High Ticket MLM May 11, 2015
Are you browsing the web for some kind of High Ticket MLM? But how can you be sure which high ticket mlm business is right for you? Here on this blog post we will be discussing exactly what you need to know about a high ticket mlm business before you get started and how you can effectively build a solid income stream in any network marketing opportunity including a high ticket mlm . But first‌
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. – Albert Einstein
What Is A High Ticket MLM? Well, it’s a business opportunity for you to become an affiliate for one. But what really makes a high ticket mlm different than other mlm companies or opportunities is that the price is much higher to join and buy all the products. There isn’t normally a residual income opportunity with most top tier mlm’s.
Why? Because the focus with this kind of business is to make one sale per month for 5K. Thus you make 5K per month with a single sale. Now not all are like this exact little example but you get the idea. I like to think about it like mlm real estate. You sell one big house and live on it for a while and keep doing it over and over.
Pros of a high ticket mlm Whats really cool about high price point products and network marketing companies is that the work is all the same. You need to get traffic, convert traffic into leads and turn those leads into sales. With a handful of leads you have a chance to make several thousands of dollars.
Cons of a high ticket mlm The starting point is much more expensive when you join of course. Instead of a total of $5,000 of less to own all the products in an affiliate marketing plan, it may cost you up to $10,000 or more. Chances are OR MORE! But as an entrepreneur you always need to think about what the return might be if you decide to stick with it and work hard. Many of the products you will decide to purchase will be a one time payment. This can be good or bad depending on
you, your lifestyle desires and dreams. But I feel that this fits in the con area. Without a strong residual income opportunity you kinda always have to look over your business even after you set it up right and get rolling. Here is another thing to consider that is not is the pro or con area… If your team duplicates you will earn pass ups (in most mlms). So if you have a semi good team of people you can earn thousands in pass ups per month. So the passive income comes from duplication vs coming from monthly memberships. Which I don’t like, because not everyone you recruit will be a sales machine. So I would prefer to earn residual income from memberships. But that’s just me. Now there are definatly some programs in high ticket internet marketing that allow you to build residual income.
Myths of a high ticket mlm One the most common myths is that it is hard to sell high price products rather than low price. Truth be told… Thats Bullshit. Is it harder to sell a Lamborghini or a Toyota? It’s pretty much exactly the same difficulty. If you suck at talking about one car or just give off a bad feeling to your prospects it don’t matter what you want to sell. There are just as many people who want to you sell them a sweet Lambo just as much as someone want the Toyota. So how do you sell the Lambo in your neighborhood?
Here’s whats pretty interesting and crazy… If people buy Lamborghini’s all day and Toyota’s all day but you can’t seem to sell, the problem is not that the price of your car is $100,000. The problem is 2 possibilities… 1. You don’t know how to sell. 2. You aren’t talking to the right people. Let’s get real, would you go to down town Detroit and try to sell a Lambo? Or would you rather go to Hollywood Hills ?
My point is… If you want to be in a high ticket mlm or a top tier company, you need to learn: 1. How to sell (Most of this is done via the system, so your job is lead generation.) 2. How to target the right people. Don’t know how? Click Here for my Free Internet Marketing Bootcamp.
Hybrid MLM System. What is a hybrid mlm? In short, it is a system that combines high ticket mlm with low ticket mlm. This model was discovered to convert very well with a low price entry point that leads to higher and more valuable products. This kind of MLM solves many issues but the main two are: Not being able to make enough money from low priced sales and low commissions %. And also the low conversions of a normal high ticket MLM.
What this is able to do is fill in the gaps that most other opportunities can never fill because of their business model. An example is home parties and 3-way calls. This is the typical network marketing business model, right? The problem is it is not duplicateable for just about everyone. Another example is the internet marketing side. Most internet marketers slam their list until they die and keep getting stuck in a endless loop where they are always buying traffic and slamming their list which doesn’t work that well unless you have thousands of dollars to spend and really know what your doing. As you can see there are 2 sides that simply can not be filled unless there is a hybrid MLM system that allows you to NOT do home parties and 3-ways calls for leads, and where you can build trust with your email list without slamming affiliate offers having to buy traffic all the time. This system solves these common problems and much more…
Thank you for reading this post :). If you thought this was good then you might also enjoy another High Ticket MLM post by Rich & Anastacia.
Justin Leon Temple If you would like to connect, reach out to me on Facebook...
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