President’s Report 2007-2008
Be A Student Be A Leader Be A Donor Be A Teacher Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College
“DREAM lofty dreams, and as you dream, so you shall
become. Your VISION is the promise of what you shall
one day be; Your IDEAL is the prophecy of what you
Vision. Ideal. shall at last unveil.”
19th Century English Author James Allen
These words speak to who we are at Asheville-
We dreamed of positioning A-B Tech as the
Buncombe Technical Community College. As
leader in helping our community “go global.”
administrators, faculty and staff, we dream lofty
So, our Small Business Incubator worked with
dreams because we owe our students no less. To
incubators around the world to open global
do otherwise would deny them an opportunity to
markets; a delegation of faculty and students
set their sights and realize their own dreams.
traveled to a college in Asheville’s Sister City of
So, let me share some of the lofty dreams we dreamed for A-B Tech this past year, the first year I have been privileged to serve as president. First, we dreamed of ensuring that all students can have confidence in the quality of instruction they receive at A-B Tech, whether it’s delivered by a veteran faculty member or a newer one … by a full-time instructor or an adjunct … in a classroom or online. To do this, we initiated Designed Teaching and Learning, a process of course development that creates academic integrity in a system where many instructors teach the same class. We also dreamed of ensuring that all students find success at A-B Tech. So, we created the Student Success & Advocacy program that assigns students a “go-to” person to serve as their advocate from their first contact with the
Valladolid, Mexico; and we welcomed members of a Nigerian Rotary Club to campus. We also dreamed of positioning A-B Tech as our community’s leader in sustainability. And, we established The Global Institute for Sustainability Technologies, a clearinghouse and demonstration center for sustainability practices and technologies. We nurtured a Small Business Incubator client, OrganoFuels, in its endeavor to manufacture an algae-based fuel for gas engines. We even held the first “Paint the Campus Green,” a college beautification effort that was so successful in the fall we repeated it again this spring. Dreams realized and those yet to be dreamed. All to help the students of Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College fulfill that promise of what they will one day be.
college through the time they ultimately achieve their goals.
Being President of A - B Te c h
Art can change
“I want to start my one-man marketing campaign to
save the world. I want to make people think and I want
other young Asheville artists to join me and make a
the world for the better.
On Being an
difference by reaching out to the world in new and
A - B Te c h
exciting ways, through our art. You can see I am so
influenced by Asheville in my art. It is so eclectic. It has a
little something for everyone.�
Eddie Gumm A-B Tech Art Student Designer of the official 2008 Bele Chere poster A Winner in the Design Our Pepsi Can contest
there is
“I always had a passion for teens at risk. I became
On Being an
concerned about teens when I visited my son’s middle
My mission is to show others a better way.
school. I saw teens that were in trouble and knew I was
needed. The community improves when an enthusiastic
person becomes a role model in the lives of others.
Volunteering can be a great reward. ”
Mary Warren 2005 GED Graduate 2008 Criminal Justice Technology Graduate Caring for Children Employee
A - B Te c h Graduate
The success
“Why do I teach? Because I understand teaching to be
the power to change lives. In teaching resides the power
to alter destinies by encouraging others to reach their
highest aspirations. Students come to us with hopes
and dreams. They are allowing us to participate in their
of my students is my highest aspiration.
On Being a
lives and give substance to their dreams. Teaching is a
privilege, one I do not take for granted.�
Dr. Rock Doddridge Social/Behavioral Sciences Instructor
Faculty Member
Students should
“Being Student Success Advocates (SSA) allows us to
develop deeper, more meaningful relationships with
students. We want them to feel totally comfortable to call
on us when they have needs or concerns. I see being an
On Being a Student
SSA as an opportunity to be a representative of A-B Tech
be treated as individuals.
with deep respect and great care for students. What greater
Success Advocate
reward is there than helping students move successfully
toward achieving their individual goals and dreams?�
Dr. Debby Harmon Director of Counseling and Student Success Advocate
Business, research,
On Being “A-B Tech’s Small Business Incubator has been such a
significant help. I not only have my office and lab at a
A Small Business Incubator
great price but all the equipment I need for my research.
and incubation happen here.
I feel extremely fortunate to have landed here at
A-B Tech to do this business, primarily because of the
Center for Business and Technology Incubation.”
Dr. DeAnna Hatch Chief Scientific Officer and CEO of OrganoFuels, A tenant of the Center for Business and Technology Incubation
Year in
On Being a S u c c e s s f u l Ye a r The inauguration of Dr. Betty K. Young May 2nd marks the first
Representatives from A-B Tech and community partners created
time a woman has held the position of president since A-B Tech
The Global Institute for Sustainability Technologies to educate the
was established in 1959. Dr. Young, the fourth president of A-
community on the adaptation of sustainability technologies and
B Tech, outlined her vision of developing facilities to meet the
promote the successful development of sustainability technologies.
growing student population and to create space for new programs
U.S. Rep. Heath Shuler announced a $354,240 appropriation to
needed in the community.
create the Western North Carolina Clean Energy Business Incubator
at A-B Tech’s Enka Campus. Russ Yelton, Executive Director of Entrepreneurial Ventures and Business Incubation, will direct the incubator to develop and deliver support services for clean energy businesses in WNC.
The Engineering and Applied Technology Division built a
She also outlined plans to create Student Success Advocates
demonstrator of sustainable energy using solar and wind energy in
(SSA) to advise students on classes and develop education plans
the Maple Annex.
with them, reconnect with alumni and their employers to build
For the first time in the A-B Tech’s history, Folkmoot USA performed
relationships and enhance the lives of people in our community,
on campus. Folkmoot, North Carolina’s official international festival,
and identify new markets and delivery options to meet the needs
is a two-week celebration of the world’s cultural heritage through
of a changing society.
Dr. Young announced an administrative reorganization to provide greater opportunities for A-B Tech to grow. Max Queen, former
folk music and dance. A-B Tech hosted performers from northern Chinese Taipei, Slovakia and Trinidad.
The first class of Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) officers in Western
Continuing Education Vice President, was named Executive Vice
North Carolina graduated April 25th A-B Tech. Fifteen officers
President/Chief Learning Officer, bringing together the academic
and deputies from the Asheville Police Department and Buncombe
and Continuing Education functions of the College. Jeff Ferezan joined the team as Vice President of College Initiatives, responsible
County Sheriff’s Office completed the 40-hour training.
for providing executive leadership for the many new initiatives of
CIT educates officers who encounter people with severe mental
the College.
illnesses on how to recognize the symptoms of those illnesses and respond effectively to people experiencing psychiatric crises. The
Dr. Sam Dosumu was appointed Vice President of Instructional
program is designed to improve the safety of officers and mental
Services. “I was drawn to A-B Tech by the quality of the faculty,”
health clients and redirect clients from the judicial system to the
he said. Dr. Barbara Keaton was named Vice President for
health care system.
