Choose the Right Type of Commercial Shutters for Complete Peace of Mind It is common knowledge that shutters provide you with plenty of security, protection and sun control. These shutters are popular in offices as well as homes. Commercial Shutters are available in a huge variety in the market and it become important for you to choose the right one so that you do not have to think about changing or replacing them again in the near future. Businesses naturally want maximum protection for their assets in the office premises as well as factory premises. Shutters provide an excellent option to: • Keep criminals away: Commercial premises all over the world now use cameras and alarm systems but these are not so obvious and still have the risk of attempted burglary. However even if a thief’s attempt is unsuccessful, there might be sufficient damage to warrant some repairs. If you install strong aluminium or steel shutters you can deter opportunistic burglars or unplanned and impulsive theft • Block the view: often at the end of the day, shop owners will count their cash or take inventory. Some burglars may use this time to calculate and plan how and what they can steal from you. However, if you pull down your shutter and carry on with your shop closing activities, you gain maximum privacy. Types of Commercial Shutters 1. Aluminium Shutters Melbourne : There are many variations in these such as WP36 Extruded and the WP53 etc. which provide maximum security to business premises 2. Fire shutters: These are specialised shutters where some are suitable for office areas such as the reception and some for factories where they can save dozens of lives in the event of a fire 3. Bar and Counter: As the name suggests, it is apt for the bar and the material of choice is aluminium for maximum protection. There are also options available where you can control its operation manually or electrically. One can even customise it to match with the interiors with a powder coating in the required colour