4 minute read

Town Hall Forums and More Meetings

Kirk Wooldridge, General Manager


In 2022 the Tahoe Keys Property Owners Association (TKPOA) Board of Directors will be setting a new record for holding the most Town Hall Forums in a given fiscal year. The TKPOA Board of Directors has been holding Town Hall Forums, to provide additional communication to the TKPOA Property Owners as well as solicit additional input on important topic and issues. Town Hall Forums are not required Association meetings and are optional.

The purpose of the Town Hall Forum is to conduct an open exchange of information and ideas, and to inform TKPOA members of the latest information in person on the important projects and issues that are taking place. The TKPOA Board of Directors will be represented by less than a majority of the Board and will not be transacting any Board business. Minutes are not required or recorded for these meetings.

The Board of Directors have only scheduled Forums when they feel there are important topics for discussion or a TKPOA Committee has an important topic to present. These Town Hall Forums, the topics and the dates scheduled via: the Keys Breeze, flyers posted at the Pavilion, on our website, and through our Email E-blast list so it is important that you have a current email listed in our data base to receive these messages.

These Town Hall Forums are open to all Property Owners are scheduled at the TKPOA Pavilion and on the web hosted Zoom meeting link from 6:00PM8:00PM.

Past Town Hall Forums: • February 24th, 2022 – Water Quality Committee (WQC) Control Methods Test (CMT) Update • May 11th, 2022 – Water Conservation Committee – Water Conservation Idea Book for Landscaping • May 19th, 2022 – TKPOA and South Tahoe Refuse Trash Program • May 26th, 2022 – Water Quality Committee (WQC) Control Methods Test (CMT) Update

Upcoming Town Hall Forums: • August 18th, 2022 - TKPOA Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) Voting Ballot – Questions and Answers • July 21st, 2022 – Annual Elections Candidates Night – Meet the Candidates • July 28th, 2022 – Water Quality Committee (WQC) Control Methods Test (CMT) Update • August 4th, 2022 – Tahoe Keys Water Company (TKWC) Update

The TKPOA Board of Directors will continue to hold the Town Hall Forums as a webhosted meetings using the Zoom application. For Town Hall Forum the meeting Agenda/Information and the web hosted meeting link and instructions are posted on the TKPOA Website at www.tkpoa.com, seven days or more prior to the meeting. You can find this by using the website calendar which is located in the “CALENDAR” drop down menu, you can find the meeting date click on it and it will bring up the link the agenda and web hosted meeting instructions. The Town Hall Forum announcements are also posted on the TKPOA Pavilion bulletin board seven days prior to the meeting as well.


For 2021-2022 Board Meeting schedule the Regular Open Board Meetings are scheduled on third Wednesday of the month at 5:00 PM with the Executive Session Meeting scheduled at 9:00 AM the same Wednesday.

On the TKPOA Website the TKPOA Staff has been posting the following items for each Regular Open Board Meeting: • The Agenda – Board Meeting Agenda is available, and you will need to use your member login and password to access it in the Documents/Board

Meetings/2022/Agendas folder. • Regular Open Board Packet – Board of Directors Meeting Packet is available and is located in the Documents/Board Meetings/2022/Board Packets folder. This is in a PDF Format with bookmarks for each agenda item. • Supplemental Information – Board of Directors Meeting Supplemental Packet is available and is located in the Documents/Board Meetings/2022/Board Packets folder. • Late Information – Board of Directors Meeting Late Information is also available based on the timing it has been issued and is located in the Documents/ Board Meetings/2022/Board Packets folder.

If you would like to participate in the web hosted meeting, please observe the following guidelines: • Prior to the Meeting you can fill out the “Members Comment Form” for your member comment to read during the Members Comment Section of the Meeting. The Member Comment Form is also available on the TKPOA Website, you can access this in the Documents/Board Meetings/2022/ Board Packets folder.

Board Meeting are for TKPOA Members Only. California's community associations are not part of the public sector; they are private membership organizations. As a result, the general public does not have a right to attend board or membership meetings. (Civ. Code §4925.)

For additional information and assistance, The TKPOA Administrative Staff is available by phone at 530-542-6444 Monday through Friday 8:30AM - 4:30PM, Saturday and Sunday 10:00AM - 2:00PM. via email at info@tahoekeyspoa.org. Or Contact Heather Blumenthal – TKPOA Operations Manager by phone 530-542-6444, Extension 228 or email at hblumenthal@tahoekeyspoa.org.

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