Economic and Workforce Development/Continuing Education. “My job is to get up every morning and think about Workforce
Two new curriculum programs were started at A-B Tech to
Development,” she said. Dick Mauney was promoted to Executive
fulfill the region’s workforce needs. The Medical Assisting degree
Vice President for Administrative Services/CFO.
prepares multi-skilled health care professionals qualified to
A Designed Teaching and Learning curriculum development
perform administrative, clinical, and laboratory procedures. The Entrepreneurship program provides students with the knowledge
initiative was created to give greater consistency to courses
and the skills necessary for employment and growth as self-employed
and provide faculty with instructional strategies and materials.
business owners of companies competing in a global economy.
Course development teams work to create the curriculum for common course outcomes, assignments, activities, and comparable assessments.
To t a l S t u d e n t s
To t a l F u l l - Ti m e F a c u l t y / S t a f f Number
Students 2007-08
Senior Administrators
Curriculum/Extension Faculty
Buncombe/Madison Residents
Average Age
To t a l F a c u l t y (Fall 2007)
Continuing Education
Curriculum Students 2007-08
Buncombe/Madison Residents
Average Age
Educational Specialist
Associate or Other Credential
Students 2007-08
Continuing Education
To t a l E m p l o y e e s (Fall 2007)
Employed (full & part-time)
Buncombe/Madison Residents
Average Age
To t a l F u l l - Ti m e F a c u l t y / S t a f f
To t a l F a c u l t y
Senior Administrators Service/Maintenance
Bachelor's Master's Curriculum/Extension Faculty
Associate or Other Credential Educational Specialist Professional
On Budget and Statistics
Down to Business
Operating and Nonoperating Revenues 10 89
11 12 13 14
6 1 5 4 3
State Aid
County Appropriations
Other Revenues
Sales And Services, Net
State And Local Grants And Contracts
Federal Grants And Contracts
Student Tuition And Fees
Investment Income
Noncapital Gifts
Noncapital Grants
State Capital Aid
County Capital Aid
Capital Grants
Capital Gifts
Note: Expenses reported exceed revenues for the fiscal year due to the conversion of the records from cash based accounting to accrual based accounting, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, where construction appropriations were recognized as revenue at June 30, 2007 but were received during the 2007-2008 fiscal year.
Operating and Nonoperating Expenses 1
Instruction $22,601,490
Academic Support
Public Service
< 0.01%
Student Services
Institutional Support
Operations And Maintenance Of Plant
Student Financial Aid
Auxiliary Enterprises
Other Expense
Total $48,509,107
Students B o a r d o f Tr u s t e e s
Mary Ruth Fowler
Doris Giezentanner Elizabeth Harper
Talmage Penland
Gordon Randolph
William Hart, Jr.
Dr. Joe B. Roberson Ray Spells
Carol Peterson
David Wyatt
Vice Chair
Dr. Harvey Haynes
Richard Hurley
Kaye Myers
Mandy Stone
J. Herbert Coman
Jesse Korth
Trustee Emeritus
SGA President
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Many performers have graced the stage of Thomas
are my inspiration. Wolfe Auditorium, but none I enjoy more than the
graduates of A-B Tech. As chair of the Board of Trustees,
On Being
I spend much of my time attending meetings with fellow
trustees and representing the College at special events.
But on two separate occasions this past year,
work or embark on a new career. And what
I had an opportunity to sit on the stage at
makes these performances so inspiring is
Thomas Wolfe, looking out at hundreds of
the fact that many are given in the face of
new graduates and sharing the pride felt
tremendous challenges, challenges like lost
by their husbands and wives, moms and
jobs, single parenthood, caring for elderly
dads, sons and daughters, and friends and
parents and never finishing high school.
Witnessing these performances lifts me in a
These graduates are true performers, they
way few others can and reminds me what
and the students they represent â&#x20AC;Ś the ones
a privilege it is to chair the Board of this
working on a GED or learning how to read,
remarkable institution.â&#x20AC;?
those taking a class or two to get ahead at
Chair of the Board
The benefits of When asked to join the Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College
Foundation Board of Directors in 1992, I had to carefully weigh the â&#x20AC;&#x153;whyâ&#x20AC;?
of adding one more responsibility to my busy life. With a full-time job, two
children and two exchange students, and a busy husband, serving on this
board was a big commitment.
After considering what A-B Tech meant to me personally, I could do nothing but serve the college and the community in this capacity. My husband could not open the doors of his dental practice without the training of his staff at A-B Tech; each member of our family has
been cared for by health professionals trained at A-B Tech; we’re all served and protected by fire, EMS, law
enforcement professionals trained at A-B Tech – the list goes on and on and on. Think about it – how have you been touched daily by A-B Tech?
Chair of the Foundation
A-B Tech touch us all. And what better way to give back to
we take but by the moments that take
the community than working, giving,
our breath away.” What takes my breath
supporting the work of the A-B Tech
away? Seeing a single mom who received a
Foundation! With the goals of providing
scholarship, and her young son, walk across
funds for scholarships, faculty/staff
the graduation stage with a life-changing
development, mini-grants, renovation
college degree, reading a letter written by a
and expansion, and technology, the
truck driver who, at 52 years old, learned
Foundation enriches and improves all of the
to read and write because of support by the
communities of Buncombe and Madison
Foundation. A-B Tech needs private gifts to
create more of these success stories. Please
The following quote sums up my service
join the Foundation and me to experience
on the A-B Tech Foundation Board, “Life
these breathless moments!
is not measured by the number of breaths
Nancy Miller Chairperson, A-B Tech Foundation 19
A-B Tech helps me
“The Lavender Fund Scholarship is a true blessing
because I am a single mother of three children. It helps
me get the necessities I need to be a full-time college
student and gives me motivation to keep my grades
up. As I am becoming a successful role model for my
children, I have the Lavender Fund Scholarship to thank.
On Being
My experience at A-B Tech has been wonderful. I don’t
fulfill my role as a mother.
take it for granted that I can attend because I know how
a scholarship recipient
important this is for my family’s future.”
