5 minute read

Electronic Communications


By Heather Blumenthal, Operations Manager

Each year in October, TKPOA conducts a mailing to each member for their copy of the Annual Disclosure. This 80+ page document includes the upcoming year’s Operating Budget, Notice of Assessment Increases, Budget and Assessment Summary, Annual Update of TKPOA’s Reserve Study, and other pertinent required information for members of the TKPOA as we prepare to go into a new year. This mailing is a requirement of Civil Code §4040 for Homeowners Associations.

In 2018, the costs for printing and mailing the 2019 Annual Disclosure to all 1,529 members of the TKPOA totaled approximately $12,000. New for 2020, updates to the Civil Code requirements allowed for Associations to provide members their Annual Disclosure via electronic delivery, such as email, as long as the member has provided the Association with a completed and signed “Consent to Receive Disclosures via Electronic Delivery” Form.

As of September 1st, 2022 TKPOA has received approximately 500 "Consent to Receive Disclosures via Electronic Delivery" forms from members in time for the mailing of the 2023 Annual Disclosure. In October 2022, these 500 members will be sent an email with a link to their copy of the 2023 Annual Disclosure which will result in an approximately $3,000-$5,000 savings in printing and mailing costs.s.

In order to increase these cost savings, TKPOA needs more members to sign up to receive their Annual Disclosures, and other communications via electronic delivery (email) as allowed by law. Examples of other electronic communications you may receive from TKPOA include Email Eblasts that get you the latest and greatest information on topics such as TKPOA Board Meetings, Town Hall Forum Announcements, Weed Harvesting Schedules, current and upcoming projects, Board Elections, etc.

The “Consent to Receive Disclosures via Electronic Delivery” form can be found on the TKPOA website www.tkpoa.com, requested from the Front Desk at info@tahoekeyspoa.org, or requested in person at the TKPOA Pavilion Office. Completed and signed forms should be returned to the TKPOA Office at 356 Ala Wai Blvd, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150. Contact the Front Desk with any questions at (530) 542-6444.

Please join us in our efforts in saving one tree at a time and a potential annual savings of $10,000 - $12,000 for the Association!


TKPOA 2022 Control Methods Test (CMT) Boating Restrictions

July 11th, 2022 to October 1st, 2022

As of September 2nd, 2022 at 5PM - The Control Methods Test (CMT) Turbidity Curtains were removed from Area B. Per the removal of the turbidity curtains, the boating restrictions in Area B were rescinded beginning at 5PM on September 2nd, 2022, and motorized boating activity was able resume in this area (please refer to the attached map to identify Areas A, B, and C).

The Emergency Boating Restrictions, below, currently remain in place for Areas A and C.

On August 17th, 2022, pursuant to California Civil Code Section 4360 (d), the Board of Directors adopted by Board Motion the following Emergency Rule Extension to restrict boating activity of any kind in the following West Lagoon and Lake Tallac areas identified as Treatment Areas A, B, and C from July 11th, 2022 to October 1st,


During this time, the following rules apply:

1. No boat access, entering or exiting, the Treatment Areas A, B and C 2. No motorized or sailboat water activities inside Treatment Areas A, B and C. Authorized Water Activities include kayaks, canoes, or stand-up paddleboards. The herbicide concentrations to treat the weeds continue to be at levels safe to humans, pets, fish, and wildlife, but continued avoidance of swimming, pet activity, and motorized water activity is necessary to protect the validity of the CMT. 3. No outside visitor access into Treatment Areas A, B and C. If you observe someone violating these rules, please contact TKPOA’s Security Staff. “If you see something, say something”. 4. Boats and other motorized or sailboat watercraft docked prior to the turbidity curtain installation may remain moored, but cannot be operated, from July 11th, 2022 to October 1st, 2022.

Figure 1: Areas A, B and C are restricted from July 11th, 2022 until October 1st, 2022

(Emergency Rule may remain in place through November 12th, 2022 per 120 days from July 11th, 2022)

This Emergency Rule is required due to the Tahoe Keys West Lagoon/Lake Tallac Control Methods Test (CMT) taking place, and the installation of turbidity curtains and barriers in these treatment areas. The CMT taking place during this time period will cost the TKPOA up to $3.0 million dollars, and any interference with these tests sites by homeowner or outsider swimmers, pets, boats, sailboats, personal watercrafts, and similar watercraft could compromise the entire CMT and result in significant financial impact to TKPOA plus years of delays to solving the weeds problem.

Restricted Areas in the Tahoe Keys Waterways:

Treatment Area A (Red) Barrier Placement will impact all homeowners on the following streets:

• All streets off of Emerald Drive (Garmish Court,

Marconi Way, Lido Way, Kokanee Drive) • Southern side of Aloha Drive (Aloha Drive,

Daggett Court, Carson Court) • All streets off of Alpine Drive (Alpine Drive,

Cascade Court, Cathedral Court, Genevieve

Court) • Waterway side of Venice Drive from Lighthouse

Shores to Christie Drive • West Side of Christie Drive and Wedeln Court

Treatment Area B (Green) Barrier Placement will impact all homeowners on the following streets:

• Eastern side of Lucerne Way • Northern side of Venice Drive from the Corner of Lucerne Way and Ala Wai Blvd • All of Morro Drive • Southern side of Monterey Drive • Western side of Danube Drive from the corner of Venice to Monterey Drive

Treatment Area C (Yellow) Barrier Placement will impact all homeowners on the following streets:

• Tahoe Keys Blvd from the corner of Venice Drive to Texas Avenue • West side of Dover Drive • Venice Drive from corner of Tahoe Keys Blvd to approximately 2176 Venice Drive • Texas Avenue from Tahoe Keys Blvd to the Lake

Tallac Canal

Pursuant to California Civil Code Section 4360 (d) the Board of Directors has authority to enact an Emergency Rule, without notice, if the Board determines that there is an imminent risk of substantial economic loss to the Association. This Emergency Rule will remain in effect from July 11th, 2022 through 120 days, with an anticipated end date of October 1st, 2022, unless rescinded by the Board.

The Board of Directors by a Board Motion can rescind this Emergency Rule once the CMT test has been completed in these three treatment Areas (Areas A, B and C).

Violation of this rule by a TKPOA Property Owner, their guests or slip renters can result in a loss of TKPOA Membership Privileges, and fines as high as $10,000.

For additional information and updates, please refer to the TKPOA website at www.tkpoa. com, the following folder - Control Method Test (CMT) as well as www.keysweedsmanagement. org. You can also contact the TKPOA Association Office Monday - Friday from 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM, Saturday - Sunday from 10:30 AM - 2 PM or call 530-542-6444.

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