Istana negara Photobook

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Istana Negara Photobook gallery

Team Istana Negara from the School of Architecture in Taylor’s University is honored to present this grand selection of photographs taken by our team. We would like to thank the Royal Museum (Istana Negara on Jalan Istana) for their hospitality and for granting us permission to photograph and measure the whole building.

Small Audience Hall Small Audience Hall is where his Majesty and Her Majesty receive digniteries such as the Head of States and others. This Hall doubles up as the resting place of Their Royal Highnesses , The Rulers and Excellencies the Yang Dipertua Negeri during the Royal Banquet held in conjuction with the Meeting of the conference of Rulers.


Minister’s Room This room is a waiting room for guests accompanying Heads of States and dignitaries who are not involved in the audience with the King.


Ambassador’s Room This room serves the functions for the Ceremony of granting the audience to the Honorable Prime Minister/Deputy’s Prime Ministers before the cabinet meeting, to receive credentials from foreign high commisioner/Ambassadors to Malaysia and departing High Commisioner/Ambassadors from Foreign countires. This is also a resting place before attending the Royal’s Conferences.


Small Throne Room The ceremony for the presentation of Appointments Letters and Swearing In, Pledge of Allegiance ad the Official Secrets’ Act of the Chief of Justice of Malaysia. It is also used for ceremony for the presentation of Appointment Letters to the President of the Court of Appeals, Chief of Judge of the High Court in Malaya and Borneo, Judges of the Federal Courts, Courts of Appeal and High Courts.


His Majesty’s Office The office where His Majesty Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong performs His Majesty’s official businesses.


Her Majesty’s Office The office where Her Majesty Seri Paduka Baginda Raja Permaisuri Agong performs Her Majesty’s official businesses.


Her Majesty’s Room This room is specially for audience with Her Majesty Seri Paduka Baginda Raja Permaisuri Agong.


Guest Room This room serves as as lodging area for guests to exchange pleasantries while waiting for their host.


Reading Room This room is used as a reading and collection space. The room was renovated into a reading room during Her Majesty Tuanku Aishah’s tenure as Her Majesty Permaisuri Agong


Waiting Room This room is used by dignitaries before an audience with His Majesty for the Ceremony of an audience with His Majesty at the Small Throne Room.


Royal Family Room This room was used for family activities such as karaoke session.


Small Family Hall This is as gathering hall for His Majesty and his family.


Dining Room A This is the dining room for the Royal family and dignitaries.


Dining Room B This is the dining room for the Royal family and dignitaries.


Round Dining Table This is a private dining room for the Royal family and dignitaries.


Acting Ruler’s Rest Room This room was used by the acting Ruler of the States during official ceremony as a resting and changing room.


Guest Bedroom There are three different guest room to serve as a resting area for the Royal guests.


Stairway A stairway from the Ambassador’s hall leading up towards the first floor where the rooms are located.


Stair Way To Roof The stairs leading to the roof, its design is much simpler compared to the stairway, looking upwards to the small dome at the top.


Royal Clinic Every Wednesday, a nurse from the Royal Ward will be on duty in this clinic and doctors from the Royal Ward will be on duty during official functions.


The Main Gate The gate uses the hibiscus flower as decorative patterns along with two crowns on the pillars and the Malaysian emblem on top of the gate which is part of the significance of the Royal Palace.


The Royal Carriage The Royal Carrigage was used to tranport tourists from the gate to the main building.


The Views From Balcony The view from the balcony looking out, you can see the city skyline at a glance, including the Petronas Twin Tower and Kuala Lumpur Tower.


The Royal Field Coming down from the stair, you can see a fountion in the center. to the right is an open field used to organize events, especially during Hari Raya.


The Royal Swimming Pool The swimming pool is located on the left side of the fountain as you come down the stairs from the elevated foyer.


The Royal Lake The lake has two bridges, one wooden and one made out of concrete, linking both shores, fountions located at the center.


The Royal Garden The Royal Garden consists of pyramid roofs that shelters the plants it houses.



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