Shannie Hagen Medical Office Administration Student with children Jayda, Jason, and Jazlynn
We want to help
â&#x20AC;&#x153;We decided to make the donations to give other young
people who have the ambition to help themselves.
people the same opportunity our children had to further
their education. All four attended A-B Tech. Anybody
On Being
who has the ambition to work and get out and make a
A Donor to living, we try to help them all we can. We hope to live life
t h e A - B Te c h Foundation
on 10 percent of our income and be benevolent with the
remaining 90 percent.â&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Jack and Carolyn Ferguson, donors of the largest single gift of monies ever made to the College and the Foundation
Scholarship Recipients K. Ray Bailey/A-B Tech Foundation Golf Classic Scholarship Jennifer Howerth Tara Johnson Anna McClintock Aaron Metcalf Penny Sams
A-B Tech Foundation Scholarship Kevin Crary Joelle Embry Xinyu Hu Keisha Parker Kenneth Payne Michael Sidorovic Sheryl Snuffer Michelle Welch
Altrusa International of Asheville Scholarship Martha Baldwin
Arvin Meritor Scholarship Ronald Powell
Asheville Independent Restaurant Association “Chefs of Tomorrow” Scholarship Ronnie Bowers Steven Goff
AvL Technologies Endowed Scholarship Michael Buckner
Bowers, Ellis & Watson Architects Endowed Scholarship Laura Lovelace
Buncombe County Machining Technology Scholarship Kay Adams Russell Bonjorno David Carroll Matthew Croom Kenneth Fisher Robert Gill Bruce Gillespie Jimmie Hensley Lincoln Hood James Ingle Jeffery King Josh Laney Lynial Latham Richard Mazyck Logan McArthur John McElrath Shawn Murphy Stephen Olinger Bobby Penland, Jr. Ray Pike Brendan Quinlan Billy Robinson James Scarborough Terry Shelton Matthew Turner Joseph Vanderbeck Samuel Whipple Roland Williams
Children’s Welfare League Endowed Scholarship Jessica Clark
Christiana Tugman Scholarship Honoring Jose Luis Marino-Saldana and William Ralph Tugman Adrienne Weir
College Bridge Fall 2007 Scholarship Justin Goodell Yvette Jennings Christian Rominger Daniel Swain
College Bridge Spring 2008 Scholarship Heather Johnson Brenda McPherson
Deltec Homes Endowed Scholarship Elizabeth Rytz
Elizabeth Scarbrough/Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship Georgeanna Patton
Frank Hutchinson/Candler Lion’s Club Endowed Scholarship Jean Harwood
French Broad Garden Club Scholarship Bronwyn Holliday
Friends of North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association Scholarship Bethany Ritch
Futch Family Endowed Scholarship Honoring Mary and William Futch Lorelei Scollin
GEM Fund, American Association of University Women, Asheville Branch Scholarship Janelle Hepfner
Grace Joan Love Schneider Endowed Scholarship Camellia Austin Holly Briggs Amanda Crompton Laura Garland Loretta Hoffman Daniel Horn Jacob Pegg Kelly Rorabaugh
H.D. and Kay Crews Endowed Scholarship Theodore Blackwood Mary Hostetler Misty Morrison Debra Ponton
Lacy T. Haith-James V. Miller Memorial Endowed Scholarship Demetris Jones Georgeanna Patton
Hospitality Education Scholarship Ronnie Bowers
Iva McGrady Wall Memorial Endowed Scholarship Jayne Lombardo
Jessie Copp Kramer/ Hominy Valley Endowed Scholarship Justin Goodson Grace Davidson
Joe and Janice Brumit Endowed Scholarship Joseph Scotto
John and Leona Graham Scholarship Pamela Hitesman
Johnathan Giardina Memorial Endowed Scholarship John Carrico Franklin Pearce III
Joseph Dave Memorial Endowed Scholarship Phillip White
La Chaine des Rotisseurs Scholarship Sarah Roberts
Marie Love Cochrane Endowed Scholarship Jason Bunn
Mark Rosenstein, The Marketplace Scholarship Amy Bryant Sarah Wilkison
Mary Louise Carpenter Scholarship Neil Turner
North Buncombe Extension Community Association Scholarship Rebecca Cortes
North Carolina Retired School Personnel Scholarship April Wilkins
North Carolina State Trust Fund Scholarship David Baker Nikki Cox Samantha Epley Emily Hinds Tessa Keath Kerianne Knight Teresa Matott Jennifer Meador Heather Monroe Susan Woodman
Osborne M. Hart Memorial Endowed Scholarship Terrance Blake
Patrick A. Brannen Construction Management Scholarship Benjamin West
Robert F. Burgin Endowed Scholarship Tracey Carroll
Ruth Denham Memorial Scholarship Lisa Chandler April Mace
Sam Palmeri Memorial Endowed Health Scholarship Jessica Hardy
Fred & Tullia Sgro-James C. Huston Memorial Scholarship Alyson Mitchell
Sgt. Jeffrey Hewitt Memorial Endowed Scholarship Joshua Dockery
Shapiro-Green Endowed Scholarship Madeleine Hesselink Judith Lowry Jennifer Noble Sonia Nunez Robin Ryder
State Employeesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Credit Union Foundation Scholarship Carmen Chavez Susan Clemons Grace Harrison
Surgical Technology Scholarship Ashley Gray
Theresa Sabo Memorial Endowed Scholarship Carolyn Gasperson Alan Leach
Thompson Properties Scholarship Joshua Littlejohn
UnitedHealthcare Scholarship Holly Himmelstein
W.P. Hickman Company Scholarship Jacob Pendergrass
William P. Warren Health Education Endowed Scholarship Amy Aly Kelly Hunter
K. Ray Bailey A-B Tech Foundation Invitational Golf Classic Planning Committee Mike Ray, Chair Gene Austin K. Ray Bailey Louis Bissette Jimmie Cochran Pratt John Ellis Brad Galbraith Harry Jackson Tara Johnson Steve Jones
Kathryn Lemieux Anita Metcalf Sabrina Miller Ken O’Connor Judy Ray Bob Roberts Carol Stanford Jack Teague Dave White John Winkenwerder
Gold Sponsors Arby’s, The Winning Team Bank of America Bowers, Ellis & Watson, Architects, P.A. Mechanical Systems and Services SSC Service Solutions William Grant and Sons
Bronze Sponsors Advanced Business Equipment BB&T Bank of Asheville Golden Ray Food Service Hampton Inn/Homewood Suites Nova Kitchen & Bath Progress Energy Taylor & Murphy Construction Co. Title Company of NC WRESA – Western Region Education Services Alliance McGuire Wood & Bissette & WCI Insurance Service of Asheville
2008 Teams A-B Tech Administration A-B Tech Continuing Education Advanced Business Equipment Arby’s, The Winning Team Asheville Merchants Corporation BB&T Bank of America Bank of Asheville
Bowers, Ellis & Watson, Architects, P.A. First Citizens Bank Fletcher BMW Golden Ray Food Service Hampton Inn/Homewood Suites Hart Funeral Service M. B. Haynes Corporation/ Eblen Oil Kimmel Development Learning Environments, Inc. McGuire Wood & Bissette/WCI Mechanical Systems & Services MidSouth Forms & Supplies Mills Manufacturing Nova Kitchens & Bath Office Environments Orthopedic Appliance Company PBC+L Architects, P.A. Parxlent Ladies Progress Energy SSC Service Solutions Taylor & Murphy Construction Co. James J. Teague, III, DDS Title Company of NC Tyco Valves & Controls WRESA
