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2021 Board Actions Summary
By Heather Blumenthal, Operations Manager
• Reviewed 12 personnel matters. • Reviewed six member disciplinary matters, including one hearing. • Reviewed 19 legal matters, including ongoing issues with the Tahoe Keys Marina. • Reviewed 13 contracts, no new contracts were approved.
• Accepted the results of the Cove 3A Architectural Standards Voting Ballot – eight votes “FOR” and six votes “AGAINST.” Ballot passed by majority Cove 3A member vote. • Approved moving forward with contract negotiations with Anvil Builders on their Primary Base Bid A for the East Channel East Bulkhead Replacement Project. • Approved moving forward with contract negotiations with Anvil Builders on their Primary Base Bid A for the Cove 3C Bulkhead Replacement Project. • Approved MC Engineering for the Tahoe Keys Water Company Long Term Facilities Plan Phase 1 for $137,960 plus a 10% contingency to be expensed to the Water Company Outside Services Operational
Expense #51700 Professional Services. • Approved keeping the review panel as a Water Company Long Term Facilities Plan Subcommittee for continued oversight of the project and appointed John Larson, Andy Kopania, Jeff Flairity, and Rick Lind. • Approved the purchase of the Baker Tank from Rain for Rent for $5,000 plus delivery costs for the
Well #2 Temporary Uranium Treatment Project. • Approved the Sierra Ecosystem and Associates Contract for $18,674 for the update of the Tahoe
Keys Lagoons Restoration Project Application for Approval to Reduce Aquatic Invasive and Nuisance
Plant Species (2018) and the Aquatic Pesticide Application Plan (APAP) Application for Individual
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit for Residual Aquatic Pesticide
Discharges to Waters of the United States from Algae and Aquatic Weed Control Applications for the Tahoe Keys Lagoons Aquatic Weeds Control Methods test (2020) to be funded by the Water
Quality Special Assessment Second Payment Reserve Funds. The Board recognizes the potential for a conflict of interest due to the owner of SEA being a TKPOA member and member of the Water
Quality Committee, however the Board is confident a conflict does not exist, and that SEA is the best company to complete this work at this time for the benefit of the Association. • Approved a SEA Contract for Department of Pesticide Regulation Alliance Grants Concept
Application for Aquatic Plant Control Maintenance Methods in Support of the TRPA EIR/EIS
Stakeholders Committee for $2,000 to be expensed to the Water Quality Operational Expense for Professional Services WDR Account #59300. The Board recognizes the potential for a conflict of interest due to the owner of SEA being a TKPOA member and member of the Water Quality
Committee, however the Board is confident a conflict does not exist, and that SEA is the best company to complete this work at this time for the benefit of the Association.
• Approved a contract with Dr. Lars
Anderson for the update of the Tahoe Keys
Lagoons Restoration Project Application for Approval to Reduce Aquatic Invasive and Nuisance Plant Species (2018) and the Aquatic Pesticide Application Plan (APAP) Application for Individual National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit for Residual Aquatic
Pesticide Discharges to Waters of the
United States from Algae and Aquatic
Weed Control Applications for the Tahoe
Keys Lagoons Aquatic Weeds Control
Methods Test (2020) for $3,750 to be funded by the Water Quality Special
Assessment Second Payment Reserve
Funds. • Approved a contract with Dr. Lars
Anderson for Professional Consulting
Services for the Tahoe Keys Lagoon
Restoration Project (February 1st, 2021 to December 31st, 2021) this represents a not to exceed cost of $4,090 to be funded by the Water Quality Second Payment
Reserve Funds. • Approved the EMKO – Environmental
Services Inc. 2021 Contract for Professional
Consulting Services for the Tahoe Keys
Lagoon Restoration Project (February 1st, 2021 to January 31st, 2022) this represents a not to exceed cost of $35,800 to be funded by the Water Quality Second
Payment Reserve Funds for Tasks 1 and 3 of the contract and to be funded out of
Water Quality Operational Account for tasks 2 and 4 of the contract. The Board recognizes the potential for a conflict of interest due to the owner of EMKO being a TKPOA member and Chairperson of the
Water Quality Committee, however the
Board is confident a conflict does not exist and that EMKO is the best company to complete this work at this time for the benefit of the Association. • Approved a contract with EMKO –
Environmental Services, Inc. for 2021
Professional Consulting Services for
TKPOA PCE Groundwater Contamination for a cost not to exceed $12,000 for February 2021 to December 2021 to be expensed to Water Company Professional
Services Operating Account #51700.
The Board recognizes the potential for a conflict of interest due to the owner of EMKO being a TKPOA member and
Chairperson of the Water Quality
Committee, however the Board is confident a conflict does not exist and that
EMKO is the best company to complete this work at this time for the benefit of the
Association. • Set the Record Date for the Cove 3C
Bulkhead Replacement Project Voting
Ballot to March 5th, 2021. • Appointed Pat Disney as the Inspector of Elections for the Cove 3C Bulkhead
Replacement Project Voting Ballot. • Appoint David Rogstad as the Co-Cove
Advisor for Tahoe Marina Shores (TMS). • Appointed Kevin Kornegay and Ron Landau to the El Dorado Community Foundation –
Tahoe Keys Waterways Restoration 501(c) (3) Committee.