homeowner Sunday service. This has been successful so far, but it is a temporary solution. South Tahoe Refuse reported that a number of members were treating their staff poorly when utilizing their complementary Monday-Saturday drop-off service, so I sent members an e-blast plea for civility. Since then, STR reports that things are better. Thank you all! The board is still exploring bear resistant wheeled totes as a long-term solution, but totes would still have to be wheeled out on Fridays, and that doesn’t help second homeowners. So, at the June 15 board meeting, the board approved a proposed ACC rule change for 28-day member review that would allow bear boxes 10’ from the curb. The is in the pick-up zone for STR, so second homeowners could “lock and leave”. The rule will be up for board adoption at the July or August meetings. We’re listening to members and working to get this right!

Thanks again to all of our staff and volunteers!

Sincerely, Dave Peterson


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