Hole Sponsors A-B Emblem A-B Tech Community College Bonitz of Carolina-Tennessee Boys, Arnold & Company Brittany Supply, Inc. Chick-fil-A Colonial Life Cort Architectural Group, P.A. Jerry Dave Eaton Corporation Emory Electric, Inc Friday Services, Inc. Bill & Alice Hart Haynes Plumbing HomeTrust Bank Inform Systems Data Documents, Inc. Insurance Service of Asheville Kinko’s Mail Management Services McKinney Welding Supplies PSNC Energy Southeastern Container Southern Concrete Volvo Construction WNC Officials Association
2008 In-Kind Sponsors A-B Emblem Advanced Business Equipment Arby’s, The Winning Team Bank of America Black Mountain Golf Club Cliffs at Walnut Grove Country Club of Asheville FolkmootUSA Golden Ray Food Service William Grant & Sons Grove Park Inn Golf Course Kenmure Golf Club Kimmel Associates Kinko’s Maggie Valley Country Club T. A. Miller & C. J. Reece Mimosa Hills Golf & Country Club Mission Hospitals, Inc. Mountain Air Country Club Mount Mitchell Golf Club Musgrove Mill Golf Club Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company Reems Creek Golf Club Rental Uniform Service Waynesville Country Club
Grants allow A-B Tech to provide opportunities that might not otherwise be possible, opportunities that can improve students’ lives and make our community a better place to live. In 2007-08, the College received nearly $1.8 million in grants, including: U.S. Department of Energy, through Congressman Shuler’s Office-$354,240 (over three years) supporting the Western North Carolina Clean Energy Incubator (included in last year’s federal budget). Benefits: green jobs will benefit workers, the economy, and the environment of WNC; consumers will understand the residential benefits, and uses of solar, wind, and other renewable energies; small businesses based on renewable energy will provide jobs and strengthen economic development in WNC. The Lavender Fund, through the Community Foundation of Western North Carolina$250,000 (over three years) supporting scholarship, emergency fund, mentoring and small business activities. Benefits: 38 single parents received scholarship and emergency funds, along with mentoring support, thereby achieving educational goals and changing their lives, as well as the lives of their families. High school and college students discovered opportunities and gained entrepreneurial skills. The Student Business Incubator mentored and supported entrepreneurs to fulfilled dreams and financial success. Duke Energy, through the Foundation for the Carolinas-$238,000 (over two years) provided the first year (of a three-year grant). Benefits: Updated equipment, instructor training, and curriculum development in advanced manufacturing reflected current manufacturing requirements. Students graduate to increased opportunities and financial security for them and their families. Manufacturers benefit from highly-skilled workers.
Smart Start-$94,760 (each year over a three-year term) Benefits: 184 students provided young children a higher level of care and education as a result of the Smart Start funded instructors. Natural Products Curriculum and Lab Services Dissemination-$92,000 Benefits: This grant built on the Natural Products program started last year, supporting classes for two sites and classes scheduled at three other colleges in North Carolina. One hundred and fifty-seven students learned the role of herbs in their own life and/ or gained the information necessary for small business development. Service Connect through the Perry Rudnick Fund of the Community Foundation of Henderson County-$50,000 (final year of a two-year grant) Benefits: These funds established what is the largest service learning program in a North Carolina community college as documented in a survey in March 2007. Seven hundred and twenty-five students gained insight into the world of work by providing service in our community. Through more than 100 agencies and organizations, students made a difference through the following outcomes including, but not limited to children were mentored and tutored, learned skills, and experienced success; meals were delivered and comfort given; the homeless were sheltered and cared for; the community’s culture was preserved and enhanced.
On BEing a Grant Recipient
Entrepreneurship Education gained $3,000 Benefits: Created a bridge from high school into A-B Tech’s entrepreneurship program for students with an entrepreneurial spirit. Sustainability Technology received $2,500 from Progress Energy Benefits: Students in electrical training learned design, installation, and maintenance topics related to photovoltaic and wind-based power generation.
Foundation Financial Summary
Source: Unaudited A-B Tech Foundation Financial Statements June 30, 2008
Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2008 Revenues and Gains Contributions
Expenses $680,378
Net Assets
Scholarships to A-B Tech
Special Events Revenue
A-B Tech Program Support
Interest and Investment Income
Equipment (Machining Technology)
Net Unrealized and Realized Gains
Minigrants (Faculty and Staff)
Total Revenues and Gains
Emergency Funds
10,691 7,106
Management & General
Total Expenses
Net Assets beginning of year
Prior Year Correction 1,381,089 (addition of Charitable Remainder Trust’s gift) Change in Net Assets Net Assets June 30, 2008
139,495 $4,614,790
A-B Tech Foundation Board of Directors
AvL Technologies, Inc.
A-B Tech Biology Department A-B Tech Hospitality Education Students Advantage West American Association of University Women AT&T K. Ray and Glenda Bailey BB&T Benchmark Construction & Development, Inc. Biltmore Farms Boys, Arnold & Company Joe & Janice Brumit Dr. Connie Buckner Alan & Lucy Butterworth Candler Lions Club CarePartners Foundation Chaddick Foundation Joseph & Julie Damore Jerry Dave Rick & Bridget Eckerd Elks #608 Enka High School Class of 1961 First Citizens Bank First District Dental Society Sharon Ford Patricia Freeman & Jim Lenburg French Broad Garden Club Foundation Tony R. Graham Hart Funeral Service, Inc. Insurance Service of Asheville Joe & Cynthia Kimmel William & Heather Lee Mortgage Lenders Association of WNC NC Retired School Personnel Nova Kitchen & Bath Ken O’Connor Scott & Sandra Petrucha Pisgah Pest Control Progress Energy Progress Energy Community Energy Advisory Council Bob & Leslie Rhinehart Roberts & Stevens, P.A. Attorneys At Law Dr. Lary Schulof Joseph A. & Beverly Sgro Silver Line Plastics Raymond Spells, Jr. Jerry V. Sternberg Shaun Tate Taylor & Murphy Construction Co., Inc. Title Company of North Carolina Christiana Glenn Tugman William Grant & Sons John Winkenwerder Yesterday’s Tree Dr. Betty Young Steve & Frosene Zeis
$1 0 0 , 0 0 0 o r m o r e
Duke Energy through the Foundation for the Carolinas
TRUSTEES CIRCLE K. Ray Bailey A-B Tech President Emeritus
$5 0 , 0 0 0 – $ 9 9 , 9 9 9
Ruth Paddison Trust
FOUNDATION CIRCLE $2 5 , 0 0 0 – $ 4 9 , 9 9 9
Anonymous as the Lavender Fund through the Community Foundation of WNC Louis Bissette President, McGuire, Wood & Bissette, P.A.
