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Cove 3C & Cove 3A Bulkhead Projects Update

Cove 3C & Cove 3A Bulkhead Replacement Projects Update

By Kirk Wooldridge, General Manager

Cove 3C Bulkhead Replacement Project (910 Linear Feet – Reach 11 & 12)

AS OF JUNE 1ST, 2021, Anvil Builders Inc. (ABI) has informed the Tahoe Keys Property Owners Association (TKPOA) that they will not be continuing contract negotiations for the Cove 3C Bulkhead Replacement Project. ABI has indicated due to the “change in conditions” of the project constructability with current and forecasted drought condition affecting the lake levels, they are not willing to continue contract negotiations and project planning for a postponed project. ABI has recommended that the TKPOA rebid the project in the future when the conditions are favorable for the project construction and completion.

On April 21st, 2021, the Cove 3C townhome property owners legally voted in favor of moving forward with this project, contracting with ABI and validating an individual Townhome Property Owner Special Assessment of $76,000 per townhome property. Now that ABI has withdrawn from the contract negotiations and withdrawn their proposal the project cannot legally move forward as voted on by the Cove 3C townhome property owners. The Cove 3C Voting Ballot for the Cove 3C Bulkhead Replacement is now no longer valid. As of June 1st, 2021, the $76,000 Special Assessment is no longer required by the Cove 3C townhome property owners since the Voting Ballot is no longer valid. For those Cove 3C townhome property owners that have already paid the $76,000 Special Assessment or a portion of it, this payment will be refunded by the TKPOA Accounting department.

On May 18th, 2021, the Cove 3A townhome property owners conducted an “email vote” and it was passed by majority vote as legally required, to agree to fund the Cove 3A 23 linear feet portion of this project, which is currently estimated at $125,000 which includes the bulkhead replacement and required drainage work the Cove 3A portion of 23 linear feet (near Cove 3A Townhome Units 146–149) of the total 910 linear feet of this Cove 3C Bulkhead project. Now that ABI has withdrawn from the contract negotiations and withdrawn their proposal the project cannot legally move forward as voted on by the Cove 3A townhome property owners.

On June 1st, 2021, a Town Hall Forum was held for the Cove 3C townhome property owners via a Zoom webhosted conference call. The Cove 3C townhome property owners in attendance were informed of this current development and notification by ABI. The information stated above was discussed at this Town Hall Forum. An official mailing has been sent to all Cove 3C townhome property owners providing this information.

Cove 3A Bulkhead Replacement Project (110 Linear Feet – Reach 8 & 9 near Cove 3A Units 167–156)

As of April 28th, 2021, Tahoe Marine and Excavating is unable to schedule this project for the 2021 Summer for several reasons. At this time, they are withdrawing their proposal. An official mailing has been sent to all Cove 3A Townhome Property owners providing this information.

Moving Forward

The TKPOA Board of Directors and TKPOA staff will support the Cove 3C and Cove 3A townhome property owners on working toward an improved project design as requested, revision of the construction documents/ specifications, bid sheets, contract, and Request for Proposal (RFP) process. Also, the TKPOA staff and Cove Advisor will work with Cove 3C townhome property owners on developing options for future project funding payment plans, special assessments or quarterly assessments. Additional email communication will be provided on this information as it is developed, and a Cove 3C website group has been set up on the TKPOA website at TKPOA.com, please following the link: tkpoa. com/groups/cove-3c

2021 Boating Season

As explained above the Cove 3C Bulkhead Replacement Project will not be taking place this 2021 Summer, so no Townhome docks will be affected, or removed for Cove 3C (Units 111–145), Cove 3A (Units 146–167) and Cove 3B (Units 92–110).

Questions or Requests for Information

Also, any additional questions can be answered by contacting the TKPOA front desk at (530) 542-6444 Monday through Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Saturday and Sunday, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm.

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