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Ferguson Nicholas & Deborah Giardina
$1 5 , 0 0 0 – $ 2 4 , 9 9 9
Anonymous Joe Brumit A-B Tech Foundation Board Immediate Past Chair
Children’s Welfare League
HONORS CIRCLE $6 , 0 0 0 – $ 1 4 , 9 9 9
Kay Crews Community Volunteer
Dr. H.D. & Kay Crews Deltec Homes Dorothy C. Maitland Dr. Alexander Maitland Kay Manley Dr. William A. Sabo State Employees Credit Union Foundation
SCHOLARS CIRCLE $3 , 0 0 0 – $ 5 , 9 9 9
Julie Damore Community Volunteer
John Ellis President, Bowers, Ellis & Watson Architects, P.A.
Advanced Business Equipment, Inc. Arby’s, The Winning Team Bank of America Biltmore Company Bowers, Ellis & Watson Architects, P.A. Buncombe County Consortium for Entrepreneurship Education Mechanical Systems & Services Roger & Anita Metcalf Mission Hospitals Mary Louise Powell SSC Service Solutions Western Region Education Service Alliance (WRESA)
$1,000 – $2,999
A-B Tech Surgical Technology Club Altrusa International of Asheville Anonymous Asheville Merchants Corporation Asheville Sister Cities, Inc. Bank of Asheville Louis Bissette Cecil & Teresa Cantrell City of Asheville Carl & Marie Cochrane Dr. Copper Coggins E. Ray & Jacqueline Cope Cort Architectural Group Scott & Carol Douglas Enka High School Class of 1962 Etheridge Women’s Club Jeffrey Ferezan P. Thomas & Peggy Ferguson Fletcher BMW Friends Of NCVMA Foundation Golf Tournament Participants Steve & Jean Greene Grove Park Inn William & Alice Hart Tracie Hewitt Home Trust Bank Learning Environments, Inc. Lowe’s Buchan Club Barbara MacIsaac Richard Mauney Midsouth Forms Company Glenn & Nancy Miller Mills Family Foundation Julie Mitzi Goins North Buncombe Extension Homemakers Office Environments Orthopedic Appliance Company, Inc. PBC+L Architects Talmage Penland Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Pratt C. Max & Janie Queen Leigh & John Ruhl Michael & Beverly Tavener James Teague III, D.D.S. Tyco Valves & Controls Volvo Construction Wachovia Bank WCI, Inc. Western Carolina Amateur Radio Society Dr. David B. White WNC Regional Economic Development Commission
AMBASSADORS CIRCLE $ 2 50 – $499 A-B Tech Biology Club Asheville City Schools
Elizabeth Bailey Madison & Jessica Barr Joelen Bell Biltmore Oil Company Kathi Bivens-Arnold Larry Boyd Barbara Brownsmith Mary Sue Buckner Lisa Bush Mona Cornwell Diversified Learning Drs. Joyce & Laurence Dorr Lisa M. Evans Carol Fleming Ned Fowler W. Michael Gray Tom & Jeanne Hallmark Dr. Deborah Harmon Elizabeth Harper Mary Harper Dr. Harvey L. Haynes Elizabeth F. Hester Sherian D. Howard Richard Howell, D.D.S. Reverend Ivory Hunter, Jr. Richard B. Hurley Carol Hutchinson Image Dental Arts Robin Keith Kimmel Development Group, LLC Dennis & Jan King Kevin Paul Knott William W. Mance Russell Martin & Karon Korp MB Haynes McCarroll Construction, Inc. David McCartney Marilyn McDonald Lease McIntosh Robert & Lee Merrill Joyce M. Moncada Elizabeth F. Nealon Sue Olesiuk Revertia L. Pegg James Perry Bob Poore Kelly Randolph Priscilla Rhoades Aleta Roberson Marlene Roden Jerry & Wilma Sherrill Sherry M. Shields April Sides Pamela Silvers Square D Foundation S.W. & Carolyn Stone James Sullivan James D. Tomberlin Heather Vaughn
A-B Tech Foundation Board of Directors
Jack Ferguson Retired, Lowe’s
Brad Galbraith Kimmel Development Group, LLC
Neal Hanks, Jr. President, Beverly-Hanks & Associates
Darryl Hart Vice President/General Manager, Hart Funeral Service, Inc.
Richard Hurley A-B Tech Foundation Member-at-Large Retired, Square D Company
Harry Jackson President, Advanced Business Equipment
A-B Tech Foundation Board of Directors
Adelaide Key Community Volunteer
Karl Koon Vice President, Asheville Oil Company
Mike Kryzanek Owner, Kryzanek Properties, LLC
Heather Lee Community Volunteer
Craig Madison President and CEO, Grove Park Inn Resort and Spa
Richard Mauney A-B Tech Foundation Treasurer CFO, Executive Vice President, Administrative Services, AshevilleBuncombe Technical Community College
FRIENDS $1 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; $ 2 4 9 A-B Tech Chapter NC Association Of Educational Office Professionals A-B Tech Student Government Association A-B Tech Communications Department A-B Tech English Department Kenet Adamson Inez Alexander Joe Allawos Ann Anderson Christy Andrews Anonymous Elizabeth Anthony Karla Antonio Stephen & Judy Arendale Ann Marie Arendes Gene Austin Virginia Bailey Pamela Baker Elizabeth Baker Tamara Baldwin Kay & Steve Baldwin Martha & Kyle Ball Catherine D. Ball William Y. Barkley Samuel L. Barnes Tamala Barnett Angela R. Beattie George W. Beck Chuck Bennett Lori Berman Dr. & Mrs. George M. Bilbrey Robert & Carol Blackwell Bonitz of Carolina-Tennessee Phyllis Boone Judy Borum Mike Bowlin Margaret Bradshaw Jonathan Bricker Barbara & Powell Bridges Richard Brisebois Phyllis Britt Brittany Supply Laura Brown Sarah J. Brown Jennifer Browning Peggy Bulla Linda Burke Jenifer Burns Helen Burrell Byrdene Byerly Thomas & Catherine Byers
Phyllis Cagle Janet Caldwell Jackie B. Caldwell Angela R. Calhoun Candler High School Class of 1954 Thomas & Katherine Cannon Donna E. Cantell Kim Caraway Loretta Carlton Peter Carswell Amy Cartee David L. Carter Richard & Evelyn Carter Peter Carver Chastity Case Brenda Causey Dr. & Mrs. William P. Cave Anita Chambers William Chambers, D.D.S. Mary Alice Church-Steurer Dr. William Claiborne Carole Clark Annie Clingenpeel Sharon Cloud Cathy Cody Colonial Insurance Continuing Education Sunshine Fund Bill & Barbara Conner Sherry Cordell W.C. Covert Mack & Patricia Cox Barbara Creasman Nancy Crosby Karma Crouch Thomas Crowder Charles Cummings Barbara Darby Margaret Darnell Vernon Daugherty, Jr. Kathryn Daughton Paul Calven Davidson Rhonda Davidson Joshua Davis Linda Davis Sherri Davis Kathy Davis Dr. Tom Dechant Linda Decoteau Sherri Deluca Richard Deluca Michael Dempsey Gigi Derballa Lynn Deyton Martha Dickens Dr. Rock Doddridge
Susan Donato Kathie Doole Veronica Dooly C. M. Douglass Thelbert Dowdy Betty & Gary Draper Julie Duriga Eaton Corporation James Edmonds Melissa Edwards Karen E. Edwards Marion Eklund Dr. Robert S. Eldridge Rick & Jan Elingburg Sylvia M. Eller Lydia Luka Elliott Emory Electric Dorcas Epley Joyce Dover-Evans Bethany Faber Carolyn Fagan Charles P. Farmer Galina Fedun Vicktor Fedun Matthew A. Fender Randy Finley Alma Fisher Gloria Fisher Fishman & Co. Realtors Michael K. Fletcher Tina Fountain Mary Ruth Fowler Tina Fowler Dr. Joseph Fox Kristen Franklin Dr. Joe Franklin Friday Services, Inc. Kristy Frost Lynne Gabai Tom & Bobbie Gaffigan Megan Getty-Odom Kirsten Getz Gilardi & Co. LLC Joan Gilmore Jo Ann Gipe Sarah Gnilka Golden Ray Food Services Diana Goodheart Randee Goodstadt-Evans Angela Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Gould Richard Greene Hamilton Gregory Robin Grooms Susan Grosoff
Glenna P. Gunter Audrey H. Hall Diane Hall Christine Halvorson Walter Hamilton David Hamlett Harold & Marjorie Hankin Tim Hanlon Paige & Oliver Harris Barbara Harrison Michele Hathcock Robin Hayes Richard L. Hayes Treva Haynes Jane Headland Debbie Henderson Jennifer Hill Jason Hill Bradley & Wendy Hines Kathy Hipps Libby Hodan John Hofland Cheryl Holder Rusty Holmes Dr. Edward Holzapfel, Jr. Pat M. Hornyak Frances H. Houser Rebecca Howell Cyndy Howze Aidan Hoyal D. J. Hughes Patsy Hutchinson Melissa Hyatt Inform Systems Data Documents, Inc. Myrna Israel Dwight James Lisa Johnson Janice Johnston Donald Keener Patsy Keever & Jim Aycock Ken Kendrick Peter Kennedy Don & Barbara Kent Adelaide Key Sharon H. Killian Pamela Kirby Virginia C. Kirkland Eileen Klope Peter Kolodich Sun Kondal Karl & McKenzie Koon Galina Kram Michael R. Kryzanek Ivan Kukharets Peggy Ann Kyle
A-B Tech Foundation Board of Directors
Ken Maxwell Sales Consultant, Mountain Air
Nancy Miller A-B Tech Foundation Board Chair Community Volunteer
Sabrina Miller NC Market President, West Region & Consumer Market Executive â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Mountain Market, Bank of America
William Murdock
Executive Director, Eblen Charities
Aleta Roberson Human Resources Consultant
Bob Roberts Executive Vice President, First Citizens Bank
A-B Tech Foundation Board of Directors
Leigh Ruhl
A-B Tech Foundation Board Vice Chair Broker Associate, Beverly Hanks and Associates
Robby Russell Market President, Wachovia Bank
Dr. Lary Schulhof Retired Physician, Mountain Neurological Center
Ray Spells Senior Vice President, Wachovia Bank
Dr. Jack Teague III Dentist
Nancy Thompson Sales Manager, Thoms Estate
Donna Ladet Pat Lail Mona Lancaster Christine Lang Jacqueline Larsen Sterling Lawrence Jonathon Lawrie Ron Layne Dr. Philip Leftwich Jean Leichte Kathryn Lemieux Lewis Lightner Carol Little Joanna Long Joseph Lowery Lucy Anne Sheryl Lussier Stephen Maag Debra Maddox MAHEC Mail Management Services Laurie Manley Danny & Jackie Mann Manna Food Bank Robert H. Manning Nancy Markhoff Michael McCarthy Carolina McCready Holly McCurry Tracy Walker McFarlan Therese McGannon Sam McGuire David McKinney McKinney Enterprises Shirley McLaughlin E. W. & Gail McLeod Jill McNabb Sara McQuaid A.G.G. & Marilyn McWilliam Frank Miceli Frederick D. Stockton & Vicki Middleton Ala Mikhalchuk Celia Miles Wesley Miley Patricia Miller Neal Mills Branton Moody Nancy Moore Tamma & Jerome Moriarty Dr. Sharon Morrissey Virginia Moser Richard Mueller John P. Mulvaney Jean S. Mulvaney
William & Robin Murdock Joan Muse Frederic & Faye Muse David Myers Skye Myrick NC Association Of Community Colleges Joseph W. & Wanda G. Newman Eric Noblett Silas Noel North Carolina Biotechnology Center Virginia Norton Sarah Nunez Stephanie P. O’Brien Stephanie Oguin Brian O’Rourke Janna Ostapovich Dr. H. James Owen Lee P. Pack Phyllis Pack Justin Page Randy & Lou Ann Parker Terri Parr Mary Susan Paterson Carol Paxton Nicole Pekarek Garry & Gail Penland Ellen J. Perry Melinda Peterson Brenda Phillips Karla Piccirillo Maretta Pinson James M. & Deborah Plemmons Dr. Anne Ponder Carolyn O. Poplett Robert H. Potts Herman & Diane Prakke Malory Presley Charles Price PSNC Energy Melissa Quinley Bonnie Quist Raleigh Jaycees Harry Ramsey Gordon Randolph Tom Rash Maloy Rash, Jr. Sherry Ratzlaff Mike Ray Jesse Ray Wilma Reagan Debra Reese Mary Reeves Phyllis A. Reid Dr. Timothy Reischman
Peggy Rich Lisa Richards Robert L. Richeson, D.D.S. Brenda & Ronnie Robinson Brenda Robinson Dorothy Rochie Rosalie Rosebrook Jonathan Ross Ken Rudolph Sarah J. Schober Gary Schwartz Bradd & Denise Scott Joseph Scotto Jan & John Scroggs Linda Seals Jackie Searcy Stephanie Sharp William F. Simpson T.D. Singleton Gea Skeens The Reverend Jane Smith Edward & Janet Smith Pat & Phil Smith Benny Smith Cynthia Smith Sharon Smith Theron David Smith Constance Smutz Mark Snelson Amanda Soule Southeastern Container, Inc. Southern Concrete Materials Tamara Sovinskaya Jill Sparks Lavoy Spooner Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Squires Patrick Stager Linda Stamey Jerry Starnes H.B. & Louise Stroup Dr. & Mrs. Tom Stuckey Sharon Suess George W. Sutton Peggy & Joe Swicegood John & Elizabeth Swisher Lisa Szymanski-Richards Lori Tapp Donna S. Taylor Shana Thomas Hough Nancy & John Thompson Avtar Thompson Dianne Thompson Sheila Tillman Martha Tillman
Kathy Toler Donna Tornes Sharon Trammel Virginia Trexler Paula Trilling Nancy Troxler Erik Tschekunow Angie & John Tucker A.W. Tucker, D.D.S. Donna Turner Bonnie Turner Virginia Vaughn Brian Vaughn Lynda Vondeylen Betty Wade Ann Wait David W. Walker Charles Wallin Kathleen Walsh Cliff & Revonda Ward Paul & Mary Anne Warlick Mrs. William P. Warren Rebecca R. Watkins Valerie Watts Kaye Waugh M. J. Weaver Lloyd Weinberg Bridgett Wells William Wells III Shelley White Robin Wiggins Vera Williams Julie Williamson Wendy Willoughby, D.D.S. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Wilson James Earl Wise Jonathan Wise John Witherspoon WNC Officials Association Glenda Wolfe John T. Wood Richard A. Wood, Jr. Donna M. Worley David & Willa Wyatt Carolyn F. Wyatt Valentia Yasyulevich Russ Yelton Rebecca York Laurel Young Marjorie M. Young
A-B Tech Foundation Board of Directors
John Winkenwerder Owner, Hampton Inn/Homewood Suites of Asheville
Rebecca York Community Volunteer
Dr. Betty Young A-B Tech Foundation Board Secretary President, Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College
Ex-Officio Members: Anita Metcalf
Executive Director – Foundation, Vice President – College Relations, Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College
Alma Fisher Faculty Representative–Foundation Board, Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College
Tammy Ward Staff Representative-Foundation Board, AshevilleBuncombe Technical Community College
Erin Cameron-McElroy Administrative Assistant
Leronica Casey Resource Development Coordinator
Jimmie Cochran Pratt Foundation Development Officer
Rachel Fowler Lavender Fund Advisor
Therese McGannon Grants and Foundation Accountant
Tamma Moriarty Grants Writer/Coordinator
In Memory… In Honor…
Ruth Paddison Fund Ruth Paddison Trust
Fred and Tullia Sgro -James C. Huston Memorial Scholarship Beverly & Joseph Sgro
Ruth Denham Memorial Scholarship Alan & Lucy Butterworth
Stans Sluder Memorial K. Ray & Glenda Bailey Thomas & Bobbie Gaffigan Dr. Dennis King The Reverend Jane G. Smith
Hubert Wolfe Memorial Scholarship Elks #608
SOM Memorial Scholarship Scott & Sandra Petrucha
Joe Lilly Culinary Scholarship Joe & Cynthia Kimmel
Robert Edwards Memorial K. Ray Bailey Western Region Education Service Alliance (WRESA)
Jean S. Mulvaney Memorial John P. Mulvaney
Cricket Trisdale Memorial NC Association of Community Colleges
Glenda Bailey Endowed Scholarship Elizabeth A. Bailey Lisa Bush Marlene Roden Becky Watkins
Brian Holt Memorial Scholarship Mortgage Lenders Association of NC
Jesse Copp Kramer/ Hominy Valley Endowed Scholarship Ann Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Blackwell Mary Buckner Byrdene M. Byerly Candler High School Class of 1954 Bill & Barbara Conner E. Ray & Jacqueline Cope Barbara & Caroll Creasman James Edmonds Enka High School Class of 1961 Enka High School Class of 1962 Dorcas S. & Joseph Epley Thomas & Peggy Ferguson Patsy Hutchinson Myrna Israel Danny & Jackie Mann Anita & Roger Metcalf Jean S. Mulvaney Joseph & Wanda Newman Gail & Garry Penland James & Deborah Plemmons Bobby & Gail Poore Carolyn O. Poplett Mr. & Mrs. Herman W. Prakke Wilma Reagan Phyllis Reid Ronnie & Brenda Robinson Bradd & Denise Scott Jerry Starnes Frederick D. Stockton & Vicki Middleton Virginia Trexler Mr. & Mrs. Willliam P. Warren Emily & Franklin Wilson Donna Worley
William Edward Singleton Memorial Virginia Bailey
Robert Weast Memorial Fund for Compensatory Education Elizabeth Anthony Stephen & Judy Arendale Kaye & Steve Baldwin Boys, Arnold & Company S. Powell Bridges Trust Phyllis Britt Richard & Evelyn Carter Mack & Patricia Cox
Nancy S. Crosby Charitable Trust Crowfield Investment Club C M Douglass Marion Ecklund Gloria Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Gould Harold Hankin Lucy Anne Tracie Walker McFarlan Gail & E.W. McLeod A.G.G. & Marilyn McWilliam Virginia Moser Richard Mueller Charles Price Maloy Rash, Jr. Edward & Janet Smith Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Squires John & Elizabeth Swisher Betty Wade Cliff & Revonda Ward Paul & Mary Anne Warlick Carolyn Wyatt M.J. Weaver
Sgt. Jeffrey T. Hewitt Memorial Endowed Scholarship Tracie Hewitt John Witherspoon
Grimes/West Endowed Scholarship Barbara Harrison Max Queen Nicole Pekarek
Frances N. Johnson Memorial Endowed Scholarship Sherry R. Cordell
Marie Cochrane Endowed Scholarship Carl & Marie Cochran
Jonathan Giardina Memorial Endowed Scholarship Nicholas & Deborah Giardina Amanda Soule
President Betty Young Endowed Scholarship Asheville Sister Cities, Inc. Chuck Bennett Bowers, Elllis & Watson Architect, P.A.
Boys, Arnold & Company Richard Brisebois Joe & Janice Brumit Mona Cornwell Cort Architectural Group Kathryn Daughton Scott & Carol Douglas Julie Duriga Rick & Jan Elingburg Jeffrey Ferezan Mr.& Mrs. Jack Ferguson Mary Ruth Fowler Ned Fowler Tom & Bobbie Gaffigan Randee Goodstadt-Evans Grove Park Inn Dr. Deborah Harmon William & Alice Hart Michele Hathcock Dr. Harvey L. Haynes Dr. Edward Holzapfel, Jr. Rebecca Howell Richard Hurley Carol Hutchinson Insurance Service of Asheville Adelaide Key Dennis & Jan King Michael R. Kryzanek William & Heather Lee Kay Manley David McCartney Marilyn McDonald Nancy & Glenn Miller Ken O’Connor PBC+L Architects Talmage Penland Dr. Anne Ponder Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Pratt Max Queen Bonnie Quist Gordon Randolph Roberts & Stevens Attorneys at Law Dorothy Rochie Rosalie Rosebrook Jan & John Scroggs Sherry Shields Pam Silvers Mr. & Mrs. Tom Stuckey Michael & Beverly Tavener Nancy & John Thompson Donna Tornes Heather Vaughn Volvo Construction Lynda VonDeylen Western Regional Eduational Services Alliance (WRESA) Dr. David D. White John Winkenwerder
Note: Contributions listed are those recorded between July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008. Those that occurred after July 1, 2008 will be listed in the 2008-2009 President’s Report. The Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College Foundation is a non-profit, tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization.
In Memoryâ&#x20AC;Ś In Honorâ&#x20AC;Ś Richard A. Wood, Jr. David & Willa Wyatt Steve & Frosene Zeis
K. Ray Bailey Endowed Scholarship For Student Success Advanced Business Equipment, Inc. Advantage West Asheville City Schools Asheville Merchants Corp. A-B Tech Chapter of Association of Educational Office Professionals AvL Technologies, Inc. William Y. Barkley Mr. & Mrs. George M. Bilbrey Biltmore Farms Bowers, Ellis & Watson Architects, P.A. Dr. Connie S. Buckner Buncombe County Lisa F. Bush Thomas & Catherine Byers Cecil & Teresa Cantrell CarePartners Foundation Amy Cartee Dr. & Mrs. William P. Cave City of Asheville Dr. Copper Coggins Cort Architectural Group Barbara Darby Dr. Tom Dechant Diversified Learning Drs. Joyce & Laurence Door Scott C. & Carol Douglas Betty & Gary Draper Lisa M. Evans Matthew A. Fender First Citizens Bank Nicholas & Deborah Giardina Richard Greene Audrey H. Hall Elizabeth Harper Hart Funeral Service, Inc. Elizabeth F. Hester Bradley & Wendy Hines Libby Hodan Home Trust Bank Frances H. Houser Richard B. Hurley Carol Hutchinson Insurance Service of Asheville Patsy Keever & James Aycock Virginia C. Kirkland Karl N. & McKenzie Koon Michael R. Kryzanek Kathryn Lemeiux
MAHEC, Inc. William W. Mance Manna Food Bank Russell Martin & Karon Korp McCarroll Construction, Inc. Marilyn McDonald Sam McGuire Jill McNabb Anita & Roger Metcalf Celia H. Miles Patricia Miller Mission Hospitals Joyce M. Moncada William J. & Robin Murdock Skye Myrick North Carolina Biotechnology Center Elizabeth F. Nealon Sue Olesiuk Dr. H. James Owen Randy & Lou Ann Parker Revertia L. Pegg Bobby G. Poore Mary Louise Powell Progress Energy Harry Ramsey Jesse Ray Mike Ray Dr. Timothy Reischman Bob & Leslie Rhinehart Priscilla Rhoades Roberts & Stevens, Attorneys At Law Leigh & John Ruhl Joseph Scotto Jerry & Wilma Sherrill April Sides Pamela Silvers Silver Line Plastics William F. Simpson Pat & Phil Smith Raymond Spells, Jr. Lavoy Spooner Square D Foundation Jerry V. Sternberg Mary Alice Church-Steuer S. W. & Carolyn Stone Peggy & Joe Swicegood James D. Tomberlin Angela & John Tucker Virginia Vaughn Western Regional Educational Service Alliance (WRESA) John T. Wood Steve & Frosene Zeis
Pisgah Pest Control, Inc.
Maurice Shuford Memorial Fund K. Ray Bailey
Mary Hay Gwynn Memorial Endowed Scholarship Sherry R. Cordell Alma Fisher Joan Gilmore Holly McCurry Skye Myrick Cathy Cody Marlene Roden Donna S. Taylor
Frank Hutchinson/ Candler Lions Club Endowed Scholarship Candler Lions Club
Sam Palmeri Memorial Endowed Scholarship Anonymous
M. Patrick Metcalf Memorial Endowed Scholarship Anita & Roger Metcalf
Geri Freeman Memorial Scholarship Patricia Freeman & Jim Lenburg
Jennie Krichbaum Fund Anita & Roger Metcalf
Rocky Harwood Scholarship
Dr. Deborah Harmon
Osborne M. Hart Memorial Endowed Scholarship Lease McInstosh
Christiana Glenn Tugman Scholarship Honoring Jose Luis Marino-Saldana and William R. Tugman Christiana Glenn Tugman
William P.Warren Health Education Endowed Scholarship E. Ray & Jaqueline Cope Mrs. William P. Warren
Theresa Sabo Memorial Endowed Scholarship Joyce M. Moncada Carol Hutchinson C. Max Queen Dr. William A. Sabo
Ann Marie Arendes Angela R. Beattie Donna E. Cantell Fishman & Co. Realtors Pat M. Hornyak Robert H. Manning Sara McQuaid
Iva McGrady Wall Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Roberta Manley Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Joseph B. Powell Memorial Endowed Scholarhip
Margaret Bradshaw C. Barbara Brownsmith Linda Burke Sherry Cordell
Mary Louise Carpenter Scholarship
Margaret Darnell Carolyn Fagan Joan Gilmore Diana Goodheart Paige & Oliver Harris Robin Hayes Jennifer Hill Kathy Hipps Cheryl Holder Jean Leichte Joanna Long Kay Manley Brenda Robinson Graham Paul Sharp Cynthia Smith Julia A. Williamson
Angela Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Greene Brenda Phillips Debra J. Reese
Joelen Bell
If we have omitted a contribution or misspelled a name, we apologize and ask that you notify the Foundation Office at (828) 254-1921, Extension 176.
O n B e i n g A n A - B Te c h C o m m u n i t y S u p p o r t e r Giving to the A-B Tech Foundation is an Investment in our Community, our People, for Todayâ&#x20AC;Śfor Tomorrow Be a scholarship donor Assist students with books Provide funding for unanticipated emergencies Upgrade technology to meet or exceed industry standards Provide faculty and staff development Enhance support services such as child care, disability testingâ&#x20AC;Ś Fund innovation and entrepreneurial projects Update facilities Develop new facilities Support Service Learning Fund community programs
Giving is a Personal Choice Money/Cash Stocks or Marketable Securities Gifts In Honor or Memory of a Family Member or Friend Life Insurance Policies Bequests and Estate Wills Trust Agreements Retirement Fund Beneficiary Real Estate Join A-B Tech as we work together to make our community a better place to live and work. Every gift is appreciated and acknowledged. Please contact the Foundation Office at or (828) 254-1921 Extension 176.
Vision. Ideal
Vision: A-B Tech develops strategies for student success through Invitational Education.
Mission: A-B Tech, the communityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s college, is dedicated to student success. As a comprehensive community college, A-B Tech is committed to providing accessible, quality, educational opportunities for lifelong learning to meet the diverse and changing needs of our community.
The primary accreditor of Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College is the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools located at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, telephone 404.679.4500. Â Information about the College's accreditation status may be obtained by contacting this organization.
340 Victoria Road, Asheville, NC 28801 | 828-254-1921